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Home Explore NOA Schools Transitions Brochure_Sewell Park Academy (11) (1)

NOA Schools Transitions Brochure_Sewell Park Academy (11) (1)

Published by e.vandeventer, 2020-09-11 06:28:54

Description: NOA Schools Transitions Brochure_Sewell Park Academy (11) (1)


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MOVING UP TO SAECWADEELLMYPARK Perseverance, Resilience, High Expectations Your guide on what to expect from your new school


WELCOME Dear Year 7 Students A message from Head of Year 7 It is with pleasure that we look forward to you joining us at We are very pleased to welcome all our new Year 7 Sewell Park Academy in September. The transition to high students and their parents/carers into the Sewell Park school is a very exciting time in the next stage of education, family. As Head of Year 7 and Transition Coordinator, I will and we have a fantastic team of staff to support all students be working closely with all of you to make sure the move over the next 5 years. from primary to high school is as smooth and enjoyable as possible. It is perfectly normal to feel a mix of different At Sewell Park, our ethos is one of perseverance, resilience emotions about this big change and the current events have and having high expectations, both of ourselves and others. unfortunately meant that we have not been able to provide Through this, you will be supported to follow your interests our usual program of activities to help you get ready for and achieve the very best you can. I hope that this booklet when you join us. will give you an introduction to us as a school and answer some of the questions you may have before September. However, the staff at Sewell Park are very experienced at helping students and their families and have been We look forward to seeing you very soon as part of our busy making all the preparations to ensure the move is a Sewell Park Community. success! The Year 7 ‘Flying Start’ transition program is now well established at the school and will provide a wide range MR DAY of activities, events and ways of supporting each and every student through their first year at the school. SEWELL PARK ACADEMY We can’t wait to meet you all in person when the new HEADTEACHER school year starts in September but in the meantime, please stay safe and enjoy the rest of the summer. MR GANNON HEAD OF YEAR 7 Email: [email protected] Sewell Park Academy Transition Guide — 3

WHO’S WHO?USEFUL PEOPLE TO KNOW! Mr Day Dr Evans Headteacher Deputy Headteacher HEADS OF YEAR Mr Gannon Mr Woods Mr Moore Mr Lewis Head of Year 7, Head of Year 8, Head of Year 9, Head of Year 10, Safeguarding Teaching & Learning Behaviour, Systems, & Attendance Rewards & Transition Exams & Admissions Mrs Barwick Mrs Esherwood Mr Payne Mrs Ray Head of Year 11, Assessments Futures Director SENDCO & Intervention & Progress & Aspirations of Curriculums 4 — Visit for more information

YEAR GROUP LEADERS & PASTORAL CARE Mr Dunning – Year Group Leader & Inclusion Manager Mr McGeachin – Year Group Leader [email protected] [email protected] Mr Tibble – Year Group Leader Miss Williams – Year Group Leader [email protected] [email protected] YEAR 7 FORM TUTORS Mr Dempsey – Form 7JD Ms Hesmondhalgh – Form 7LH Mr Hollis – Form 7BH [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Miss Lemmon – Form 7GL Mr Neave – Form 7TN Miss Perkins – Form 7HP [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Sewell Park Academy Transition Guide — 5

HEADS OF DEPARTMENT Miss Duncan Mr Payne Mr Thompson Mrs Ray Head of English Head of History Head of Maths Head of Geography Mrs Robbins Mr Spicer Mrs Kettle Acting Head of Science Head of RE & PSHE Head of Modern Foreign Language Miss Taylor Miss Fisher Ms Hesmondhalgh Head of PE Head of Performing Arts Head of Technology Mrs Esherwood Mr Merry Ms Gibson Head of Music Head of Art Head of Business, ICT and Health & Social Care 6 — Visit for more information

STUDENT RECEPTION Hello Students MRS HARPER We are Mrs Harper and Miss Price – your Student Receptionists. Student Reception is open from MISS 8.30am to 3.30pm. PRICE If you aren’t feeling well during the day, have an accident or need to take your medication, you can come to the front office for assistance. If you use an inhaler or epipen you must keep one with you at all times and it is a good idea to have a spare one kept in reception. If you need to go home during the day, reception will contact your parent/carer to discuss and arrange this. It is really important to make sure we are kept updated with any changes in telephone numbers and email addresses. At Student Reception you can also buy a new tie, which are £7; pay in money for school activities; hire a locker and get a print out of your timetable, you can get this during break or lunchtime and it’s 20p per copy. Parents and Carers can contact us on 01603 411721 or [email protected] We look forward to meeting you all. SAFER SCHOOLS PARTNERSHIP Hello I’m PC Jackie Armstrong the Safer Schools officer at Sewell Park Academy, Norwich. I’m here to help keep you safe and to enjoy your time at school. I look forward to meeting you in September. I work at the school Monday, Tuesday, and Friday so you can always come and speak with me in my office. PC Armstrong Sewell Park Academy Transition Guide — 7

SCHOOL DAY 8.40am 8.45am 8.50am 9.50am Arrival at school Registration Period 1 Period 2 10.50am 11.05m 12.05pm 13.05pm Break Period 3 Period 4 Lunch 13.45pm 14.05pm 15.05pm Form time Period 5 End of school day Period 6 (Monday’s) Monday Enrichment On Monday’s all year groups stay for an additional hour to take part in an enrichment activity of their choosing. There’s lots to choose from sports, language, reading, drama and much more! 8 — Visit for more information

TIMETABLE EXPLAINED You will have a timetable which will look something Don’t worry about finding your way around – there will like this. It will tell you which subject you are doing, always be lots of you heading for the same room. The when, the room you need to be in and the name of timetable runs over two weeks – week A and week B – your teacher. each week will be different. Period 1 Period 2 Monday A Computer Science Physical 7CS-K Education / Sports Mr Day 7PE-K 22 Miss Taylor SP Tuesday B Science English 7CS-K 7EN-K Mr Evans Miss Pace S1 10 English SUBJECT GROUP 7EN-K TEACHER Miss Pace ROOM 10 Sewell Park Academy Transition Guide — 9

MAP St Clements Hill Front Gate 10 — Visit for more information

St Clements Hill Gate (Nursery) Sewell Park Academy Transition Guide — 11

YOUR NEW UNIFORM We believe that a student who turns up in full smart CLOTHES uniform is displaying the right attitude to want to learn and fulfill their potential. Essential uniform: • Official Sewell Park blazer All students are expected to follow the uniform code and • Smart black trousers (no leggings, jeans or skinny/tight the wearing of full school uniform is an integral part of the school ethos, which promotes positive attitudes, high fit trousers) standards and a sense of personal pride. • Black pleated, knee length skirt • Plain white collared shirt Students not wearing the correct uniform will receive • Official Sewell Park tie a sanction. • Sensible black footwear (includes plain black trainers) • Black or white socks FOR FULL DETAILS OF • Black or tan tights OUR UNIFORM CODE AND WHERE TO BUY PLEASE Optional item: VISIT OUR WEBSITE • Official Sewell Park jumper PE kit: • Official Sewell Park PE top • Black shorts or track bottoms • PE trainers (not fashion trainers such as Converse) Optional items: • Official Sewell Park track top (no other track tops permitted) • Black base layer • Football boots • Shin pads • Gum shield 12 — Visit for more information


MINNIE, YEAR 7 and teachers were so lovely and friendly, showing us where to go if we got lost and making conversation When I was in Year 6 and looking around with you if you were by yourself. I made loads of different high schools, I went to see 4 or 5 friends in my first week of school and they all have schools – most of them competitors of each stuck with me up to right now. other. When I came to look around Sewell Park Academy the staff and students had put loads There isn’t any reason to be scared to come up to of effort into making the school look awesome, high school. When you get there you immediately which made me want to go there even more! feel more mature and it’s really fun! So when you do come up, you can always come up to talk to me about On my first day, everyone was so nice, especially anything. I won’t be hard to find :) because me and my friend had gone to the wrong form in the morning *facepalm*. All of the students You are probably feeling a mixture of all sorts of HARRISON, YEAR 7 things about leaving primary school and starting Year 7 at SPA, especially because of these odd are, after a few lessons in them you just know where times we are in at the moment. You may have lots they are. All the teachers are really nice and are always of things you are unsure about, more so because willing to give support when it’s needed. The work set you have not been able to have transition days. was obviously slightly different and more than was set in primary school but as long as you keep on top of it, My first few weeks during school in Sewell Park you shouldn’t feel overloaded. were not as weird as I expected, once you had your timetable, and knew which people were in your lessons, My experience at Sewell Park has been really positive it was just a matter of finding the classes together. It and I haven’t felt worried or anxious about anything, didn’t take long to remember where the classrooms the lessons are as fun as possible and I have been pleased with how my time has been here so far. INES, YEAR 7 The lessons are fun and engaging and they don’t just teach you the subject, they teach you to enjoy The people at Sewell Park Academy are very learning. It has been amazing studying the different friendly and inviting, and this has helped me subjects and meeting new people. The library is my get to grips with the school and the different favourite place, it is a comfortable place to read the subjects. I came from a small primary school many books on the shelves. It is very cosy. You know where there was only one class in each year. that you are in a safe environment with teachers and friends you can trust; Sewell Park doesn’t just help I wasn’t overwhelmed by the size of Sewell Park and I you academically it also teaches you to respect haven’t got lost once since joining high school. I know others, value the opportunity to learn and take pride that if I have a problem that needs solving I know in your work. there is always someone who can help me. 14 — Visit for more information

ALRETATEIRTWNUIDNAEGRT&DO STARS AN ESSENTIAL PRE- WHOLE ACADEMY REQUISITE FOR EFFECTIVE REWARDS SYSTEM TEACHING AND LEARNING Promoting a culture of praise and encouragement in All students should know and understand the which all students can achieve. system so they know what is expected of them within the classroom. Pride in your work by showing a love of learning and being creative A1 and A2 are warnings that their behaviour or their attitude is not acceptable Pride in your work by showing excellent presentation A3 is a continuation of these attitudes or behaviour and results in a 20 minute detention Pride in your work by contributing to a positive climate for learning A4 is a further continuation of these attitudes or behaviour and results in a removal from the classroom Pride in the Academy by showing excellent and a 40 minute detention conduct / respect for other people AA4 is the most serious sanction and is automatic removal from the classroom – this could result in a day in the internal exclusion room CALM, ENGAGED & RESPECTFUL Students are expected to follow the SPA social routines and display Calm, Engaged and Respectful attitudes and behaviours at all times, not just in school but out and about in the community too. These include: following all instructions (especially those relating to COVID-19 and keeping safe), speaking in a volume appropriate to the situation, saying please and thank you, being supportive of others, joining in class discussion and listening to the contribution of others, plus many more… Sewell Park Academy Transition Guide — 15

DAINRRINAGNGEMENTS CANTEEN OPENING TIMES BREAKFAST 7.40 TO 8.35AM LUNCH 1.05 TO 1.35PM IT’S OPEN AT MORNING BREAK TIME TOO We operate a cashless catering system so that There is a wide range of delicious hot and cold items students don’t have to carry cash around school. available, including vegan and vegetarian options. You can choose a baguette or wrap from our popular sandwich bar or Currently, students can credit money to their individual at the ‘Grab and Go’ there’s take-away food such as pizza, account, which is identified by a unique pin number, by sausage rolls and nachos. At the hot counter there are jacket using the cashless machine situated inside the canteen. potatoes with a choice of fillings or you can choose a full hot You can also use the machine to check your balance, dinner with dessert. There’s a free salad bar too! or ask at the till. PRICES RANGE FROM £1 We are hoping to move over to an electronic payment TO £2.30 AND THERE system in the Autumn term, where fund’s can be added IS A MAXIMUM DAILY to student’s lunch account online – details will follow. SPEND LIMIT OF £8. 1166 ——RVuilsesitosfethweeSlclhpoaorl for more information

Sewell Park Academy Transition Guide — 17

FEEDBACK FORM TELL US WHAT YOU THINK OF THIS BOOKLET We really hope this booklet has helped you find out all the answers to your questions about Sewell Park Academy. It’s the first time we have made one of these so we would love to hear how useful you found it. Please complete the following and take this page to your teacher when you start. Circle which describes how you feel best: 1 T his booklet has helped me to prepare for moving up to Sewell Park Academy. 2 I feel confident about moving up to Sewell Park Academy. 3 Other things I wanted to know about Sewell Park Academy are: Parents/Carers: Please complete the following: 1 Have you other children at this school already? Yes/No 2 H ave you looked through the booklet? Yes/No If you have, how useful did you find it? Circle the emoji that best describes how you feel. 3 Is there anything else you think should have been included? Please add any ideas. Thank you! Please remind your child to take this page to school with them and hand it in when they start. 18 — Visit for more information

LIBRARY IASFTTHUECOERLSMU-SEBTCWHHOUORROKSL LIBRARY Our well stocked library is looked after 11AG&PVACUAMOZPIMELZRASLPINBEU&SLTTEEE,RRS LESSONS by Mrs Burnett, School Librarian. BORROW ONCE BOOKS AT A WEEK The library is open every day before school ANY TIME from 8am and after school Monday to Thursday until 4pm. Monday after school NOT JUST IN is for enrichment club and Tuesday to LESSONS Thursday is for homework club. You can also use the library during break time and lunch time and there are many games and puzzles available. No food or drink items are allowed in the library and coats and bags should be left tidily in the rack at the bottom of the stairs. MRS BURNETT Sewell Park Academy Transition Guide — 19

St. Clements Hill, Norwich Norfolk NR3 4BX @OfficialSewellPark @SewellPark Phone: 01603 411721 Email: [email protected] Sewell Park Academy is part Designed by Naked Marketing of the Boudica Schools Trust Illustrations by Beverley Gene Coraldean

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