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NOA Schools Transitions Brochure_Ormiston Academy (6)

Published by e.vandeventer, 2020-09-11 06:29:33

Description: NOA Schools Transitions Brochure_Ormiston Academy (6)


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MOVING UP TO OVRICMTIOSRTYONACADEMY Your guide on what to expect from your new school

USIFNEFUOL PRINCIPAL If you need to contact us, or if you would like hard copies of anything Miss Naomi Palmer from our website, please email the Principal’s PA, Miss Hawes who will RECEPTION be happy to respond to your query. OPENING TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBER Monday to Thursday 8.00am – 4.00pm 01603 742310 Friday 8.00am – 3.30pm EMAIL ACADEMY ADDRESS Ormiston Victory Academy FAX NUMBER Middleton Crescent Costessey 01603 741875 Norwich NR5 0PX TWITTER WEBSITE @victoryacad 2 — Visit for more information


WELCOME I am delighted to welcome you to our academy – NPAALOMMEIR we are thrilled that you have chosen to spend such ORMISTON VICTORY ACADEMY important years of your life here with us. PRINCIPAL We usually ask you to spend a fortnight with us in July so you and your family can become familiar with the building, the campus and the staff. I’m so sorry we haven’t been able to do that this year, but we are going to plan some special ‘Year 7 only’ days in September so you will quickly catch up and feel confident in your new home from home! At Victory, we believe education is not just about great learning experiences – it’s our duty to ensure you have many reasons to smile - that you experience a range of clubs, sports and you have plenty of opportunities to work as part of a community. We want you to have at least one person you’d go to if you needed to talk or share a problem and at least one amazing interest or hobby you love to pursue while you’re here. We believe hard work is worthy of rewards and positions of responsibility – student leadership is central to what we do and our rewards system helps you to get recognition for trying your best. Show us you’re ready to learn by being a dedicated, enthusiastic learner; a kind and helpful citizen and a positive member of our academy family. Enjoy the next few weeks having a great summer holiday and we will make sure we are ready to offer you the very best welcome in September. 4 — Visit for more information

WARHE‘O ORMISTON’ & WHAT DO THEY DO? A WORD FROM PETER MURRAY... My family and I set up the Ormiston Trust in 1969 in MUPRERTAERY memory of my sister, Fiona Ormiston Murray, who FOUNDER, ORMISTON was killed in a car crash along with her husband ACADEMIES on their honeymoon. Fiona adored children and TRUST all of my life I have also cared passionately about providing the very best learning opportunities for young people, no matter what their background, interests or circumstances. All of Ormiston’s work revolves around young people- they are our focus, and we always endeavor to ensure that our decisions will have a positive impact on their lives. Everyone at Ormiston Academies Trust shares these beliefs and together we will ensure that our academies are safe places, that they engage with the local community, include parents, businesses and other schools and, most importantly, give our children the very best environments in which to learn and enjoy. Ormiston Victory Academy is a great example of what Ormiston is trying to achieve, and the opportunities they offer are outstanding. The academy’s transformation shows how hard work and dedication can give young people the opportunity to flourish, whatever their circumstances. I am extremely proud of the outstanding achievements of your children and what they have done to ensure that Ormiston Victory sustains its place as an outstanding academy. Ormiston Victory Academy Transition Guide — 5

WHO’S WHO?USEFUL PEOPLE TO KNOW! Ms Le Fur Miss Palmer Mrs Ballentine Vice-Principal Principal Vice-Principal ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS Dr Allen Mrs Curson Mr Bunting Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Mr Duncan Mr Willis Mr Timm Miss Burrows Year 10 Year 11 6th Form Student Engagement 6 — Visit for more information

HEADS OF YEAR FOR BEHAVIOUR (HOYB) Mr Scott Mrs Taylor Miss Ellwood Mrs Woodcock Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Miss Burke Ms Rose Mrs Claflin Mr Miller Year 11 SENDCo Student Well-being Acting Head Advocate of Year 7 YEAR 7 FORM TUTORS 2020-2021 Ms Harniess Mr Frankowski Mr Ballentine Mrs Leary 7 LHA 7 OFR 7 DBA 7 HLE Miss Shields Miss Borland Mr Rogers Mr James 7 ISH 7 RBO 7 JRO 7 AJA Ormiston Victory Academy Transition Guide — 7

HEAD AMBASSADORS (GOLD STRIPES) Pippa A Emily R Jamie C Emily C Fabiana L 8 — Visit for more information

VICTORY VALUES ARE YOU READY TO LEARN? REASONABLE RESPECTFUL READY Teaching staff will use seating plans The following consequences may be and a range of de-escalation applied if there is poor behaviour in techniques to encourage good lesson or around the academy behaviour and create an effective learning environment. 1. Warning. The classroom teacher will provide students with one warning if Praise will be used to set high they are causing any disruption in the expectations at the start of the lesson, lesson and not ready to learn. in conjunction with non-verbal cues and private corrections in order to 2. R emoval to reflection room. If poor focus students on learning. behaviour persists, students will be sent to the RTL room for a full day Lessons will be structured and have a (5 lessons). focused framework, in order to allow students to understand what is being 3. Victory Community Service taught and how it links to what they already know. 4. Inclusion All staff members will support students’ 5. External Inclusion emotional wellbeing and welfare within the learning environment by 6. Fixed Term Inclusion encouraging students to develop effective social relationships. 7. Managed Move The overall aim of the structure of 8. Principal’s warning lessons is to actively engage students and to develop their learning skills 9. Permanent Exclusion systematically so that their learning becomes increasingly independent. Ormiston Victory Academy Transition Guide — 9

SAFEGUARDING At Ormiston Victory Academy we take WHAT SHOULD I DO IF I AM WORRIED ABOUT MYSELF safeguarding extremely seriously for all of OR SOMEONE ELSE? our Victory Community and try our utmost The most important thing is to tell someone! You can do this either in person or online… to keep everyone safe both online and in If you would prefer to report your concerns everyday life– it is embedded in everything online, these safeguarding reporting systems be can be found on our website: we do… We always do our very best to ensure that all students and staff feel safe, valued, listened to and respected. One of the ways we do this is to ensure tha t the five British Values build a firm foundation for the way we do things at Victory Academy. Tallest finger - church tower Wedding band finger TOLERANCE MUTUAL RESPECT of different cultures & religions Littlest one - me Pointing out injustice INDIVIDUAL RULES LIBERTY OF LAW BRITISH Thumbs up/thumbs down VALUES DEMOCRACY 10 — Visit for more information

CEOP (Child Exploitation & Online If you would rather talk to someone, below Protection) is a specialist branch of the you can see all the details of our Academy police dedicated to helping young people Safeguarding Team and you can speak to with any kind of online issues such as any of them about your worries. However, cyberbullying, child sexual exploitation and keeping children safe in the Academy is the online threats. The Sharp System reporting responsibility of everyone who works here button can be found in the “Landing so you can tell any member of staff about Pad” section and used if you want to tell your concerns and be sure that they will do us about anything you are worried about their very best to help you. regarding yourself or a friend. The Designated The Designated Safer Schools Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Officer is PC Dave Armstrong. is Dr D Allen. He’s here to keep students safe, reduce T: 01603 742310 Ext 207 the risk of young people getting drawn E: D.Allen@ormiston into crime, anti-social or extremist behaviour, and improve the safety of the school site and surrounding area. In the DSL’s absence the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are: Mrs S Claflin Ms V Le Fur T: 01603 742310 Ext 213 T: 01603 742310 Ext 205 E: S.Clafin@ormiston E: V.LeFur@ormiston Mrs A Cook Miss T Burrows T: 01603 742310 Ext 257 T: 01603 742310 E: A.Cook@ormiston E: T.Burrows@ormiston Mr R Timm Ms A Waters T: 01603 742310 Ext 254 T: 01603 742310 E: R.Timm@ormiston E: A.Waters@ormiston If you are worried about yourself or of staff (not necessarily a teacher) who someone else, or something someone they can trust if they are worried about says or does (either online or in real life) something and need to talk… makes concerns you or makes you feel uncomfortable, make sure you tell a The contact details of this trusted member trusted adult. of staff are recorded in your Victory Vitals booklet so that both you and your Parent or All students at Victory Academy are Carer know who to contact, and how, if you encouraged to identify a trusted member have a problem. Ormiston Victory Academy Transition Guide — 11

L&EAHRONMINEGWORK THE VICTORY 5 - ARE YOU READY TO LEARN? INDEPENDENT KNROEWCALLELDGE ACTIVE LEARNER LEARNER COLOEPAERRNAETRIVE REFLECTIVE LEARNER Victory Planner & Progress Tracker: Read the guidance, watch the videos and revise in preparation for your Core Your planner is part of your equipment and Knowledge Quiz and End of Topic should be used with your half termly Victory Assessments! Vitals: Book of Knowledge to record key information regarding your progress across Additional information: your ‘Ready to the academic year. This should remain in learn student planner and progress tracker’ form and be updated when instructed by also has crucial information on: how to be your form tutor/class teacher. a successful Victory student, our Victory Values, the school day, our uniform policy, You will also receive, each half term. a NEW Safeguarding and the British values that ‘Victory Vitals Book of Knowledge’! may need to review across the academic year with your form tutor. Inside your Victory Vitals Book of Knowledge, you will find a range of revision techniques to use to help you recall key information as well as personalised Knowledge Organisers based on the topic you are studying this half term. 12 — Visit for more information

IF YOU ARE READY TO WORK YOU... INDEPENDENT Are an Independent Learner LEARNER As an independent learner you can engage with tasks alone without support, using your initiative and problem-solving skills to complete tasks. You use intelligent and creative approaches to solve problems and show resilience in the face of challenges. KNROEWCALLELDGE Can Recall Knowledge You will use a wide range of strategies tailored to the way you learn best to help you recall knowledge across a wide range of subjects. To support with this, you will fully engage with your knowledge organisers and use these to achieve in your knowledge tests. ACTIVE Are an Active Learner LEARNER As an active learner you engage fully with your lessons and take an active role in all aspects of learning. Active learners challenge themselves in a variety of circumstances whether they be academic or creative. You actively seek help when you need it. As an active learner you model the key behaviours of an outstanding learner to ensure you play an active part in all your learning. COLOEPAERRNAETRIVE Are a Cooperative Learner As a cooperative learner you can engage in work in small groups with other students to achieve a common goal. You can do this with mutual respect for your fellow learners and respecting the views and ideas of others. You can work in a group to come up with creative and effective responses to the challenges that you face. REFLECTIVE Are a Reflective Learner LEARNER As reflective learners we are reflective and critical of the work we produce to improve. Reflective learners actively engage with feedback of others, whether it be teachers or fellow students and use it to improve their work. Ormiston Victory Academy Transition Guide — 13


MOBILES TRAFALGAR SPORT HOUSE LUKE DAY JUBILEE Student Services and the Main Hall are marked by the yellow star Ormiston Victory Academy Transition Guide — 15


YOUR NEW UNIFORM • Academy black blazer. • Academy black trousers or skirt • Optional grey tailored shorts in the summer term • Plain white shirt • Academy tie • Academy V neck jumper • Black socks or black tights • Black school shoes – No trainers/trainer-style • Optional Academy Waterproof Jacket Ormiston Victory Academy Transition Guide — 17

THE SCHOOL DAY 08.00 – 08.30 08.40 – 09.00 09.00 – 10.00 Breakfast (free toast & cereal) Form Time Registration Lesson 1 10.00 – 11.00 11.00 – 11.15 11.15 – 12.15 Lesson 2 Break time Lesson 3 12.15 – 12.45 12.45 – 13.45 13.45 – 14.45 Year 7 & 8 lunch time Lesson 4 Lesson 5 You may go home at the end of the day or join in with an after-school activity or homework club (until 4pm every day in the library) 18 — Visit for more information

TIMETABLE EXPLAINED So what do all the different codes mean? Look at the example timetable below – yours will be similar… THESE ARE THE LESSON NUMBERS 08.40 E.G. FORM TIME, LESSON 1... 14.45 Form 1 2 3 4 5 Mon Registration English French Science Humanities Mathematics Tue Miss K J K Merch Miss M J Eadie Mrs B Manske Miss G E Edward Mrs L R Rowe Miss A E Hazell Wed Teaching 4 Teaching 9 Thu Teaching 2 Science 3 Mobile 2 Jubilee 3 Fri Registration Mathematics Science Performing Arts English Social, Moral Miss K J K Merch Miss S E Person Miss G E Edward Mr P M Ormerod Miss M J Eadie Mr N Demeuzois Dance Studio Teaching 4 Teaching 2 Jubilee 4 Science 3 Teaching 7 Registration Creative Studio Creative Studio Computing Humanities English Miss K J K Merch Mr D L Grimes Mr D L Grimes Mr R B Arger Mrs A Cordy Miss M J Eadie Teaching 2 Teaching 2 Luke Day 3 Trafalgar 3 Teaching 4 Teaching 2 Registration French (Core) PE Humanities Mathematics Life Skills Miss K J K Merch Mrs B Manske Miss K E Webb Mrs L R Rowe Dr N Shamoon Miss A M Crone Teaching 9 Sports Hall Teaching 2 Mobile 2 Jubilee 6 Teaching 4 Registration Science Performing Arts Mathematics (Core) PE English Miss K J K Merch Mrs L Dwight Mrs L P Dalgleish Dr N Shamoon Miss K T Ellwood Miss M J Eadie Science 5 Drama Studio Teaching 4 Teaching 2 Jubilee 6 Sports Hall Mathematics CLASS SUBJECT Dr N Shamoon CLASS TEACHER ROOM NUMBER Jubilee 6 Ormiston Victory Academy Transition Guide — 19

RULESKGNEOTWTOOUR DO... DON’T... • Always be on time. • Rude, derogatory, racist or • Keep your appearance smart and tidy. defamatory language will not • Wear regulation academy uniform at all be tolerated. times to and from academy. • Do not run through hallways • Be considerate of your peers and the and corridors. extended community. • Do not shout out during lessons, or • Be polite and respectful at all times. shout to one another in hallways, or • Respect and look after the academy when in public places. premises and environment, both on the • Do not litter or not vandalise academy site and outside. academy property in any way. The following items are not allowed in the • Unauthorised absence from academy under any circumstances: academy will not be tolerated. • Alcohol and drugs. • Cigarettes, matches, and lighters. • Health and safety equipment is only • Chewing gum. for use in emergency situations and • Weapons of any kind. should not be tampered with under • Material that is inappropriate or illegal for any circumstances. children to have; such as racist, radical / • Disobeying staff will not be tolerated, extremist or pornographic material. • Energy drinks. • Under no circumstances will illegal or • Lasers. inappropriate items be brought into the academy. • Gambling is not allowed on academy property. 20 — Visit for more information

INTRODUCING AVDIVCETNOTRUYRES Ormiston Academies Trust is dedicated to ensuring that SHORT TENNIS we commit to the development of the whole child – we GOLF believe that an education is more than just lessons – FILM CLUB children need at least one hobby or passion to explore HOMEWORK CLUB through their schooling – and at least one adult at the CRICKET academy with whom they have a connection. ART & TEXTILES CHESS CLUB At Victory, we run a vast range of trips, visits and ROUNDERS experiences for our young people as a testament to our faith in OAT’s mission. The activities available to our students grow on an almost weekly basis and are informed by student suggestions and feedback. If you have an idea for a new enrichment activity our students would enjoy, do not hesitate to let us know. We are incredibly proud of the fantastic array of extra- curricular activities on offer to our students and have branded the entire programme under one name: Victory Adventures. Victory Adventures covers every out of class activity available to our students – from trips abroad such as skiing & snowboarding, foreign language exchanges, overseas field trips, an annual Tall Ship residential and summer water sports holiday, to taster days, after school clubs (Geo club, climbing, golf, fishing, experiment club, squash, chess club & gardening club to name but a few) and a wealth of performing arts opportunities and study support sessions. WHY NOT HAVE A LOOK AT THE VICTORY ADVENTURES VIDEO ON OUR WEBSITE AND SEE IF THERE’S ANYTHING YOU MIGHT LIKE TO TRY?! HTTPS://YOUTU.BE/SKHQ4TFBZ_8 Ormiston Victory Academy Transition Guide — 21

PVOIISNATS At Victory, we want you to be hungry for Every time you are awarded a visa point, success on your voyage through learning you will receive a stamp. A running total so we’ve designed a system which enables will be kept every week and you will be us to reward you for working hard in able to see how many you are collecting so many different ways. and what for. Every half-term there will be a Rewards Your teachers will award you ‘Victory Assembly where the student in each Visa’ points to recognise your success for college with the most merits will receive a a number of reasons. Over time, your visa ‘cheque’ called The Victory Voucher. This points will be recognised in your journey will be spent on the Victory community – for around the world – as you reach each example, it may be used to purchase pink country, you’ll receive another award. You goggles for science, have waiter service could be awarded visas for any of the at lunch for the winner and their friends or following: buy a special kit of artists’ materials. It’s your chance to treat yourself and your friends to • Excellent class work something special. • Excellent homework • Excellent effort • Excellent manners • Excellent citizenship (community contribution) • Excellent leadership • Doing something environmentally friendly (ECO visa) • Great Participation in extra-curricular activities • Going above and beyond in another way deemed appropriate by your teachers 22 — Visit for more information

VICTORY VISA TREATS Once you’ve started collecting visa • Captain’s table – extended lunch (60) points, you can then exchange them for • Whole form non-uniform day (1,500 visas something special. collectively – 50 average per student) You can spend as you go, or save for • Use of Gym or Sports Facilities (60) something special. We want you to feel you • Trampoline Session (60) have a choice in what you receive, so you • Rent an iPad/Console with games for the can pick a prize from the following options: week (60 per night) OUR CURRENT PRICE LIST INCLUDES: • Non-Uniform day (65 per student) • Chauffeur minibus service with in-flight • Coffee Machine Token (10) • Bacon Roll/Slice of Pizza (10) service (65) • Mini Chocolate (10) • Teacher for a lesson (70) • Stationery/Art Equipment (15) • Priority End of Term Departure (75) • Ice Cream (20) • Afternoon tea (80 per student – • Queue-bot Voucher for a week (20) • Break time Upstairs Pass (20) after-school) • Lift Pass Voucher for a day (25) • VIP Beauty Pass (90 per student) • DJ @ Break (30) • Place on rewards trip Summer term (100 • Cinema (30 per student) • Free Lunch Pass (30) per student) • Ormiston Travel Mug (35) • £25 Voucher for iTunes/Sports Park/ • Cinema with snacks (35 per student) • Ticket to school performance (40) JD sports/Amazon/Go Ape/Quasar/ • Ormiston Infuser Water Bottle (40) Whitlingham/McDonald’s/Love2Shop/ • Lunchtime Gaming Pass (45) Waterstones/Theatre (250) • Lunch for 2 people (50) You may club together visa points with • Chauffeur minibus service (50) your friends for the 3D movie, Café or sports • Bespoke lunchtime lesson (Knitting/ hall reward) Attendance prizes will also be awarded Meditation/Chess/Make-up/Nail art/ to a student every week who has 100% Other) (50) attendance. There will also be the • Make a sign in DT for your home (50) chance to win a voucher in the prize (Wed after school) draw every half-term for sustained • Nail painted and permission excellent attendance or outstanding voucher (50) attitude to learning. Half-Termly Rewards Assemblies and Enrichment Assemblies are also held… Ormiston Victory Academy Transition Guide — 23

WYOHUATGEIFT AWT OSRCRHIOEDOL? WELL, ASK YOURSELF HOW BIG IS YOUR PROBLEM? HOW BIG? FEELING WHAT IS THE WHO DO LIKE... PROBLEM? I GO TO? 5 Complete Can’t cope, very Mrs Claflin meltdown upset or worried Ms Le Fur Dr Allen 4 Gigantic Being hit or sworn at, Miss Burrows problem getting angry HoY Behaviour Head or Year 3 Big Accident HoY Behaviour problem or injury 2 Medium Forgot or lost something, Form Tutor problem someone being mean, Student Service don’t understand the Your Teacher work, feel ill 1 Little Tired and grumpy, Form Tutor problem bad start to the day Your friends 0 I am OK It’s a good day No need, get on with the day! 24 — Visit for more information

FAQ’S WHAT DO I DO IF I GET LOST? WHAT IF I CAN’T REMEMBER EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW? Ask someone – there are plenty of people here to help: teachers, Student Your planner is really useful for writing down Ambassadors, other students – everyone things so you don’t forget. If you do forget – will be more than willing to point you in the don’t worry – ask again. right direction. WHAT CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES WHAT IF THE ARE AVAILABLE BEFORE AND WORK IS AFTER SCHOOL? TOO HARD? There is a huge range of activities available Hopefully you at Ormiston Victory Academy, both will find the work before and after school – look at the challenging – side tab on our website to find out more. otherwise you wouldn’t be learning anything! BUT all your teachers are WHAT TIME there to help and will happily do so if you DOES SCHOOL ask. Also, help is available after school at START AND END? Homework Club Tues-Friday until 4pm every week in the Library. Morning registration begins at 8.40am so WHAT DO I DO IF you need to make I GET BULLIED? sure you are in your class by this time. Bullying rarely happens but if someone does Lessons end at 2.45pm but there say or do something you are unhappy with, are lots of activities you can take part in report it straight away to your Form Tutor, after this time. another teacher, a Student Ambassador, Mrs Claflin, Dr Allen or your Head of Year for WHAT TIMES ARE Behaviour (Mr Scott). BREAK AND LUNCH? Break time is 11.00 for 15 minutes and lunch for years 7 & 8 is at 12.15pm for 30 minutes.   Ormiston Victory Academy Transition Guide — 25

FEEDBACK FORM TELL US WHAT YOU THINK OF THIS BOOKLET We really hope this booklet has helped you find out all the answers to your questions about Ormiston Victory Academy. It’s the first time we have made one of these so we would love to hear how useful you found it. Please complete the following and take this page to your teacher when you start. Circle which describes how you feel best: 1 This booklet has helped me to prepare for moving up to Ormiston Victory Academy. 2 I feel confident about moving up to Ormiston Victory Academy. 3 Other things I wanted to know about Ormiston Victory Academy are: Parents/Carers: Please complete the following: 1 Have you other children at this school already? Yes/No 2 H ave you looked through the booklet? Yes/No If you have, how useful did you find it? Circle the emoji that best describes how you feel. 3 Is there anything else you think should have been included? Please add any ideas. Thank you! Please remind your child to take this page to school with them and hand it in when they start. 26 — Visit for more information

NOW... OVER TO YOU! Make a note of anything you would like to achieve in your first year at Omiston Victory Academy... Is there anything in particular you would like to find out, or are worried about? TARGETS: WORRIES: THINGS I NEED TO FIND OUT: Ormiston Victory Academy Transition Guide — 27

IMPORTANT DATES 2020-2021 SEPTEMBER 2020 APRIL 2021 1st - Student holiday 1st to 9th - Student holiday 2nd to 3rd - Teacher training day MAY 2021 OCTOBER 2020 3rd - Bank holiday 26th to 30th - Student holiday 31st - Bank holiday DECEMBER 2020 JUNE 2021 21st to 31st - Student holiday 1st to 4th - Student holiday JANUARY 2021 JULY 2021 1st - Student holiday 19th to 21st - Teacher training day 22nd to 30th - Student holiday FEBRUARY 2021 AUGUST 2021 15th to 19th - Student holiday 1st to 31st - Student holiday MARCH 2021 29th to 31st - Student holiday Ormiston Victory Academy, Middleton Crescent, Designed by Naked Marketing Costessey, Norwich NR5 0PX Phone: 01603 742310