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Home Explore Extra Clase Coding

Extra Clase Coding

Published by Emmanuel Lopez Angulo, 2022-10-21 16:21:11

Description: Extra Clase Coding


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Extra Clase Coding Emmanuel López Angulo

Índice 3.Biografía de Nicolás Tesla 4.Video explicando la biografía de Nicolás Tesla 5.Inventos de Nicolás Tesla 6. infográfica de lenguajes de programación 7. \"Hola mundo en 12 lenguajes de programación 8. contraportada

Biografia de Nikolas Tesla Nikola Tesla symbolizes a unifying force and inspiration for all nations in the name of peace and science. He was a true visionary far ahead of his contemporaries in the field of scientific development. New York State and many other states in the USA proclaimed July 10, Tesla’s birthday- Nikola Tesla Day. Many United States Congressmen gave speeches in the House of Representatives on July 10, 1990 celebrating the 134th anniversary of scientist-inventor Nikola Tesla. Senator Levine from Michigan spoke in the US Senate on the same occasion. The street sign “Nikola Tesla Corner” was recently placed on the corner of the 40th Street and 6th Avenue in Manhattan. There is a large photo of Tesla in the Statue of Liberty Museum. The Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey has a daily science demonstration of the Tesla Coil creating a million volts of electricity before the spectators’ eyes. Many books were written about Tesla: Prodigal Genius: The Life of Nikola Tesla by John J. O’Neill and Margaret Cheney’s book Tesla: Man out of Time has contributed significantly to his fame. A documentary film Nikola Tesla, The Genius Who Lit the World, produced by the Tesla Memorial Society and the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, The Secret of Nikola Tesla (Orson Welles), BBC Film Masters of the Ionosphere are other tributes to the great genius.


Inventors of Nikola Tesla

Lenguajes de programacion

Hola Mundo en 12 lenguajes Lenguaje C++ Lenguaje C #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> int main() { int main() { std::cout << \"Hello World\"; printf(\"Hello World\"); return 0; return 0; } } Lenguaje Cobol Python IDENTIFICATION D IVISION. print(“Hola mundo”) PROGRAM-ID. Hello-world. PROCEDURE DIVISION. Lenguaje Mablab DISPLAY \"Hello World\". . disp('Hello World'); Lenguaje Scala C# object HelloWorld extends App { printIn(\"Hello World\") namespace HelloWorld { } class Hello { CoffeScript static void Main(string[] args) console.lof 'Hello World' { System.Console.WriteLine(\"Hello World\"); Lenguajes de Dardos } main(){ } print('Hello World'); } } Ruby Idioma Pascal puts 'Hello World' program Hello; begin writeln ('Hello, world.'); end.

Emmanuel López Angulo

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