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Published by Jiruntanin Sidangam, 2020-10-23 12:06:01

Description: PHP

Keywords: PHP


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Data 73 Recipes Connor Gurney, Eisenheim, tyteen4a03 74 References bwoebi 75 Reflection Ajant, John Conde, Marten Koetsier, RamenChef, tyteen4a03 Regular Expressions A.L, bwoebi, Chrys Ugwu, Epodax, Kamehameha, mjsarfatti, (regexp/PCRE) 76 mnoronha, ojrask, RamenChef, Smar, SOFe, tyteen4a03, uruloke 77 Secure Remeber Me yesitsme 78 Security Adam Lear, Alon Eitan, brotherperes, bwoebi, Charlotte Dunois, Community, Darren, daviddhont, georoot, gvre, Machavity, Mansouri, matiaslauriti, Matt S, pilec, RamenChef, rap-2-h, Robin Panta, Script47, secelite, Thijs Riezebeek, Thomas Gerot, tim, tpunt, undefined, Undersc0re, Vincent Teyssier, webDev, Xorifelse, Your Common Sense, Yury Fedorov, Ziumin 79 Sending Email AgeDeO, Anthony Vanover, bish, Chris Forrence, CN, Community, Jari Keinänen, jasonlam604, John Conde, Lauryn Unsopale, Liam, Machavity, maioman, matiaslauriti, Oleg Fedoseev, Panda, Pekka , Petr R., RamenChef, Robbie Averill, tyteen4a03, weirdan 80 Serialization Edvin Tenovimas, Epodax, jmattheis, Joram van den Boezem, Mohammad Sadegh, RamenChef, Ruslan Bes,, tyteen4a03 81 Sessions Abhishek Gurjar, Alon Eitan, DanTheDJ1, Darren, Epodax, Haridarshan, Henders, Ismael Miguel, Ivijan Stefan Stipić, Jens A. Koch, ksealey, matiaslauriti, mickmackusa, Nijraj Gelani, RiggsFolly, SirMaxime, SOFe, tyteen4a03 82 SimpleXML bhrached, SOFe 83 SOAP Client JC Lee, Liam, Piotr Olaszewski, RamenChef, Rocket Hazmat, Technomad, Thijs Riezebeek, tyteen4a03 84 SOAP Server Piotr Olaszewski 85 Sockets 4444, bwoebi, Filip Š, SOFe, tyteen4a03 86 SPL data structures RamenChef, Sherif, tyteen4a03 87 SQLite3 blade, RamenChef, tristansokol, tyteen4a03 562

88 Streams littlethoughts, SOFe, tyteen4a03 89 String formatting Benjam, SOFe 90 String Parsing Benjam, Bram, Chief Wiggum, Christian, Ekin, Juha Palomäki, mnoronha, Sharlike, Sittipong Wiboonsirichai, SOFe, Sourav Ghosh, Thara, tyteen4a03 91 Superglobal Akshay Khale, JustCarty, mnoronha, RamenChef, tyteen4a03 Variables PHP 92 Traits alexander.polomodov, David McGregor, JayIsTooCommon, jlapoutre, John Slegers, letsgettechnical, Machavity, Majid, MattCan, Moppo, Mubashar Abbas, noufalcep, Quolonel Questions, Radu Murzea, RamenChef, Scott Carpenter, Spooky, Thijs Riezebeek, tyteen4a03 93 Type hinting Chris White, HPierce, Karim Geiger, Machavity, SOFe, theomessin, tyteen4a03, u_mulder Type juggling and GordonM, miken32, tyteen4a03 94 Non-Strict Amir Forsati Q., AnatPort, bwoebi, cFreed, Christopher K., Comparison Issues Dipen Shah, Gaurav Srivastava, Gerard Roche, Gino Pane, gracacs, greatwolf, Henders, HPierce, inkista, jbmartinez, John 95 Types Slegers, Marten Koetsier, Martin, miken32, moopet, noufalcep, ojrask, Qullbrune, rap-2-h, Ruslan Bes, rzyns, smm, Thamilan, Tom Wright, Will 96 Unicode Support in Code4R7, John Slegers, mnoronha, tyteen4a03 PHP 97 Unit Testing Ajant, bwoebi, Edvin Tenovimas, Gino Pane, RamenChef, tyteen4a03 98 URLs A.L, Abhi Beckert, Asaph, Ernestas Stankevičius, miken32 2awm366, A.L, Andreas, Anil, animuson, charj, Dharmang, 99 Using cURL in PHP dikirill, Epodax, James, James Alday, Jimmmy, Loopo, miken32 , RamenChef, Rohan Khude, S.I., Sam Onela, SOFe, Stony, Thanks in advantage, this.lau_ 100 Using MongoDB Kevin Campion, RamenChef, tyteen4a03 101 Using Redis with this.lau_ PHP 102 Using SQLSRV AVProgrammer, bansi, ImClarky 563

103 UTF-8 BrokenBinary, Ruslan Bes 104 Variable Scope JustCarty, Matt S, mnoronha, Thijs Riezebeek 105 Variables 54 69 6D, 7ochem, ackwell, Adil Abbasi, afeique, Alexander 106 WebSockets Guz, Anil, AppleDash, AVProgrammer, B001, Ben Rhys-Lewis, Working with Dates Billy G, br3nt, bwegs, bwoebi, cale_b, Charlie H, Chris Evans, Christian, Community, Confiqure, cpalinckx, Daniel Stradowski, 107 and Time David G., Dykotomee, Ed Cottrell, Edvin Tenovimas, F0G, 108 XML Favian Ioel P, Franck Dernoncourt, Gino Pane, Henders, 109 YAML in PHP Henrique Barcelos, Hirdesh Vishwdewa, Huey, Jay, Jaya Parwani, JayIsTooCommon, jmattheis, John Slegers, JonasCz, Kannika, kranthi117, m02ph3u5, MackieeE, Magisch, Marc, Mark H., Matt S, miken32, Mubashar Abbas, Mushti, Nate, Nathan Arthur, Nathaniel Ford, Neil Strickland, Nicolas Durán, noufalcep, ojrask, Ortomala Lokni, Panda, Parziphal, Paul Ishak, Perry, Piotr Olaszewski, Praveen Kumar, QoP, Quolonel Questions, Rakitić, RamenChef, reenleedr, Rick James, rmbl, Robbie Averill, Roel Vermeulen, Ryan Hilbert, ryanm, SOFe, Søren Beck Jensen, stark, StasM, Stewartside, Sumurai8, SZenC, Thaillie, thetaiko, Thewsomeguy, Thijs Riezebeek, ThomasRedstone, Timothy, Tomáš Fejfar, tpunt, trajchevska, TRiG, TryHarder, Ultimater, Unex, uzaif, vasili111, Ven, vijaykumar, Yaman Jain, Yury Fedorov SirNarsh AeJey, Anorgan, jayantS, John Conde, miken32, mnoronha, Nathaniel Ford, Pedro Pinheiro, richsage, Robbie Averill, SaitamaSama, SZenC, Thamilan, Viktor AbcAeffchen, James, Michael Thompson, Oldskool, Perry, SZenC, Vadim Kokin Aleks G 564

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