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G.D.GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL, PURNEA PRESENTS Our Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 3AUGUST,2018 Tollfree: 18003131222

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE NEWSLETTER  Esperanza Fest  Special Assembly for the importance of Manuscript Magazine  Original short story writing competition  Freedom Quest Program  Sepoy Mutiny  Tableau Presentatiom  Quit India Movement  Quiz on Timeline of Indian History  Declamation (freedom at mid night)  Celebration of Independence day  Rakhi Designing Competition  Rakshabandhan Celebration in Army Camp  Special Rakshabandhan Assembly  Onam Celebration  Open House  Sewa Stall  House Board Decoration  Star Student  Innovations  Activity oriented teaching  Sentence of the day  Charity for Kerela Flood Victims  Hostel- A Home away from Home  Parents Voice

ESPERANZA FESTThe interhouse literary &cultural fest was celebrated in a grandway by the students of GDGPS, Purnea on 3rd and 4th August,2018. For the same , back to back interhouse competitions wereconducted between four houses that were Vivekananda,Tagore, Teressa & Radhakrishna respectively. Over 2 days,events such as group dance, skit, declamation, group song,recitation, news reading, debate, cartoon character likedoremon, mickey mouse saw enthusiastic participation.The fest was inaugurated by our chief guest IPS Vishal Sharma.The fest was a forum for students to nurture their talents. ThePrincipal of our school Mrs.SarojaSahadevan presided over theinaugural ceremony & exhausted the students to participatewith a healthy competition.After lightening the lamp & the formal function a series ofcompetition followed. There were four venues allotted for eachitems & the area was the main venue where the main itemswere presented.The two days saw exuberant students participate in a myriad ofcompetition. All the students were categorized into four groupsnamely, Beginners, Tulips, Dahlias & Sunflower. Competitionwas stiff & it was quiet difficult in choosing the winners. Thecompetition helped to fosrer friendly relations between studentsof different classes & interest.The performance of the students made the school ambiance sovirant that it echoed and reverberated in the walls of GDGPS &had long lasting effect. The school had been in a carnival moodas the event started one by one.The winners were rewarded during the valedictory functionwhich was held on 4th August, 2018 and Colonel Satish Dixitpresided as Chief Guest for the event to honour the bloomingtalents.

SPECIAL ASSEMBLY FOR THE IMPORTANCE OF MANUSCRIPTMAGAZINE Manuscript magazines are those which are documented by hand. Before the arrival of printing , all documents & books were manuscript. So students @ GDGPS also going to write their own manuscript magazines. There was a special assembly in which our Principal Ma‟am told the students the importance of manuscript Magazine. She made them realize how in today‟s digital world good handwriting is fading into oblivion, and they need to have good handwriting. The Manuscript Magazine would help the children to showcase their creative pieces like Short stories, articles, plays, Poems, riddles that has literary & academic merit in their own handwriting.

ORIGINAL SHORT STORY WRITING COMPETITIONGDGPS organised a short story writing competition for the students. Thehighlight of the competition was the theme of the month i.e. YOUR NATIONYOUR PRIDE. And on which students put on their own ideas to create smallgood stories. We believe its importance for the students to inculcate the habits ofreading & writing at an early age. Which will help them to begin the process ofself awareness. With this initiative we hope to groom more students in thecoming years & to contribute to the building of a talent pool of bright youngminds in the country.Winners 1st winner Sakshi Baid (7B)Grade 7 2nd winner AyushiSah (7A)Grade 6 1st winner Vidhi Lohia 2nd winner Shaiwal Deep

FREEDOM QUEST PROGRAMGDGPS organized a Freedom Quest Program whichfeatured Sepoy Mutiny Dramatization, Quit IndiaMovement dramatization, Tableau Performance ofSabarmati Ashram, Quiz on timeline of Indian History&Declamation(freedom at mid night).

SEPOY MUTINYThe students of GDGPS presented sepoy mutiny dramatizationas the 1st struggle of independence started in the year 1857 withsepoy mutiny. They paid homage to the martyrs of therevolutionary revolt of 1857 through their breathtakingperformance.

The students of Grade 4 & 5 @GDGPS paid tribute to ourfather of nation “MAHATMA GANDHI” . They presenteda tableau performance of “SABARMATI ASHRAM”where the Mahatma & Kasturba Gandhi stayed during thecrucial years of India‟s freedom struggle. It was depictingthe Sabarmati ashram and Mahatma Gandhi associationwith it between 1917 and 1930. The characters that studentplayed were Mahatma Gandhi, Kasturba Gandhi, Nehru ji,and all the people who used to stay there with Gandhi ji likeGaffarbhai, Karsan. It showed Mahatma Gandhi spinning yarn at hisfamous charkha & other activities are undertaken at theashram like prayer, self service, girls education, cleanliness&hand made toys. The Silence of all the characters and themusic of “vaishnavjan to terekahiye” was tellingeverything. TABLEAU PRESENTATION

Students presented Quit India Movement dramatization & gavetribute to the brave heart who laid down their lives for thenation. Through their skit they showed that how the daybecame the defining moment of India‟s freedom struggle. Thestudent paid respect to the motherland & the freedom fightersby their performance. Through their performance they showedthe importance of Quit Indiamovement which had led to theBritish leaving India & India attaining independence on August15 was emphasized. The earnest & flawless performance of thestudents filled everyone‟s heart with patriotism. QUIT INDIAMOVEMENT

ORIGINAL SHORT STORY WRITING COMPETITION In this world of cut throat competition, getting a bronze is not enough….Gold must be the aim from the beginning. Being satisfied doesn‟t serve the purpose. The standards should be set high and achieving them with our hearts and souls should be our aim. That is what we, at our school are trying to instill in our students. To commemorate the 72ndindependence day of India, school organized a quiz competition on timeline of Indian history. At last the quiz proved extremely apt for the respective age group. We are happy that our school‟s motto,‟Higher>Stronger>Brighter>‟ seemed abundantly proven at the Quiz.

With Solemn pride, the tricolor was unfurled in thepremises of GDGPS as the school celebrated the72ndIndependence day on 15th August, 2018. Thegathering was made august by the presence of the schoolChairman Mr.Piyush Agarwal, Vice-chairmanMr.Shailender Gupta , Director Mr.AshokSharaff alongwith our Principal Ma‟am,Mrs.SarojaSahadevan. Thecelebration started with March Past followed by hostingof the National Flag. The Program entailed a declamationof Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru “Tryst with Destiny” aswell as a patriotic skit by all four houses. The celebrationcontinued with patriotic songs and dance performance bythe students.The eventswas applauded by the principal and thechairman and the program ended with vote of thanks byHarshit Neeraj& Bhavya. As is the custom, thecelebration reached an end with the National Anthem.

RAKHI DESIGNING COMPPETITIONRakshabandhan is one of the most endearing way tocelebrate the bond between brothers & sisters, a bond whichis one of the deepest & noblest of human emotion. A Rakhi Designing Competition was held for thestudents of Grade 1 to Grade 7 of GDGPS from 20th to 25thAugust. It was a day when young goenkans turned into littleartisans, with their creativity to celebrate the love betweenbrothers and sisters by making the „Knot of Protection‟. The students enthusiastically participated in thecompetition & came up with very creative ideas. They werejudged on the basis of neatness, creativity & effort put in bythem.

RAKHSHABANDHAN CELEBRATION IN ARMY CAMPRakhi is a special time to increase & strengthen thebond between a brother & sister. The appeal of thisbond is universal & the celebration spans not onlybetween own siblings but also amongst many othersections of the society. The students of GDGPS wentto army camp (KATIHAR) to tie rakhi to armysoldiers. This endeavour is a symbol of universalbrotherhood & to make the children as well as thearmy jawans to feel special & foster the spirit of love. Celebrating the spirit of patriotism , studentapplied tilak to their forehead & also held aarti beforetying the sacred thread to the army men‟s wrist. Allthe them expressed their gratitude to soldiers for theirraksha with the bandhan and due to the same thecamp was brimming with emotions.

SPECIAL RAKSHABANDHAN ASSEMBLY On 27th August, Grade 1,2 & 3 presented a special assembly on rakshabandhan. As we know, this is the festival which celebrates the eternal love between brothers & sisters. The assembly was conducted in the Admin block where the student participated in great enthusiasm. The assembly started with universal prayer, theme song and couple of students coming up to explain the significance of Rakshabandhan, and followed by the rituals of tying rakhi on the wrist of the brothers of the class. The value of love & Protection was sensitively portrayed by the students. In fact the little audience seemed very receptive indicating they enjoyed the assembly.

ONAM CELEBRATIONOnam is the festival of happiness , peace & prosperity. It wascelebrate in great fervor @GDGPS on 31st Aug. Onam isdedicated to Asura King Mahabali. The children were told thesignificance and the legend of Onam with the help of a story.Some of the students of Grade 1 dressed up as King Mahabali,the Vamana as a part of fancy dress competition and one of themwere got the prize for Best King Mahabali& the Vamanarespectively. All the four houses had a wise floral competition withflower &colour filled Pookalams. The program was followed byelegant dance form of „Thituvadharakalli‟ for what the girls weredressed up in the traditional dress that is KerelaSaree.Thestudents performed the Boat Song and dance which wasfollowed by Pulikali - The tiger dance , which was the mainattraction as the body of the students was painter just like a tigerby our art teacher. The students also ate different kerela dishes inlunch like rice, sambhar, payasam, banana, pacchri etc. All theteachers came dressed up in Kerela ethnic wear & the schooldefinitely had a festive air about it for the entire day. And theprogram ended with Vote of thanks.

OPEN HOUSEIt is an event when the school opens its gates to the parents thusgiving them an opportunity to have an open conversation with theteachers regarding their ward‟s achievements & overallperformance. The 2nd Open house for the academic year 2018-2019 was on25thAugust and that went all well. All the queries & suggestions given by the parents wereconsidered for the further improvement of the school.The studentsof grade 5 & 6 had put up a sewa stall and the money collected wasused for charity.

SEWA STALLThe Open house was marked by various stall put up by the studentsat some different venues in school.This was the another such eventwhere the school provides children enough space to explore, learn &grow by themselves. The stalls included mehndi stalls, face painting, food stalls,games stalls, rakhi stalls, diya stalls, rangoli stencils stalls, minimarket etc.


HOUSE BOARD DECORATIONS School house boards are the sources of information both for the readers and for the makers. It is a very good interactive tool where students can be updates with the latest happening around them. Students always prefer to have some entertainment while they are studying & therefore we need to provide them with some education that looks like entertainment & these display boards are one of the ultimate means to provide education in one of the best ways. Every month students decorate the house boards with different themes & topics. This month the house board were decorated show casing our country freedom 15th August 1947.

STAR STUDENTThis great incentive is used to help build the classroom community andallow students to get to know one another. During the school year, eachstudent will have the opportunity to be a star student for an entiremonth.Students are selected based on their performance like attendance,punctuality, discipline , social qualities etc. At the end of the month ,one student is declared “ STAR STUDENT OF THE MONTH”.IA- Jivika Choudhary IB- Aysha SinghaniaII- Shambhavi Kumari III- Ekta SaraffIV- Shaswat Gupta VA- Suhani MohanVB- Ayush Tiwari VI- Fatimah RehmanVIIA- Asmit Das VIIB- Avi Kumar

INNOVATIONS “Innovations requires an experimental mindset” –Denise Morrison. At GDGPS, we believe in being innovative. Being innovative doesnot means inventing. Innovations can mean to change an existing product, idea or field or to create a new one. It is the process of bringing the ideas of young mind real. Students always tries to be innovative, so they always think to put forth the ideas that comes into their young mind. Innovation by grade 7- making shelf with triangles Innovation by grade 5 – drip irrigation Innovation by grade 4- evaporation

INNOVATIONS Innovations in hindi& Sanskrit

INNOVATIONS Innovations in hindi by grade 5 & 6 Innovations by grade 1 Innovations by grade 3

ACTIVITY ORIENTED TEACHING Students learn better hands on than through lecture method. In one class, there are students of multiple intelligence levels, some are good in mathematics, some in music, literary activities or sports. The child is always encouraged in class to develop his or her potential. There are so many activities that are used in classes like group and individual activities, discussions, debate, drama, character portrayal, recitation, KWL-Chart etc. Our aim is to make our children more scientific and an autonomous learners.Life skills like social skills , thinking skills, critical, creative, decision making & problem solving, emotional skills & attitudes and values are also induced in day to day learning.

SENTENCE OF THE DAY During study hours, all students of class 1 to 7 are given a SENTENCE OF THE DAY to learn that is based on theme of the month. It helps students to learn how sentences are constructed & know some new words too. It helps the students in building their vocabulary also. Some of the sentences are: The result of hard work is beautiful. It is an amazing day. Be strong enough to forgive everyone. Don’t make excuses make improvements. and based on this month theme CHARISMATIC CHARACTER one of the sentence is “A person with charismatic character don’t make followers but makes more charismatic person to fill our world with magic”.

CHARITY FOR KERELA FLOOD VICTIMS “ True Charity is the desire to be useful to others with no thoughts of recompense” ….Emanuel Swedenboy Students of GDGPS contributed for Kerela flood victims. In a touching gesture , the students donated for victims of flood in Kerela. They sent a supplies of food &other articles for the hundredof families which lost their home in Kerela. The act of students was worth emulating proved that they exhibited sense of social responsibilities when someone direly in need of help. They also donated some funds for the post flood reconstruction of Kerela.

HOSTEL- A HOME AWAY FROM HOME Hostel is a home away from home. Childrenexplore their feeling of warmth of a family at hostel and develop their emotional&social skills thus enhancing their life skills. GDGPS, Purnea is ever organizing some special events on every SUNDAY for the hostellers to develop the above mentioned skills. MOVIE TIME “MOVIES CAN AND DO HAVE TREMENDOUS INFLUENCE IN SHAPING YOUNG LIVES “ - WALT DISNEY This month hostellers saw the movie “The Chronicles of Narnia”. TALENT NIGHT WITH CAMP FIRE First all the hostel students of GDGPS, Purnea showed their talent through dance in group as well as solo performance. After that they enjoyed at the BON FIRE in school campus with lot of energy. All the teachers who stay at hostel also joined them.

OUTINGIt is through adventure that one discovers oneself. On 2nd Saturday of Julymonth, Hostel students arrived atKhusiargaon park for a journey of selfdiscovery replete with fun relaxation and wholesome meals. The outingwas a short drive from the city but the proximity takes nothing away fromthe grand, open landscape surrounded plants and some ducks andpeacocks.

Parents VoiceG.D.GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL, Purnea is one of thebest school in Purnea district with beautifulinfrastructure and wonderful teaching faculty. We feelprivileged that our ward is a part of this wonderfulinstitute.Mrs. Archana LohiaParent of Manasvi Lohia (std VI)

Parents VoiceThis school is unique in it‟s approach to curricular , co –curricular and scholastic involvement. It encouragesstudents to participate and intakes modern and effectiveteaching methods. The teachers here are highly qualifiedand well experienced. The school is situated in theoutskirts of the town, thus providing better and hasslefree environment to students. It‟s something new for thestudents. Here learning becomes a really goodexperience. Proud to be a parent of GDGPS student.Mrs Jyoti LohiaParent of Vidhi Lohia (std VI)

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