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Shneeka TR@TC2

Published by sc4048, 2017-05-07 20:23:39

Description: Shneeka TR@TC2


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Name: _________________________ Class: ______11th Grade ELA Classnotes 3: Argumentative EssayContent Objective:​ SWBAT create a T-chart with pros and cons for nonviolent movements.Language Objectives​: SWBAT identify keywords that signify whether a statement, quote, orpiece of evidence is a pro or con.Supporting

Observation II FEEDBACK 2December 7, 20161. What do you think you did well? a. Spread my time evenly among three groups during group-work b. Demonstrated the task on the board c. Asked comprehension check questions (CCQ) and instruction check question (ICQ) d. Got students to participate2. What do you want to work on? a. Giving instructions clearer b. Getting students’ attention i. MD notes: you might want to consider coming up with a certain protocol or a set of codes that your sts are privy to and try out different things (phrases, movements, key-words) that seem best for you and your sts3. What do you have questions about? (During today’s lesson) a. How to create easier ways for students to summarize texts within lesson i. MD notes: you could try this out by doing this type of activity: (1) giving the sts texts they’ve already read and are familiar with (2) Providing the paraphrased version of the text (so they have a whole packet - maybe 4 or 5 texts - with the paraphrased version) (3) Then the students, in their groups, have to come up with the constant theme - and they decipher the rule of “how to paraphrase” (4) Then you give them the rules of how to paraphrase and they compare it to their own notes (5) After that you give them a brand new text (maybe one page) that sparks their interest and they have to paraphrase the text with their group (one person in the group records the paraphrase) (6) Then you collect the 5 tables’ paraphrased writing and project them on the board (7) As a class you underline or highlight only ​what to include in a paraphrase so you are only focusing on the positives (you are not pointing out what not to include) (8) After looking at all 5 paraphrased paragraphs you will construct a paraphrased piece of writing based on the new text -- you will have already written this in advance (9) The students copy it down in their notebooks - do not just give it to them - they should write it down for themselves so they can experience it for themselves.4. Next steps you’ll take. a. MD notes: Play around with a variety of ways to give instructions → you could do traditional short, simple, clear + ICQ or you could give instructions in L1 (on a

note cards) and then maybe trying out writing the steps and modeling it (soincorporate a kinesthetic activity); alternatively you could elicit from the sts whatyou’d like for them to do → try out different ways and choose the best method foryou and your students (but be flexible)

OBSERVATION 3 Class: _______ Classnotes #6 - DebateName: _______________________________________11th Grade EnglishDo Now: ​Take out your t​ -charts from all the 4 texts​ and your ​argumentative essay packet.Which side do you think you can make a stronger argument for, n​ onviolence or violence? Keep these questions in mind as you choose your position…  Which side do you have ​more evidence f​ or? Which side do you ​agree with more? Which side do you ​understand better​?Which side will you argue for, ​nonviolent political movements​ or v​ iolent politicalmovements?I will argue for ​ ​_______________________________________________. 1. Create your claim! (​Do you support the pro position or the con position?) Claim = your position + two reasonsA. In pairs, read the reasons on the notecards and divide them into nonviolent andviolent.B. From the notecards, choose two reasons to support your claim and write thembelow.Reason 1: ​_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reason 2:​ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Claim:​Political movements should be_​ _______________________________________________because​______________________________________________________________________________ ​and​ ________________________________________________________________.

******Use your t-chart and/or texts to ​select at least three quotes from three differentfrom the readings that support your claim and counterclaim.****** 2. Create the topic sentence f​ or your first body paragraph!​ Topic Sentence = Position + Reason 1Political movements should be_​ _____________________ ​because​____________________________________________________________________________________________.Quote 1Text​ _​ _____,​ ​Line​______ ​says_​ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Optional Quote 2Text​ _​ _____,​ L​ ine​______ ​says_​ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Create the topic sentence f​ or your second body paragraph​! Topic Sentence = Position + Reason 2Political movements should be_​ _____________________ b​ ecause​____________________________________________________________________________________________.Quote 1Text​ _​ _____,​ ​Line​______ ​says_​ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Optional Quote 2Text​ _​ _____,​ L​ ine​______ s​ ays_​ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Create counterclaim and rebuttal! Counterclaim = The Opponent’s ReasonSome opponents argue _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (choose an opposing reason)Quote to Support Your CounterclaimText​ _​ _____,​ ​Line​______ s​ ays_​ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________However,​ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Reason that Supports Your Claim)Quote for RebuttalText​ _​ _____,​ ​Line​______ ​says_​ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

Homework: C​ omplete the packet for Monday. You should have at least one quote for eachreason and two for the counterclaim. Nonviolent and Violent Reasons for Your Argumentative EssayPossible Reasons - Pros (supporting nonviolence)​: ● The public looks down on violence. ● The state looks bad if they attack peaceful protesters. ● Nonviolent movements attract more participants. ● Nonviolent movements have historically been more successful. ● Nonviolent movements give oppressed people a voice. ● Create your own!Possible Reasons - Cons (supporting violence)​: ● Violence is a form of self-defense. ● Violence is the only way people listen. ● Weapons equal power. ● If the state is violent towards the people, then the people must be violent. ● Violence is a way to get attention for your movement. ● People or governments will not give up power without a fight. ● The United States was founded on riots. ● Create your own!

Exit TicketYour Name: _______________________After reading your homework assignment, tell me when will you complete this assignmentbefore Monday?Self-Evaluation:On a scale of 1 to 10, how well did you complete your role?12 3 4 56 7 89 10Not Well Somewhat Well Extremely WellWhy? Explain your rating.Content Objective: SWBAT write three pieces of evidence, from the reading, thatsupport their claim (2) and counterclaim (1) and cite where in the text they got theevidence.Language Objectives: SWBAT properly write their claim and cite the evidence using thesentence frames above.

OBSERVATION 4Name: _______________________________________ Class: _______11th Grade English Classnotes #9 - Argumentative EssayDo Now: Counterclaim = ________________The counterclaim paragraph has: 1. An opposing reason (what is something someone against you would say) 2. A quote to support the opposing reason 3. Quote for a rebuttalII.​ S​ ample Body Paragraph from your Social Studies Argumentative Essay Some opponents say that the British protected the colonists. They gave them money during the Seven Years War. The British needed taxes to pay for the protection they gave the colonists. Protection doesn’t come for free. The British are maintaining their economy. However, the colonists were justified in declaring their independence.III. Class Time Writing of CounterclaimHomework: If you didn’t finish your counterclaim, finish it for homework. Remember yourplays are due on Thursday, December 23rd at 5pm.Content Objective: SWBAT write counterclaim paragraphs citing an opposing reason, anopposing quote and a quote for a rebuttal.Language Objective: SWBAT create an opening sentence to their counterclaim using a phrasethat indicates that the reason is an opposing viewpoint. They may use “Some opponentsargue…”, “Others believe…”, “A common argument against this position is…” , or any otherstarter that indicates this.

EXTENSION OBSERVATIONExtension Observation PlacementDecember 22, 2016Context: Push-in Kindergarten classLesson: Guided reading with leveled books ● Most students are at level A. There are some who are B and only one or two who can read at C. ● Typically read one or two books with each student. ● May have to change the books depending on what they have in their book bagsPoints of interest: ● Concepts of print ○ The front cover ■ T: “What part of the book is this?” S:“This is the front cover.” ○ The back cover ■ T: “What part of the book is this?” S:“This is the back cover.” ○ The spine of the book ■ T: “What part of the book is this?” S:“This is the spine.” ■ T: “What does the spine do?” S: “The spine holds the book together.” ○ The title ■ T: “What part of the book is this?” S:“This is the title.” ■ T: “What does the title do?” S: “The title tells you what the book is about.” ● Reading Strategies ○ Cover Pictures ■ T: “What do you see on the cover?” S: “I see…” ■ T: “What do you think the book will be about?” S: “The book will be about…” ○ First letter of the word ■ T: “What is the first letter?” S: “___” ■ T: “What sound does that make?” S:”__” ○ Pictures Clues ■ T: “What do you see in this picture?” S: “I see…” ■ T: “Do you see that word anywhere in this sentence?” S: “...” ○ Last letter of the word ■ T: “What is the first letter?” S: “___” ■ T: “What sound does that make?” S:”__” ○ Chunking ■ Dividing the words into smaller pieces ■ Sounding out those smaller pieces ● Reading Finger ○ Students will follow along with the words using their pointer fingers

OBSERVATION 5Do Now​: Welcome back!! 1. From pages 233-280, what was the most surprising event of this section of Gabi? ending of Gabi?The most surprising event was...I was most surprised by...Gabi’s World (25 minutes) ● Students will be in groups of three. ● Each group is covering about six pages of the book, students need to create Gabi’s world during those six pages. ● Example: 233-234 Relationship norms ● Group 1: May 7 (234) → May 13 (241) 6 pages ● Group 2: May 13 (241) → May 15 (246) 5 pages ● Group 3: May 15 (246) → May 19 (251) 6 pages ● Group 4: May 20 (251) → May 24 (257) 6 pages ● Group 5: May 24 (257) → May 25 (262) 5 pages ● Group 6: May 25 (262) → May 28 (266) 4 pages ● Group 7: May 28 (266) → June 1 (271) 5 pages ● Group 8: June 1 (271) → June 5 (277) 6 pages ● Group 9: June 5 (277) → June (284) 7 pages ● They will need to summarize the section, but through the themes we have been talking about in class. We will provide students with a word bank, sentence frames, and specific quotes we want them to examine.Themes to look for Relationships QuestionsDating Norms Gabi and Martin How is Gabi feeling?Societal Norms Gabi and SebastianMisogogny Gabi and Cindy What good has happened?Patriarchy Gabi and her momBody Image Gabi and Beto What bad has happened?Sexuality Gabi and tia Bertha Add any other relationships What is happening in that you think are important school? What is happening in Gabi’s social life?

SampleGallery Walk (20 minutes)Students will take notes on the presentations using t​ hisStudents will be assessed on whether they: 1. Visited every station, as evidenced byinformation in each box. 2. Wrote information that accurately reflected the information onthe posters, 3. If applicable, used the sentence frames to support the development oftheir answersJournal Writing (7 minutes) 1. What is Isabel Quintero trying to teach us through this book? Closing ● Students will be asked to share what they believe is trying to be taught ● The should continue to think about the different lessons and add it to their journal entry. We will continue to talk about these things next class.Homework:

We are handing your exams for the first half of ​Gabi A Girl In Pieces. L​ ook over your scores andanswer the following questions. 1. What did you do well on?I did well on... 2. What do you need to improve on?​I need to improve on...Content Objectives ● SWBAT analyze the main events, themes, and relationships in their section of the book. ● SWBAT write the main events and themes from the end of the book.CCSS Standards 1. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.2​: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.Language Objectives ● SWBAT orally discuss the main events, themes, and relationships with their group mates with the support of the word bank and/or prompting questions. ● SWBAT list the main events and themes from the end of the book using the graphic organizer provided with the support of theNYS ESL ● 2.9.11-12: Engage in collaborative activities through a variety of student groupings to create and respond to literature. Such groupings include small groups, cooperative learning groups, literature circles, and process writing groups. (L. S, R, W)


ST Name:  OBSERVATION 6Lesson Title:   Sample Planning Template for Constructivist,   Activities-Based Learning Experiences Objective(s) Content: SWBAT identify the main themes in ​Gabi A Girl In Pieces.What, exactly, do you want SBWAT choose four events, conflicts, or characters that connect to the big idea.students to know or to be able to Language: SWBAT write the big idea from the as outcomes of this particular SWBAT list four events, conflicts, or characters that connect to the big idea.lesson? [may include cognitive,social, and/or affective objectives]Frame the Objective(s) This lesson will help develop students’ literary analysis essays. Students struggleWhy are you teaching this to identify themes and then find appropriate events, characters, and quotes thatlesson? What connections does support these themes. This lesson serves as a scaffold to help students toit have to overall curricular goals develop their themes and the appropriate pieces of evidence.for students? This connects to overall curricular goals because students will write a literaryMaterials analysis essay in the upcoming weeks. Students struggle to find evidence thatWhat materials will you need for connects to the themes. This lesson will support their development.this lesson? What materials will Posters for Gallery Walk, Classnotes sheet, Theme Organizer,you need to make this lessonaccessible to all students and to Students will quickly complete their notes on the Gallery Walk and then use theencourage active engagement in posters to tally up the themes that they see on the poster.learning? How will you managethe materials? These materials will help make the lesson accessible to students. There is no specification on the length of responses that students will include on the thematic organizer. They can write one word, or they can write full sentences. Because this is just a brainstorming activity. Students only have to write their initial thoughts. Teachers will also support students as they work on completing the organizer.Hook/Introduction The topic will be framed as a continuation of the previous lesson (identifyingHow will you introduce the topic, themes in sections of the book). Students will complete taking the notes on theskill, strategy, exploration, etc. in posters and then tally up the themes that they see.a way that quickly immersesstudents in the learning Students will transfer their knowledge about the themes present in certainexperience? How will you build on sections of the book to the entire ending of the book. Then they will be able toyour students’ background identify the themes present throughout the entire book.knowledge and priorexperiences?Exploration and Concept Do NowDevelopment - Finish Gallery WalkSpecify sequence of instructional - Tally up the themesactivities and the learning - Discussion of the most prevalent themesexperience. Consider howinstructional strategies, Main Activityparticipation structures, formative - Completion of Thematic Organizerassessments, and instructionalsequencing and pacing mightinfluence your design of thislearning experience. revised 8/2011

ST Name: Closure Students will select the essay question that they want to answer.How will you tie the lessontogether at the end to help Students will be informally assessed by the teacher circulating throughout thestudents internalize what they classroom and looking at students’ completion of the organizer with appropriatehave learned? How will you make information.them aware of how this lessonconnects to subsequent lessons?AssessmentHow will you monitor studentlearning throughout the lesson?What pre-assessments, formativeassessments, and summativeassessments will you use toinform your lesson and to plansubsequent ones? How willstudents demonstrate what theyhave learned in ways that alsoenable you to assess studentprogress toward identifiedlearning objectives?Accessibility Students are able to write as much as they can in the thematic organizer. TheyIn what ways have you ensured will also be supported by the teacher as she/he circulates the classroom.the accessibility of learningexperiences with regard toobjectives, materials, participationstructures, instructionalstrategies, demonstrations oflearning, and other scaffolding?How have you planned for thediffering strengths and needs ofyour students? revised 8/2011

ST Name: Do Now:​ Theme Gallery Walk 1. Gallery Walk - You will have 15 minutes to collect notes for the gallery walk. 2. Use the tally box below to count the number of times you see a certain themeTheme Patriarchy / Dating Societal Body Image Sexuality Misogyny Norms NormsHow manytimes do yousee thistheme?What was the most common theme at the end of the book? Which quotes/evidence supports this theme? 3. ​Thematic Organizer​ - Now, we will take a closer look at the themes in the novel. I will create fivegroups for each theme. You can choose the one that you would like to explore more in-depth for youressay.Which of the five themes do you want to explore? will write your answers on your personal thematic organizer. You will also write one collectively on apiece of chart paper for the class to use.Exit TicketFrom the following essay questions, which one do you want to focus on for your essay? Circle youranswer. revised 8/2011

ST Name: Essay Options 1) How are the characters in the novel are affected by patriarchy/misogyny? 2) How do the characters in the book reinforce or challenge societal, dating, or gender norms? How does the novel challenge and/or perpetuate societal norms, dating norms, or gender roles? 3) What does Gabi’s journey in dating teach us about healthy relationships? 4) What does Gabi’s journey teach us about self-love and self-acceptance? 5) Choose your own adventureHomework: Write at least one paragraph answer the essay question as a way to brainstorm what youwill write on your essay.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ revised 8/2011


Name: ________________________ Literary Essay Classnotes 411th Grade English - G​ abi, A Girl in Pieces OBSERVATION 7Content Objectives:SWBAT identify and order the different pieces of the sample paragraphSWBAT complete their body paragraphs in the allotted class period.SWBAT assess at least one peer using the checklistLanguage Objectives:SWBAT speak with their partner to identify the different sections of the sample essay andwrite numbers in the spaces to properly order them.SWBAT write their paragraphs using the outlines and graphic organizers provided.SWBAT select the thesis statement, the evidence, and the analysis from their peer’s paperDo Now: W​ ork in partners to​ ​ label and order the following paragraph.Thesis Statement: The author of ​Gabi, A Girl in Pieces​, Isabel Quintero, challenges the idea of “boys will be boys” by showing its harmful effects through the characters of Cindy, Georgina, German, and Gabi.  __Another character who is harmed by the idea of “boys will be boys” is Georgina.   __Georgina is caught having sex with Joshua in the stairwell at school. She gets suspended and she gets beaten by her father. Later, it is revealed that Georgina is pregnant from Joshua.   __Because she is afraid of what her father may do, Georgina takes sole responsibility for the pregnancy and decides to get an abortion. She never even tells Joshua about the pregnancy.  __This situation demonstrates the harmful impacts of “boys will be boys” because Georgina does not expect Joshua to take any responsibility. Instead, she makes all of the decisions and lets him continue to live his life without any of the shame, guilt, or regret that she feels. Even though Joshua contributed to the pregnancy, he did not have to make any decisions about the solution.  (p 204)[Pass out evidence sheet. T: We have noticed that it is difficult for some of us to find quotes thatsupport our thesis, so we have created an evidence packet. How is this packet organized? Howcan we use these packets to support our writing? Do we need to copy the entire quote word forword? What can we use instead when we want to only use certain parts? (answer: ellipses)]Evidence Sheet

We have taken quotes from G​ abi, A Girl in Pieces​ that you may be able to use in your bodyparagraphs. Remember to select quotes that ​support your thesis statement.[We are going to use the rest of the period to continue working on our body paragraphs. We willbe coming around to conference with you and discuss your progress. Please do not scream forus across the room. Many people need help and we will get to you. Use your classmates forhelp too. We are not the only ones who know how to write these essays. You may talk, but workwhile you talk.]Writing TimeUse this time to complete your body paragraphs. Remember, you can make as many bodyparagraphs as you think are necessary.[When you are finished with your paragraphs, swap paper with one of your peers. Use thechecklist below to check for each part of the body paragraph. Who can quickly tell me what thethree parts of a boy paragraph are? (write these on the board for students). Take the checklistseriously because your classmate is counting on this feedback to do well on this paper. You willalso be graded for your feedback.]Peer ReviewWhen you are finished with your paragraphs, swap papers with one of your classmates. Use thechecklist to check their paper.

Peer EditPeer’s name_____________________________________Your name_______________________________________What is the thesis statement? Copy it below.Underline ​and label the ❏ Topic sentence ❏ Evidence ❏ AnalysisDoes the topic sentence connect to the thesis?Does the evidence connect to the topic sentence?What is something you like?What is something that you think needs improvement?


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