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Home Explore Official Development Assistance Handbook for Philippine Higher Education

Official Development Assistance Handbook for Philippine Higher Education

Published by linethbrondial, 2017-07-30 23:19:06

Description: Handbook to facilitate the Official Development Assistance (ODA) projects of the Commission on Higher Education in the Philippines

Keywords: ODA,CHED,Bilateral and Multi-lateral,Partnership


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CHED Official Development Assistance Handbook

Foreword iiiMessage ivList of Acronyms and Abbreviations vI. Introduction 1II. Official Development Assistance (ODA): Nature and Purpose 2 A. ODA Act of 1996 2 B. Distinction of ODA from other International Transactions 3 C. Introduction of CHED Administrative Order (CAO) No. 5, Series 3 of 2014III. CHED Machinery for ODA 4 A. CHED Office for ODA 4 B. CHED-ODA Technical Committee 5IV. Communication Flow for ODA Negotiation and Collaboration 6V. Institutional Arrangements for Project Implementation 8 and Management 9 A. Pre-investment Phase 9 1. Project Identification and Formulation 10 2. Coordination with ODA Agencies 10 B. Investment Phase 10 1. Project Approval 12 2. Project Financing and Implementation 12 C. Post-investment Phase 12 1. Monitoring and Evaluation 12 2. Post-evaluation 13 D. Role of the CHED-ODA Office as Clearing House 15 E. Summary of Roles and ResponsibilitiesVI. Standards of ODA Management 16CHED Official Development Assistance Handbook i

Annexes 18 Annex 1: Approved HERA Projects for ODA Annex 2: Checklist of project Feasibility Requirements for 29 Inclusion in the Public Investment Program 33 Annex 3: Republic Act No. 8182 37 Annex 4: CAO No. 5, Series of 2014 47 Annex 5: CHED Directoryii

foreword The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) formulated the Higher Education Re- form Agenda (HERA) in response to pervasive and fundamental problems besetting Philippine higher education. These have been identified as: 1) lack of overall vision, framework, and plan for higher education, 2) deteriorating quality of higher education, and 3) limited access to qualityhigher education by those who need it most and have potentials to maximize its benefits.Addressing these through HERA’s major thrusts of (a) expanding and enhancingstudents’ career and life chances and choices and (b) substantiating higher education’sfull service to national development is only possible with adequate funding. It is in recognizing this need for investment not just from our national govern-ment but also, if not especially, from the international community that CHED createdits Office and Technical Committee (TC) for Official Development Assistance (ODA).Headed by the Officer with Primary Responsibility (OPR) for ODA and DesignatedCommissioner-in-Charge, respectively, they pave the way for obtaining much-neededhelp from the global community in funding projects that are in line with our reformagenda. To carry out the functions of CHED-ODA with the full understanding andsupport of the public, the Commission must not only ensure information disclosurebut also invite wider participation in the formulation of ODA programs. In the contextof disseminating knowledge on ODA and encouraging such heightened participation,the ODA TC Secretariat compiled this handbook for our stakeholders’ guidance. We hope that the readers of this publication gain not only an understanding of theODA processes but also a deeper appreciation of the importance of internationalcooperation in developing higher education. Mabuhay!Patricia B. Licuanan, Ph.D. iiiChairperson, Commission on Higher EducationCHED Official Development Assistance Handbook

message The developmental nature of global higher education unfolds and manifests unlimited possi- bilities under the universal internationalization of higher education. The Commission, in cooperation with its ODA partners, inked collaborative alliances that will enhance efforts of putting the country in the academic map not only in the Southeast Asian region in terms of its aggressive stance in interna- tionalization, but also in sourcing out models for its globally competitive benchmarking for higher education developments in Asia. Neighboring Asian economies looked up to our educational system decades ago, but the accolades made us quite complacent that we now lag behind our neighbors. Our premier higher education institutions need a lot of catching up to do before we can extricate ourselves from the quagmire we lulled ourselves to stagnate for decades, and rise up in the educational ladder of top providers of higher education.   Through the generous provisions of our bilateral and multi-lateral ODA partners, this Commission will be able to provide stakeholders with alternative resources to effect the reform agenda to address our inadequacies.   This handbook will guide and empower us in understanding the intricacies of ODA with the hope that our knowledge and technical expertise will be strengthened. I would like to express my appreciation to the ODA Technical Committee Secretariat for their efforts in gathering and compiling information about ODA in higher education.   Alex B. Brillantes, Ph.D. Commissioner and Chair of the Technical Committee on ODA September 2013-April 2017iv

ADB — Asian Development BankAusAid — Australian Agency for International DevelopmentBC — British CouncilCAO — CHED Administrative OrderCEB — Commission en BancCHED — Commission on Higher EducationEU — European UnionGAA — General Appropriations ActHEI — Higher Education InstitutionHERA — Higher Education Reform AgendaIAS — International Affairs StaffICC — Investment Coordination CommitteeJICA — Japan International Cooperation AgencyKOICA — Korea International Cooperation Agency Man Com — Management CommitteeMOA — Memorandum of AgreementMOU — Memorandum of UnderstandingNEDA — National Economic and Development AuthorityODA — Official Development AssistanceOIQAG — Office of Institutional Quality Assurance and GovernanceOPR — Officer with Primary ResponsibilityOPRKM — Office of Planning, Research and Knowledge ManagementOPSD — Office of Programs and Standards DevelopmentOSDS — Office of Student Development and ServicesPHEI — Private Higher Education InstitutionPIP — Public Investment ProgramRA — Republic ActRat Plan — Rationalization PlanSUC — State Universities and CollegesTWG — Technical Working GroupUSAID — United States Agency for International DevelopmentCHED Official Development Assistance Handbook v

This manual shall be known as the Commission on Higher Education Official Development Assistance (CHED-ODA) Handbook. It intends to facilitate the under- standing of the role of Official Development Assistance resources in pursuing identified higher education priorities of the country. The CHED-ODA policy enables or mandates the Commission to formulate a log- rolling Public Investment Program (PIP). This provides for possible flexible alternate resources for selected packages of development programs to concretely support the Higher Education Reform Agenda (HERA). The handbook is also meant to facilitate acquaintance or familiarity with the bilateral and multilateral ODA procedures and the documents within CHED that will guide in availing non-government resources. Through proactive planning and with mutual understanding with ODA partners, potential technical assistance from donors and academic linkages with reputable HEIs in identified countries can be made readily available to CHED. Prospectively, ODA shall be used to address the following challenges: - Crafting amendatory policies and guidelines that will be good for medium and long-term that will be sustained by future administrations; - Rationalizing and harmonizing local and ODA resources; - Formulating a proactive and creative ODA list consistent with and highly supportive of future development priority agenda for both CHED and HEIs; - Putting in place adequate and competent technical staff with special expertise in both ODA policy and negotiations on the one hand and development planning capacities on the other; and - Accommodating private HEIs in acquisition of ODA especially for technical assistance within the framework of “leveling of the playing field.” Ultimately, CHED-ODA aims to trod and smoothen the road towards the main goals of all ODA, which are to end all forms of dependence and internalize self- reliance in higher education development.1

A. Official Development Assistance Act 1996 Official Development Assistance (ODA), based on the definition provided byRepublic Act 8182 or the Official Development Assistance Act of 1996 (amended byRepublic Act 8555 of 1998), is a loan or grant which also falls under the followingcriteria: a) It must be administered with the objective of promoting the sustainable development and welfare of the Philippines; b) It must be contracted with governments, agencies, or lending institutions of foreign countries with whom the Philippines has diplomatic, trade relations or bilateral agreements or which are members of the United Nations, their agencies and international or multilateral lending institutions; c) There are no available comparable financial instruments in the capital market; and d) It must contain a grant element of at least twenty-five percent (25%). RA 8182 was introduced to exclude ODA from the foreign debt limit in order tofacilitate the absorption and optimize the utilization of ODA resources. ODA may beprovided through bilateral agreements between donor and recipient or through multi-lateral development agencies. ODA loans have interest rates which may range from zero to seven percent,maturity periods ranging from ten to fifty years, and grace periods of five to ten years.ODA loans shall be used for big/major capital expenditures. On the other hand, ODACHED Official Development Assistance Handbook 2

grants have no repayment obligation and are mainly provided in the form of experts, consultancy services, equipment, commodities, and training. B. Distinction of ODA from other International Transactions Firstly, Official Development Assistance (ODA) as a developmental activity is distinct from other transactions within the framework of international relations in higher education. Consequently, not all international contacts and linkages, either bilateral or multilateral, are considered as ODA. Secondly, ODA may be distinguished from similar international cooperative arrangements by the fact that ODA is provided by official agencies, such as by governments or by government organizations assigned to coordinate ODA. International assistance given by private individuals or non-government organizations does not fall under the ambit of ODA. Lastly, for this purpose, linkages forged by either CHED and local HEIs with overseas HEIs that promote and establish academic exchanges and other forms of mutual cooperation are not to be counted as ODA. C. Introduction of CHED Administrative Order (CAO) No. 5 series of 2014 In upholding the policies of the Commission, as provided for by Republic Act No. 7722 or the Higher Education Act of 1994, it is recognized that there is a need to supplement its resources in financing domestic investments for the economic growth and development of higher education in the country. In response, the Commission issued CHED Administrative Order No. 05 series of 2014 in order to provide the guiding principles in availing ODA for potential Higher Education Reform Agenda (HERA) projects and to develop a robust log-rolling pipeline of viable and well-structured HERA projects for CHED. ODA is thus expected to cover HERA projects that are not covered by the General Appropriations Act (GAA) and the Higher Education Development Fund (HEDF). Furthermore, the primary role of ODA for the Commission is to “promote self- reliance in the development financing and quality management of higher education programs and institutions” in the most expedient process as possible.3

A. CHED Office for Official Development Assistance In response to the Commission’s identified need to avail of ODA, the position ofthe CHED Officer with Primary Responsibility (OPR) of ODA was established by theaforementioned CHED Administrative Order No. 5 series of 2014 to serve as the focalofficer in charge of ODA programs and projects. The OPR-ODA is to be assisted by the Technical Staff of the CHED Office for ODAand shall have the following functions: a) Act as the information clearing house for all identified project proposals for funding and/or technical assistance support fund under the ODA; b) Engage in the planning, identification, and preparation of project proposals for ODA funding in coordination with concerned organic units; c) Ensure harmonized implementation of the HERA goals and projects which cut across the organic units of this Commission; d) Oversee and ensure that proposal(s) submitted are subjected to the CHED ManCom review and CHED CEB endorsement and approval; e) Monitor the implementation of ODA funded projects, through the conduct of periodic project review meetings with implementation units; f) Require implementing units to submit project status reports at least on a quarterly basis. The frequency of report submission, however, shall also depend on the agreements with requirements and specifications of the funding agency;CHED Official Development Assistance Handbook 4

g) Oversee the provision of avenues for and preside over technical discussions between the donor(s) and project implementer(s), as needed; and h) Undertake continued improvements on existing methods and guidelines for the monitoring and evaluation of proposals/programs/projects funded through ODA. B. CHED-ODA Technical Committee The Technical Committee is chaired by a designated Commissioner-in-Charge and is composed of high-level technical staff appointed by the Commission. The ODA Technical Committee is made up of the following members: • The Chair (Designated Commissioner) of the Technical Committee on ODA • The Officer with Primary Responsibility of ODA • The Director of CHED’s International Affairs Staff (IAS) • The Director of the Office of Student Development and Services (OSDS) • The Director of Office of Institutional Quality Assurance and Governance (OIQAG) • The Director of the Office of Planning, Research and Knowledge Management (OPRKM); and • The Director of the Office of Programs and Standards Development (OPSD) The functions of the members of the ODA Technical Committee are: • To formulate and recommend development plans, policies, priorities, and programs for higher education; • To develop criteria for allocating additional resources such as research and program development grants, scholarships and other similar programs; • To ensure that the criteria developed shall not detract from the fiscal autonomy already enjoyed by SUCs; • To recommend to the CEB the fiscal implementation of the ODA grants; • To recommend the promulgation of rules and regulations necessary to carry out effectively the ODA objectives; and • To perform such other functions as may be necessary for the effective operation of ODA.5

Under the CHED Rationalization Plan (Rat Plan) of2013, all international communications and relations withthe Commission must pass through the main CHED entrypoint for all international matters, i.e., the International Af-fairs Staff Office. However, the Commission subsequently created theCHED Office for ODA for its specialized function to handleall ODA-related international relations and projects. After the preliminaries and international contacts/negotiations with prospective donors, all bilateral ormultilateral communications and relations with majorODA components along higher education thrusts mustbe devolved upon the CHED organic units for furthernegotiation, pre-implementation, and collaboration. The following figure provides the flow of commu-nication based on the existing structure:CHED Official Development Assistance Handbook 6

Incteornncaetrionns al CHED Chairperson International Affairs Staff ODA Matters Other MattersCHED Office for ODA Concerned Offices Institutional Student Scholarships Development Planning Higher Education Exchanges & Interna- and Resource Allocation Program Standardstional Relations on Higher and Development Education with Int’l LinkagesOffice of Institutional Office of Student Office of Planning, Office of Program and Quality Assurance Development and Research and Knowledge Standards Development and Governance Services Management CHEODffRiceegsional Figure 1. Communication Flow of ODA Negotiation and Collaboration7

The Project Development Process flow and Program Cycle in requestingfor funding from ODA has three phases: the pre-investment, investment,and post-investment phase. The foregoing are all lifted from the NEDAProject Development Manual. Pre- Project Identification Project Formulation Project Appraisalinvestment PhaseInvestment ImplPemroejencttation Project Financing Approval Phase Post- Monitoring and Post-Evaluation Next Projectinvestment Evaluation Identification PhaseFigure 2. Project Development Process Flow and Program CycleCHED Official Development Assistance Handbook 8

A. Pre-investment Phase The pre-investment phase of the project refers to the planning, identification, and full analysis and evaluation of the project. 1. Project Identification and Formulation Based on CAO No. 05 s. 2014, CHED, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), and other relevant non-government entities with interest in higher education are eligible to avail of ODA. Those who wish to avail of ODA from donor agencies must prepare a program/project proposal that should highlight the desired impact in relation to the policy reforms of CHED under HERA. Programs and projects will be based on the criteria set by the Commission for the evaluation of proposals for ODA funding, as indicated below: Table 1. Criteria for Screening and Evaluation of Proposals a) Commitment to the goals/objectives of the higher education system in the country as enumerated in the Philippine Development Plan, CHED Strategic Plan and Roadmap, and the development priorities of the Regions; b) Clear and coherent project concepts, preferably with full-blown project document; c) Consistency with the HERA priorities; and d) Eligibility under the loan or grant schemes as allowed in the ODA facility and consistent with the guidelines of the Investment Coordinating Committee (ICC) of the NEDA Board, and RA 8182 (as amended by RA 8555)9

2. Coordination with ODA Agencies during Pre-Investment Phase The CHED-ODA Office is tasked to coordinate with prospective donoragencies in support of the project proponents. Project proponents are, thus,expected to coordinate with the CHED-ODA Office in order to harmonize thecoordination with the donor agencies. In coordinating with ODA agencies, it is the task of the CHED-ODAOffice to: a) Support the project proponent and donor agency in meetings and negotiations;b) Recommend available ODA resources to other CHED offices depending on the available funds from donor partners;c) Present initiatives to prospective partners for their consideration; andd) Assist project proponents in packaging activities or initiatives. However, the Commission en Banc (CEB) is the final authority to approvethe medium and long-term Public Investment Programs and to endorse individualprojects therein to the appropriate ODA partner.B. Investment Phase The investment phase refers to the process where a project undergoesapproval, financing, and implementation. 1. Project Approval Project proposals must be submitted to the OPR and ODA TechnicalCommittee for initial review and recommendation.  The recommended proposal shall be submitted to the CEB/ ManagementCommittee (ManCom) for deliberation. If the CEB approves, the same shall beendorsed to the ODA funding agency. In cases where the project costs more thanPhp 1 billion, it shall be submitted to the National Economic and DevelopmentAuthority (NEDA) Investment Coordination Committee (ICC).CHED Official Development Assistance Handbook 10

CHED Commission less than Php 1B more than Php 1B en Banc NEDA Management Advocacy Group Forum Committee Representing the ODA CHED duly designated Agencies OPR Program/Project Proponent/ Implementing Unit Figure 3. Process Flow of the Approval of Project Proposals11

2. Project Financing and Implementation Provided that the donor agencies approve the proposal and all necessaryprocedures have been covered, the donor agency may release the project fundsfor the implementation of the project. The majority of the project implementationfalls under the responsibility of the project proponent.C. Post-Investment Phase The post-investment phase refers to the period when the project willundergo monitoring and evaluation and impact evaluation. 1. Monitoring and Evaluation The CHED Office for ODA monitors the implementation of ODAfunded projects through the conduct of quarterly project review meetingswith implementing units. Implementing units must also submit project status reports to CHED-ODA and to the donor partners, the frequency of which shall depend on thespecifications agreed upon with the funding agency. 2. Post-Evaluation After the completion of the project, the proponent/donor agency maypropose an impact evaluation subject to the approval of the CEB. CHED-ODA may use the results of the post-evaluation in determining future projects.CHED Official Development Assistance Handbook 12

D. Role of the CHED-ODA Office as Clearing House As the information clearing house of all identified project proposals, the CHED-ODA Office is expected to be aware of ODA projects submitted by CHED Offices and HEIs, especially in cases where offices and institutions are able to communicate directly with ODA partners. Thus, it is a must for all concerned offices to inform the CHED-ODA Office regarding ODA-related transactions. The purpose of this is to ensure that the CHED-ODA Office is able to monitor all ODA Partners’ projects for higher education. Centralizing information of all ODA projects and proposals allows communication to flow more efficiently between CHED and ODA partners. This also gives the Office the chance to assist the project proponent in ensuring that the projects are within the HERA goals. If needed, the CHED-ODA Office may assist in negotiating with ODA Partners as well. This process also makes it possible for CHED-ODA Office to negotiate for projects on its own. There are two options to gather proposals after negotiations for a project have developed: 1) The CHED-ODA Office may refer the preparation of a project proposal to the concerned CHED Office or 2) The Office may request for proposals from HEIs for specific projects. The Office will then forward proposals to suitable ODA/Donor Partners based on a set of criteria agreed upon by CHED-ODA and the Partners. To assist in prioritizing proposals, the CHED-ODA Office may review project briefs before recommending the full proposals to the ODA Partners. The position to approve or disapprove project proposals falls on the authority of the donor partners. Lastly, the CHED-ODA Office is then required to seek the approval of the CEB-ManCom for the implementation of the project. The succeeding figure illustrates the role of the CHED-ODA Office through the flow from identifying project proposals to the approval of the proposals.13

CHED Office/ HEI- Actual Practice v2 Initiated3b. Return if not within HERA CHED 1. Negotiate DONOR CHED-ODA 1. Negotiate DONOR OFFICE/ HEI PARTNER OFFICE PARTNER 2. Inform (required) 2b. Call for applications 2a. Refer with deadline CHED OFFICE HEI CHED-ODA 3. Submit project brief OFFICE3c. Forward if 3a. Inform, TECHNICAL CHED-ODAwithin HERA; Request COMMITTEE OFFICEMonitor; Assist Commentsif needed CEB/MANCOM 4. Request and forward 3a. Inform, 4. Devolve proposal if within HERA; Request prioritize projects based on Comments TECHNICAL criteria determined by CHED COMMITTEE and the donor partner CHED DONOR 5. Review of full proposal OFFICE/ HEI PARTNER CEB/MANCOM 6. Approval of project implementation Figure 3. Suggested Flow 14CHED Official Development Assistance Handbook

E. Summary of Roles and Responsibilities Pre-Investment Investment Post-Investment Project Monitoring/ Proposal Proposal Project Review Implementation Evaluation & Impact Evaluation Primary Review of Proposal Identify Coordinate with Monitor the project projects for ManCom and CEB through review funding for further review meetingsCHED Engage in Identify donor Review impactOffice for preliminary agencies evaluation toODA meetings with determine future possible donor Coordinate meetings projects partners Assist in signing of MOA/MOUDonor Set guidelines Coordinate with Release of Review meetings withAgencies for availing of project proponent funds for project CHED Office for ODA ODA resources through CHED implementationProject Office for ODA Receive and assessproponent Project project status reports Proposal review and execution approval Monitor project Preparation Signing of MOA/ Gather data/information of project pro- MOU for project status reports posal accord- ing to criteria Coordinate with Participate in evaluating and identified donor agencies the impact of the project targets through CHED Office for ODA Signing of MOA/ MOU15

The following principles and duties aim to set proper decorum andcode of practice in the initiation, ownership, and implementation of ODA-funded projects.General Principle As a general rule, the ODA-funded project and its related activitiesand outputs belong to the Commission. The same shall be true even in caseswhere a donor partner covers for all expenses related to the project.Official Statements ODA-assisted projects are projects or initiatives of the Philippinegovernment. Statements to the public pertaining to the project shall be theresponsibility of CHED Officials. Hence, donor partners are advised not toissue statements about the project prior to those issued by the Commission.CHED Consultants and Project Staff Consultants and project staff are considered as staff of the Commission.Hence, they are subject to the internal rules of personnel transactions, code ofconduct and applicable remunerations of the Commission. The deliverables of the project (e.g., programs, plans, data, etc.), may onlybe used within the project’s purposes and shall be kept confidential unlessgiven authority by the Commission.CHED Official Development Assistance Handbook 16

Standards of ODA Management for Public Events In public events such as conferences, fora, seminars, and workshops which are convened by the donor, it is understood that it is CHED officials who are to play the key roles that befit the owners or proponents of the project. Use of Logos in Communications Considering the general rule that the Commission has ownership of the project and its outputs, CHED, thus, has the main prerogative to advertise or disseminate information about the project as its undertaking. However, donor partners must be properly acknowledged as a main supporter and/or funder of the project. Messages in the project’s communications must, thus, indicate that it is a project of the Commission and that the project has the support of a partner donor. The following illustration may be used as reference. A PROJECT OF WITH THE LOGO OF DONOR SUPPORT OF PARTNER17

HERA Goal Indicative Proposed Objectives Project Project Related CHED Funding Components Proponent Program/ Agencies Projects Development ODED/ “Be One and ADB-JICA 1) To institutionalize of incentive OIQAG HEDP 2004- number One“: amalgamation as a schemes for 2009 ComponentGoal 1: Towards the scheme in managing participating/ 1: ImplementRestructuring Restructur- and funding public amalgamating RationalizationPublic HEIs by ing of Public HEIs regions PoliciesAmalgamation HEIs in theAlong Regional Philippines 2) To cultivate Development MUST: TheSystems and wider understanding of financial Feasibility ofSpecialized and appreciation of assistance EstablishingFunctions amalgamation schemes for University participating/ System in the 3) To promote and amalgamating Philippines, ensure full support HEIs CHED of concerned sectors Commissioned in amalgamation Social Research 2003 advocacy and 4) To identify spe- mobilization cialization of each SUC, in relation to Training and the higher education development directions in the support (local & region international) 5) To develop a Monitoring and system to ensure evaluation of sustainable and implementation excellent delivery of the five key functions of SUCs in the context of amalgamationCHED Official Development Assistance Handbook 18

HERA Goal Indicative Proposed Objectives Project Project Related CHED Funding Program/Goal 2: ATAQ: Agencies 1) To further Components Proponent ProjectsImplementing Assuring enhance and assureHEI Typologies Typology ADB quality education in Identification of OIQAG HEDP 2004-and Assistance and Quality PHEIs Areas for Fund- 2009 Componentto Quality in Philippine ing Assistance 1: ImplementAssurance in Private Higher 2) To encourage in PHEIs RationalizationPrivate HEIs Education PHEIs to pursue Policiesthrough Institutions and adopt typology Formulation andDevelopmental directions Packaging of DLSU: Typolo-Incentives Developmen- gies of HEIs inSchemes 3) To cultivate wider tal Incentive the Philippines(PHEIs) understanding and Schemes (Revised ver- appreciation of typol- sion), CHED ogy towards quality Development Commissioned education of Guidelines Research, 2003 for Incentive Allocation and Management 4) To assist, Social and empower and make Institutional capable PHEIs in Advocacy and the implementation Mobilization of typology 5) To develop a sys- Development tem that will facilitate of a Monitoring the supervision and and Evaluation monitoring of PHEIs System for In the context of Typology-QA Typology as a QA Adoption tool19

HERA Goal Indicative Proposed Objectives Project Project Related CHED Funding Components Proponent Program/Goal 2: The Nucleus: Agencies 1) To develop and set ProjectsImplementing Nurturing parameter that will Development of OIQAG/HEI Typologies World Class ADB, identify excellent and Standards and OPRKMand Assistance Universities JICA world-class PHEIs, Guidelines into Quality in the especially in the fields the identificationAssurance in Philippines of instruction and of HEIs thatPrivate HEIs (Developing research belong the Corethrough Internationally of World ClassDevelopmental Competitive 2) To recognize and ResearchIncentives PHEIs) PHEIs that are world UniversitiesSchemes class and excellent(PHEIs) by providing strategic Formulation support that will and Packaging further enhance and of Financial sustain such standing Assistance and Development 3) To exhibit model Programs HEIs to encourage other HEIs to pursue Development and adopt typology and implementa- directions tion of Guide- lines for Funding 4) To create a Assistance conducive policy envi- Allocation and ronment in the higher Management education sector to encourage PHEIs to Advocacy (local install quality improve- and interna- ments tional) 5) To provide various Monitoring and incentives to PHEIs Evaluation responding to CHED’s System quality improvement programs Knowledge ManagementCHED Official Development Assistance Handbook 20

HERA Goal Indicative Proposed Objectives Project Project Related CHED Funding Components Proponent Program/Goal 3: Codification Agencies ProjectsStrengthening of a Compre- Review of OPSDPolicy-Making hensive British 1) To formulate a existing policies, ADB Educationand Quality CHED Trans- Council comprehensive standards and Sector Develop-Assurance in national Higher and functional guidelines ment ProgramHigher Education Transnational Higher concerning TNE (EDSP): Manage-Education Policies Education Guidebook activities ment DevelopmentPrograms that will provide the in Higher Educa- most substantive and Meetings and tion, 2001 pertinent informa- consultations tion, guidelines and among members WB report: Con- procedures that will of the CHED structing Knowl- guide in regulating, TP on TNE/DE edge Societies: maintaining and pro- and other TNE New Challenges moting developmen- experts for Tertiary Educa- tal approaches as tion, 2002 well as governance of both local and foreign higher education providers in the tertiary level, both inbound and outbound21

HERA Goal Indicative Proposed Objectives Project Project Related CHED Funding Components Proponent Program/ Agencies ProjectsGoal 3: Comprehensive USAID 1) To revisit Conduct of OPSD/ CHED-PRCStrengthening Assessment of existing laws on Inventory of Executive Joint ProjectPolicy-Making Extant Laws setting standards Existing Laws Office ESTF:and Quality and policies af- of education and Pertinent to EducationalAssurance in fecting curricu- qualifications of Government StatisticsHigher lum, programs professionals and Licensure Task Force,Education and licensure para-professionals Examinations 1999-PresentPrograms examinations and determine of professional/ effective actions Gathering and sub-profes- in amending these consolidation of sional fields (in laws to erase legal ten-year data on partnership with and structural licensure results the PRC and barriers towards and past TESDA) the comprehen- curricular (World Versus sive updating of policies and Numbers: the professional programs A Correla- quality system tional and Conduct of Comprehensive 2) To study pattern consultation Assessment of of curricular review meetings with Extant Laws, and revisions done industry CHED Policies and corresponding representatives and Curricular data on Programs and performance of Review of exist- Performance graduates in ing curricular in Government government policies and Licensure licensure programs Examinations) examinations for the past 10 years Data analysis 3) To enhance Development and strengthen of roadmap to academe-industry enhance perfor- linkage mance in government licensure examinationsCHED Official Development Assistance Handbook 22

HERA Goal Indicative Proposed Objectives Project Project Related CHED Funding Components Proponent Program/ Agencies 4) To assess, Projects reinforce/enhance and strengthen existing policies and curricular programs to ensure it meets expected competen- cies of industry 5) To determine relationship, if any, between curricular policies and programs and performance in gov- ernment licensure examinations 6) To develop strategic plans that will improve perfor- mance of graduates in the government licensure examina- tions23

HERA Goal Indicative Proposed Objectives Project Project Related CHED Funding Components Proponent Program/ Agencies Projects Formulation of ExecutiveGoal 4: Strengthening USAID, 1) To increase ODA-assisted Director’sEnhancing Capacity JICA, the capacity In-house Office,Internal/External of CHED Mid- British of the CHED Capacity and Administrative,Governance by level Officials Council, Secretariat to Development Financial andStrengthening through EU, meet the Program ManagementAccountability, Advance AusAID, competency Services, IAS,Leadership and Education and EU needs given Provision of UPManagement Training in rise by its advancedCompetencies of Countries of Rationalization educationHEIs Executives ODA Partners Plan and training in and ASEA identified UNINET 2) To institute overseas means for the universities/ sustainability of training CHED institutes for Transparency CHED & Development Technical Staff Programs Conduct of local contextual training in the identified areas in the CHED HRD Master Plan (Central Office and Regional Office)CHED Official Development Assistance Handbook 24

HERA Goal Indicative Proposed Objectives Project Project Related CHED Funding Components Proponent Program/ Agencies 1) To further Projects strengthen Review and OIQAG/Goal 5: Rational- ADB inter-institution- assessment OPRKMLeveling of izing and al cooperation of existingthe Playing strengthening among public partnershipsField in HEIs through and private and consortiaHigher Public-Private HEIs towards of public andEducation Consortia and the advance- private HEIs Partnership ment and Programs improvement of Establishment services of financial assistance 2) To improve scheme and resources, risk assessment competencies, mechanism capacities and delivery system Project of HEIs implementation, monitoring and evaluationGoal 6:Instituting anIntegratedSystem ofStudentFinancialAssistance25

HERA Goal Indicative Proposed Objectives Project Project Related CHED Funding Components Proponent Program/Goal 7: Support to the Agencies ProjectsInstitutionalizing Basic OPSD/Support to and Education AusAID, Included as Component of the OIQAG/Partnership with Sector British BEST Project of the Department ODEDBasic Education Transformation Council of Education for 2013-2025, to be (BEST) Project funded by the AusAID A. Identification, Creation and Development of Three (3) Zonal Centers of Excellence in Assessment of Learning Outcomes B. Inter-agency Development and Institu- tion of the National Basic Education Competency Assessment C. Support and Develop- ment of the Former Normal Schools for New Initiatives for Excellence in Teacher EducationCHED Official Development Assistance Handbook 26

HERA Goal Indicative Proposed Objectives Project Project Related CHED Funding Components Proponent Program/Goal 8: Incentive Agencies 1) To increase ProjectsImproving System and supply of Development OPSD/Access to Technical ADB professionals in of a package of OPRKMand Support to specialized areas assistance andPromoting Selected and improve incentives forPriority HEIs Offering human resource selected HEIsDisciplines Critically for hard-to-fillfor Growth Undersub- occupations DevelopmentSectors scribed of criteria Programs 2) To help HEIs for select- improve their ing HEIs that delivery if will be given undersubscribed assistance and programs to make incentives it more sustainable and attractive to Formulation of students advocacy and social marketing strategies 3) To promote Training and wider appreciation development on the contribution support of undersubscribed programs to eco- nomic growth27

HERA Goal Indicative Proposed Objectives Project Project Related CHED Funding Components Proponent Program/Goal 9: Support to Agencies 1) To respond to theOptimizing Rehabilitation, infrastructural and Infrastructural ProjectsHEIs’ Roles Strengthening JICA, rehabilitation needs assistance toin Poverty HEIs Capacity other given rise by the HEIs in selected OIQAG/Alleviation in preparing, interested natural disasters that priority regions OPSDand Social responding ODA visited the country affected byDevelopment and recovering agencies recent natural from disasters 2) To work together disasters and other in promoting natural environment and Curricular calamities disaster risk development reduction through and implementa- higher education tion on S&T with and HEIs focus on disaster preparation and 3) To collaborate management on field-based and policy oriented Technical research focusing cooperation in on different aspects development of disaster risk and pilot testing reduction and of non-traditional environmental delivery of management higher education program/ 4) To enhance approaches in recognition of the disaster-prone vital role of the areas universities in implementation- oriented education and research in environment and disaster risk reductionCHED Official Development Assistance Handbook 28

EVALUATION CRITERIA OK REMARKS 1. PROPONENT/ IMPLEMENTING AGENCY a. Mandate b. Capacity 2. COOPERATING AGENCY/IES a. Role b. Capacity/Capability 3. LOCATION a. Justified b. Mapping of projects 4. DURATION a. Reasonable 5. TARGET BENEFICIARIES a. Well-defined b. Justified 6. PROJECT COST a. Consistency with inputs b. Counterpart funding c. Fund sources d. Allocation along components 7. RELEVANCE a. National goals/ plans/ targets b. Sectoral plans and targets29

c. National policies 30 d. Emerging global trends/ realities i. Gender sensitivity ii. Sustainability development iii. Arrangement in IPR issues iv. Global competition e. Actual needs/ demands well-established f. Lack of any other alternative way of achieving goal well-proven8. PROJECT OBJECTIVES a. SMART b. Supportive of national goals, policies and thrusts c. Relationship with other programs/ projects d. Disctinctiveness ofproject guaranteed e. Project impacts/ benefits: i. identified ii. Assured iii. Sustained f. Responsiveness to issues g. Contribution tothe improvement of the qual- ity of life h. Culture sensitivity9. PROJECT COMPONENTS a. Directly supportive of objectives b. Operationally linked c. Supported by correct inputs d. Will result to desired outputsCHED Official Development Assistance Handbook

e. Main delivery mechanism tried and tested f. Supportive of/consistent with: i. existing laws ii. current administrative regulations iii. established procedures g. No negative consequences h. Implementability guaranteed i. Specific duration of each project component reasonable 10. PROJECT SUPPORT a. Preparatory social marketing b. In-process / IEC marketing 11. FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS a. Proper accounting of cost/ benefit b. Clear and workable repayment schemes/ cost recoveryt c. Best value-for-money (project 1 vs. project 2) d. Proper computation of the NPV, EIRR, FIRR, Cash Flows, WACC, SDR, Sensitivity Analysis 12. MANAGEMENT COORDINATION a. Orhestrator of activities b. Involvement of all stakeholders c. System of accountability clarified / identified d. Division of labor among units e. System of disbursement f. Funds control31

13. IMPLEMENTATION a. Implementation problems anticipated / identified b. Solutions planned c. Lessons learned from the past, similar projects related d. Sequencing / timing of actvities in order / phasing e. Technical design14. MONITORING AND EVALUATION a. Identity / Location b. Procedures well-defined c. Clarity of standard of success d. Project performance indicators e. Impact indicators f. Frequency of reporting g. Actions / actors required in M&E clear15. SUSTAINABILITY a. Post-investment plans b. Institutionalization c. Agency integration committed16. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS a. Unique b. JustifiedCHED Official Development Assistance Handbook 32


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