MOVING UP TO TAHCAEDHEEMWYETT Your guide on what to expect from your new school
WELCOME I HOPE YOU ARE ALL SAFE MR LITTLE AND WELL, AND HAVE BEEN ABLE TO GET BACK TO THE HEWETT SCHOOL FOR JUST A BIT! ACADEMY PRINCIPAL I know there will be a mixture of emotions about coming up to high school - some of you will be very excited, whilst others might be nervous. To help you with this, we have produced a booklet that you might like to look through to remind you all about what life is going to be like at The Hewett Academy. Read this through with your parents or carers and if you have any questions, please ask your parents/carers to email me. I know we can’t all be together at the moment as usually we would be, but we will do our best to ensure you have a smooth transition to high school. We are really looking forward to meeting you, and have a fantastic summer. The Hewett Academy Transition Guide — 3
YNOEUWR TEACHERS Mr Little Ms Austin Mr Weare Principal Vice Principal Vice Principal YEAR 7 FORM TUTORS Dr Ambrose Mrs Watson Mrs Aslangul 7SAM 7KWT 7MAS 4 — Visit for more information
Mrs George-Samuels Mr Baker Mrs Pearce Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal USEFUL EMAIL ADDRESSES Mr Little [email protected] SENDCo: Mrs George-Samuels Miss Austin [email protected] [email protected] Mr Weare [email protected] SRB Lead: Mrs Rider Mrs George-Samuels [email protected] [email protected] Transition Co-ordinator: Mrs Ferguson Mr Baker [email protected] [email protected] Mrs Pearce [email protected] Site Manager: Mr Terry Dr Ambrose [email protected] [email protected] Mrs Watson [email protected] Mrs Aslangul [email protected] The Hewett Academy Transition Guide — 5
SCHOOL DAY 8.40am 8:45am 9:45am Line up Lesson 1 Lesson 2 10:45am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm Break Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lunch 1:30pm 1:50pm 2:50pm 3:50pm Tutor Time Lesson 5 Lesson 6 End of day Monday and Friday – end of school 2:50pm. Wednesday – Enrichment for KS3 -1:30pm – 2:50pm 6 — Visit for more information
TIMETABLE EXPLAINED You will have a timetable which will look something like this. It will tell you which subject you are doing, when, the room you need to be in and the name of your teacher. Don’t worry about finding your way around - there will always be lots of you heading for the same room. Monday 8:45am 9:45am Tuesday 7A/En1 7A/Ma1 English Maths A7 RLU B36 FMI 7ab/Sc1 7A/Fr1 Science French B24 KMO B27 KJU GROUP 7ab/Sc1 Science SUBJECT B24 KMO ROOM & TEACHER We use the first initial, of staff’s forename (K) and first two initials of surname (MO) for the code (KMO). The Hewett Academy Transition Guide — 7
WHO’S WHO?DEPARTMENTS & SUBJECTS Miss Lee Miss Hill Miss Nicholas Head of Creative Arts Creative Arts Creative Arts Mrs Sturgeon Miss Marrow Mr Ralph Head of English English English Mr Goodwin Mrs Watson Miss K Jullien Head of Humanities Humanities Modern Foreign Language 8 — Visit for more information
Miss Aslangul Mrs Middleton Mr Crumpton Modern Foreign Head of Maths Maths Language Miss Stone Miss Lukey Miss Morris Maths Maths Head of Science Dr Taylor Dr Ambrose Mr Self Science Science Sports Science Development Officer Miss Lawrence Mrs Bradshaw PE PE The Hewett Academy Transition Guide — 9
NEW ENVIRONMENT LOCKERS ASSEMBLY Lockers are available to all students and can be There will be one assembly per week, which will be ‘bought’ at Students Services, the cost is £6, which held in the Walter Roy Theatre. Students enter in is refundable when both keys and padlock are year groups and fill up the seats as they enter. returned to Student Services. LINING UP/TRANSITION CHANGING ROOMS BETWEEN LESSONS These are located in the PE block and are All students line up outside the classroom in a locked when lessons are taking place. A tray will straight line in silence, wearing full uniform, until be provided for all valuables and locked away the teacher asks them to enter the classroom. during lessons. At the end of lessons, students move around the school in a quick, quiet manner, keeping to the START & END left in the corridors. We have a one-way system OF LESSONS for the stairs; up the stairs outside A14 and down the stairs near B23 (Science corridor) or B29 (MFL There will be a bell at the start corridor). No running, shouting, eating or drinking and end of lessons and after in the corridors. break and lunch. Students need to arrive at their lesson as quickly as possible. 10 — Visit for more information
CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Once students have entered the classroom, they will stand behind their allocated chair in silence until the teacher asks them to sit. The register will be taken and work will be on the board for students to start. Students need to raise their hand to answer a question or ask a question – no calling out. Students are expected to work quietly and sanctions will follow if standards are not met. TIMETABLE All students will be given a timetable on their first day and Form Tutors will go through this with you. It is a good idea to copy the timetable into their planner. CYCLES Cycle sheds are provided at the front of school. Please ensure you have the appropriate safety equipment and have a lock. The cycle sheds are locked during the day but cycles are left at your own risk. ATTENDANCE Good attendance is important at The Hewett Academy, therefore 100% attendance should be aimed for. PEDESTRIANS Please enter by either gate on Cecil Road, keeping to the markings on the ground. CARS Students can be dropped off on Cecil Road pedestrian entry via Gate 1 (opposite Trafford Road). Alternatively, cars are allowed on site, the gate near Ipswich Road can be used to enter and the other gate to exit. Drivers should be aware of pedestrians and the 5mph speed limit in the car park. The Hewett Academy Transition Guide — 11
MAP 12 — Visit for more information
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YOUR NEW UNIFORM If you are not wearing the correct uniform, this Hairstyles should not be extreme, this includes will result in a sanction and if not resolved, this unnatural colours or sharp contrasts in colours. will lead to you not being allowed into lessons Sharp contrasts in length or patterns shaved into until you are appropriately dressed. hair are not allowed. Minimum hair length allowed Jewellery is generally inappropriate for school is a Number 2 cut. Hair accessories should be and can be a hazard. Therefore, it should be discreet and functional. Headscarves may be worn limited to a watch and one pair of small stud for religious purposes. earrings to be worn, one in each lobe of each ear. Make-up and nail varnish must be subtle – for No other body piercings are permitted, covering example, no coloured nail varnish or eye shadow. of such with plasters is not sufficient – nose studs Deodorant must be stick or roll on format – or rings may not be worn in school. No jewellery is no aerosols. to be worn in PE lessons, it needs to be placed in a tray and locked away. THE FINAL DECISION ON THE SUITABILITY Bags should all be sturdy school bags, not OF STUDENT APPEARANCE RESTS WITH handbags, jute bags or drawstring and worn THE PRINCIPAL. IN SOME CASES THE on both shoulders. STUDENT MAY BE SENT HOME TO CHANGE INTO APPROPRIATE UNIFORM. 14 — Visit for more information
CLOTHES Tie Blue and yellow striped Shoes Plain black, polished. Must be suitable for Blazer Blue blazer with pre-sewn badge (no rolled- school. Trainers, suede or canvas shoes, boots up sleeves. & ankle boots are not allowed. High heels are Shirt Plain white. Must be worn tucked into trousers considered dangerous on the grounds of health or skirt. Top button to be fastened at all times. and safety and not allowed. Trousers Grey tailored. No turn-ups, cords, PE kit Black shorts with logo, black/white polo patterns, denims or fashion trousers. Trousers shirt with logo, black football socks, black trainers, should cover the ankle. If a belt is worn it must be black/white tracksuit bottoms with logo (optional), plain black and not have a large buckle. black/white shorts with logo. Skirt School grey front pleat or grey Charleston. No more than 2 inches above or below the knee. All uniform is available from: Jumper (optional) School grey ‘v’ necked jumper Stevensons, Ber Street, Norwich, NR1 3AD. Top coats Dark colours – no logos, hooded Telephone 01603 622355 sweatshirts, denim, military or camouflage. Email [email protected] Socks/tights/leggings Plain black ankle socks. Plain black tights (no bare legs). Plain black ankle socks (Summer term). Leggings are allowed as an alternative to tights, provided they are black and meet the black socks (no gaps). The Hewett Academy Transition Guide — 15
WHAT YOU NEED FOR SCHOOL REBAODOINKG PENCIL BLACK PEN RULER ERASER THE MSAEGVNENIFICENT SHPAERNPCENILER PLANNER SCHOOL SHOP PE KIT The school shop is open before school, break and PE kit – for every PE lesson, even if you are injured, lunchtimes if you forget any equipment. This is ill or unable to fully participate in the lesson. An situated in Student Services. active role will be undertaken by students, such as Also required: a Scientific calculator, water bottle umpiring, scoring or coaching. – must be see-through with a non-spill lid, water only, no fizzy/energy drinks allowed. 16 — Visit for more information
HOSUYSSETEM We have three houses, named after prominent former Lord Mayor’s of Norwich. You will be allocated a house in school. You will have a Head and an Assistant Head of House to support you. The Hewett Academy Transition Guide — 17
DOS & DON’TS RUNNING LATE ABSENCE PROCEDURES If you arrive after 8:45am you must sign in at If a student is absent, a parent/carer needs to call Reception, and get to your lesson as quickly the absence message line on 01603 531550. Please as possible. leave details of your child’s name, reason for absence and their form. Please phone every day your child is MOBILE PHONES absent. If your child is taken ill during the school day, they will be assessed and if it is decided that they Mobiles MUST be switched OFF once on the school need to go home, we will make contact with you. For site. If you use your mobile during the school day, this reason it is vital we hold current contact details. including break and lunch, it will be confiscated and No child will be allowed to leave unless a parent/ you will receive a sanction. Your parents/carers will carer has been contacted. Please try to make medical be contacted and they will have to come into school appointments after school or in the school holidays and collect you mobile. and do not keep your child off for the whole day. VALUABLES HOLIDAYS Any valuables that you bring into school are In accordance with Government and Local Authority your responsibility to ensure they do not get lost, guidelines, we do not, as a rule, authorise holidays broken or stolen. during term time. However, if parents/carers decide to take you out of school, they should DETENTIONS complete a Leave of Absence Form, available from Student Services, this should be returned to the If you do not have a legitimate reason for school at least three weeks before the start of the missing a detention, you may be given a more proposed absence. Please note authorisation will serious sanction. not be granted unless it is the most exceptional of circumstances for which you may be asked to provide evidence. Parents/carers are at risk of a fine from the Local Authority for levels of unauthorised absence. MEDICAL CARE Parents/carers should let the school know if you have any allergies or health problems on the health form in the admission pack. If you need medication during the day, parents/carers need to collect and complete a form from Student Services, giving us permission to administer medication. Students suffering from asthma will need a named inhaler in school and if possible a spare to be kept in our medical room. The Hewett Academy Transition Guide — 19
DAINRRINAGNGEMENTS The school operates a cashless catering facility. If students receive a free school meal and parents/ This means parents/carers will need to top- carers did not complete the form in the admissions up their child’s account by using ParentPay. pack, one can collect a form from Student services. Students will then use their fingertip to pay for This form should be returned, with the required their food and snacks. A form was sent in the proof, to Student Services, before the start of term. admission pack. Students can however, start a claim for free meals £2 - £2.50 is enough to buy a healthy lunch. at any time throughout the year, as your Alternatively students can bring a packed lunch circumstances change. which can be eaten in the Dining Room or outside. Food can be bought from the Dining Room or the BREAKFAST CLUB Snack Shack, situated on Clock Tower Green, at break and lunch times. We run a free Breakfast Club every day in the Dining Room from 8:15am – 8:40am serving bagels, fruit and juice. All students are welcome. 20 — Visit for more information
FRIENDS HOFEWETT Dear Year 6 Parents, • D uring Covid-19 we fundraised to ensure every As your child will be joining The Hewett child had online access with dongles and wifi Academy in September, we wanted to write and subscriptions for three months. We gifted 35 welcome you to Friends of Hewett. laptops to children who needed them to access The Hewett Academy is a small school with a their studies. We also worked with Mrs George- BIG community! Friends of Hewett is The Hewett Samuels and her team to ensure every child Academy PTA. But we are much more than a receiving free school meals received a fortnightly regular PTA. We are a registered charity. We were delivery of fresh fruit and vegetables in addition set up by three year 7 parents in September 2019. to their free school meal vouchers or supplies. Since then we have managed to raise an incredible £100,000 to enrich our fantastic • W e have fundraised to buy tickets so 14 children school and support The Hewett Academy pupils can go to see Les Miserable at the Theatre Royal. and their families. • W e have arranged a visit from Mini Donkeys for HERE ARE A FEW OF THE wellbeing in September 2020. THINGS WE HAVE DONE BY ALL PULLING TOGETHER: We would love you to get involved and help us grow! Everyone is welcome. We are a very • H elped realise science teacher, Dr Taylor’s vision friendly group. No cliques allowed. to create an eco garden on site. Parent, teacher and pupil volunteers held a Big Hewett Dig Day YOU CAN CONTACT US HERE and we planted over 300 trees. We are planning TO FOLLOW US OR SIGN UP more volunteer days in the Autumn term. FOR OUR NEWSLETTER Everyone will be welcome! • P arent volunteers helped clear the old library Twitter @friendsofhewett and raised over £7,000 for new books that better [email protected] represent the diverse pupils of today. Take care, from the Friends of Hewett • We fundraised to create, Assistant Principal, #OurSchool #OurCommunity Mrs George-Samuel’s dream to create a Family #EveryoneWelcome #BackTogetherStronger Community Lounge at the school. Parent #GrowingAGreatSchoolForOurKids volunteers cleared and painted the room. This room will be open for all Hewett families to come for a cuppa. It’s got a homely atmosphere and a new kitchen! • W e have fundraised to renovate two counselling rooms to help create safe spaces for pupils receiving wellbeing and mental health support. The Hewett Academy Transition Guide — 21
FEEDBACK FORM TELL US WHAT YOU THINK OF THIS BOOKLET We really hope this booklet has helped you find out all the answers to your questions about The Hewett Academy. It’s the first time we have made one of these so we would love to hear how useful you found it. Please complete the following and take this page to your teacher when you start. Circle which describes how you feel best: 1 This booklet has helped me to prepare for moving up to The Hewett Academy. 2 I feel confident about moving up to The Hewett Academy. 3 Other things I wanted to know about The Hewett Academy are: Parents/Carers: Please complete the following: 1 Have you other children at this school already? Yes/No 2 H ave you looked through the booklet? Yes/No If you have, how useful did you find it? Circle the emoji that best describes how you feel. 3 Is there anything else you think should have been included? Please add any ideas. Thank you! Please remind your child to take this page to school with them and hand it in when they start. 22 — Visit for more information
SAFER SCHOOLS OFFICER Hello, I’m PC Gez Hughes the PC GEZ Safer Schools Officer at The Hewett HUGHES Academy, Norwich. I’m here to help keep you safe so you can enjoy your time THE HEWETT at school. I look forward to meeting you ACADEMY SAFER in September. SCHOOLS OFFICER I work at the school Monday to Friday so you can always come and speak with me or text my mobile 07989 300334 on those days. I SUPPORT: – The safety of pupils and staff, as well as the school site and surrounding area – Young people in dealing with situations that may put them at risk of becoming victims of crime, bullying or intimidation, and providing support to those experiencing these things – Early identification, support, and, where necessary, challenging pupils involved in, or at risk of, offending – Improved standards of pupil behaviour and attendance, lessening the need for exclusions – Improving relations between young people and the police, and between young people and the wider community – Effectively approaching issues beyond the school site that negatively impact on pupil safety and behaviour Please note that my mobile will only be checked on the days I am actually at work and in an emergency or for something that cannot wait please call 999/101.
The Hewett Academy, Norwich Designed by Naked Marketing Cecil Road, Norwich NR1 2PL Main office 01603 531564 Selected Illustrations by Email [email protected] Beverley Gene Coraldean
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