X– -04 Time: 90 Minutes MARKS: 50 General Instructions: (i) The Question Paper contains four sections. (ii) Section A has 24 questions. Attempt any 20 questions. (iii) Section B has 22 questions. Attempt any 18 questions. (iv) Section C has 12 questions (Case based). Attempt any 10 questions. (v) Section D contains 2 Map based questions. Attempt both the questions. (vi) All questions carry equal marks. (vii) There is no negative marking. REMARKS: 1. Send the PDF file of your OMR Sheet in accessible mode. 2. Send your PDF OMR sheet on following mail id: SOCIAL SCIENCE: [email protected] 3. Analysis sheet will not be provided if you send the OMR sheet on any another email id. 4. Analysis of this OMR sheet will be provided on your mail. 5. Answer Key of test will be uploaded on App after 4 days of Scheduled test day at 12:00 NOON. SECTION – A (Attempt any 20 out of 24 questions) 1. What did the crown of “Oak Leaves” symbolize? (a) Courage (b) Heroism (c) Peace (d) Tolerance 2. After the French Revolution (1789) the right to vote was given to (a) All adult population of the country (b) All property-owning male citizens of the country (c) All property owning male and women of the country (d) All adults excluding women of the country 3. Which of the following is not classified on the basis of status of development? (a) Potential resource (b) Developed stock resource (c) Reserves resource (d) Renewable resource 4. In federal system, central government cannot order the: (a) Principal (b) Local government (c) State government (d) None of the above 1
5. Over the past decade or so, indicators have come to be widely used along with income as a measure of development? (a) Health and nutrition (b) Health and education (c) Child development (d) Human development 6. Human is considered as the main culprit for land degradation because (a) Of his excavation work at mining sites. (b) Of his significant contribution to deforestation (c) He has aggravated the pace of natural forces causing damage to land. (d) All of these. 7. Which of the following aspect is signified by the lady in the given picture? (a) Rule of law (b) Equality (c) Liberty (d) Justice 8. The crops grown in Rabi season are: (b) Rice, jute, maize, soyabean (a) Wheat, peas, barley and mustard (d) Sugarcane and tobacco (c) Pulses, melons, vegetables 9. Identify the correct statement with regard to the act of union from the following options (a) The British monarchy surrendered the power to English parliament. (b) The British parliament seized power from Ireland. (c) The formation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. (d) The British nation was formed as are result of a war with Scotland and Wales. 10. Division of power between higher and lower level of government is known as (a) Vertical division of power (b) Horizontal distribution of power (c) Union division of power (d) Community division of power 11. Reema and Rahul are studying about the percentage of children in the age group 14 -15 years attending school. It means they are studying about (a) Net attendance ratio (b) Gross enrolment ratio (c) Literacy rate (d) Extent of illiteracy 2
Direction: On the basis of the given table answer Q. No. from 12 to 13. Percentage share of primary sector in GDP and employment 1973 2003 Share in GDP 45% 22% Share in employment 72% 61% 12. Mention the percentage share of primary sector in GDP in 1973. (a) 22% (b) 23% (c) 45% (d) 61% 13. Why does primary sector continues to be the largest employer in India? (a) Secondary and Tertiary sector are not able to generate comparatively enough employment opportunities despite increase in their production level. (b) It generates more employment opportunities. (c) It exploits natural resources and provides raw material to secondary sector. (d) None of the above 14. Which factor is not responsible for Global ecological crisis? (a) Depletion of resources for satisfying the greed of few individuals. (b) Accumulation of resources in few hands. (c) Sustainable economic development. (d) Indiscriminate exploitation of resources. 15. Which one of the following option best signifies this cartoon? (a) Secular Governance (b) Caste discrimination (c) Problem of apartheid (d) Gender discrimination 16. Which of the following was the main focus of our First Five Year plan? (a) Cost of food grains (b) Land reforms (c) Industrialization (d) Globalization 3
17. Rearing of silkworms for the production of silk is known as ………….. (a) Horticulture (b) Sericulture (c) Pisciculture (d) Agriculture 18. Human beings used resources indiscriminately and this has led to the following major problems, what are these problems? (a) Not well planned use of these resources. (b) Wastage of resources. (c) Not many problems. (d) Accumulation of resources in few hands. 19. In treaty of Vienna Austria was given control of ______________ (a) Southern Italy (b) Northern Italy (c) Eastern Italy (d) Western Italy 20. Which one of the following statements is true about the term resources? (a) Resources are free gifts of nature. (b) They are the functions of human activities. (c) All those things which are found in nature. (d) Things which cannot be used to fulfill our needs. 21. Name a state which is major producer of jute? (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Maharashtra (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) West Bengal 22. A few Gram Panchayats are grouped together to form what is usually called: (a) Gram Sabha (b) Panchayat Samiti (c) Zila Parishad (d) None of the above 23. Which of the following is not correct about plantation crop? (a) In this type of farming, a single crop is grown on a large area. (b) The plantation has an interface of agriculture and industry. (c) Plantation cover large tracts of land called estates. (d) Farmers clear a patch of land by felling the trees and burning them, to produce cereals and other food crops. 24. What does the coalition government imply? (a) Power-sharing between different communities (b) Power-sharing among the different organs of the government (c) Power-sharing by two or more political parties (d) Power-sharing within the government at different levels SECTION – B (Attempt any 18 out of 22 questions) 25. The major cause of the civil war in Sri Lanka was the distrust between the two communities namely (a) Sri Lankan Tamils and the Indian Tamils (b) Hindus and Muslims (c) Sinhalas and Moors (d) Sinhalas and the Tamils 4
26. An area that depends upon interaction between human beings and their environment through technology and institution is known as - (a) Economic Development (b) Social Development (c) Culture Development (d) Regional Development 27. The soil most suitable for growing cotton is - (a) Alluvial (b) Mountain (c) Black (d) Red 28. Both the Union and State governments can make laws on the subjects mentioned in the …… (a) Union List (b) State List (c) Concurrent List (d) Residuary Powers 29. Transport, communication and banking come under: (a) Secondary (b) Tertiary (c) Primary (d) None of these 30. What are the dual objectives of the federal system. (a) To promote unity of the country and to accommodate regional diversity. (b) To distribute powers and funds to the central government. (c) To provide facilities and job to the citizens of the country. (d) To ensure that the power would be transferred from the state to the central government. 31. The basic idea of the decentralization is - (a) The powers divided between central and state government. (b) The powers shared between two state governments. (c) The powers given to the local self government. (d) The powers shared between different organs of government. 32. Rural local government is popularly known by the name (a) Rural Raj (b) Local Raj (c) Panchayati Raj (d) None of the above 33. As per statistics of the Government of India, Infant Mortality Rate is the highest in the state of ____________. (a) Bihar (b) West Bengal (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Punjab 34. Vijay is undernourished as his weight is 45 kgs and his height is 1.75 meters. Find out his Body Mass Index (BMI) from the following options. (a) 12.6 (b) 13.5 (c) 14.7 (d) 15.2 35. Which of the following statement defines Sustainable Development? (a) Sustainable use of natural resources without considering the need of the future generation. (b) Present generation fulfills its needs while considering the needs of the future generation as well. (c) It means utilization of natural resources by the past, present and forth coming future generation. (d) To meets the needs of the future generations even if the needs of the present generation go unmet. (Direction for Que. 36 to 41): The following questions consist of two statements — Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below: (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. (c) A is true but R is false. (d) A is false but R is true. 5
36. Assertion (A): Sri Lanka emerged as an independent country in 1946. Reason (R): The leaders of the Sinhala community sought to secure dominance over government by virtue of their majority 37. Assertion (A): During the 1830s, Giuseppe Garibaldi had sought to put together a coherent programme for a unitary Italian Republic. Reason (R): Chief Minister Cavour who led the movement to unify the regions of Italy was neither a revolutionary nor a democratic. 38. Assertion (A): Conservatives believed that established traditional institutions of state and society should be preserved. Reason (R): Zollverein was formed to preserve conservatism. 39. Assertion (A): Money in your pocket cannot buy all the goods and services that you may need to live well. Reason (R): income by itself is not a completely adequate indicator of material goods and services that citizens are able to use. 40. Assertion (A): Power can be shared among governments at different levels – a general government for the entire country and governments at the provincial or regional level. Reason (R): Such a general government for the entire country is usually called federal government. 41. Assertion (A): Our Constitution did not give the status of national language to any one language. Reason (R): Restructuring the Centre-State relations is one more way in which federalism has been strengthened in practice. 42. What is a coalition government? (a) The government formed at the centre is called coalition government. (b) The government formed by two or more political parties together is called coalition government. (c) The government formed by minority community people is called coalition government. (d) None of the above 43. Match the following: 1. Renewable resource (A) Wells 2. Individual resource (B) Ocean 3. National resource (C) Solar energy 4. International resource (D) Plantation Choose the correct option: (b) 1 – (C), 2 – (D), 3 – (A), 4 – (B) (a) 1 – (A), 2 – (C), 3 – (D), 4 – (B) (d) 1 – (D), 2 – (C), 3 – (A), 4 – (B) (c) 1 – (B), 2 – (A), 3 – (C), 4 – (D) 44. Which of the following statements is incorrect? (a) In a democracy, all important decisions are taken by the majority community. (b) In a democracy, people rule themselves through the institution of self-government. (c) Political power is distributed in a democracy. (d) In a democratic country, respect is given to various diverse groups. 6
45. What led to tensions between the Dutch-speaking communities and French-speaking communities in Belgium during the 1950s and 1960s? (a) Both the communities demanded special powers. (b) The minority French-speaking community was richer and more powerful than the majority Dutch-speaking community. (c) The majority Dutch-speaking community was richer and more powerful than the minority French-speaking community. (d) Both the communities were equal in socio-economic ladder and this was resented by the French-speaking community. 46. Why is there an enormous pressure on agricultural land? (a) Due to the law of inheritance and division of land (b) Overpopulation (c) Small scale farmers are not able to earn livelihood (d) Farmers of less land holdings are not able to afford the right technique SECTION – C (This section consists of two cases. There are total of 12 questions in this section. Attempt any 10 questions from this section.) CASE - I Read the source given below and answer any 5 of the 6 questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate option: Once it is realised that even though the level of income is important, yet it is an inadequate measure of the level of development, we begin to think of other criterion. There could be a long list of such criterion but then it would not be so useful. What we need is a small number of the most important things. Health and education indicators, such as the ones we used in comparison of Kerala and Haryana, are among them. Over the past decade or so, health and education indicators have come to be widely used along with income as a measure of development. For instance, Human Development Report published by UNDP compares countries based on the educational levels of the people, their health status and per capita income. It would be interesting to look at certain relevant data regarding India and its neighbours from Human Development Report 2019. Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate option. 47. HDI stands for: (a) Heavy Developed Industry (b) Human Development Index (c) Heavy Developed Infrastructure (d) Heavy Industries Development 48. The Human Development Report compares countries on the basis of: (a) The educational levels of the people (b) Health status of the people (c) Per capita income of the people (d) All the above factors 49. Which organisation publishes the Human Development Report? (a) WHO (b) UNDP (c) WTO (d) IMF 50. What is the full form of UNDP? (a) United nations development project (b) United national development project (c) United nations development programme (d) None 7
51. Which one of the following criteria is the basis to measure the development of a country according to UNDP? (a) Per capita income (b) Educational levels of the people (c) Health status of the people (d) All the above 52. Which one of the following best describes development? (a) An increase in size (b) A constant in size (c) A positive change in quality (d) A simple change in the quality CASE - II Read the source given below and answer any 5 of the 6 questions that follow by choosing the most appropriate option: Agriculture has been practised in India for thousands of years. Sustained uses of land without compatible techno-institutional changes have hindered the pace of agricultural development. Inspite of development of sources of irrigation most of the farmers in large parts of the country still depend upon monsoon and natural fertility in order to carry on their agriculture. For a growing population, this poses a serious challenge. Agriculture which provides livelihood for more than 60 per cent of its population, needs some serious technical and institutional reforms. Thus, collectivisation, consolidation of holdings, cooperation and abolition of zamindari, etc. were given priority to bring about institutional reforms in the country after Independence. ‘Land reform’ was the main focus of our First Five Year Plan. The ‘right of inheritance’ had already led to fragmentation of land holdings necessitating consolidation of holdings. 53. Which of the following is the most important occupation of the people of India? (a) Food gathering (b) Agriculture (c) Manufacturing (d) Services 54. In Indian agriculture there is need for (a) Rapid mechanization (b) No mechanization (c) Selective and restricted mechanization (d) Overall mechanization 55. In spite of development of irrigation, farmers still depend on ____________. (a) Artificial water resources (b) Monsoon (c) Wells (d) None of the above 56. What do you understand by the term ‘collectivisation’? (a) Combining land of various farmers and then performing the agricultural activities on collective basis (b) Combining land of various farmers and then performing the agricultural activities on individual basis (c) Comparing land of various farmers and then performing the agricultural activities on pocket basis (d) None of the above 57. The scope of land reforms does not include- (a) Cooperative farming (b) Housing loan to farmers (c) Abolition of intermediaries (d) Consolidation of land holding 58. In the ‘right of inheritance’ the land gets (a) Accumulated (b) Divided (c) Remains same (d) None of the above 8
Section D (Attempt both the Map based questions) On the given outline map of India, identify the locations with the help of specified information. 59. The marked state on the map below is a major producer of cotton. (a) Odisha (b) Assam (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Karnataka 60. Identify the name of the dam marked on the map. (a) Rana Pratap Sagar (b) Tehri (c) Salal (d) Nagarjuna Sagar END OF TEST PAPER Answer Key of this paper will be available on the NTSE guru App after 4 days of scheduled test day. 9
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