Fourth Edition: August 2013 Fish Identification: Potato Bass selecting the bestfreediving & spearfishing wetsuit International Coastal Cleanup DIY Camera Mount
Stay Calm Coastal Cleanup Fishing freaks fish identification: potato bass how to select the best freediving andspearfishing wetsuit youtube videos braai recipe for beginners diy camera mount international coastal cleanup underwater hockey
What a ride we have had until now! We have finallyselected the best new software to take Liquid Universe toall the mobile devices, tablets and PC’s, so we hope youlike what you see. You can now download, read and sharethe magazine with all your friends with ease.In addition, the new website is now up and running andyou can stop in there any time for more cool articles, news,local weather updates, conservation and tons of otheruseful stuff. Visit for the fullexperience.This month we have some really interesting articles andsome new contributors coming on-board to share someconservation news with all of us. We take a look at thedamage that our waste, plastic in particular, has on ouroceans and the environment and what we can do to assist.Have a look at the upcoming Coastal Clean-up day inSeptember. Let’s all try and do something, weather it isrecycling at home or going down to your local beach, riveror pond to clean-up. A clean environment is the best gift wecan give the next generation.Since the last magazine, we have grown a bit in the office,adding two new staff members to assist with the growingdemand, so we would like to welcome Mariaan and Walterinto the mix. Thank you to all of you for making us oneof the fastest growing magazines online in South Africa.With your support we will continue to share the latest news,products and videos.I hope that the new Liquid Universe is to your liking. If youwould like to give us some feedback, feel free to mail meon [email protected] or visit the website and leaveyour comments there.Remember to follow us on Facebook for the latest socialmedia updates, news and happenings.Please feel free send us all the information regarding anyevents that you might have coming up in the near future,we will gladly add it to our calendar.RegardsBruce
STAY CALM! Yesterday the Sea humbled me once again. We went out for what seemed to be a well- planned expedition into the known, and it turned out to be the great unknown. I should be writing this as a factual experience, but to have such a spiritual experience and just write the facts seem to be just wrong…. So let’s start with the facts: On Monday the 24th of July I invited anyone that was interested on our Facebook Group, Blue Spearos & Freedivers Cape Town, to join me on a spearfishing excursion to Aniston. Having dived there a couple of times in the past, I immediately fell in love with the place and its diverse sea. I have been spearing at this magical place for almost 2 years now and wanted to venture into areas that were not accessible to me from the shore. I therefore acquired a Jet Ski, made sure that she was seaworthy, and set my plans in motion. Preparations for the trip included the normal checking of the vessel and making sure all safety equipment was accounted for, going through my diving equipment and making 100% sure that everything was in tiptop shape. You can ask any Spearo and he will agree: the worst thing is to get there and to find out that you cannot dive because of something as insignificant as a defective Diving Mask Strap. I got Buoy Weather from a friend and the forecast was absolutely perfect. Wednesday morning at 05:00 I had my first cup of coffee (everything was packed the day before) and before my two boys (Tristan and Max) woke up I was off on my adventure! Now have you ever had that feeling that you could scream
with delight and anticipation at the same We discussed our area of diving and at thistime? Well, that is how I felt on the road! I time Ghoemie told me that he is a bit “divingcould literally not wait to see the Sea! unfit”. I told him that it was no problem and that if he felt tired or uncomfortable for anyI arrived in Bredasdorp at around eight in the reason at all, he just had to get back onto themorning and filled up the Jet Ski with petrol Jet Ski and wait for me. I got in and within theand two-stroke oil – I was ready! By 09:00 first 5 minutes my speargun gave problems.I was getting into my Wetsuit and launching Ghoenie said that I could take his, becausethe Jet Ski. That was when the first hurdle the 10-15m we were in was a bit too deep forpresented itself; the Jet Ski battery was flat him to dive. We swapped spearguns and offfrom not using it regularly. Not a problem, I I went. On my second ascent I saw Ghoemiehad jumper cables. This was when I met going back to the Jet Ski and with a waveGhoemie, he was just a passer-by who lent of the hand we acknowledge each other’sme a helping hand. intentions.We started the Jet Ski quite easily and while I went on with my dive and saw that Ghoemiewe were busy I asked him if he would be was safely perched on top of the Jet Ski. Theinterested in joining me in this adventure. Now current at the time started to pick up andGhoemie, as I later found out, was a farmer after about an hour in the water I was reallyfrom Victoria West and a little “diving unfit”, annoyed with my float hampering me. I sawbut seeing as the weather was a slight breeze a beautiful Red Roman, which I missed, andat a maximum of 5 knots and the Sea looked couldn’t find the spot again for a second a pond, he didn’t hesitate for a second. I also saw a couple of “Pens en Derms” (asHe said that he’d be dressed and ready in the locals call it) and “Wilde Perd”, but those5 minutes. I tested the Jet Ski while he was were not what I was after, so I continued togetting ready, running it through an array of search while I was on my way back to the Jetmaneuvers, speeds, etc. and also switching off and starting it a couple of times to makesure that the battery was charging correctly. It was quite a trying swim against the current, but when I arrived I immediately saw thatOff we went, the exhilarating feeling of the something was wrong with the Jet Ski. It wasslight breeze that was picking up as we were way too low in the water and when I tried togoing faster and faster. Our Waypoint was get on she listed over much more than you2.6 Nautical Miles from the harbour, but still would expect. We almost swamped her atwithin the allowed 1 Nautical Mile from the that point and I asked Ghoemie to get in theshore that the Jet Ski was registered for. We water so that I could get on top and assessarrived at our locations within a mere ten- the situation. I could immediately feel thatto fifteen minutes and checked out the area there was water in the Jet Ski, the centre ofwhere we were planning to dive. Because of buoyancy was shifting with the movementthe low tide, there were swells breaking over of water and she was not keeping upright. Ithe Dun Drenn Wreck every now and again. pushed the start button and was quite relievedWe decided it prudent to anchor in the deeper when I heard the starter turning into life – thiswater where there was a smaller chance of meant that the battery, which is quite low inbreakers and, after determining the current the boat, wasn’t flooded yet. We still had aand wind (by drifting a bit), we planned the chance of getting out of this situation with ouranchorage area. After dropping the anchor, pride intact.we waited for it to hold before we started tokit up.
The motor roared into life and I think we both I checked the time and told Ghoemie that itgave a sigh of relief. By this time the wind had would take a minimum of 2 hours before weturned a full 360˚ with a 15-20 knot North-to- could expect anyone. Hope is one thing, butNorth-Easterly wind pushing us offshore. This false hope is a totally different and dangerouswas the same way the current was running thing. We kept ourselves busy by “meeting”and the Jet Ski started pitch and heave quite each other for the first time. We spoke of ourdangerously and I could see we were starting families, our friends, religion and, off course into take on more water. I told Ghoemie (who today’s hectic life, of work and business! Thewas still in the water) that he should get on, but name of the game is: keep calm! Ghoemieas soon as his centre gravity shifted upwards sent a prayer up to make sure we had somethe Jet Ski wanted to tip over. I had to jump divine help on our side and we got ourselvesoff as well just to ensure that the Jet Ski didn’t and equipment ready to be saved. On-boarddo a full roll. I told Ghoemie not to panic and we had 6 pencil flares, 1 smoke flare andthat I would get on top and he would have to a large orange plastic sheet to make ushold onto the bottom so that we could slowly more visible. We used the pencil flares andmake our way with me pulling him behind. they were actually seen by Ghoemie’s wife,We also decided to cut the anchor, because Marelise, who with the Police was trying toit would be much easier and safer than trying locate us from the heave it up by hand. Ghoemie first heard and saw the boat andI got on and started to drive towards land, it was approximately 30m away from us –but due to the weight in the back and the they, even while looking for us, didn’t seewater shifting to the back as well the Jet us. By that time we had 20-25 knot windsSki was riding at a 60˚ angle (I’m really not and approximately 2-3m swells. The Jet Skiexaggerating) and of course the battery was was totally swamped, but due to the internalin the last compartment which eventually got buoyancy (which is a requirement to get theflooded – no more battery. The engine died craft certified) was still floating. The area thaton us and we were anchorless and drifting out was above water was approximately sea. We decided to stay in the water and We had wrapped the orange plastic around itkeep the Jet Ski afloat as long as possible. to make it more visible. I activated the smokeThis was a wise decision on two accounts, signal, which our rescuers immediately saw.firstly because the higher the Jet Ski was We were approximately 5 Nautical Miles fromthe more likely that it would be seen and the shore at this time.secondly because the water in that area isquite warm, probably around 17/18˚C, so we We were very relieved to see the guys fromwere spared the Wind Chill Factor and also Overstrand Rescue Service & NRSI! We wereprobably Hypothermia. fine and they decided to tow the Jet Ski back to shore. Spirits were high and our rescuersGhoemie mentioned that he thought it would were almost as glad to see us as we were tobe a wise decision that we call his wife (our see them. We were taken ashore and whileshore safety net) and tell her to get help. I it took us about 15-20min to get to our divingwas a bit worried, because I didn’t think we site, it took us almost an hour to get back.were within mobile signal range (the next day The wind and the swell hampered the towingI walked at the point with a different network of the Jet Ski. We arrived in Arniston Harbourprovider and didn’t get any signal), but we got to quite a gathering of people – all glad thatthe message through. This would also be the we were survivors and not casualties. Somelast call my mobile would make in its lifetime! photos were taken; details had to be taken;
all with a surreal joviality to it. As they alwayssay: “All’s well that ends well.”The Jet Ski was taken to Marine Servicesin Bredarsdorp and fixed. I’ll be testing it onWorcester dam when I get home to makesure that there is not a leaking pipe whichcould be the reason why we were swamped.What I would have done differently if I hadto do it all over? I would’ve had a beer withGhoemie before I went out to Sea with him.He was really the perfect survivor and I’mglad that it was him with me - it could haveturned out a lot worse if I had someone whohad panicked.Things I learned from this experience. Flaresdon’t always work – our last one just went upin the air and didn’t ignite. Also, the personthat helped me with the service of the Jet Skitold me that if I took out the plugs on the JetSki I could have rode out the water that way,just like you would a normal boat. The moreyou know of the situation the easier it is tostay calm.I want to take this opportunity to thankOverberg Rescue Services and the NSRI fortheir heroic rescue – we would have beenfloating out there for quite a while longer. Ittook them 1:45 hrs from when they got thecall to when we were safely pulled from thewater.Am I scared of the Sea? No. I just have abigger respect than I had before.By Robert Trautman
We often get asked what is our basic rod Having a lighter Flick stick on the water forsetup we take out when we go fishing and your general outings should have enoughwe think its a perfect place for us to start our drag plus light tackle is more fun. If we arearticles. fishing places where we know there will be big tuna boiling or jigging reefs for GT’s thenWe take out three rod setups when we go out we go out with the heavier setup with an 8000for a general fishing outing , two multiplier coffee grinder reel with 25kg braid and 30 kgrigs and a flick stick setup. First multiplier rig leader.we use as our live bait rod or for down-riggingbait, the rod has a good backbone with a Other rods we often take out just dependingmedium/heavy power as this is the setup you on our locations and what we are targetingwould get you bigger fish on and need the is a Yuzuriri zod for when we are getting liveextra strength to get those big tuna up! On bait off reefs, any reel can be used on thisthis same setup we use a 13kg high abrasion stick as it is just for catching bait. We alsoline with low stretch and depending on what take out a rod setup with Daisy/Baby chainswe are targeting the leader line is about 20kg for when we know bonito’s are in the arealow visibility, this is all you need for fishing off and this rig can be the same as your lightera kayak and trust us you will land big fish. multiplier outfit.The second multiplier setup is the one we Remember you must always feel comfortablehave rigged up for trawling lures and snoek when you are out fishing and only you knowfillet traces, it is the lighter outfit out of the two what suits you best, we hope this helps as amultiplier rigs and has a lighter faster action basic guide to what we take out when we gowith lighter line of 11kg and a leader line of fishing and has helped in anyway.15kg’s. The great thing about having a lighterrod out on the water is that it makes catching Tight Linesthe generally smaller fish more fun but also The Freakswhen the bigger fish does take your in for areel ride.Our Flick sticks are also on the lighter/mediumaction with a 4500 size coffee grinder reel with12kg braid and a 16kg leader line, which weuse to throw spoons, Onda Ondas and thesmaller plugs, also great fun to drop-shot withthe lighter weights on this rig. Wez once gotspooled by a tuna on a small coffee grinder,the gears literally fell out! So he now uses aSeagate 4500e with 50lb braid.
Following the debacle that occurred in As part of the Rock cod family, they tendMozambique recently, we decided that to inhabit rocky areas and reefs aroundit would be a great idea to make sure the tropical regions of South Africa andeveryone knows what the endangered can be found up to depths of 150m.ScubaPotato Bass looks like and to give some divers love them due to that fact that theymore info on this endangered species. can always be found in the same spotAllen Walker was kind enough to share on the reef, always offering great photohis brilliant photos with us to ensure that opportunities.everyone knows what this beautiful fishlooks like. It is currently on the SASSI and WWF Red list, which means it may not be caught,The Potato Bass, or Epinephelus tukula shot or traded anywhere in Southernfor the nerds, was given its name from the Africa. They can be found along the entireshape of its body. Their bodies are usually Eastern Coast of Africa, all the way toa dark brown with black/dark oval spots Indo-West Pacific and across to Australiacovering the entire body. and Japan.Ranging in size up to 2m and weighing up For more information on the SASSIto 100kg’s, this predatory fish makes for endangered species list, please viewan impressive view underwater. their website at Please make sure that you know whatThis species is under extreme danger due you have on your line before you kill andto its highly residential nature and because endangered is one of the most inquisitive fish in theocean. They will come out of their caves Next month we will bring you a moreto inspect divers; making them easy prey popular angling fish that you can takefor unknowing spearo’s to shoot. home!
How to select the bestfreediving and spearfishing wetsuitThere comes a time in every diver’s life when The best open cell material manufacturer isthey have to purchase a new wetsuit. Yamamoto. They are the market leaders andGone are the days of the old farmer john set the benchmark for others to try to follow.pants and jacket with the thick jip-up front.Technology is changing, but do you know The next important consideration point is thewhat questions to ask when comparing cut or shape of the suit and its thickness.different suits? The traditional “farmer John” was cut withWith all the new manufactures on the market, simple lines and no ergonomic shaping towhat do you have to check before making ensure the diver’s natural position.sure that you get the best qualify product foryour buck? The new suits should have a French cut with bent arms and legs to take the natural shapeLouis Hattingh from Rabitech in Cape Town of a diver floating in the water. This helpsgives us some valuable insight into selecting to reduce dive fatigued as the body can restthe best dive suit. in a natural position when recovering on the surface.Most importantly, consider the materialthat your suit is made out of. You basically Depending on where you dive you will usehave two choices, open cell or double nylon either a 3mm suit for warm (Durban) water orneoprene. Open cell neoprene is a smooth, a 5- 7mm suit for cold water (everyone elsesuper warm and extremely comfortable in South Africa).material that has a low H2O absorption rate,great durability with optimum recovery fromcompression when diving at depth.Double nylon is the traditional diving suitmaterial and is much cheaper to produce thanopen cell. The downside is that it becomesheavy and waterlogged after a while and itwill lose its ability to sufficiently heat the diver.
If you are using the suit for spearfishing, then stretchable nature of open cell neoprene,a chest pad and kneepads will be essential. they will require repairs on stitching afterThe chest pad offers protection while loading some use. These repairs are normal, butyour speargun and the kneepads are great ensure that your wetsuit brand has localwhen you are sitting on the bottom waiting for servicing and repairs available. Buying a suityour next trophy to swim by. that cannot be repaired locally can be a very costly exercise if it has to be shipped abroadThe most debated topic when selecting or across the country for repairs. In addition,a new suit will be the colour. With digital you will be without your most valuable diveprinting available, the options are endless. accessory for an extended period of time.Traditionally the black or olive green suits arestill the most popular in the world. Rabitech The best brands locally will allow you tohas done some research into this topic and have your suit customised to fit your uniquetheir green and black suits sell equally well physique. A tailored suit will ensure that youeach year, making it a personal choice as stay warmer and more comfortable for longerto what you want. There is no confirmed in the water.scientific proof as to a colour that works betterthan any other. The other topic that requires mentioning is that open cell suits need some assistance toThe final additions on your new suit will more slip into. Some divers believe soapy water orthan likely have a beaver tail that is fastened shampoo water is the best lubricant, but bothwith one or two clips. Both work equally well. of these have detergents in them that willThe old tradition of Velcro has faded into the eventually start to break down the neoprene’ssunset as it loses its hold after a few months. oils.Zips should be avoided at all costs. They are New research shows that aquas cream isa thermal week spot as they let water in and the best to use as it actually nourishes thethey will break. Open cell neoprene is super material.flexible and can easily be slipped on withoutthe need for zips or Velcro. To wash your suit you just need to rinse it in fresh water, hanging each piece individuallyThe stitching on your new suit should also to dry, away from direct sunlight. Do not leavebe “blind”. This simply means that they are your suit folded in your bag for extendedstitched and sealed on the inside only to periods of time. The neoprene can dry outeliminate any holes in your suit that could let and stick together, causing damage to yourwater in. You should not be able to see any suit when pulled apart.stitching marks on the outside of your divesuit. If you are looking for more information on the biggest selection of diving suits andThe last few points are essential and should spearfishing equipment in the Western Cape,not be underestimated. Dive suits require give Louis a call or click on their banner belowa bit of TLC from time to time. Due to the for a quick link to their website for more info.
We’ve been asked a few times now and prevents you from burning theas to what the easiest way to braai outside and leaving the inside raw.(BBQ) reef fish is. There must bea thousand different ways of doing Open the foil wrap and check yourfish on the fire, and once you have progress. If the fish meat feels softtried a few of these, you can start and squishy, then it will need to firmto experiment for yourself as to what up a little. Take it out of the foil andworks best for you. braai straight over the coals (in or on a grid- not directly on the coalsThis method is great for any fish, not please) until it is nice and firm to thejust reef fish. touch.What we did was to take a nice sized I find that it is served best with aRed Roman that we caught recently nice fresh mixed salad and a potatoand gave it a simple fillet down the salad, but the final choice is yours.stomach side. For the less informed,remove the guts and gearbox bitsbefore seasoning please!With most fish, all you will need issalt and pepper as the basics.After that, you can add differentspices, sauces and ingredients totaste.For the Red Roman, all we addedwas garlic, black pepper, fine salt,slices of onion and a few slivers ofbutter.A fish rub or Moroccan spice worksreally well, but don’t go to mad withit, it can be very overpowering.For the beginner braai master, wraptthe fish in tinfoil and leave it on a lowto medium bed of coals for about20min. This will ensure that thefish “steams” through in the tinfoil
DIYcamera mountI thought I would write a little bit on the Too Install the mending brace, I pulledaction camera gun mount that I designed the rubber out of the muzzle and linedat home using easily available products up an existing hole in the mending bracefrom the local hardware store. After I and drilled through the muzzle in the mid-purchased a few different mounts from dle of where the rubber would sit. I bentvarious manufactures, and all of them the mending brace slightly to follow thenot giving me the desired result, I decide curve of the muzzle; marked off on thethat to make one from scratch. I always brace where the centre of the other rub-felt that the camera was too far away ber would sit in the muzzle then removedfrom the all action and I wanted to get the the plate and drilled the second closer to the muzzle and the fish.Anyway, I was at Brights looking forsome idea’s when I came across mend-ing braces. I think the 150mm one isaround R16.00, I know stainless steel isthe way to go but this was “version 1.0”, Ibought some screws and lock nuts to gowith it - 4mm x 12mm countersunk and4mm Nylock nuts for the muzzle. I cut the 150mm mending brace shorter to get the camera closer to the gun, I think I took about 40mm off. Then I took one of the standard flat gopro mounts and stuck it to the mending brace using the 3m tape it comes with then drilled four 3mm holes through the mount and mending brace (make sure you countersink them or else you will struggle to get the gopro on the mount and to remove it).
I taped some of them up with insulation mounted up so close. I’ve measured it ontape but it’s not necessary. I was worried my 1.1m to compare the distance fromabout the screws damaging the rubbers a GoPro head mount to the front muzzleand considered putting heat shrink over mount and with my extended arm it getsthat area of the rubbers but I tightened the gopro 2m closer to the action.them enough to pull the screw into themuzzle so it’s sort of countersunk andmy 1.2m which is pictured with loadedrubbers shows slight marking from thescrews. And this speargun has beenused a lot recently (Dassen tail gun).The only additional thing I am going to If you need any more info or pictures, letadd is a “safety” loop of 50kg monofila- me knowment crimped and linked from the GoProto the muzzle, just for that off chance that Cheersthe gopro mount physically being broken,I wouldn’t want to lose a gopro from stu- Derek Marshall Dunningpidity.I’m getting the mending braces cut out ofstainless steel with elongated mountingholes so that it can work across muzzles,just use a washer and locknut to hold it,also if one would like to remove the braceyou could also mount it with wingnutsto make removal easy but I’m happy toleave mine attached.Lastly I was a bit worried about the cam-era being up in the fishes face so tospeak but touch wood I haven’t had anyfish scare away from the camera being
InternaCleanup In 2012 a dead sperm whale washed up on Spain’s south coast. This whale swa lowed 17kg of plastic waste dumped into the sea and scientists were amazed to find the 4.5 tonne whale had swallowed 59 different bits of plastic – most of thick transparent sheeting used to build greenhouses and the plastic had eventu ally blocked the animal’s stomach and killed it. Plastics have revolutionized our lives They are lightweight, durable and ex hibit diverse structural properties, mak ing them ideal for a wide range of ap plications and it is almost impossible to conceive how our lives would be withou them. But many of the properties tha make plastics so versatile also predis pose them to becoming environmenta pollutants. The low density of most plas tics allows them to be readily dispersed by water or even the wind, carrying them far from source areas. Added to this, syn thetic polymers are largely impervious to biological decay, breaking down slowl only when exposed to ultra-violet radia tion. Litter that is under water or buried may survive intact for hundreds or eve thousands of years. Plastic is increasingly being recycled but still there is a continued propensit amongst people to litter and continu with poor waste management. Some o this waste finds it way to the seas of th world with consequences as shown wit the sperm whale.
ational Coastalp Saturday 21 September 2013p In June 2013 the first African Conference Marine Debris is one of the most wide-al- to look into the issue of marine debris spread problems threatening our seas.o was hosted in South Africa under the aus- Discarded litter in the water can impacto pices of Plastics SA, the United Nations human health: sharp items can cut beach-d Environmental Program (UNEP) and the goers, batteries, and chemical drumsit Department of Environmental Affairs as may leak toxic compounds. Debris alsod the issue of marine debris is growing on threatens wildlife, even the mightiestu- the African continent and its surrounding whale can drown when entangled in oldd seas. More and more cleanups are hap- rope or fishing nets, and many fish, birds pening in Africa to address the scourge and animals eat litter which they mistake of littering. for food.s.x- Beach and river cleanup events are a Our vision is of a debris free ocean. Fromk- positive way to get society involved in product design to disposal, we all have ap- hands-on stewardship and if they col- role to play in keeping our ocean cleano lect data as they cleanup litter, then they and free of pollution. The 2012 Interna-ut become citizen scientists and help re- tional Coastal Cleanup marked 26 yearsat searchers better understand the sources, of volunteers making our oceans cleaners- impacts and solutions to debris in the and gathering data that provide the onlyal ocean. global snapshot of this problem. If yous- can think of an item, volunteers haved The International Coastal Cleanup is the found it on a beach—from bottle tops andm world’s largest volunteer effort to clean toys, to waste from industry and aban-n- up waterways and the ocean. One of doned fishing gear. Our annual Cleanupo the best ways to support the environment data report helps illustrate the problemly is to remove debris and litter from our and highlight the need for all of us toa- waterways and the sea. The best way work together to find solutions.d to remove debris from the sea is to doen coastal cleanups. If you would like to help please contact John Kieser at [email protected] 21 September sees the 27th Internation-ty al Coastal Cleanup and we are lookingue for support.ofheth
UnderwatUnderwater hockey (UWH; also called vantage puck - the team that committed theOctopush) is a global non-contact sport in foul is pushed back 3 meters from the puck,which two teams compete to manoeuvre a while the other team gets free possession.puck across the bottom of a swimming pool For major penalties, such as a dangerousinto goals. pass (e.g. at or near an opponent’s head) or intentional or repeated fouls, the refereesPlay may eject players for a specified period of time or the remainder of the game. A de-Two teams of up to ten players compete, fender committing a serious foul sufficientlywith six players on each team in play at close to his own goal may be penalized byonce. The remaining four players are con- the award of a penalty shot, or a penaltytinually substituted into play from a substitu- goal to the fouled player’s team.tion area, which may be on deck or in the Players who are most successful in this gamewater outside the playing area, depending are strong swimmers, have a great abilityon tournament rules. to hold their breath, and are able to cre-Before the start of play the puck is placed ate great speed underwater. It is also im-in the middle of the pool, and the players portant that they are able to work well withwait in the water, touching the wall above the other members, taking full advantage ofthe goals they are defending. At the start- individual skills.of-play signal (usually a buzzer or a gong),in-play members of both teams are free to Equipmentswim anywhere in the play area and try toscore by manoeuvring the puck into the op- Players wear a diving mask, snorkel andponents’ goal. Players hold their breath as fins, and carry in one hand a glove and athey dive to the bottom of the pool. Play short stick for playing the puck. A full list ofcontinues until either a goal is scored and equipment is given below:players return to their wall to start a newpoint, or a break in play is signalled by a Maskreferee due to a foul, a time-out, or the endof the period of play. A diving mask is used for several reasons:As important to tournament teams’ forma- Players can equalise their ears as the nosetion strategy is the substitution strategy - is covered. Unlike swim goggles, a mask sitssubstitution errors might result in a foul (too outside the eye’s orbit, reducing the effectsmany players in the play area) or a tactical of an impact on the mask.blunder (too few defenders in on a play).Games consist of two halves, typically ten Snorkelto fifteen minutes (depending on tournamentrules; 15 minutes at world championship A snorkel enables players to watch thetournaments) and a short half-time interval. progress of the game without having to re-At half time the two teams switch ends. move their head from the water to breathe.There are a number of penalties described The snorkel may accommodate an externalin the official underwater hockey rules, rang- mouth guard, which may be worn with oring from the use of the stick against some- instead of an internal mouth guard.thing (or someone) other than the puck,playing or stopping the puck with some- Finsthing other than the stick, and “blocking”(interposing one’s self between a team-mate Fins allow the player to swim faster on thewho possesses the puck and an opponent; surface and especially underwater. A wideone is allowed to play the puck, but not range of fins are used in the sport but largemerely block opponents with one’s body). If plastic/rubber composite fins or smaller,the penalty is minor, referees award an ad- stiffer fibre glass or carbon fibre fins are commonplace at competitions.
ter HockyStick SpectatorsThe stick (also referred to as ‘bat’ or ‘push-er’) is relatively short (according to recent At a club or training level, underwaterrules, not more than 350mm, including the hockey is not particularly spectator friendly.handle) and is coloured white or black to in- Since the action is all below the surface, onedicate the player’s team. The stick may only must enter the water to get the full effect ofbe held in one hand, which is usually deter- the game.mined by the player’s handedness. South Africa is currently preparing for the 18th CMAS World Championships in Eger,Puck Hungary. This tournament will take place during the last two weeks of August thisThe puck is approximately the size of an ice year. We are sending Men and Ladies Jun-hockey puck but is made of lead or similar ior, U23, Elite, and Masters Teams to domi-material. nate the world of underwater hockey. SouthThe puck’s weight brings it to rest on the pool Africa’s Junior Men are the current Worldbottom, though can be lifted during passes. Champions and our Elite Men and Junior La-Water polo cap dies are silver medallists.Is used to protect the eardrums and as a sec- More about South African Underwaterondary indicator of the player’s team (col- Hockey next time. black/blue or white as appropriate Yours under the water- same colour as the stick).GoalThe goals are three meters wide and aresited at opposite ends of the playing areaon the pool bottom. They consist of a shal-low slope leading up to a trough into whichthe puck may be pushed or flicked. Goalsare commonly constructed from aluminium,galvanised or stainless steel. This helps toensure that they are negatively buoyant andare durable in the chlorine water of swim-ming pools.RefereesRefereeing the game are two (or three) wa-ter referees (i.e. in the pool with full snor-kelling gear, and wearing a distinctive cap(red), gloves and t-shirt) to observe and ref-eree play at the pool bottom, and one ormore poolside deck referees to track time(both in the period and for each ejectedplayer), maintain the score, and call fouls(such as excessive number of players inplay, failure to start a point from the end ofthe playing area, or another foul capableof being committed at or noticed at the sur-face). The deck (chief) referee responds tohand signals given by the water referees tostart and stop play, including after an inter-ruption such as a foul or time-out.
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