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Home Explore Denver Virtual Program

Denver Virtual Program

Published by rachelerbe, 2015-04-07 11:09:32

Description: Denver Virtual Program


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Cover  Page  

Intro  page  

SpeakersTraci BrownAbout  Traci…A  body  language  and  persuasion  expert,  speaker  and  author.  She  speaks  globally  and  is  a  frequent  guest  on  TV  interpreting  the  body  language  in  current  events.  She’s  the  author  of  Body  Language  Confidential  and  Body  Language  for  Profits.  Ms.  Brown  is  a  3  time  Collegiate  Cycling  Champion.Rhonda CouchigianRhonda Couchigian is the founder of Rayce PR and Marketing, a boutique public relationsand marketing firm representing clients in the special events industry.Previously as a Creative Director, she designed and helped execute events like The grandopening of the Mall of America and numerous Super Bowl parties, to VP of National Salesand Marketing for Chameleon Chairs.Her past and present client list is impressive and includes Walt Disney Studios,Paramount Pictures, Sony Studios, Vibiana, The Empty Vase, tic-tock Couture Florals,Revelry Event Designers, and Caravents.Rayce PR and Marketing has its finger on the pulse of what’s happening now in thespecial event industry, with a clear vision regarding future trends. This boutique agency issmall enough to deliver personalized attention and produce results that build long-termadvantages for your brand.Sheila Dunn, Editor of San Antonio & Austin Wedding GuideAs editor of San Antonio's and Austin's Wedding Guides for almost20 years, Sheila Dunn has help hundreds of wedding professionalscraft attractive and EFFECTIVE marketing mtheessacogmesptaonhye’slpBgrridoawl  their business. As marketing director forExtravaganzas, she helped more than double the size of the showsin exhibitors and attendees. A leader in reaching that 1% gettingmarried, Sheila also works as a consultant, helping   wedding show  producers grow their business.

SpeakersMelanie DuveMelanie Duve has been executing technology-based events for over 8 years. Since 2014,she has presented Square at over 50 national events, including premier affairs in theevent planning, wedding and entertainment industries. Melanie works closely with Squaremerchants of all shapes and sizes, as well as with the team in the San Francisco Squareheadquarters, to solve challenges, empower commerce and help small businesses start,run and grow. She hails from New York City, and studied Rhetoric at UC Berkeley.Tammy Elliott, President of Perfect Wedding GuideTammy Kinzer Elliot joined Perfect Wedding Guide in 2004as President and became CEO in 2010. With over 30 years ofexperience in marketing, sales, management and business, hercareer spans a multitude of mediums, where she managed, ownedor consulted for numerous companies including radio, TV, cable,internet and print.Tammy a highly rated speaker domestically and internationally, isknown for her no nonsense approach to business and has presentedat Wedding MBA, NACE, CaterSource, The Business of WeddingsIn Ireland, Weddings Beautiful in Cancun, IFA and many more.Amy Mader, President of Platinum WeddingsAs an established Wedding Planner in Austin, TX since 1997, AmyMader and Amy's Platinum Weddings, has coordinated upscaleand celebrity weddings and has become a benchmark forconsultants in the Central Texas region.She is president and founder of Nuptial Essentials Curriculum andInstruction, LLC (NECI) – the only state licensed vocational schoolfor wedding consultants - and Nuptial Essentials Association ofWeddings Professionals (NEAWP). Amy is responsible forinstructing the Seminar Online and Distance Education ProfessionalWedding Consultant Training Program classes as well as 3-DayWeekend Seminars and national convention for NECI.

Speakers   Shane McMurray, Founder of The Wedding Report Shane McMurray, Founder of The Wedding Report, Inc., helped build one of the first systems allowing doctors to exchange information across health plans. Along with his wife, he created a paper company in 2001 which in 2005 evolved into The Wedding Report and has since collected over 200,000 survey samples. His research has been mentioned in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Forbes, and hundreds of other publications, and news articles worldwide. He has provided direct insight to eHarmony, Martha Stewart, Swarovski, and many companies. Charles Oster, Vice President of As an expert in sales, management and business development, Charles Oster has worked with many different organizations. His role includes sales, marketing and education for the small business community as he leads the sales effort of the sales professionals. Listen to Charles and be entertained, inspired, educated and motivated to advance your business and/or role within your organization. Sarah Roshan Sarah Bio    

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