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Home Explore All the Persons I Can Be

All the Persons I Can Be

Published by Guset User, 2022-09-20 10:48:01

Description: All the Persons I Can Be อาชีพในฝัน


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All the Persons I Can Be

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Mommy always Daddy always reminds me that tells me that I the driver of my can be who I want life is me. to be.

I can be a curious astronaut, close to the sun that is super hot! And I can travel the farthest space, where the precious stars and planets place.

I can be an amazing teacher, I dream for the world to be better. To inspire students to be the best would be lifelong and endearing quest.

I can be a lover of painting. Capturing scenes would be amusing. Mixing paints and staining canvasses would give so much joy to the masses.

I can be diligent architect. Planning stunning structures that protect. Or I can be the best engineer, so architects's plan comes into real.

I can be a respected farmer, I have power to stop world's hunger. Plowing the soil would be rewarding, Making sure the seedlings are growing.

To be mighty police officer is great keeping people together. Keeping peace and order is my job. Public places is my station hub.

You too can be anyone you want to be. Just keep on believing!

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