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Executive Summary Edited Clean Eng

Published by Anek Anek Pholsri, 2021-05-28 09:23:06

Description: Executive Summary Edited Clean Eng


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สรปุ สำหรบั ผูบริหาร (Executive Summary Report) (ฉบับภาษาองั กฤษ) รายงานสถานการณการกีฬาของชาติ รายไตรมาสที่ 4 และ รายป พ.ศ. 2563 สำนักงานปลดั กระทรวงการทอ งเท่ียวและกีฬา

Executive Summary National Sports Situation: 4th Quarter and 2020 Annual Report This report is part of the Project of the also a study of the textbooks, documents, and National Sports Situation Report Preparation. research related to the target issue, by using a The purpose is to study and analyze the situations, Systematic Review. The second phase is meant to tendencies, and directions of national sports create a report form forthe National Sports Situation development from 2018–2037, and to organize Report by using the Sports Situation Report draft national sports to be up-to-date, to help set the done by experts as a prototype for further direction, policies, and the National Sports Steering development. We will also use the Focus Group and DevelopmentPlan. This also includes a technique with 40 experts per session for three quarterly and annual report to National Sports sessions. The first session covers information about Policy Executives and Committees, according to exercise and places; the second session covers the model scheme under the National Strategy information regarding promoting sports for professional issue (14): Sports Potential, consisting of three development and sports personnel, and the third sub-plans. sessioncovers information pertaining to the sports business. The third phase is in the process of creating The study of the national sports situation a quarterly and annual National Sports Situation is divided into three phases: the first phase Report prototype. focuses on the circumstances, problems, obstacles, and patterns related to national sports situations. It is 1

National Sports Situation: 4th Quarter, 2019 Fiscal Year Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in December 2020, global sports activities have been greatly affected, including exercise activities and all sports activity. National, regional, and global competitions have beencanceled or postponed, such as Olympic Games 2020 hosted by Japan. France’s football league cancelled its season and announced all the teams’ rankings. As regards European football leagues, despite the return of the game, spectators are not allowed in the stadium. There have been a lot of adjustments in preparing stadiums to avoid super-spreader events. South Korea was highly affected by COVID-19, especially in the first wave from the middle of February to the beginning of March, 2020. That is the time when many important sports competitions are held, but the Korean football and baseball seasons were postponed, and ongoing games were cancelled. Consequently, the E-Sports industry has thrived. The pandemic has been a huge challenge to the global sports industry. 2

Regardless of any pandemic, we all need sufficient and frequent participation in physical activity, exercise, and/or sports activities for at least 30 minutes per session, five days a week, or at least 150 minutes a week, and at least 500 MET-minutes per week, at an average intensity level. Such activity helps us to resist non-communicable diseases (NCD), which are the fourth-highest cause of death in the world. Also, regular exercise helps to reduce obesity, coronary disease, heart disease, and vascular disease, which cause 20-25% of deaths among Thai people. In North America and Europe during this pandemic, adults’ physical activityhas been way below what’s recommended; it’s been less than 130 minutes per week. That’s a decrease of 40.5%. The percentage of adults who have done the recommended 150 minutes per week has been only 22.4%. In Italy, the energy usage before COVID-19 was 3006 MET-minutes per week, but only 1483.8 MET-minutes per week during the COVID-19 quarantines. Similar to Asia, Saudi Arabia reported that a representative sample of the adult population has had a dramatically decreased amount of physical activity, from 903 MET-minutes per week to during the pandemic. The male population has experienced a 58.1% decrease in physical activity, while females have experienced a 55% decrease. In Jordan, from April to May, when travel restrictions were imposed, arepresentative sample indicated a 41.8% decrease. Meanwhile, the olderpopulation in Japan has reduced its physical activity from 245 minutes per week in January to 180, which is a 26.5% decrease from previous research. 3

The step counts of elderly people doing light or average physical activity reaches its peak in spring or autumn, due to the warmer temperatures. But in 2020, when the pandemic struck, that rate of course decreased. InThailand, according to a study by the Institute for Population and Social Research at Mahidol University which focused on adults from 18-64 years old before the pandemic in 2019 and then during the epidemic in 2020, (using the Global Physical Activity Questionnaires, Version 2.): These adults before the pandemic, under the recommended criterion, averaged 75 minutes of Vigorous Physical Activity (VPA), or 150 minutes at MVPA per week. But that decreased from 74.6% to 54.7%. 4

5(8704.4.63%น)าที 4(2504.1.76%น)าที 2019 2020 The National Sports Situation: An Annual Report According to the study of the national sports situation, following the model scheme under the National Strategy issue (14): Sports Potential: Subplan 1 To promote exercise and Chart 2: The changing tendency of frequent basic sports to become a lifestyle, and to promote exercise in percentage participation in exercise activities, sports and recreation, and aiming for a sub-model scheme øšĂ÷úpąĒoîüpēuEîlšxaöetirocønišsĂ:e÷púaeąnrócÖd�ýeć�snø�pĂtao�ĂgrÖ�teÖsĒ�Ğoúpćąfaú2rĆt0ìÜičc2ÖÖi1pė�ća÷2ðtŘ0io2Ān2×øštČaćeĂnÜnđdĀdúîeŠešćînvÖecĊireāysć�ý5×i�nĂ�yÜe�ðaø�rąs�ßćßî ó as indicated: We need to increase the participation frequency in exercise, sports activity, and recreation 60 amongThai people. Frequent participation in 47.69 50.90 exercise and/or sports activity among the 50 40.40 41.82 41.92 42.56 44.48 40 34.48 30 23.4 24.46 20 10 ป (ðพŘ.ศó.�)ý. 0 2558 2559 2560 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566-70 2571-75 2576-80 whole population is not under 40% of the country from 2018–2022. 5

The participation tendency involving exercise and sports activity had increased before the pandemic. The percentages of exercise and sports activity in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 were 23.4, 24.46, 34.48,26.56, 40.4, and 41.82%, respectively; corresponding to the indicator. There was also a prediction that, in 2021 and 2022, 41.92% and 42.56%, respectively, of the population would participate in exercise and/or sports. It was further predicted that, from 2023– 2027, 2028-2032, and 2033–2037,the whole population will participate in exercise or sports activity at rates of 44.48%, 47.69% and 50.90%, respectively, as seen in Chart 2. However, considering the participation stratums. Regarding the Enumeration Area: frequency of the whole population in exercise, EA is the first sample unit, and individual the study shows that there are a variety of This definition and guidelines are beneficial for forms of data collection, in terms of who’s obesity prevention, especially to reduce the risk doing the collecting, their methods, and the of coronary disease, heart disease,and vascular given definitions of exercise and sports. disease, as these are 20 - 50% the top causes According to information from the Situation of death among Thai people. The participation Report, it got its data from threesectors: the frequency ofexercise and sports activities among National Statistics Office, the Department of a whole population is reported in percentages. Physical Education, and the Institute for The Bureau of Economic Tourism and Sports or Population and Social Research at Mahidol a central office under the Ministry of Tourism and University. Important to bear in mind is that Sports areresponsible for data collection. there are different definitions of “frequent families are the second sample unit. The main exercise.” As a result, the information we get investigative tool is the questionnaire on is so varied, and it does not lead to clear, exercise and sports participation, with the empirically solid comparisons.Such information definition of exercise and sports as: participation also does not illustrate the tendency of in the activity each time for not less than 30 changes in exercise and sports activity. Thus, minutes, at least times a week, or not under according to the study by Focus Group, the 90 minutes per week at an intensity level that National Sports Situation Report must use the is not below average. That definition derives same data-collecting method and clear from the ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing definitions, as follows: and Prescription and the World Health The data-collectionand random sampling Organization (WHO), which are the institutes should follow the Stratified Two-stage Sampling of record for the medical profession and method, with Bangkok and the provinces as sports science. 6

Subplan 2 To support sports for Table 1: %MKS of SEA GAMES 2019 professional development, we must aim for a sub-model scheme: Thai athletes having success 2P0o1in9tSSocuotrhinegasStysAtseiamn:GAalml SepsoMrtesdal Table Analysis in international competitions. The ranking of Thai athletes in international sports competitions is Rank Nation Gold Silver Bronze Point %MKS first in the South East Asia Games and seventh in Asia overall. 1 PHI 149 117 121 802 23.78 2 THA 92 103 123 605 17.94 3 VIE 98 85 105 569 16.87 4 INA 72 84 111 495 14.68 5 MAS 55 58 71 352 10.44 6 SGP 53 46 68 319 9.46 Table 2: %MKS of ASIAN GAMES 2018 7 MYA 4 18 51 99 2.94 ASIAN GAMES 2018 (2561) 8 CAM 4 6 36 60 1.78 9 LAO 1 5 29 42 1.25 10 BRU 2 5 6 22 0.65 อRนัaดnับk ปNรaะtเioทnศ Maรrอ kยeลtะSสhวaนrแeบ(ง%) 11 TLS 0 1 5 7 0.21 1 China 21.89 530 528 726 3372 100 2 Japan 13.95 3 South Korea 11.30 From the study, we found that the ranking 4 Indonesia* 6.24 report uses the number of gold medals as the main 5 Uzbekistan 4.61 success indicator. But this method is flawed, as it only 6 India 4.17 looks at winners of the highest award, while 7 Kazakhstan 4.17 considering the reality, the competition numbers, 8 Iran 4.14 and the total numberof medals is a better gauge 9 Chinese Taipei 4.07 of success. 10 Thailand 3.77 We should instead use the Normalize Value to rank the competitors, including an analysis and comparison regardingreal sportsexcellence development. The ranking report of Thai athletes in international competitions should be analyzed by the Percentage of Market Share - MKS (De Bosscher et al., 2006) as shownin Tables 1 and 2. This percentage (MKS) is a standard that has been researched, reflected, and related to the impact of policy on elite sports development systems. The %MKS is based on the Point Score system; for example, 3-2-1, from the total amount of medals that each country receives (gold medals getting 3 points, silver medals getting 2 points, and bronze medals receiving 1 point). The collector responsible for data collection is the Sports Authority of Thailand, which is part of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports. The %MKS of Thailand in the ASIAN GAMES has tended to increase and is expected to respectively increase to 3.94% and 4.07% in 2022 and 2026, as indicated in Chart 2: 7

3.77 3.94 4.07 2.76 2.81 2010 2014 2018 2022 2026 Chart 3: The tendency of %MKS changes in ASIAN GAMES 2010 - 2018 Subplan 3 To develop personnel in sports and recreation; aiming for sub-model scheme: We need to increase the quality and standards of sports and recreation personnel, corresponding to the indicators as stated: The personnel in sports, recreation, and sport science all over the country will get an increasing standard guaranteed 5% more each year from 2018–2022. The study shows that there was a 28.95% increase in 2017 and 2018 above the goal (Source: Follow-up and Estimation on Thailand Sports Development Scheme, 6th Issue, the first-half phase, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Tourism and Sports). According to the information regarding sports personnel 80,000 who passed the training from the DPE and SAT 60,000 (updated on 19 Aug, 2020), such personnel includes 40,000 coaches, referees, and sports executives who have 20,000 to pass the training and development standards/ curriculum that the Sports Association of Thailand - ผตู ดั สนิ ผฝู ก สอน นนั ทผนนู าำการ นกั กจฬีดั าการ (in each sport) has certified in the registration system Chart 4: The amount of national sports of the Sports Authority of Thailand personnel ( Previously, the data concerning personnel development has been collected from various sectors, which conduct their own training and provide their own training certificate, especially for coaches and referees. The standards are consequently hardly uniform, and they are redundant. Such personnel should pass the training and development sessions as guided by their respective professional department and/or the curriculum that the Sports Association of Thailand (in each sport) has certified in the sports personnel registration system of the Sports Authority of Thailand, with the training standards from the International Sports Federations for each sport, and with the same data-base system. 8

กSports Industry development as an important part of economic value added (according to the Thailand Sports Development Scheme, 6th Issue, 2017- 2021) the third indicator, as stated: The Sports Industry value increasesnot less than 5% each year, and business profits in the fiscal years 2014–2019 have had an 5.2% expansion ratio. Moreover, predictionssuggest that in 2020, 2021, and 2022, the percentage will have increased to 2.36, 2.37 and 2.38, respectively. Also, from 2020 to 2037, the expansion rate will be 2.9%, as presented in Chart 5: The report by the Ministry of Tourism 3.00 1.96 2.06 2.05 2.15 2.25 2.36 2.37 2.38 2.43 2.50 2.57 and Sports on thesports industry’s 2.50 value is from the Business Information Office in the Department of Business 2.00 1.76 ~2.9% 1.50 Development, but it does not not 1.00 correspond to the category of a business group, according to the study of the 0.50 Thailand Sports Industry by the 0.00 Committee of National Reform Steering in Sports, Arts, Culture,Religion, Virtue, and Morality, Chart 5: National sports business value prediction The National Reform Steering Assembly cooperates with the Ministry of Tourism and Sports and the Office of the National Economic and Social Advisory Council. The Sports Education Institute and Sport Management Association of Thailand is a business group (cluster) divided intofive units. Thus, for the the sports industry to become animportant part of economic value added, we must improve the reporting methods regarding industry value in each business cluster, so that all the information and ideas go in the same direction. Also, we need to include industry value from other clusters which are still short of information, such as: the second cluster: Mass Communication Service and Sports and Professional Sports Copyrights. 9

Conclusion and Suggestions The study of our national sports situation shows that the definitions, which are currently used to identify the indicators, are not clear and may not correspond to the goals. To illustrate: exercise activity of at least 30 minutes per time, at least three times a week, or not under 90 minutes a week at an intensity level not under average for adults over 15 years old. The previous working processes and data-collection methods weredifferent. Many information collectors have gathered data and overlapped each other, indicating a lack of good data integration, tools, and an up-to date data system. According to the Focus Group’s results, the Bureau of Economics, Tourism, and Sports at the Ministry of Tourism and Sports should mainly be responsible for the part. We should also improve the system and reform the support for exercise and sports participation. Further, we must organize and be dedicated to excellent sports development, using the percentage of market share - %MKS. Sports personnel should have to go through rigorous, up-to-date training, and the Sports Association of Thailand should be responsible for the training curricula. Sports businesses should report their business value in terms of the five clusters. However, some objectives lead to results that are lower than the standard. We should appoint groups with a collective data system and then review the consistency or the relation f the indicator to the strategy and the target value. We should also study and reform the process of exercise support and excellent sports development on new platforms relevant to the Thai context, so that we can really improve Thai people’s level of exercise, health and wellbeing, and performance in competitive sports. 10

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กองงานคณะกรรมการนโยบายการกีฬาแหงชาติ สำนกั งานปลดั กระทรวงการทอ งเทีย่ วและกีฬา เลขที่ 4 ถนนราชดำเนินนอก แขวงวัดโสมมนัส เขตปอมปราบศัตรูพาย กทม. 10100 โทรศัพท 02-142-7813 โทรสาร 02-143-7720 สำนักงานปลดั กระทรวงการทอ งเที่ยวและกฬี าอีเมลล [email protected] เว็บไซต

กองงานคณะกรรมการนโยบายการกีฬาแหงชาติ สำนกั งานปลดั กระทรวงการทอ งเทีย่ วและกีฬา เลขที่ 4 ถนนราชดำเนินนอก แขวงวัดโสมมนัส เขตปอมปราบศัตรูพาย กทม. 10100 โทรศัพท 02-142-7813 โทรสาร 02-143-7720 สำนักงานปลดั กระทรวงการทอ งเที่ยวและกฬี าอีเมลล [email protected] เว็บไซต

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