Q GolfWinter2014 online Queensland Golf Centenary - page 8 -ROYAL PINES PAGE 18PROGRESS REPORTFEATURESThe Pam Langford Story page 12Jake McLeod is Happy to Bide His Time page 14MATT COOPER’S BLOGww-wT.gholefquGeeonlsflaDndr.oerga.amu Q G- opQlfaOGgneolin2lef2Winter 2014 1
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Q Golf From the CEO - Lindsay Ellis online Unsung Heros of theEditor: Claire Power Golfing IndustryE: claire@golfqueensland.org.auContributing Writers Volunteers are often the unsung heroes of working as a volunteer is also a great wayBruce Young, Bernie Pramberg, David Newbery, the golfing industry. In fact, they are the to meet new people and make new friendsTony Durkin and Matt Cooper. very reason many of our golf clubs and with similar interests. facilities exist. Publically recognising the work of ourGolf Queensland Lindsay Ellis The Queensland golf industry relies heavily volunteers is also an important aspect ofChief Executive Officer on the thousands of volunteers who give our industry and Golf Queensland recently their time freely to support and nurture the announced Beerwah’s Golf Club’s JoanGolf Operations Manager Luke Bates sport they play. This assistance varies from Harvey as the Volunteer of the Year at theGolf Operations Officer Chris Evans merely lending support to their local golf Queensland Golf Industry Annual AwardsGolf Operations Officer Matt Field club or committee, to becoming involved night.Head Coach Tony Meyer in school golf programs, or being a support At 85 years of age Joan still volunteers team member at the many Golf Queensland and makes an enormous contribution toCommunications & Marketing Manager tournaments staged throughout the year. not only her local golf club but also theClaire Power The Isuzu Queensland Open is one local community. She was nominatedCommunications & Marketing Officer tournament where volunteers are for the QGI award by her club as part ofJanelle Spencer essential in order for it to run smoothly. Golf Queensland’s Volunteer Recognition Golf Queensland is looking for friendly, Program.Finance Manager respectful, open and knowledgeable people I encourage districts and golf clubs toMatthew Sedgman for a variety of roles outside of the ropes. inform Golf Queensland of the work of If you want to find out more about getting their volunteers so we can acknowledgeAdministration Officer involved in volunteering for the 2014 Isuzu their efforts throughout the year. EveryJillian Johnson Queensland Open, Click Here. nomination received is carefully considered Volunteering is an excellent way to become for the Volunteer of the Year award, which isParticipation Development Manager involved in the game of golf, and the roles presented at the Queensland Golf IndustryAdrian Hewat people can play are endless. Tasks which Annual Awards night.Participation Development Officer might be considered menial, such as Further information is available fromLee Harrington gardening and minor course beautification Golf Queensland on (07) 3252 8155 or are a valuable help, while I’m sure those in visit the volunteer section at2/14 Walden Lane administration roles would always welcome www.golfqueensland.org.au.Bowen Hills, QLD 4006 some assistance, particularly at busy times Happy golfing! of the year. And regardless of the activity, www.facebook.com/GolfQueenslandGPO Box 1518 it is impossible to put a value on the www. twitter.com/GolfQueenslandBrisbane, QLD 4001 enormous contribution volunteers make to the wider golfing community.P: (07) 3252 8155 Help in supporting coaching sessions,F: (07) 3257 1520 within school and junior programs, is neverE: info@golfqueensland.org.au discouraged and events and tournamentswww.golfqueensland.org.au usually need people to lend their assistance and expertise.Publishing and DesignGolf Industry Centralwww.golfindustrycentral.com.auGolf Queensland Ltd cannot ensure that the Apart from helping our industry andadvertisements appearing in this publication assisting in developing the sport of golf,comply absolutely with the Trade PracticesAct and other consumer legislation. It is theresponsibility of the advertiser and/or supplier toensure compliance with all legal requirements.Golf Queensland does not accept responsibilityfor incorrect information appearing in suchadvertisements. No part of this publication maybe reproduced, stored, transmitted or usedin any other way without prior permission forGolf Queensland. Contributions including thecontributor’s name and address are welcomed bythis publication, and should be addressed to TheEditor, Q-Golf Online, GPO Box 1518, Brisbane, QLD4001 or emailed to claire@golfqueensland.org.au. www.golfqueensland.org.au www.golfqueensland.org.au Q GoQlf OGnolinlef Winter 2014 3
NEWSCancer Council Queensland Quest For Sports ClubsOver 62 per cent of Queenslanders participate in physical activity through sport and recreation. This makes sportsclubs perfect for joining QUEST and making healthy choices easy! We know that each sports club is unique which iswhy QUEST is so great – it allows you to choose the easy, low cost strategies you can adapt to your club’s needs.Why join? What type of things can sports clubs do?If club success and creating a positive community image There are lots of things sports clubs can do and how youmatters to you, joining QUEST is a must. Help beat start will depend on your priorities and what you arecancer and join QUEST to: already doing. You may want to look at:• Access information and support for FREE • Promoting and providing healthy canteen options• Make simple, easy changes • Making side lines or spectator areas smoke-free• Reduce the risk of cancer for all members • Providing education and awareness through your• Improve the health and wellbeing of members existing communication tools (e.g. emails, • Connect with other clubs newsletters)• Be recognised as a leading club in Queensland • Looking at ways to make uniforms SunSmart• Meet regulatory and legislative requirements • Formalising your actions into a commitment statement or policy • Hosting healthy events and tournaments • Much more! Visit www.quest.org.au to find out more and sign up to be a QUEST Club. Golf Queensland is now on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram!Connect with us on our social media pages to keep up to date with all the latest golfing news and events from around Queensland. www.facebook.com/golfqueensland www.youtube.com/golfqueensland4 olfQOnGlinoelf Wwinwtewr.t2w0i1tt4er.cowmw/wG.ogloflQfquueeeennssllaanndd.org.au www.instagram.com/golfqueensland
Amateurs set to take on Brookwater in Isuzu Queensland OpenWith the countdown to the 2014 Queensland Head Coach Tony A minimum of 10 positions will beIsuzu Queensland Open now on, it’s Meyer, said the Isuzu Queensland available at this year pre-qualifyingnot just the professionals gearing Open is an important part of the which will be held on Monday 25thup to take on the challenging Queensland Academy of Sport (QAS) August at Virginia Golf Club andBrookwater Golf and Country Squad members development. Keperra Golf and Country Club.Club layout. “The opportunity to play in a Last year a total of three amateursThe amateur component has professional event is a great gained their start in the Isuzulong been an important part of experience for the QAS players, to Queensland Open at the Mondaythe Queensland Open; in fact the access and compare their games pre-qualifying event, one ofvery first winner back in 1925 was against some of the best,” these being a past QueenslandSydney amateur Harry Sinclair, with Mr Meyer said State Player Adam Gemmell whoa number of amateurs also claiming “As all the QAS players are planning eventually secured his start throughthe T.B. Hunter Cup since. to go on and play professionally, this a seven person playoff forIn 2014, a selection of amateurs event is an important step in three positions.will take to the course against an their development.” The Isuzu Queensland Open pre-impressive field of professional In addition to the 10 exempt qualifying event offers a uniquegolfers from 28-31 August. amateur players who automatically opportunity for amateur andCurrent top notable Queensland qualify for this year’s event, professional golfers to competeamateurs such as Taylor Macdonald, amateurs can also attempt to gain a and will no doubt be enjoyed by allAaron Wilkin, Jake McLeod and Cory start to the Isuzu Queensland open competitors once again in 2014.Crawford will be teeing it up. through the pre-qualifying. Entries are open now at www.golfqueensland.org.au.Seeking a job in the Golf Industry? Interested in finding the right staff? We have a full range of job seeking and recruitment services. www.golfrecruitmentcentral.com.au www.golfrecruitmentcentral.com.au www.golfqueensland.org.au Q GoQlf OGnolinlef Winter 2014 5
Prescare Announced as QSOOM Naming Rights SponsorGolf Queensland recently partnering with golf,” Mr Castrisos across the state through 41 localannounced aged care provider said. seniors’ tournaments throughoutPresCare as the naming rights “Golf is a sport that caters for all the year.sponsor of the Queensland Senior age groups, and in this case, the “Often members of sporting clubsOrder of Merit (QSOOM). PresCare QSOOM calendar provides perceive a high level of support andThe partnership assists in the opportunities for senior golfers to friendship, key factors in reducingsustainability of securing the travel and participate in events at social isolation. So it follows playingQSOOM for the next two years fantastic Queensland golf courses.” a round of golf with your mates canensuring for a comprehensive The PresCare QSOOM is being improve your health and wellbeingcompetition calendar of events for played at the Southport Golf Club and that may ultimately savethe over 55-year golfer. today with over 45 players from someone’s life,” Mr Bosel said.Golf Queensland Chair Peter around South East Queensland For the full PresCare QSOOMCastrisos said he was pleased to teeing off. calendar click here.welcome a new sponsor to the golfindustry and in particular to PresCare’s Acting Chief Executivethe QSOOM. Officer Michael Bosel said the“It is refreshing to see new QSOOM sponsorship enabled thebusinesses realising the benefits in not-for-profit organisation to reach thousands of older Queenslanders6 olfQOnGlinoelf Winter 2014 www.golfqueensland.org.au
MYGolf Camps a Great Success in BlackallThe first MYGolf Junior camp kicked with husband Peter, also a PGA golf with local coaches and parents tooff for 2014 in the Central West at professional, delivered a structured educate them on the latest gamesBlackall Golf Club in April. three day program consisting of and skill delivery techniques thatThe concept of Golf Queensland warm up games and activities, skills will keep them assisting the juniorstravelling to a regional district sessions on full swing, chipping and when we are gone.and supporting a three day junior putting, rules session and on course This practical involvement is highlycamp began last year in the Central play. valuable for their motivation toWest at Tambo Golf Club and has There was once again great local keep them involved with the juniors.gained momentum throughout Golf sponsorship by Tambo Teddies, More local members need to comeQueensland’s development. Choyce’s Livestock transport, and see how easy and fun juniorThis year we are running MYGolf Coolibah Motel and Shane Robinson coaching can be now, with the funcamps in the June/July holidays at Construction as well as support from games and equipment that we use,”Yeppoon (Capricorn Golf Resort), Balckall-Tambo regional council. Mrs Harrington said.Charters Towers Golf Club, Emerald The support of Junior Coordinators Once again Hills International GolfGolf Club and in the September Bill Rogers and Shane Robinson was College is supporting junior golf inholidays at Miles Golf Club. instrumental in the camp being such regional areas by sponsoring twoThe camps are targeting juniors as success for the second year. juniors to attend their Septemberaged 5-14 years at the beginner to Local Junior Coordinator Shane golf camp from every MYGolf3, 6, or 9 hole ability with a passion Robinson said the camp was a huge camp we are running in 2014.to learn and play golf. Equipment is success. “The organisation, fun and This provides a great opportunityalso supplied if required. expertise that these camps provide for juniors from regional areas toThe Blackall camp saw 37 Junior’s for our juniors here is tremendous keep working on their golf, mixingfrom the Central West Queensland benefit for our juniors and for our with juniors from the city and andistrict including juniors from district clubs, also the parents and opportunity to play on grass greens.Tambo, Ilfracome, Barcaldine, junior coordinators and volunteers We thank Hills International CollegeMuttaburra and of course Blackall also learn a few things on the latest for this support in working togetherattend the camp. MYGolf coaching practices and on the development of the game.Golf Queensland’s Development also for our own golf games,” Mr Next year we are planning theOfficer and PGA and ALPG golf Robinson said. Central West camp to be held atprofessional Lee Harrington along Golf Queensland’s Lee Harrington Muttaburra Golf Club. supported Robinson’s comments. “It’s great to spend three days www.golfqueensland.org.au Q GoQlf OGnolinlef Winter 2014 7
Queensland Golf CentenaryBy Bruce YoungIt was a date that, perhaps understandably, escaped the attention of most of the thousands of golfers inQueensland, but May 8th 2014 marked a significant milestone for the game in this State.On May 8th, 1914 the officially sanctioned administration of golf in Queensland commenced with the formationof the Queensland Golf Association which would in turn become the Queensland Golf Council in 1929, theQueensland Golf Union in 1961 and Golf Queensland in 2007.At a meeting in Brisbane that day, delegates from ten Clubs assembled although, interestingly, all were members ofthe Brisbane Golf Club.Because of the distances involved for members of the actual clubs represented to travel to attend such a meeting,Brisbane Golf Club members were delegated to represent those clubs. The first office bearers of the QueenslandGolf Association appointed as a result of that initial meeting were also Brisbane Golf Club members. After several earlier attempts, The Queensland Golf Association was originally established in order that Queensland could have a voice and full representation on the Australian Golf Union, established some 16 years earlier, and which had unto that point denied Queensland golf the opportunity for national representation. Not that the goal was achieved instantly, in fact it took until 1920 for the Queensland Golf Association to be admitted to the Australian Golf Union, much of that delay because of the issues surrounding WW1. Queensland was the last state to join the Australian Golf Union. At the time the Queensland Golf Association joined the Australian Golf Union in April 1920, Brisbane, Charters Towers, Ipswich, Isis (Childers), North Queensland and Toowoomba Golf Clubs were affiliated members. Not that organised golf was new to the State prior to 1914. The very first Golf Club in Queensland, the North Queensland Golf Club, was formed in 1893, its name later changed to that of the Townsville Golf Club. Toowoomba and Brisbane Golf Clubs would follow three years later. At a function to commemorate and celebrate the centenary of the game's administration at the State Library of Queensland on May 8th this year, those present were made aware of many of the issues that had faced the organisation over the years but also of the success of the game in Queensland over the 100 years of formalised stewardship by Golf Queensland and its predecessors.8 olfQOnGlinoelf Winter 2014 www.golfqueensland.org.au
While the success of Queensland golfers both nationallyand on a world stage has been significant, that successcomes off the back of a sound and solid administrationwhich has ensured the game has had a healthy base onwhich to prosper.Queensland has produced two recognised worldnumber ones, Greg Norman and Adam Scott, andwhile Karrie Webb has not acquired the mantle ofnumber one since the Rolex World rankings were firstintroduced to the women's game in 2006, she was adominant force for many years earlier and has remainedamongst the elite since.Webb's record of seven major championships amongsther 41 LPGA Tour victories in addition to many othersworldwide, is one that may well never be repeated byany other Australian.Webb and Greg Norman deserve consideration in anydebate assessing Australia's greatest ever golfer and,along with fellow Queenslanders, Adam Scott, Ian BakerFinch and Wayne Grady, have succeeded at the highestlevel of their respective genders, namely the majorchampionships.Jason Day is a more recent product of the Queensland Queensland's Interstate sides have also done well, moresystem, the now 26 year old considered a chance to especially in recent years, although the men did winbecome one of the greats of Australian golf in the for the first time in 1946. It took another twenty yearsfuture already having won a World Cup and a World however before they won again but in the last twelveGolf Championship in recent months. years or so they have become one of the favourites forThat does not even include the long list of the title every time they tee it up and winning in 2001,Queenslanders of either gender winning on a range 2004, 2010 and 2013.of professional tours worldwide but also recording The women too have had their share of success, lastsuccess in the amateur ranks with the likes of Cameron winning on several occasions in recent times.Smith and Andrew Buckle winning the Australian Men's Clearly Queensland boxes above its weight in terms ofAmateur in recent years and Rebecca Stevenson and its golfing success. It contains only 20% of the nationalSandy Grimshaw, the Women's. population but with a land area, second only to WesternQueensland golf's two flagship events, the Queensland Australia in terms of size, and a wide geographicalOpen and the Queensland Amateur Championships spread of Clubs, the administration of the game in thisare littered with many of the greats of Australian golf, state is quite a success story.further highlighting the importance of those titles to With around 250 Golf Clubs affiliated to Golfthose involved and reflecting the regard in which a Queensland stretching from Carpenteria in the north\"Queensland\" title is held. to Mt Isa in the north west to Cunnamulla in the southThe Queensland Open honours list includes seven time west and Coolangatta Tweed Heads in the South, thewinner Norman Von Nida and major winners Jim Ferrier, actual area of land covered is vast.Kel Nagle, David Graham, Ian Baker-Finch and The introduction of the internet has certainly assistedGreg Norman. in simplifying communication between Clubs and GolfFerrier (four times) and Von Nida also won the Queensland's Brisbane office but the distances involvedQueensland Amateur Championship and the name have been an issue to overcome.Jason Day was emblazoned on the trophy in 2004and 2006.www.golfqueensland.org.au Q GoQlf OGnolinlef Winter 2014 9
The merging of the Queensland Golf Union and The membership may be small (around 70) at CliftonWomen's Golf Queensland in 2007 created a unified Bay but in talking to Hoey it is hard not to sense a greatapproach to the game in this State and allowed for pride in what has been achieved.economies of scale, cost efficiencies and an umbrella Redland Bay Golf Club is situated on the shores offocus on the overall good of the game that could only Moreton Bay and while the Club itself was formedenhance its growth. 15 years or so earlier, the current links was officiallyWhile Golf Queensland celebrates a huge milestone opened on April 7th 1934 and therefore turns 80this year, two of its member clubs also enjoy significant this year.occasions in their history. The original course, in German Church Road was twoClifton Golf Club, about halfway between Toowoomba kilometres south of where the Redland Bay Golf Cluband Warwick in the Darling Downs and Redland Bay Golf now stands in North Street abutting the shores ofClub to the east of Brisbane and are celebrating 60th Moreton Bay.and 80th Anniversaries respectively. With 950 golf members and some 4,500 social membersClifton Golf Club was built in 1954 and as a result the Redland Bay Golf Club is a thriving business, thecelebrated its 60th Anniversary on June 7th with a contrast between it and the Clifton Golf Club quiteDinner, where, the man who re-designed the layout and stark in terms of their membership numbers andconverted the course from sand to grass greens in 1980, demographic.Ross Watson, was to be the guest speaker. Both however have played their own role in state of theColin Hoey, the Club Captain of the nine hole layout is game in Queensland and along with their parent bodyfull of praise for those who commissioned Watson to do can rightly enjoy the opportunity to celebrate a longthe work. and proud history.\"That committee back then who made the bold decisioninvolve Ross and to convert to grass greens must beacknowledged as our greens receive regular praise fromboth members and visitors,\" said Hoey.10 olQf OGnloinlef Winter 2014 www.golfqueensland.org.au
EveQruyaTliufyesday Royal Rumble Shootout Event Qualify at the weekly RPR Challenge held each Tuesday for your chance to play our End of Year Shootout Event. TThhee ttoopp 1100 ssccoorreess tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee yyeeaarr qquuaalliiffyy ffoorr tthhee eenndd ooff yyeeaarr RRooyyaall RRuummbbllee SShhoooottoouutt FFiinnaall.. DDaattee:: HHeelldd eeaacchh TTuueessddaayy PPrriiccee:: $$8899** aauuttoo cclluubb mmeemmbbeerrss $$9999** nnoonn mmeemmbbeerrss FFiinnaall:: GGoollff AAcccceessss CCaarrdd HHoollddeerrss $$1100 pplluuss 11 xx rroouunndd FFrriiddaayy 1199 DDeecceemmbbeerr 22001144 Phone 07 5597 8700 today or register at the RACV Royal Pines Resort Golf Shop. RRAACCVV RRooyyaall PPiinneess RReessoorrtt RRoossss SSttrreeeett,, BBeennoowwaa,, QQLLDD wwwwww..rraaccvv..ccoomm..aauu//rrooyyaallppiinneess **TTeerrmmss&&ccoonnddiittiioonnssaappppllyy..MMuusstthhaavveeaannooffffiicciiaallHHaannddiiccaappttoorreeggiisstteerr.. www.golfqueensland.org.au Q GoQlf OGnolinlef Winter 2014 11
THE Langford STORYPamBy Bernie Pramberg to the game at Indooroopilly. She joined in 1956 when the club was located at the old St Lucia layout. Her mother,Pam Langford says she was an Indooroopilly junior who “hung Agnes, had been club champion in 1949 and her father,around for another 58 years’’. George Tait, was a fine golfer and pennants representative.Not many folk in golf have enjoyed such a multi-faceted George Tait’s sports store, located in an arcade off Edwardinvolvement as Pam, who happily admits to her 74 years. Street, was well-known in Brisbane from the 1950s to ‘80s.A fine player, her 10 club championships at Indooroopilly Tait and his small staff were experts in stringing tennisremains a record and she was a member of the pennants racquets and many of the world’s top players insisted theirteam for decades. equipment was tended there. It was the era of home grownAfter almost 20 years in administration Pam was elected champions such as Laver, Emerson, Anderson, Hoad, Rosewallpresident of the Queensland Ladies Golf Union in 1995 and and overseas stars like Pancho Gonzales who had theirduring her tenure the governing body of women’s golf in the racquets strung by hand at Tait’s store.state became Women’s Golf Queensland. These days, Pam still enjoys her golf at Indooroopilly where she is Ladies President.It was an historic “double” for Indooroopilly as her male “There’s not many of us still here who joined the club back incounterpart at the Queensland Golf Union was Peter Davies, the old St Lucia days,’’ she said. “Certainly Barbara Pyle, a life-a former state amateur champion. No other golf club in member, Noela Tranett and Peg Hughes are others.’’Queensland produced simultaneous presidents of the In 1961, Pam and Gail Corry won the inaugural Juniorrespective governing bodies in the state. Interstate Teams series for Queensland at Long Reef GC inIt was inevitable a young Pam Langford would be introduced Sydney. The event became the national Bertha Cheney series12 olQf OGnloinlef Winter 2014 www.golfqueensland.org.au
which is the annual test of interstate supremacy at all levels has been the biggest change during her time in thejunior level. game. She harbours mixed feelings on the transition.The same year, Pam triumphed in the NSW matchplay “I think women’s golf was disadvantaged in some areas,’’ shechampionship which was also played at Long Reef. said. “Women have to stand up and be counted because thePam and Gail Cory later donated a trophy, the Junior Jug, culture between women’s golf and men’s golf is different. Wewhich has been contested for the past 30 years between Golf are all playing the same game, but there are differences....”Queensland’s respective districts. At the time of the amalgamation process at state level, Pam“I had the pleasure of being invited last year to the 30th stepped back from active administration.event and really enjoyed the occasion,’’ said Pam. “I thought I was a bit too old to get involved in a newAlways a passionate supporter of junior golf, Pam was organisation,’’ she said. “I’m keen to get a younger generationchairperson of the QLGU’s junior sub-committee during a of women involved in administration at all levels of the game.“golden” period in the 1980s. “At Indooroopilly we have a strong group of ladies in their 30s“Ian Triggs had a huge input as coach and we introduced a and 40s who enjoy the game and the club. We need thosesports psychologist (Ian Lynagh) and had Daphne Pirie, who people to be involved,’’ she said.was involved with the Queensland Academy of Sport, working In recent years Pam has simply enjoyed playing golf...andon fitness,’’ she said. “Daphne had played on our pennants bridge.team at Indooroopilly and was a very good all-round “I learned to play bridge and often play twice or three timessportswomen. a week,’’ she said. “Sometimes we play golf and then bridge“Things like sports psychology and fitness are all part of the afterwards at the club.’’game now but it was different 25 years ago. We had a junior Not such a bad record for a lady who joined Indooroopilly GCsquad of wonderful players.’’ at 16 years of age on a handicap of 30. Pam Langford couldNobody could argue with the quality of talent...Karrie Webb, never have envisaged where her pathway in golf would haveRachel Hetherington, Lorraine Lambert, Karen Pearce, Jane led almost 60 years later.Bell, Nicole Lowien, Jo-Anne Atkin, Trudy Jeffrey and others...“I believe every club should be conscious of assisting juniorsand have categories to cater for potentially elite players.Young golfers need to be nurtured and encouraged,’’ she said.From experience, Pam cautions elite amateurs to realisticallyconsider their future before turning professional.“Over the years I’ve seen so many girls turn professionalwith little success,’’ she said. “I think an elite young playerneeds to have at least been an Australian amateur teamrepresentative to even consider turning pro.“My advice to any good young golfer would be to get aneducation.’’During her administrative days, Pam worked with the thenAustralian LPGA to secure sponsorship for two successfulQueensland Women’s Opens in the 1990s. She travelledto Japan with LPGA representatives Roberta Simpson andLaureen Ford to confirm a sponsorship deal with a Japanesecompany.“The original contact was made by Nicole (Lowien) when sheplayed in Japan and the Queensland Open was then played atRobina for two years. Unfortunately, the Japanese economyfloundered and that ended the sponsorship. I was sad itdidn’t continue but securing sponsorship for a tournament isvery difficult.’’Pam says the amalgamation of men’s and women’s golf at www.golfqueensland.org.au Q GoQlf OGnolinlef Winter 2014 13
Jake is Happy tobide his time Queensland state team representative Jake McLeod doesn’t mind joking around & having a laugh with his golfing mates and rivals.14 olQf OGnloinlef Winter 2014 www.golfqueensland.org.au
www.golfqueensland.org.au Q GoQlf OGnolinlef Winter 2014 15
By David Newbery “I need to be competing more and winning amateur events. I also need to get better mentally – that’s whenQueensland state team representative Jake McLeod I know I’ll be ready to turn pro.”doesn’t mind joking around and having a laugh with his Jake is targeting the Asian Tour Qualifying Schoolgolfing mates and rivals. in 2016.But underneath that laidback persona is a naked His amateur career highlights include winning theambition and driven personality. Queensland Amateur Championship, NorthernThe 19-year-old, who plays off +3 at Royal Queensland Territory Championship and the South Australian JuniorGolf Club, is extremely ambitious yet he has his feet Championship.firmly on the ground. “I was in the Queensland state team when we won theLike most elite young golfers, Jake has set his sights on Australian Interstate Series last year, so that was good,”a professional career, but he is in no hurry to go down Jake said.that path. “I love the challenge … mentally and technically. I loveHe says he has unfinished business in the amateur ranks competing and all my mates play golf so it’s good funand won’t consider joining the play-for-pay ranks for at and I enjoy it.”least another 18 months. Jake’s earliest memories of golf were playing atThat has to be good news for Golf Queensland, who Capricorn Resort at Yeppoon.invest heavily in producing champions like Jake. “I was eight years old and we were living at the resortAs one of the state’s elite amateurs, Jake has experience when dad took me out for a game,” said Jake, whoplaying in a number of professional tournaments and works part-time in the pro shop at Victoria Park. “Dadthoroughly enjoyed the challenge despite being a little doesn’t play golf, but he wanted to try it.nervous. “I hit the ball okay, enjoyed it and became hooked onA strong driver of the golf ball and a good putter, Jake the game.last year contested the Queensland Open and the “Then I started playing at Yeppoon Golf Club andQueensland PGA Championship. attended the junior program every Saturday morning“I was going well in the Queensland PGA,” he said with and went from there.”a chuckle and without a hint of brashness. “I was nine- The Tony Meyer-coached protégé has a good work ethicunder par and coming second or third after the second and attends the Queensland Academy of Sport.round.“I shot eight-under in the second round, but it was my “I go to golf at the QAS where we work out in the gymfirst pro event and nerves set in and I finished 40th. I three times a week, play Mondays and practice afterthink I finished three- or four-under in the end. gym on Fridays,” he said.“That was pretty good, but I missed the cut at the “I also do my own practice every day when I’m notQueensland Open. I had just got back from playing a working.”number of events in America and might have been a Jake said Jason Day has had an enormous influence onlittle tired.” his short golf career.I ask Jake how he will know when it’s the right time to “I went to Hills International College, where Jason Dayturn professional. went,” he said. “Now he is playing on the PGA Tour and“When I feel like my whole game is complete,” said Jake, competing every week so that’s encouraging for me. Iwho won four of his six matches at the recent Australian want to be like him.Interstate Series. “Eventually, I want to turn pro and play on the PGA“I need to become more consistent. Now my game is a Tour. I don’t just want to play there – I want to win andbit up-and-down and that reflects in my scores. be one of the best players on the tour.”“When my game is more consistent, my scores will startgoing lower.16 olQf OGnloinlef Winter 2014 www.golfqueensland.org.au
“That’s when I know I’ll be ready to turn pro.” QUICK 18 AND A LAUGH WITH JAKE MCLEOD My favourite club in the bag is... driver. A tournament I’d like to win is… US Masters and the US Amateur. My best ever score is… 60 – eight-under at City Golf Club during the Queensland PGA. My favourite golfers are… Jason Day and Adam Scott. Favourite golf tournament to watch? The US Masters. Ever missed a tee time? “No”, he says laughing. Ever been in trouble with golf officials? No. (Laughter). Driving or putting? Driving. Walking or using a cart? Depends how hilly the course is (more laughter). The best thing about golf is … playing and competing at a high level and having fun with my mates. The worst thing about golf is … shooting a bad score. My worst score on a hole is … I have had a couple of triples. Another sport I’d like to be good at is … rugby league – I went to St Brendan’s College in Yeppoon and all my mates played footy. Sporting idols? Adam Scott because he won the Masters and Jonathon Thurston because I love the Cowboys. Are you superstitious? Sort of – I have been marking my ball the same way since I was 12. Water or soft drink? Both. Favourite food? Chinese. I also like Noodle Box. (More laughter) wwwN.gioclkfqnuaemeen?slaAnlldt.horeg.baouyQs cGalolQlmf OeGMnolcinLleefoWd. inter 2014 17
ROYAL PINESPROGRESS REPORTBy Bruce Young deadline but we are very confident that it will be met,” said Kelly who has worked on several large golfJust over three months after the final putt had course projects in Victoria.dropped at this year’s Volvik RACV Ladies Masters The complexity of works includes the neutralisingat RACV Royal Pines, you could be excused for not of the acid sulfate soils in order that their necessaryrecognising the golf course which saw Cheyenne disturbance during earthworks will not impactWoods take the iconic Australian golfing title. environmentally on the adjoining waterways.The major revamp of the existing Australians PGA Acid sulfate soils are those that contain iron sulfidesChampionship and Australian Ladies Masters and when exposed to the atmospheric oxygen cantournament layout is now building momentum and at oxidise and leak potentially dangerous chemicalspresent the first hole to be grassed is all but complete into waterways. In order that this does not happen,with the greens grass applied this week, a few days all soils removed in the reshaping works have to beafter the fairway had been solid turfed. treated with lime in order that they be neutralisedErtech, the West Australian Construction company, and replaced back onto the golf course prior to finalbegan works with the securing of the site and removal shaping then grassing. It is a time consuming, costly,of approved trees in February and from there but crucial and necessary process.earthworks got underway to align with the design of The changes that are being made at Royal PinesGraham Marsh Golf Design (the golf course designers are being done so for a range of reasons. Theappointed to the remodelling) and client, RACV, the commitment to strengthening the golf course wasowners of RACV Royal Pines. one of the factors that helped win RACV Royal PinesThe work is complex, the remodelling of an existing the right to stage the Australian PGA Championshipcourse often more demanding than the creation of over the next five years at least.something from a blank canvass, especially one in Not only will golfers who arrive for the event ina delicate floodplain. To make matters even more December see a stronger golf course in termsdemanding for those involved is the tight deadline of strategy, but it will be one that offers a morewhich requires nine holes of the redevelopment to aesthetically pleasing layout and one that functionsbe ready for tournament play by the Australian PGA considerably better in respect to its drainage and as aChampionship in mid December. user friendly tournament course for spectators.Royal Pines is blessed with another quality nine holes One of the issues Royal Pines has suffered from is itsacross the road which is being used to maintain high water table and subsequent poor drainage andeighteen holes open while all of this is going on. as a consequence there have often been occasionsThe on-site Project Manager, Sean Kelly however is when tournament days are lost or compromised by aconfident that works are on schedule and that the drenched golf course.deadline will be well and truly met. “Sure it is a tight18 olQf OGnloinlef Winter 2014 www.golfqueensland.org.au
The reshaping of key areas on the golf course will help be constructed in an order beginning with the 7th,address this issue and provide a greater opportunity then the 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 9th, 8th, 2nd and 1st.for water to move and escape. Once complete and the Australian PGA ChampionshipThat same reshaping also improves strategy as the and Volvik RACV Masters are played in Decemberpredominantly flat and at times uninteresting playing and February respectively, the remaining nine holesareas are being given character and landing areas to will undergo the same treatment over a similar timeeither target or avoid. period in 2015.All greens complexes will be remodelled, again to get For both events the contrast between the old and theaway from large flat greens to those that are divided new will be chalk and cheese but the finished productinto several defined areas and more often than not in late 2015 will reveal a high end championshipreduced in size and to allow, at times, pin positions course with consideration also for the many resorttucked away behind rebuilt green bunkering. and public users who will enjoy the opportunity toThe overall bunkering which has been so benign for play the home of championship golf in Queensland.the better player at Royal Pines has been enhanced by Grassing is now all but complete on the 7th hole,bringing many closer to play and while the actual area apart from final trimming and growing in, with theof bunkering has been reduced by more than half new look already highlighting just what we canthere will be actually more bunkers, offering greater expect in December. Bunkering is a lot more defined,penalty for the wayward shot, even from the better strategic, visible and in play from the tee and theplayer. introduced greenside bunkering is very strategicallyAnother key component in the changes is the positioned in order to protect newly created pinintroduction of spectator mounding behind many of positions and to visually set the green.the greens to allow greater tournament viewing than Grasses being used include Winter Green on areashas been the case in the past. Already there is clear other than the greens and the highly regardedevidence of those enhancements. TifEagle replacing the original Bermuda 328 grass onThe initial nine holes under works at present involve the greens.the opening nine of the tournament layout. Holes will continued >>www.golfqueensland.org.au Q GoQlf OGnolinlef Winter 2014 19
An issue with the originally contracted fairwaygrass supplier threatened to slow proceedingsbut replacement suppliers were quickly foundand the quality of grass being used is believed tobe even better than originally sourced.The importance of a reliable grass supply isobvious enough under normal circumstancesbut it becomes even more important in a projectsuch as this where time constraints requirethe whole site to be solid turfed rather thansprigged or stolonized. Already, just a few daysafter the solid turf has been laid over the 7thfairway, there is clear evidence of its success.The holes where most work has beenundertaken to date include the 7th, 6th and5th holes.The accompanying photos show the dramaticnew bunkering at the 5th, the defined fairwayand greenside bunkering at the 7th and the verystrategic bunkering on the short par four 6th.While these changes are appealing, the holethat may yet be the talk of those on the openingnine may well be the 8th on which earthworksare yet to begin but one that promises to be asuperb risk / reward drivable par four.The green is to be brought forward and closerto the water than its current location withbunkering added to protect the area on theopposite side of the fairway to the water and ofcourse the green entrance.Spectator mounding behind the green andbehind the tee will make this a must watch holefor whatever event is held as a lengthened tee(70 metres) will allow tournament organisersto tweak the hole daily to accommodate anyconditions and both men’s and women’s events.The tight deadlines and delicate floodplainlocation make this project a demanding one forall involved but if things continue to fall intoplace and the weather remains kind then thefield assembled for the 2014 Australian PGAChampionship are in fora treat.20 olQf OGnloinlef Winter 2014 www.golfqueensland.org.au
DAD JOINS a select family golf group The Thomas family (from left) Blake, Michael, Sharon and Chris22 olQf OGnloinlef Winter 2014 www.golfqueensland.org.au
By Tony Durkin “In his inimitable and jocular way, JohnSunshine Coast accountant Michael had been unmercifully harassing MichaelThomas didn’t mind the fact his sons Blake about being the only family member notand Christopher were better golfers than on single figures,” she said.him. In fact as any father would be, he was When the Thomas family moved fromrightly proud of their success. Sydney to the Sunshine Coast a decade agoBut when his wife Sharon recently joined Michael was playing off seven, but whilea growing band of Headland Golf Club establishing a new business and educatingwomen whose handicaps are lower than the boys, golf was not a priority. Andthat of their spouses, he reckoned it was towards the end of last year his handicapabout time he started working hard at an had drifted out to 15.alternate numbers game. And the added “That’s when John, and a few otherspractise, plus a change in on-course including both my sons, started giving himdemeanour, has done the trick because heaps,” Sharon revealed.now all four members of the Thomas “It was bad enough that his boys hadfamily are playing off single figures at the moved well past him on the handicapSunshine Coast course. front, but when his wife did it too he made“I’m not sure how unique it is to have four a decision to get his game back on track.”members of the one family, who are not And it wasn’t as though he had to go far toprofessionals, playing off single figures. iron out his golfing glitches. Five years agoBut I have never seen it in my 40-odd years on their hinterland acreage at Chevallumin the game,” said Headland professional Michael built a mini golf course – a 120John Victorsen. metre range, a putting and chipping green“It is a marvellous achievement, and much and a bunker.deserved by a terrific family. Michael and During the Christmas holiday period heSharon, particularly, have worked hard to worked hard on his game and the practiselower their handicaps in recent months.” paid off as he scored a phenomenal 46Blake and Christopher both play off five, points on opening day at Headland and hasand mum and dad are down to eight, returned scores of 41 and 38 points twicealthough Sharon is technically lower on in the intervening period.7.9, to Michael’s 8.2. But that does not mean the pressure hasAnd while Michael did not turn to eased on Michael to maintain his form,Victorsen for lessons, it was another skill and his handicap. The four Thomas familyof the Headland pro that Sharon says members play together at Headland mostindirectly paved the way for his handicap Saturdays and while the competition isreduction. always friendly, it is also fierce.
Matt Cooper’s BlogFollow Matt on Twitter: MattCooperGolf@twitter.comTHE GOLF DREAMHave you ever the golf dream? It’s possible because it’s And here’s Stuart Appleby on his, which he actuallya) very common, b) always eerily similar, and c) even the experienced during the Masters. “The guys are saying:superstars get it. ‘C’mon, hit it’,” Appleby explained. “But I’m stuck againstMy version goes like this: I start a round of golf, I’m playing the boards and I keep saying, ‘I can’t, I can’t.’”well, so I walk to the next tee feeling calm and confident … All very funny, but what does it all mean? Is it just a simpleand that’s when it starts to go wrong. anxiety dream? I asked a psychotherapeutic counsellor forSometimes the tee is set up at a ludicrous angle to the his opinion, who told me most members of clans or tribesfairway. A ludicrously impossible angle. Imagine trying to were or are susceptible to very similar fears. For example,hit the 13th fairway at Augusta from the 12th tee, but with a tribe that lived near the sea would have been afraid ofthe tee markers pointing you at the 11th green. That’s how water-born disasters such as a tsunami and the individualimpossible. members would all have dreams that reflected this.Other times I discover the tee markers are so close to But what of the startlingly similar manifestations of thisthe backboards that starting, never mind completing, a golf dream? It would be stranger if the content wasn’t sobackswing is impossible. similar, I was told. Golfers are effectively a tribe. Our fear is not a tidal wave, but golf so we dream about it.I remain calm and confident to begin with, in fact my I’m not so sure. What is it that leads so many of us toserenity is a marked characteristic. I genuinely believe I focus on such a curiously similar manifestation of a golfingwill conquer the problem, but slowly I begin to panic as no nightmare? Not chipping woes or putting problems. Notanswer reveals itself. swing failures or scorecard errors.I thought I was the only one to suffer this dream, but over Instead this distinct difficulty of being limited on thethe years I’ve discovered otherwise. And does it just take backswing?place in a hacker’s subconscious? No, Tom Lehman has had I’ve no idea what causes it, but I quite like the idea there isit as well. In his version the over-hanging branch of a pine something Tom Watson and me have got in common whentree prevents him from making a backswing. it comes to our golf.What about five-time Open champion Tom Watson?“I’m boxed in and don’t have room to swing. Somethingvague is crowding me – the gallery maybe, or ropes, orsomething I can’t pinpoint.”24 olQf OGnloinlef Winter 2014 www.golfqueensland.org.au
CITYGOLFCLUBWhere City StyleS MeetS CountryhoSpitality…CountrypolitanOn the fringe of Toowoomba’s CBD ,adjacent to the City Golf Club a surpriseawaits with Toowoomba’s newest 4.5 starmotel “City Golf Club Motel”.The City Golf Club Motel offers 46 rooms in variousconfigurations, all with stunning new designer effects anddécor, all nestled in a quiet and secure location. Most roomshave balconies with some overlooking the magnificent golfcourse and others the majestic jacaranda trees. Interconnectingrooms can be used by families and there are several twobedroom apartments overlooking the championship golf course.Wheelchair accessible rooms are available on the ground floor.Other impressive features include room service breakfast, asplendid buffet breakfast on Sundays at the adjoining SelectionsRestaurant or an all day breakfast menu at the adjoining Café19. Any option is the perfect way to start your day. Take a dipin the heated pool, lie back in the heated spa or enjoy a BBQaround the pool and make the most of the great outdoors.Great dining, entertainment and function options are availableat the City Golf Club with courtesy bus transport available toget you there. If you have a special occasion in mind, we arehappy to discuss the many ways to make it memorable.Whilst you can always relax and unwind with a round of golfon our beautiful 18 hole championship golf course, rememberthere is always plenty more to see and do in the Garden City.The fascinating Cobb & CO Museum and Japanese Gardens,the infamous views of Picnic Point, Spring Bluff, Queens Park orState Rose Garden or do some shopping at the nearby shops.A variety of play and stay packages are CITYGOLFCLUBavailable for those mid-week to weekendgetaways. We look forward to seeing PLAY & STAYyou soon at the City Golf Club Motel. P. 07 4636 9999 • www.citygolfmotel.com.au www.golfqueensland.org.au Q GoQlf OGnolinlef Winter 2014 25SM-GIC-A4B-050711
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