CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 45 37. L/oil cooler of WDP-4 loco is fitted in engine accessories compartment. Answer: True 38. Air flow Indicator indicates the leakages of MR pressure. Answer: True 39. Loading-unloading of compressor is controlled by MVCC in GM Locomotive. Answer: True 40. Idle rpm of WDG-4 loco is 400. Answer: False 41. Governor circuit breaker is provided in white labeled circuit breaker row. Answer: True 42. Traction Rod is a component of under truck. Answer: True 43. Radar gives the speed feedback to computer. Answer: True 44. Radiator fan motors of GM Loco are DC motors Answer: False 45. When locked wheel detection message displays on computer, engine shuts down Answer: False 46. In GM loco there is one turbo after cooler. Answer: False 47. Never switch off computer CB while locomotive is moving. Answer: True Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 46 48. Engine temperature sensing probe (ETP) provided in water pump outlet always act as per computer request Answer: True 49. GM loco compressor is motor driven. Answer: False 50. Auxiliary Generator of GM Loco is driven through a motor. Answer: False 51. Dead engine cut-out cock of GM loco is in nose compartment. Answer: True 52. In GM loco has a V-type 16 Cylinder engine. Answer: True 53. Maximum Loco brake cylinder pressure of GM loco is 5.2 Kg/Cm2 Answer: True 54. WDP-4 locomotive has 4 nos. of traction motors. Answer: True 55. In the compressor of GM Loco, there are 02 nos. of air intake filter. Answer: True 56. Over charging feature is in GM loco works when auto brake handle is kept in Release position. Answer: True 57. GM loco is an AC-AC transmission type locomotive. Answer: True 58. Blended brake cut off switch is provided in WDP-4 locomotive. Answer: True 59. Rectifier converts AC current to DC current. Answer: True Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 47 60. In GM Locomotive L/T switch has 03 positions Answer: False 61. Water expansion Tank Capacity of WDP4 Loco is 510 lts Answer: False 62. Dead engine cut-out cock should be closed in dead attach Locomotive. Answer: False 63. Air intake filter of GM loco is fitted in Compressor Compartment. Answer: False 64. WDG4 is a AC/AC transmission locomotive Answer: True 65. TLPR is a black label circuit breaker. Answer: False Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 48 HHP Loco Fill in the blank Questions 1. In WDP4/WDG4 MU trailing loco both control stand A9 should be kept in .. . . . . . . . position. Answer : Full Service 2. In WDP4/WDG4 loco non-working control stand L/T switch should be kept in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . position. Answer: Trail 3. Battery knife switch of WDP4 loco is located at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Answer : Foot plate Loco left 4.Capacity of lube oil system in high horse power WDG4 locos is . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .Ltrs. Answer : 1457 5. In WDP4/WDG4 locos to create vacuum in engine crank case instead of CCEM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .is provided. Answer : Eductor tube 6. In WDP4/WDG4 if OSTA is in tripped condition during cranking engine will not. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Answer: Fire 7. In WDG4 banker loco working control stand L/T switch should be kept in. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Position Answer: Helper 8. In WDP4/WDG4 dead loco dead man coc should be kept in . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . Position Answer: open 9.In WDP4/WDG4 loco if LLOB is in tripped condition during cranking engine will not . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Answer: Crank Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 49 10. In WDP4/WDG4 loco if PCS knocks out and BP not creating, before conducting Air brake self test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . has to be recycled. Answer: MAB 11. In WDP4/WDG4 loco if AGFB breaker trips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . will not respond Answer: Loadmeter 12. What is the full form of IGBT……………… Answer: Insulated gate bipolar transistor. 13. What is the full form of BL Key…………… Answer: Button Lever Key 14. What is the full form of TFT Display………. Answer: Thin Film Transistor Display 15. LCC Means…………….. Answer: Locomotive Control Computer 16. GRNTCO Means…………….. Answer: Ground Relay Not Cut Out. 17. GFD Means…………….. Answer: Generator Field Decay Contactor 18. EFCO Means…………….. Answer: Emergency Fuel Cut Off/Engine Stop Switch 19. MRPT Means…………….. Answer: Main Reservoir Pressure Transducer 20. MVCC Means…………….. Answer: Compressor Control Magnet valve Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 50 21. ST Means…………….. Answer: Starting Contactor 22. STA Means…………….. Answer: Starting Auxiliary Contactor 23. RAPB Means…………….. Answer: Restricted Air penalty Break switch 24. In starting Turbo Super Charger is driven by …………….. Answer: Gear Train 25. After 6th Notch Turbo Super Charger is driven by …………….. Answer: Exhaust Gas 26. The main Generator assembly is directly coupled with the ……………..of Diesel Engine Answer: Main Crank Shaft 27. The main Generator assembly has two Alternators …………….. Answer: Traction Alternator and Companion Alternator 28. Crow Bar is a ……………..Which provide safety to TCC1, TCC2 Answer: Safety Device 29……… is provided for lubricating the turbo bearing before cranking and after shut down. Answer: Turbo lube pump 30. Trace air bubble in fuel by…………. Answer: Return sight glass Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 51 31. Capacity of Battery in WDG4 Locomotive is -------------- Amp. Hour. Answer: 500(8Hour) 32. The brake system in WDG4 locomotive is ---------------------- Answer: CCB 33. In release position of Auto brake handle (GM Loco), brake pipe pressure is -------- Answer: 5.7 kg/cm² 34. In GM loco gear case ………………is used for lubrication. Answer: Oil RR460 35. To recover penalty, auto brake handle is placed in emergency position for ---- sec. Answer: 10 sec 36. Nos. of connecting rod in WDP4 loco engine are ----------- ----------- Answer: 8 37. Turbo L/oil pump of GM loco is provided in ---------------- compartment Answer: Engine 38. Hand brake is fitted near -------------------------- compartment Answer: Engine Accessories 39. Auto brake valve has ------------------positions Answer: 5 40. The oil used in compressor is--------------- Answer: SP100RR (M/S-IOC) Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 52 41. AC/AC type transmission provided in -------------------- locomotive Answer: HHP 42. Blended braking is provided in -----------------Locomotive. Answer: WDG4 43. TLP circuit breaker is fitted on -------------panel. Answer: Circuit Breaker Panel 44. -------------Oil used in engine sump of WDG4 loco. Answer: RR520 or MR RR517M 45. EPD is fitted in ------------------compartment. Answer: Engine 46. Ground relay is a ---------------------device. Answer: Safety 47. Gear ratio of WDG4 loco is ---------------------- Answer: 90:17 48. EFCO is used for -----------------the Locomotive. Answer: Shuts down 49. EPD is provided in --------compartment. It is a -------------- device. Answer: Engine, Safety Device 50. To recovery the alerter penalty Auto brake handle is kept in -------------position. Answer: Emergency 51. The 8th notch RPM of WDG 4 locomotive is---------------- Answer: 904 Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 53 52. In GM loco -------------and --------------- circuit breakers are in yellow label Answer: Turbo, CCB 53. In GM Locomotive Compressor air intake is fitted in -------- -- compartment. Answer: Radiator 54. GM loco is provided with ----------nos of radiator fan. ------- ------nos. of BKBL Answer: 2, 2 55. Isolation switch has ------------position Answer: 2 56. Speed feedback of GM loco is received through ------------- ------------ Answer: RADAR 57. The brake system of GM loco is ----------------------- Answer: CCB 58. During cranking isolation switch of GM loco should be in -- ----------------position Answer: Isolate 59. ----------------- Oil is used as lubricant in T.M gear case of GM loco. Answer: RR460 60. In GM Loco turbo is cooled by --------------& initially driven by--------------- Answer: Oil, Gear Train 61. Yaw dumper is provided ------------nos. in each truck Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 54 Answer: 2 62. The type of truck used inWDP4 locomotive ---------------. Answer: HTSC 63. L/oil cooler of WDP-4 locomotive is in -------------------------- ---compartment Answer: Engine Accessories 64. Cranking of WDG4 locomotive is done by --------------------- ---------. Answer: Two starting motor Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 55 HHP Loco Match the following (i) SN. Column A Column B 1 4000HP Air brake train 2 Twin After cooler Engine Cranking 3 TLPR GM Locomotive 4 Duel starter motor 5 GM Compressor GM turbo 6 LLOP Water cooled 7 MRPT Turbo bearing cooling Loading Unloading of 8 Auto brake Testing compressor 9 EPD High crankcase pressure 10 OST L/oil system Engine maximum speed control Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 56 (ii) SN. Column A Column B 1 TCC-1 Air brake train 2 EM- 2000 Temperature switches 3 CCB WDG4/WDP4 4 BCI Battery charging circuit 5 Feed pipe Vigilance control 6 ETP-1 & ETP-2 GM turbo 7 Baggi type filter GM Locomotive 8 Dynamic brake grid TCC-1 9 Alerter system EFCO 10 Nose compartment VFD Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 57 (iii) SN. Column A Column B 1 ECC 3 Braking force 2 LT switch Radiator fan circuit breaker 3 Baggie type filter Crew message 4 Tractive effort meter 5 EM- 2000 5.2 kg/cm2 6 Equalizing reservoir Engine stop pressure TM output 7 HOD 8 ECC-2 Charged air system 9 Radar 4-position 10 BP reduction Auxiliary circuit breaker Loco speed Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 58 (iv) SN. Column A Column B 1 Bail off Engine Starting 2 Yellow label circuit breaker EEC 1 3 MVCC 4 Dual motor Direct brake 5 Blended Brake Auto brake +Dynamic brake 6 VFD Air bake fault code 7 Companion Alternator Compressor loading / 8 Inter cooler safety unloading valves blowing Engine Governor trouble 9 Loco hunting 10 TCC blower MR pressure drops Three phase AC motor Main alternator excitation Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 59 (v) SN. Column A Column B 1 Truck 1 Enable / Disable 2 Breather valve 3 PCS Battery knife switch Fuel flow seen in relief 4 Fuse 800 Amp valve glass bowl 5 Bail-off Compressor crankcase 6 AC motor 7 Auto brake Testing Pressure 8 Auto flasher ON T/ Motor Through EM-2000 9 Dust exhauster blower Indication light motor Centralized air filter Compartment 10 Low hauling PCS open Direct Brake Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 60 (vi) SN. Column A Column B 1 CPZ Radiator Fan drive 2 Vertical dampers Nose compartment 3 IPR 4 24 D valve TCC protection 5 Throttle limit 6th notch Feed pipe 6 Less MR pressure 12 Nos. 7 Auxiliary Generator Hot Engine 8 No fuel in regulating glass bowl Defect in fuel pump 9 A.C motor White colored humidity 10 Torque difference indicator TCC recycle Low voltage circuit power supply Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 61 HHP Loco - What happens when 1. Brake pipe pressure drops on run. 2. Bell-off button is applied during emergency braking. 3. Trouble in axle rotation when loco is running. 4. Amphenol plug is loose during run. 5. Engine water temperature rises at 97°C 6. High crankcase pressure button of EPD trips. 7. L/oil pressure come down below 2.2 kg/cm2 at 8th notch. 8. MRPT cut out cock is closed. 9. Turbo air intake filter is too dirty. 10. Brake pipe pressure dropped on run. 11. Fuel flows through relief valve. 12. Low L/oil trip plunger comes out during engine run. 13. Engine crankshaft rotation reaches to 1045 r.p.m. 14. BP and FP interchanged. 15. What will be the main indication noticed in Loco in case of ACP? 16. Air box cover loose during run. Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 62 17. No fuel in regulating valve glass bowl. 18. Low water pressure in engine cooling system 19. Power ground experienced 20. Crow bar firing message in EM-2000. 21. Fuel primary filter is chocked. 22. Fuel Secondary filter is dirty 23. MRPT is malfunctioning. 24. Brake pipe pressure is dropping below 2.5 kg/cm2. 25. No Companion alternator output message 26. Number- 2 truck is in disable condition 27. Defect in MVCC. 28. No Auxiliary generator output 29. Dead engine cutout cock is in open position in lead Loco 30. LT switches are in lead position in both control stands. 31. In Duel cab loco isolation switch is in isolate position in Non-working cab. 32. TM speed sensor is loose. Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 63 33. Leakage of oil from TM gear case. 34. TM temperature sensor turned out. 35. LR percentage is less than 100%. 36. Power ground during dynamic brake application 37. Power ground during Auto brake application 38. Radiator fan circuit breaker tripped 39. Auxiliary circuit breaker in ECC -2 is tripped. 40. Crankcase Lube oil level is too low. Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 64 HHP Loco - Choose Odd one 1. Traction motor, Dust bin blower motor, Radiator fan motor, Braking contact blower motor. 2. HOD, EPD, LLOP, IPR 3. WDP4-D, WDP4-B, WDG4, WDP4 4. Oil used in GM Loco- RR- 520, SHC- 634, SP- 100, NELCO- 210 5. FCF, FCS, EPD, RFCB, 6. CCB, VFD, CPZ, DVR 7. MVCC, Compressor, T/ Motor, MRPT 8. CBC, Dead engine cut-out cock, Additional transition rod, Toggle. 9. Locked wheel, T/ Sensor, T/ Motor, TLPM 10. Cylinder liner, Piston, T/M Gear-case, Rocker arm 11. Fuel oil pressure, Penalty, BP Pressure, , PCS 12. Primary fuel filter, Baggi filter, Spin-on filter, Lube oil strainer 13. Power ground, No power, Engine shutdown, Engine Idle 14. Engine Idle, AGFB, Gov. Amphenol plug, Penalty 15. Starting contactor, ECC-2, AGFB, MRPT Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 65 ANSWER SHEET Q. No. ANSWER Q. No. ANSWER Q. No. ANSWER 1. D 26. C 51. B 2. A 27. C 52. B 3. D 28. A 53. B 4. B 29. A 54. D 5. A 30. C 55. A 6. A 31. C 56. B 7. B 32. A 57. C 8. D 33. A 58. C 9. C 34. C 59. D 10. C 35. A 60. C 11. B 36. B 61. D 12. A 37. A 62. B 13. B 38. A 63. B 14. B 39. B 64. A 15. A 40. A 65. C 16. C 41. D 66. A 17. A 42. A 67. B 18. A 43. C 68. C 19. B 44. A 69. C 20. A 45. C 70. B 21. A 46. A 71. C 22. A 47. A 72. B 23. B 48. C 73. C 24. B 49. B 74. C 25. A 50. B 75. C Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 66 Q. No. ANSWER Q. No. ANSWER Q. No. ANSWER D 126. C 76. C 101. A 127. A D 128. B 77. B 102. A 129. A B 130. B 78. B 103. C 131. A A 132. B 79. A 104. D 133. A A 134. B 80. C 105. B 135. A C 136. B 81. C 106. A 137. A B 138. A 82. D 107. D 139. B B 140. A 83. B 108. D 141. B C 142. A 84. A 109. A 143. A A 144. B 85. A 110. B 145. C C 146. A 86. B 111. A 147. A A 148. A 87. B 112. A 149. B B 150. D 88. C 113. 89. C 114. 90. C 115. 91. B 116. 92. C 117. 93. D 118. 94. D 119. 95. B 120. 96. C 121. 97. C 122. 98. A 123. 99. D 124. 100. A 125. Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 67 Q. No. ANSWER Q. No. ANSWER Q. No. ANSWER B 197 A 151. C 174 D 198 A C 199 B 152. B 175 B 200 C B 153. C 176 B D 154. A 177 A D 155. A 178 A A 156. A 179 D D 157. A 180 D D 158. B 181 A B 159. A 182 C A 160. A 183 A C 161. D 184 C B 162. D 185 163. A 186 164. D 187 165. B 188 166. A 189 167. B 190 168. B 191 169. D 192 170. B 193 171. D 194 172. A 195 173. D 196 Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 68 Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
CAMTECH/GWL/M/HHP/QB/2014. 69 Question Bank on HHP Diesel Locomotives
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