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Home Explore Main School Newsletter December 2019

Main School Newsletter December 2019

Published by info, 2020-01-10 01:21:28

Description: Main School Newsletter December 2019


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SPORTS ACTIVITIES As part of the initiative undertaken to promote Fit India Movement involving students, teachers and parents, G.D.GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL is enthusiastically participating in Fit India School Week. “Fit India Movement” is aiming to encourage people to inculcate physical activity and sports in their everyday lives and daily routine. Participation in school sports activity provides a sense of belonging and being part of a team or group. They interact with their peers in a friendly manner. They learn to consider the interests of their teammates and to practice mutual respect and cooperation. They work together, share time and other resources, take turns to play and learn to cope with success and failure as a team. These interactions facilitate bonding and lasting friendships with their schoolmates, which can help make students more sociable and outgoing as they grow.

MOVIE SHOOT We believe the world would be a better place if more people took a shot at their dreams because we have more to give to the world. Because we’re obsessed with the beauty and power of cinema. And because it is believed that films can do more than just entertain. So do we ! In the right hands – your hands – our hands, they can also provoke, inspire, and make a difference. Every film project is a lesson. And an opportunity to share your unique creative voice and message! GDGPS Purnea also organized the FILM CITY in which eight movies were projected. The shooting was done in different places in the school as well as outside the school. And students had done a marvelous work while acting.

It was an event based activity which was done in our school, where students learnt different lively activities through short films. The films were made to make them aware about the different colors of life and of different issues viz. \"a life of a street boy\", \"nanhe nakalchi\", \"laalima\" and many more. The movie also sought the interest of the people who were involved there, it motivated and made them aware and enthusiastic about the present society. And the events also included: toy train, pool bash, shooting, KG Christmas show, The miracle garden ( where children and family grow), horse riding, archery, fashion show, Disney land, Land of fairies, Magic show, tattoo and face painting, Inhabitant of mars planet. The program was very much enthusiastic where students participated with excitement and parents also highly appreciated the event. GOENKAN FILM FESTIVAL & WINTER CARNIVAL

INTERACTIVE SESSION WITH COL. SUNDAR Col. Sundar is an active volunteer of the ISHA FOUNDATION. He came to GDGPS Purnea to have some interactive sessions with the Goenkan kids & give them wider exposure , which is again learning beyond classroom for them. The initiative was taken for the children to understand the importance of 21st century skills and gradually prepare them for future ready jobs.

Exposure to lab activities has become a crucial part of the learning experience for our kids as it lets our kids experience the concepts on their own under the supervision of their teachers. In our school we have dedicated labs for Maths, Science, Computer, Language and Robotics. During lessons, kids are taken to these labs so that they can have a first-hand experience of the concepts and curiously investigate, inquire and apply the concepts so as to understand the topics in a better way and develop cognitive abilities without losing interest. LAB ACTIVITIES

INNOVATIONS Innovations helps our kids explore and understand new aspects of a topic. It also helps them be more creative and sharpens their minds. For us, stepping outside of the box and challenging our methods and strategies in order to support the success of all students as well as ourselves is innovation. We at G.D Goenka believe in innovations and find new ways to reach our students in order to help them build in every possible manner.

ASSEMBLIES Assemblies are a very crucial part of the day which clarifies school activities, programs and focuses on co-curricular life. It helps develop school spirit, feeling of affiliation and unity among students. It enables students to share stories and performances as well as their abilities and talents. Our students conduct the morning assembly each day on a regular basis. This helps our students develop confidence and empowers them to speak and perform in front of a crowd. Some recent activities done by our students were theme based dance Performances, singing, enacting various plays. We also had Quiz sessions, storytelling, etc.

STAR STUDENT Every student is unique and different from the rest with special ability, potentiality and talents. With the help of special teaching method and curriculum our students are getting the opportunity to become a STAR STUDENT OF THE MONTH. During the school year, every student will get this opportunity. Students are selected based on their all-round performances such as good attendance, punctuality, discipline, active participation, studies, social relationship etc. The “STAR STUDENT OF THE MONTH” is declared on the last day of every month starting from Grade I to VII. All the students feel encouraged to put in their best to become the best in their class. Name of the Star Students for the month of December - 2019: Grade 1A – Saurabh Grade 7A – Manasvi Lohia Grade 1B – Nandini Raj Grade 7B – Cherry Kumari Grade 2A – Dakshta Shivani Grade 8A – Sujal Grewal Grade 2B – Akshat Jha Grade 8B – Aman Soni Grade 3A – Krish Agarwal Grade 3B – Mitali Jain Grade 4A – Alliya Shadab Grade 4B – Palak Agarwal Grade 5A – Subhangi Kumari Grade 5B – Shreya Rani Grade 6A – Kashish Choudhary Grade 6B –Naman Agarwal

HOSTEL- A HOME AWAY FROM HOME Home far away from home, the hostel of GDGPS gives a feeling of staying in a home where the members belong to different places. A hosteller in GDGPS learns to care, respect, value other’s thoughts and feelings. Though they belong to different families but they stay here as one single family sharing experience and knowledge. Here they are not only excelling in academics but they excel in the field of games and sports. As we see them enriching them with different sports activities. They are trained on regular basis to enhance themselves in Basketball, Volleyball, Cricket, Football etc. During the prep classes they are guided by the trained teachers to cope up with their studies under the teacher’s special guidance.

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