Index Schenck, Charles, 21 coverage of foreign events by, 50 Schenck v. United States (1919), (table) 21–22 inappropriate material on, respon- Schlafly, Phyllis, 27 sibility for keeping children away sedition, 22 from, 66 (chart) Serrano, Andrew, 55–56 ratings, 60 slander, 14, 22 support for banning adult content Solomonese, Joe, 32 on, 63 (table) speech codes. See campus speech Thomas, Cal, 44, 46 codes Timberlake, Justin, 54 Stefancic, Jean, 26 Time (magazine), 55, 63 Stewart, Potter, 21, 26 Tinker v. Des Moines School District Stone, Geoffrey, 42, 45 (1969), 13 Strossen, Nadine, 11 Tirnan, John, 72 students Trudeau, Garry, 57 limits on free speech rights of, Trueman, Patrick A., 26 13–14 see also campus speech codes United States v. American Library As- Sullivan, L.B., 15 sociation (2003), 29 surveys USA Patriot Act (2001), 68–69, 76, on approval of wiretapping without 78 effectiveness of, 73–74 court order, 80 (chart) impact of, 18–19 on banning adult content on TV, opens bookstore/library records 63 (table) to law enforcement, 8, 18, 68, on children viewing Internet por- 71–72 nography, 33 reauthorization of, 72–73 of high school students on First targeting of specific groups under, Amendment, 13 72–73 of librarians, on law enforcement wiretapping authority under, requests for information, 78 70–71 on necessity of sacrificing civil liberties to curb terrorism, 79 V-chip, 53–54 (chart) Virginia v. Black (2003), 23 on press criticism of wartime gov- Volokh, Eugene, 26 ernments, 49 (chart) on responsibility for protecting war on terrorism children from inappropriate TV importance of, among journalists, material, 63 (table) 48 on sources of news, 48 necessity of sacrificing civil liberties to fight, 79 (chart) Taylor, Anna Diggs, 70, 76 War Powers Act (1941), 38 television Weekly Standard (magazine), 25 101
Free Speech Whitehead, Barbara Defoe, 30 (chart) Winfrey, Oprah, 14 under Patriot Act, 70–71, 76 wiretaps without court order, opinion on, number of authorizations for, 81 80 (chart) 102
About the Author San Diego resident Laura K. Egendorf received her BA in English from Wesleyan University. A book editor for the past nine years, she is espe- cially interested in books that explore free speech or popular culture. When she is not working, Laura’s interests include food, sports, music, and trivia. 103 About the Author
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