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Published by heather.marshall, 2016-12-30 15:26:09

Description: A collection of the greatest PR coverage from around the globe for the month of November 2016.


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November 2016

NOVEMBER SUMMARYREGION IMPRESSIONS PR Value ($USD)USA/NA 1,035,710,918 $5,398,313 China 2,775,398 $3,259,562UK 4,568,866 $1,877,296Germany/Austria 262,494,632 $1,603,807 France 17,252,138 $1,101,332 9,172,707 $265,296 NetherlandsJapan 33,949,578 $265,270Singapore 192,000 $169,687 Taiwan 700,000 $160,494 Korea 1,725,000 $97,279Australia 1,497,963 $39,098Belgium 6,163,467 $29,901


AUSTRALIA Stellar Impressions : 1,200,000 PR Value: AU$14,320

ELLE Australia Online AUSTRALIAImpressions : 147,000PR Value: AU$11,775

AUSTRALIA GRAZIA Online Impressions : 51,516 PR Value: AU$10,500

InStyle AUSTRALIAImpressions : 47,201PR Value: AU$7,721

AUSTRALIA Harper’s Bazaar Impressions : 52,246 PR Value: AU$4,501

COSMOPOLITAN CHINAImpressions : 900,200PR Value: ¥360,000

bizmode Impressions: 252,000CHINA PR Value: ¥315,999

Rayli Fashion and Beauty CHINA Impressions: 980,000 PR Value: ¥285,000

Femina Impressions : 1,680,000CHINA PR Value: ¥73,125

Weibo – Ma Sichun CHINA Impressions: 4,925,750 FollowersEngagement: 54,770 (50,696 Likes, 1,772 Comments, 2009 Forwards)

CHINA Weibo – HongHuang Impressions: 11,792,205 Followers Engagement: 212(138 Likes, 46 Comments, 28 Forwards)

Weibo – Zhang Li CHINA Impressions: 11,702,205 FollowersEngagement: 212(138 Likes, 46 Comments, 28 Forwards)

SPUR Impressions : 82,084JAPAN PR Value: 7,200,000JPY

Safari JAPAN Impressions : 196,605PR Value: 2,176,000JPY

CLASSY. Impressions: 300,942JAPAN PR Value: 1,800,000JPY

éclat JAPAN Impressions : 70,273PR Value: 800,000JPY

VOGUE JAPAN Impressions : 73,013JAPAN PR Value: 684,000JPY

FIGARO Japon JAPANImpressions : 79,667PR Value: 533,000JPY

Harper’s BAZAAR Japan Impressions : 70,000JAPAN PR Value: 500,000JPY

Men’s FUDGE JAPAN Impressions : 75,000PR Value: 400,000JPY

KOREA bling Impressions: 50,000 PR Value: $120,000

CAR LIFE KOREAImpressions : 60,000 PR Value: $12,750

KOREA Céci Impressions: 100,000 PR Value: $12,000

ELLE SINGAPORE SINGAPOREImpressions: 40,000PR Value: S$120,000

SINGAPORE NYLON SINGAPORE Impressions: 40,000 PR Value: S$120,000

Apple Daily TAIWANImpressions: 700,000PR Value: NT$866,667

TAIWAN Marie Claire Impressions: 65,000 PR Value: NT$400,000

VOGUE TAIWAN Impressions: 65,000PR Value: NT$108,780

TAIWAN GIRL Impressions: 100,000 PR Value: NT$93,750

Mina TAIWANImpressions: 120,000PR Value: NT$26,923

TAIWAN Fashion Queen Impressions: 50,000 PR Value: NT$4,800


BELGIUM Marie Claire Impressions: 171,300 PR Value: € 3 750

SJIEK MAGAZINE BELGIUMImpressions: 423 700 PR Value: € 1 567

FRANCE Instagram – LA COULEUR DU MOMENT Impressions : 47 800 PR Value : 3 750€

L’O MAGAZINE ONLINE FRANCE Impressions : 193 000 PR Value : 86 161€

FRANCE Marie Claire ONLINE Impressions : 3 102 672 PR Value : 92 341€

JOURNAL DES FEMMES ONLINE FRANCE Impressions : 5 584 329 PR Value : 124 650€

FRANCE STYLIST Impressions : 400 000 PR Value : 62 000€

FEMME ACTUELLE FRANCEImpressions : 663 877PR Value : 100 750€

FRANCE ELLE Impressions : 330 715 PR Value : 160 000€

CHAUSSER FRANCEImpressions : 5000 PR Value : 6 250

GERMANY AUSTRIA Impressions: 103 412 587 PR Value: 517 063€

BRIGITTE Online GERMANYImpressions: 56 450 000 AUSTRIA PR Value: 282 250€

GERMANY AUSTRIA Impressions: 16 024 491 PR Value: 80 122€

VOGUE Online GERMANYImpressions: 8 967 150 AUSTRIA PR Value: 44 836€

GERMANY Textilwirtschaft AUSTRIA Impressions: 78 273 PR Value: 15 900€

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