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Published by prithidesigns, 2021-06-14 14:47:43



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Prithi Publications Proudly presents Learn with fun English Basic Concepts 16 Pages Wipe & Clean Specially prepared by Reusable Writing Book Special Educators Contents.... English alphabet Capital and small. Two, three, four letter words. Words Rhyming words Words with two, three, four, five lettres. Forming new words from the given letters. Filling with suitable vowels. Name the Fruits & Vegetables Name the Animals & Birds Days in week, Months in a year Write simple sentences. Number names from 1 - 10

Scribble as you like Trace the basic strokes

Write the capital and small letters Apple Ball Cap Dog Egg Fan

Grapes Hen Igloo Jeep Kite Lion

Mat Nest Orange Parrot Queen Rat

Sun Train Unicorn Violin Watch X-mas Tree

Yacht Zebra Write Capital Letters Write Small Letters

Same letter combination Two letter words

Three letter words Four letter words

Write the rhyming words

Singular & Plural Opposites x x Choose the correct word and write for opposite x x x x x x x x Key words

Number Names 1- 1- 6- 2- 7- 3- 8- 4- 9- 5- 10- Join the letters and form the words Practice as your wish

Fruits Write the names of the fruits given in the box. Vegetables Write the names of the vegetables given in the box.

Animals Write the names of the fruits given in the box. Birds Write the names of the vegetables given in the box.

Months in a year Write the months name in correct order. Copy the days in a week.

Copy the simple sentences. . . .. ..