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Home Explore CSLA March Newsletter sample of NEW Layout

CSLA March Newsletter sample of NEW Layout

Published by cablesclasses, 2016-03-05 04:57:24

Description: CSLA March Newsletter sample of NEW Layout


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Editors: Rosan Cable & Janet Hasbrouck March 2016CSLA NewsletterPRESIDENT’S MESSAGE INSIDE THIS ISSUE Inside Story..............................2CSLA President, Sue Heraper Inside Story..............................2 Inside Story..............................3I am honored to lead CSLA during this time of growth for Inside Story..............................3the profession. It is an exciting time to be in the schoollibrary, especially with all the changes that are happening STATE BOARD MEMBERSwith education, such as the Every Student Succeeds Act · President: Sue Heraperwhich recently was signed into law by the president. We · President Elect: Terri Laiare on the front lines of providing great books, utilizing all our wonderful re- · Past President: Beth Olshewskysources to help students in their research, creating Maker Spaces to promote · VP Communications: Rosan Ca-creativity and critical thinking, and supporting each subject in the curricu-lum. ble · VP Membership: Clare McGarvinOur annual conference last month was inspiring and packed with advice, tips, · VP Govt. Relations: Glen Warrenpractical applications, and shared knowledge. We made connections with col- · VP Prof. Dev.: KimThorsenleagues around the state and we made new friends. Throughout the year we · Paraprofessional Representa-want to continue to collaborate and grow, therefore, CSLA’s theme for thenext year is “Connect. Collaborate. Grow.” tive : Erica Leggette · Secretary: Nina JacksonOver the last several months CSLA’s state board has been developing a new · Treasurer: Yvonne Weinsteinstrategic plan which will guide and direct the association’s energies and re-sources. It was adopted at the annual conference in February and is available Northern Region · President: Terri Brownon the CSLA website. It addresses five critical issues: strong school library · President Elect: Nancy Lucero · Past President: Lisa Bishopprograms, membership development, advocacy, collaboration, and research.Our next step is to invite divisions, committees, regions, and individual mem- Southern Regionbers to contribute ideas on the steps we might take to attain our goals. Then · President: Kathleen Sheppardwe will devise a plan for implementation. By addressing these critical issues, · President Elect: ErinSouthamCSLA will be a stronger voice for school librarians and the profession. · Past President: Sharlene PaxtonOne of the steps we can take is to revitalize some of our committees Liaisonswith new members and their ideas. Being on a committee allows you CDE Liaison: Renee Ousley-Swankto be a participant and not just an observer. You can share your ideas Lobbyist: Jeff Frostand give back to the school library community. Volunteering does not CTA Liaison: Nicole Piscioneretake much time, and what you receive in return is so much more than AASL Region 7 Liason: Katie Wil-the time you invest. You can gain valuable leadership skills, personal liamssatisfaction, meet new people, and make lasting friendships.

CSLA PRESIDENT ELECT: TERRY LAI My name is Terry Lai. I worked for ning Commit- the San Francisco Unified School tee. Update District as a teacher librarian at A.P. the digital Giannini Middle School. I have been Conference in this position for 14 years.I am the Handbook/ out-going VP for Membership and Documents as necessary. the in-coming President Elect.  Recruit, recognize, and act as a As President Elect my duties will be: liaison for Sustaining Members  Serve as the presiding officer of as appropriate. the Association in case of ab- sence or incapacity of State Pres-  Participate in evaluating employ- ident. ees as per employee contracts.  Serve on the Conference Plan-  Member of the Budget Commit- tee which prepares a working budget prior to the beginning of the new fiscal yearCSLA advocates for excellence in school library programs, develops leaders in the school libraryfield, and collaborates with other educational leaders to ensure that all California students areeffective, responsible users and creators of ideas and information.NEW POSITIONS FILLED AT PAST PRESIDENT: BETH OLSHEWSKYSTATE BOARD MEETING HELD2/3/2016 My thanks to many of you for joining us in celebrating the 2016 Annual Conference: Doorways to Diversity. We are looking forward to seeing allPresident: Sue Heraper of you next February at the Sonoma Doubletree for our next annualPresident Elect: Terry Lai conference as we connect, collaborate, and grow together. The 2016 an-Past President: Beth Olshewsky nual conference also marked the transition of our board. While I amVP Professional Development: still on the CSLA leadership team as one of the three Presidents, I amClare McGarvin now the Past President. Among other things, the Past President facili-VP Professional Devlopment: tates the state board elections, oversees the state awards and scholar-Kim Thorsen ships, and represents California school libraries, along with the Presi- dent, President-Elect, and other members of the state board, at theConference Coordinator: Janice state and national level.Gilmore-See Please consider running for a state office. Think: \"Next year, could this be me?\" I will be sending out more information on elections soon, but here are the offices that will be open for election later this year: * President-Elect (President Elect 2017-18, President 2018-19, Past-President 2019-20) * Treasurer (2017-2019) * Vice President of Membership (2017-2019) * Vice President of Communications (2017-2019) * Paraprofessional Representative (2017-2019)2

CSLF SPOTLIGHT TOM KAUN, PRESIDENT For those of you who haven’t tak- en a look at the CSLF Library Store on Cafe Press, here are a few images of some of the neat designs available there, created for us by well-known children’s illustrators. You can have any of these designs and many more placed on a post- er, a mug, a t-shirt, a coaster and lots of other items. Take a look … and make an order!CSLA Presidents: Terry Lai (Elect), Sue Heraper (President), BethOlshewsky (Past), and Liz Dodds (Immediate Past) at the State BoardMeeting where the \"gavel\" of presidency was passed to Sue Heraper.BOARD MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: VP MEMBERSHIPMembership: Clare McGarvinCurrently I am a TL at Kings Canyon MiddleSchool in Fresno. I work with about 850 sev-enth and eighth grade students; previous tomy library experience I was a math teacher fortwelve years.In my new role as VP of Membership I wouldlike to find new ways to increase membership as well as givecurrent members the biggest bang for their buck. I will bethrowing my wild and crazy ideas out to the board and hope-fully some of them prove to be good enough to stick.A big thank you goes out to all of the members that respondedto the email a while back indicating they would like to be partof a committee; it is a great way to actively engage in ourstatewide community of school librarians. I oversee the Histo-ry and Archives Committee, Leadership for Diversity Commit-tee and Membership Committee. If you are interested in join-ing any committee for CSLA there is still time, please feel freeto contact me for more information. 3

MEMBER HIGHLIGHT Interview or guest writerCSLA or ??? sayingINFO CALENDAR ITEMS: EVENT HIGHLIGHTMarch This could be a section event or a library related event or a contest. This would be replaced with grant info as needed.CUE: March 16-19 in PalmSpringsSR Section 5 Event:Freedom of Information Day(March 16 or close to that day)Etc.4

TECH CORNER INFO ABOUT A TECH TOOL Member photo or contest or twitter photoLEGISTLATURE OR CDE UPDATESRenee or Jeff Frost or Glen Warren 5

CSLA NR AND SR REPORTS AND EVENTSThis would be a good place to Past events of section reports from presidents.insert a short paragraph aboutyour organization. It mightinclude the purpose of theorganization, its mission, foundingdate, and a brief history. Youcould also include a brief list of thetypes of products, services, orprograms your organization offers,the geographic area covered (forexample, western U.S. orEuropean markets), and a profileof the types of customers ormembers served.It would also be useful to include acontact name for readers whowant more information about theorganization. CSLACSLA Administrator: Kathie MaierYour Address Line 2 Your Address Line 3 Your Address Line 4 Phone: 555-555-5555 Fax: 555-555-5555E-mail: [email protected] YOUR LOGO HERE

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