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Home Explore Best Pterygium Surgery in Hooghly

Best Pterygium Surgery in Hooghly

Published by Drishtideep Eye Institute, 2023-08-14 13:28:26

Description: Discover unparalleled eye care at Drishtideep Eye Institute, your trusted destination for the best pterygium surgery in Hooghly. Our skilled surgeons and state-of-the-art technology ensure optimal results for your vision health.
Name - Drishtideep Eye Institute
Address - Universal Enclave, Subhas Pally North, Durgapur Expressway North, Dankuni, Hooghly, West Bengal – 712311
Phone No. - 098317 27098
Email - [email protected]
Website -

Keywords: best pterygium surgery in Hooghly


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Surgical Excellence for Pterygium Treatment

WHAT IS PTERYGIUM? Pterygium is a non-cancerous growth of tissue on the conjunctiva, the clear tissue covering the eye's white part. It often starts as a small, raised area and can gradually extend onto the cornea, potentially affecting vision. Common causes include excessive UV exposure, dry and dusty environments, and genetic predisposition.

PTERYGIUM SURGERY Drishitideep Eye Institute offers state-of-the-art Pterygium Surgery to restore eye health and preserve vision. Our experienced ophthalmologists employ advanced surgical techniques to remove the growth and prevent recurrence. The surgery is performed in a sterile and controlled environment, ensuring patient safety and optimal outcomes.

WHY CHOOSE PTERYGIUM SURGERY Highly skilled surgeons Advanced technology Personalized care Low recurrence rates Community trust

Contact 098317 27098 Universal Enclave, Subhas Pally North, Durgapur Expressway North, Dankuni, Hooghly, WB [email protected]


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