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Kant_ A Biography

Published by Sandra Lifetimelearning, 2021-04-17 07:36:21

Description: Immanuel Kant, (born April 22, 1724, Königsberg, Prussia [now Kaliningrad, Russia]—died February 12, 1804, Königsberg), German philosopher whose comprehensive and systematic work in epistemology (the theory of knowledge), ethics, and aesthetics greatly influenced all subsequent philosophy, especially the various schools of Kantianism and idealism.

Keywords: #Immanuel Kant; #Kant Biography ; #Philosopher


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Index Abegg, Johann Friedrich, 391-92, 4 2 3 ^ Baczko, Adolph Franz Joseph, xi, 65, 207, Abel, Jacob Friedrich, 311, 49011159 211-13, 314, 44on22, 4751191-2, 475n97, Abicht, Johann Heinrich, 5O2m86 49ini8o Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg, 379 Adams, Samuel, 4631140 Bailleu, P., 495n31 Adiaphora, 69 Balk, Norman, 4321147 Adickes, Erich, 176—78,4Ö7ni32-33,496 Barcklay, David, 157 Agethen, Manfred, 4 9 5 ^ 1 Basedow, Johann Bernhard, 45, 206, 207, Albertina (University of Königsberg), 61, 65, 227-28, 394, 474n7i, 4 7 4 ^ 4 66, 211, 359; academic regulations, 100, Baumeister, Friedrich Christian, 109,132, 105, 162, 438n8, 438n9—10; academic schedule, 108, 4521131; admission, 62; 452^4 English philosophy at, 442n66; history Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb, 91,103, of, 26; history of philosophical faculty, 67; and Kant (course of study), 61, 63; 108, 109, 124, 129, 130, 139, 141, 162, reputation, 66 211, 447ni36, 447ni4i, 448ni4i, Allgemeine Literaturzeitung, 297, 360, 363 45ini3, 452^4, 457ni34 Allison, Henry, 147, 46m7, 48oni5, 4 8 6 ^ 2 , Baumgarten, Christoph Friedrich, 67 497n92, 499ni5o, 5ooni5i, 5ooni57 Bayer, O., 4711141 Altmann, Alexander, 453n57, 478ni55, Bayle, Pierre, 83, 85, 121, 391 489ni35 Beattie, James, 252, 318 American Revolution, 155, 340, 374, 400 Beck, Hamilton, 437ni2S, 437ni27, 479ni76, Ameriks, Karl, 451, 468ni33,469ni5o 5O4ni6, 5O4n2O Ammon, Christian Friedrich, 63,76,77, 79, Beck, Jacob Sigismund, xi, xx, xxi, 109, 183, 81, 443n8i 275-76, 39°> 413, 424ni6, 5O7niO4, Andersch, Daniel, 96-97, 449m 55 5O7mo8, 507m 12—13, 508m 17 antiskeptical interpretation, of Kant, 262—64 Beck, Lewis White, 21,450—51m, 4Ö7ni33, Archenholz, Johann Wilhelm von, 4Ö2n35, 468ni3Ö, 47On6, 472n42,477ni34 465^0 Beiser, Frederick, 48gni35, 49oni6o, Aristotelianism, 67, 73, 74, 75, 77, 85, 136, 493n24i 442ri42, 445nno, 499ni5o Berens, Johann Christoph, 118—20, 123, Aristotle, 38,48, 73, 243, 413,442^3 455n98 arithmetic, 38, 46, 48, 50, 55,109, 243, Bergk, J. A., 389 438n2 Bering, Johann, 318 Arnoldt, Daniel Heinrich, 72, 113 Berkeley, George, 178, 251-53, 255-67, Arnoldt, Emil, 429^2, 44in49, 449ni47, 4811147 452n3i, 452n39,4Öoni97, 473^9, Berlin Academy, xvii, xix, 21, 98, 122, 136, 5°3n2 376, 378, 447ni38; Preisaufgaben, 21 Aschoff, Frank, 45oni58 Berlin censorship, 362-65, 374 atomism, 304, 489ni2Ö Berlinische Monatsschrift, xviii—xxi, 288, 290, 294, 298-99, 301, 306, 340, 351, 363-64, 371, 394, 403, 5oini84 Bernoulli, Johann, 218—19, 476m 16 531

532 Index Biester, Johann Erich, 275, 294-95, 3°8, 337, Christianity, xii, 3, 11-13, 35-6, 38,46-7, 53, 339, 363-64, 372 62, 71, 76, 79—80, 81, 119, 120, 122—23, 131,138, 150-51, 207, 216, 224-26, 275, Bilguer, J. U., 4Ö2n22 365, 370-71, 375, 378, 380, 382, 395, Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, 49811105 427m, 435n8i, 443^8,478ni55 Blumenberg, Hans, 456nioi Bock, Johann Georg, 65, 69-71, 75, 125, 127 Chubb, Thomas, 80 Bock, Friedrich Samuel, 159, 207, 391 Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 48, 62, 278-79, Boehm, Ludwig, 45—6 Bohlius, Johann Christoph, 95 280-82, 287, 484n6, 485m 1 Böhme, Hartmut and Gernot, 15, 33, civil society, 222, 289, 398^99, 428m 1 Clarke, Samuel, 44Öni28 42Ön52, 42Ön53, 430^0, 431^5, Cleß, David Jonathan, 158 4Öin22, 479n4 Collegium Fridericianum, xii, xv, 34, 36-7, Bolotov, Andrej, 123-24, 456 Borowski, Ludwig Ernst, xi, xix, 3,7—13, 45-6, 48, 51-2, 54-5, 62-3, 71, 74, 111, :S—:6, 31, 39—40, 42, 49, 77-78, 81, 86, 125, 188,229, 278, 4 2 5 ^ 3 , 4 3 2 ^ 3 , 88, 95, 97, 100, 106-7, I09> in—12, 116, 434n74,436^7, 438n8, 44on34, 125, 128, 129,140, 148, 156, 157,172, 442n62, 457ni27 220-21, 240, 270, 320, 334, 342, 356, Collingwood, R. G , 459niÖ3 379, 391, 393, 425n26, 43on3i, 435^5, comets, 65, 79, 83-4, 86, 89, 94, 98, 445nio2, 438nio, 443nÖ9, 446m 14, 446ni24, 445m°4,445mo6 452n30, 453n58, 457m 18 compatibilism, 330 Boscovich, Roger Joseph, 103, 44Öni28, Constant, Benjamin, 402,403 45ini3 constitution, French, 341 Bosse, Heinrich, 449ni57~58 corpuscularianism, 489ni2Ö Boswell, James, 152 Cottingham, John, 468ni35 Böttiger, Karl August, 454n8i Crusius, Christian August, xvii, 101, 103, Brahl, Johann, 323,392, 493^32, 494nrj 122-24, 129—30, 132, 136, 139, 141, 176, Brandt, Reinhard, 18, 458ni56, 47on23, 178, 197, 206, 215, 447ni3Ö, 448ni4i, 472n42, 48on22, 5O3n2i2, 5o6n83 457ni37, 46yni53 Breidert, Wolfgang, 45ini3 Cudworth, Ralph, 47oni9 Brenning, Emil, 459m 64 Cunde, Johannes, 49, 50, 436mg Brunschwig, Henri, 43gni3 Curtius, 48, 62 Bucher, Urban Gottfried, 445^8 Cutrofello, Andrew, 5ogni43 Buck johann, 88, 118, 125, 188-89, 207, Czygan, P., 424^4, 47Öni27 444n81 Budde, Johann Franz, 74 D'Alembert, Jean Le Rond, 44Ön 128 Buffon, Georg Louis Leclerc, 294 Davies, Martin L., 464, 465, 470, 492n2O9 Burke, Edmund, 184, 348, 376, 5omi84 death, 2, 13, 80, 133, 150, 154, 174, 293, 392, Burton, Robert, 151-52, 4 6 2 ^ 4 Butler, Samuel, 4Ö2n22 406, 409, 414, 422, 5O4ni3 Defoe, Daniel, 24 Caesar, Caius Julius, 48 deism, 80, 260—1 Cäsar, Wolfgang, 508m 15 Democritus, 99, 304 calculus, 84, 444m8i Der Teutsche Merkur, 343, 352, 497ni87 Campbell, George, 275 Derham, William, 141 Campe, Joachim Heinrich, 229 Descartes, Rene, 15, 67, 83,90, 93, 102, 140, Carl, Wolfgang, 472n42 Cartesianism, 75, 89, 90, 178, 263, 45oni72 303, 304, 42Ön5i, 447ni32, 4Ö8ni35, Cassirer, Ernst, 18, 42Ön6i, 428mo, 489ni2Ö Desjardins, Gregory, 485ni2 446m 12, 458ni55 determinism, 93, 308, 330, 365, 379 catechism, 401, 435n8o; Luther's, 47, 318; Di Giovanni, George, 497^5, 5O2ni95 Dietzsch, Stefan, 438, 464, 465, 474, 490, moral, 42,401; religious, 42 502 Catherine the Great, 22, 126 Dillon, Franz, duke of, 114 Challet, Jacob, 44911155 Dobbek, W. J., 443^7, 457ni28, 459ni64 Christiani, Carl Andreas, 74, 188, 217 Dohm, Christian Wilhelm, 222, 428ml, 476ni3i

Index 533 Droysen, Hans, 432047 Feder, Johann Georg Heinrich, 211, 252,256, Dülmen, Richard von, 438n3, 465080 311, 318, 351, 4Soni65, 48CH122, 490M259 Eberhard, Johann August, 353, 354, 359, 377, Fetter, Heinrich, 270 4Ö9ni53 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, xi, xiii, xx-xxi, 1, 5, Eberhard, Johann Peter, 109 8, 276, 341, 355-56, 361, 363, 364, 378, 390-92, 412-13,45oni58,498n98, Edict Concerning Religion, 336, 339, 404 498nioo, 5O7ni04, 5O7nio8, 507m 12, 5°8n 117 Edict of Censorship, 336, 339 120, 253 Ehlers, Martin, 266 Fielding, Henry, 130 Finster, Reinhard, 4470136 Ehrbarkeit, see honor fideism, Fischer, Christian Gabriel, 26, 68, 76, 81-5, Ehre, see honor 93-4, 427n2, 441^8, 442n6i, 442^5, 445ng8-g, 445nioi, 45oni73 Enlightenment, xii, xviii, 21, 25, 54, 74,119, Fischer, Harald Paul, 449ni52, 45ini3 Fischer, Karl Gottlieb, 311 121, 164, 229-30, 250, 256, 290—93, 301, Fischer, Michael W., 495031 Fischer, Wolfram, 428ng 308, 337, 339, 362, 388, 394, 405,408, Flatt, Johann Friedrich, 49on 159 Flottwell, Cölestin Christian, 71-2, 103, 118, 428ml, 438n3, 439ni3, 445nio4, 125,45ini4, 453063 Förster, Eckart, 410—11, 5O7ng6, 5O7nio8, 46in22, 464^4, 465n8o, 472^2, 508m 17 Forster, Johann Georg Adam, 343—44 477ni34,488^3 Forster, Johann Reinhold, 343 Forster, Robert and Elborg, 429ni6 enthusiasm, 14,45, 51, 134, 207, 226, 319, force, living, xv, 86, 89—91, 101—2, 448ni43 Francke, A. H., 30, 35, 36, 38, 51, 52, 79, 150, 348, 375, 400, 405, 432n48, 4590175, 431038, 432n4i, 43Önio6, 44in38 Franklin, Benjamin, 22 496n44 Frederick II, xv, 2, 22, 54, 59, 66, 72, 82, 102, 105, 112, 126-27, 215, 226-27, 266-67, Epicureanism, 82, 99, 223, 401 282, 290—91, 301, 315, 338-40, 404, 408, 432047, 4370130, 441042 Epictetus, 5o6n74 Frederick William I, xv, 25, 35-6, 38-9, 52, 56-7, 59, 69, 96, 365,404, 432^7, Epstein, Klaus, 428ml, 47Öni3i, 477ni38, 437m 19, 438ns Frederick William II, xix, xxi, 82, 315-16, 485n27, 488m 12, 495n30, 495n32, 338~4°, 359, 3^2, 365, 371, 374, 376, 379, 380-83, 394-95,402,404 495038, 4980117, 499ni32, 5oim85, Frederick William III, xxi, 404, 425 Freemasonry, 163, 211, 225, 226, 340, 342, 5020202, 506076 388, 392-93, 395, 4 9 5 ^ 1 Erasmus, Desiderius, 439014 French and Indiao Wars, see Seven-Year War French Revolution, xix, 4,14, 20, 340—43, Erdmann, Benno, 80, 43204, 441044, 362, 372, 374-76, 378, 392, 400, 405, 442n6o, 443n7O, 444^2, 445n98, 495n35-6,495~96n39, 50im85 Freytag, Michael, n o , i n 447ni4i, 48oni2 Friedman, Michael, 412, 448ni43-44, 4890127, 5070115 Ergang, Robert, 437 Friedrichs, Carl, 431^9, 432^0 Fromm, N. E., 68 Erikson, Erik H., 479 Fulbrook, Mary, 431^9, 432042, 434n68 Funk, Johann Daniel, xi, xvi, no—12, 126, Erler, Gerhard, 438m8 Euchel, Isaac Abraham, 314, 49oniÖ7 Euler, Leonhard, 59, 83-4, 88-9,103, 141, 437ni28, 44Öni29, 449m52, 45ini3 Euler, Werner, 18, 423, 438, 464, 470,474, 476,483,491 evil, 4, 29, 53, 122, 152,172—73, 203, 296, 298, 300,339, 364-65, 366-69, 375, 407-8, 414 experience, 81, 83, 120, 130, 137, 151, 181, 187,192, 198, 242-7, 249, 256, 259, 265, 297, 3°3, 348, 354, 377, 4 \" , 444\"88, 479m 74; internal, 373; limits of, 250, 260, 265-6, 48m46; moral, 201, 203, 285, 313; possibility of, 259; of progress, 4°5 Fabian, Gerd, 448n 143 Fahrenheit, Gabriel Daniel, 24, 217 Falkenstein, Lome, 472-73n42 Fall, the, 367 fanaticism, 371 fatalism, 25, 93, 267, 306

534 Index Funk, Johann Daniel (cont.) guild system, 24, 26—30, 42, 43, 44, 61, 223, 135, 149-50,156,160, 170,216, 322, 281,428ml, 4341169, 438:13 453n58,46oni8i Gulyga, Arsenij, 14, 18, 21, 426n49,427^2, Füret, Francois, 495n35 456niO9, 47Öni23 Garve, Christian, 233, 251—52, 267-68, 278, Guyer, Paul, 48oni5, 486n32, 496^9 gypsies, 344 280-83, 287, 302, 342, 364, 373-74, Hadot, Pierre, 4Öini8 485ml, 4851121 Hagen, Karl, 462^6, 4Ö6nio6 Hagen, Karl Gottfried, 323, 439nio, Gassendi, Pierre, 211, 489 457ni23, 508m 15 Gaukroger, Stephen, 4 2 6 ^ 1 Hahn, Johann Bernhard, 100, 118, 438n9 Halle, xviii, 25, 30, 35-6, 38, 46, 56, 60, 65, Gause, Fritz, 428ns, 429m?, 4 3 0 ^ 1 , 68—71, 74, 76, 215, 217, 275, 311, 318, 437m 16, 4Ö2n34 353, 364, 379-80, 427M, 4 3 1 ^ 8 , 44in38, 4 4 5 ^ 8 , 4531151, 497n9o, Gawlick, Günter, 472-73^2 . 498mo3 Hamann, Johann Georg, xii—xiii, xix, 16, 18, Gawthrop, Richard L., 4 3 1 ^ 7 , 432^9 21, 64, 77-8,100,103—4, 107, n o - i i , 118—22,124,127—28,134-36,149,152, Gehr, Theodor, 36 157,160,164-65,170-71,173,198—201, 208-10, 213, 217, 219, 223-27, 230, Gensichen, Johann Friedrich, 323 237-41, 252-53. 255, 265, 267, 269, 272—73, 275, 277—78, 283, 292-93, Gentz, Friedrich, 342, 376, 50im84 295-97, 299, 301, 308, 3IO-II, 3I4-I7, 319-23, 326-27, 330-31, 333,34°,387, George, Rolf, 17 391-92,44in39, 44in4i, 441^7-8, 442n64, 4431178, 451ns, 451ms, German Society, 10,113 .. 4511127, 455:190-1, 455n94, 4551196, 455n98,456^9-101,456m 10-13, Gesner, Johann Matthias, 48 .; • 4611113, 4631147,4631148, 4631155, 464^0, 4641162—4,465^5, 4 6 5 ^ 7 , Gibert, Carlos Melches, 485ml 466^7,471^8-9, 47in4i, 472n4i, 473n42, 476ni09, 476ml!, 476ni23, Glaube, 120, 201, 306, 326 47611141, 477i\"35> 4821164, 483n73, 483n93, 487^5; and Glaube, 120; and God, xvi, 3, 5, 26, 28, 31, 35, 37, 39, 42, 44, Hume, 120 Hartknoch, Johann Friedrich, 240, 255, 277, 47, 52-3, 60, 75-6, 79—83, 92, 101, 293, 463^7, 48on7, 48sn9 Härtung, Gottfried Lebrecht, 240, 356, 363 IO3—5, HO, Il8, 122, 131—33, 135, 138, Hasse, Johann Gottfried, 5, 6, 8, 13, 271, 325, 409, 416, 420, 424x111, 424ni9~2i, 140-41, 161, 178, 192-93,196,224-25, 427n3 Hay, George, 157, 219, 273 243, 246, 248-50, 261-62, 267, 287, 300, Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, xxi, 276, 49oni45, 497^5—6, 497^8-9, 502ni95 3°5, 307, 309, 313, 327, 337, 350, Heilsberg, Christoph Friedrich, 63, 64, 72-3, 77, 117, 455n8s, 463^2 361-62, 364, 366, 369-71, 377, 391-92, Heine, Heinrich, 14,425n4Ö Heller, Josef, 462^0 398, 402, 414, 422, 429n23, 433n55, Henrich, Dieter, 183, 4Ö9ni44, 469ms!, 5oini84 433^3,4351181,4431178,445:198, Herder, Johann Gottfried, xii, xvi, xviii, xxi, xxü, 16,18, 21, 116, 126, 128, 129-34, 46on2O3, 4Ö4n66, 494^41; proof of the 149, 154-55, 162,170-71, 179, 182-83, existence of, 140; Son of, 369 Goeschen, Johann Julius, xi, xii, 163, 165-69, 393, 465n8s, 466^7 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 341, 378, 458m55, S04n8 Goldapp (Prussia), 45oniÖ2 Goldoni, Carlo, 166 Gotthold, F. A., 43Ön87 Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen, 251, 254, 396 Gottsched, Johann Christoph, 65, 67-8, 70-2, 75-6, 80, 433:151,4411143, 444n87, 445nio6, 448ni4i, 45mi4 Gottsched, Marie Adelgunde Viktorie, 433r>5i Graff, Paul, 43on3i Graubner, Hans, 456nioi Green, Joseph, xi-xiii, 132, 154-57, T6s, 209, 219, 222-23, 228, 240-41, 265, 272-73, 295, 322-23, 334, 462^2, 463^8, 4^64,483n92,493n22O, 5O3n4 Gregor, Mary J., 450m Gregorovius, Johann Adam, 73, 74, 81, 442n53-4

Index 535 208—10, 217, 223-27, 238, 240, 272, 283, Hughes, Michael, 4951139 292—302, 308, 312, 320, 322, 327, Huguenots, 59,96 330—31, 341, 345, 350, 390, 4431177, Hülsen, Bernhard Friedrich von, 96, 97 457ni27, 458ni34-38, 4580140, Hume, David, xvii, 22, 25, 107-8, 119, 4580142, 458ni44,465^5, 467m 13, 47711134,487n73,487n79, 49311240, 120-21,129-30, 132, 138, 140, 150, 494n24i 155-56, 166, 174, 176-78,182-83, 185, Herman, Barbara, 486032 197-202, 207, 209, 230-31,233,243, Hermes, Johann Timotheus, 462032 246,251-53,255-65,272-73,281,324, Herodian, 48 326, 331, 348, 351, 353, 360, 378, Herodotus, 48 455096-7, 457ni34,46oni94,464064, Herz, Markus, xii, xiii, 21, 161-62, 164, 189, 467ni33,4Ö8ni33, 4Ö8ni35, 469ni5o, 196-97,199, 201, 204-5, 210, 212, 4711139-41,4721141-2,473^2, 214—17, 219, 230, 232—35, 239, 251, 255, 479ni74,481^43—5, 48m47,485012 306, 320, 333, 360, 391-92,464n69, Hutcheson, Francis, 107—8, 131-32, 138, 176, 465071, 465073-5, 47in35-7,479M74, 183, 185, 202-3, 473 49iniÖ7, 492n2O7,492n209 hypochondria, 152, 238, 406, 4 6 2 ^ 2 - 3 , Herzberg, Karl Friedrich von, 49ini76 4Ö2n25 Hesiod, 48 Heydenreich, Johann Friedrich, 49, 43ÖniO2 Illuminati, 342 Heyn, Johann, 83, 84,445ni04 Iltis, Carolyn, 4460128 Heyne, Christian Gottlob, 498nio5 Im Hof, Ulrich, 428m 1 Hillmer, Gottlob Friedrich, 363 immortality, 3, 250, 293, 313, 361, 398; Hinrichs, Carl, 433050, 4370129, 43gni5, 440n20, 445n98 Pietism's view of, 38 Hinske, Norbert, 426n6i, 4 8 7 ^ 4 indifferentism, 181 Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb, xi-xiii, 16, 21,45, influx: natural, 195; physical, 75-6, 79, 91-3, 112, 114, 121, 125, 134, 149, 154, 155, 160, 163—64, 166-70, 219, 221—22, 224, 101, 103, 447ni38,448ni4i 226, 235-37, 239> 269-70, 272, 296, 315-16, 319, 323, 335, 339-40, 379, 382, Jachmann, Johann Benjamin, xii, 219 387-92, 417,434n7O, 4 4 1 ^ 5 , Jachmann, Reinhold Bernhard, xii, 7, 9, 456m 15-17, 457ni2Ö, 459niÖ4, 4621132,463n4i-2, 465n79, 4 6 5 ^ 5 , 12-16, 52, 168, 206, 219, 240, 273, 465^2-5, 466096,466nioo-04, 283, 317, 320, 322-24, 329, 386, 477ni4O, 479ni76~7, 503ns, 5O4n6—8, 388-89, 394, 414-16,419-22, 5041116 42gn20, 4 2 9 ^ 3 , 447ni30, Hirsch, Emanuel, 431 462032-3,463^9, 463043-4, Hobbes, Thomas, 107, 209, 211, 373, 375, 4Ö4n69, 474nÖ4 399 Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich, 301, 305-8, 314, Hoffe, Otfried, 5O5nÖ4 323, 326-27, 332, 394, 455n96-7, Hofmeister, 95, 96, 97, 118, 227, 4490157 493n22i, 4 9 3 ^ 2 3 , 493n236-4O Holtzhauer, Georg Friedrich, 337, 393 Jacobi, Johann Conrad, xii, 163,165-68 Homer, 48 Jacobi, Maria Charlotta, xi—xii, 165-69 honor, xii, xxi, 27-8, 31, 43, 100, 115, Jacobinism, 165, 342 126-27, 131,16g, 189, 207, 215, 218, Jakob, Ludwig Heinrich, xix, 275, 302, 308, / 221, 230, 241, 254, 269, 280-82, 291, 313, 318, 353, 4900147,497^0 James, William, 479m 315, 333, 336, 355-56, 364, 382, 390, Jauch, Ursula Pia, 4 5 5 ^ 7 428ml, 464065, 485n2Ö Jenisch, Daniel, 268, 275, 4 6 6 ^ 7 Horace, 49,107, 487^8 Jensch, Friedrich, 130, 323, 390, 392 Hubatsch, Walther, 437ni29, 438nn5, Jesus, n , 16, 28, 69, 224,435n8i 44in42 Jews, 24, 62, 100, 162, 216, 253, 315, 333, Hufeland, Chrsitoph Wilhelm, xix, 5, 406 337,417, 438n6, 4goni67 Hufeland, Gottlieb, 309 Johnson, Samuel, 152 Hügelmann, Karl, 4980107-08 Kahnert, Wilhelm Beojamio, 110 Kallenberg, Christoph Berohard, 63 Kaiweit, Paul, 432044

536 Index Kant, Immanuel: administrative abilities, for Children, 121; poetry, 117, 133, 156, 315—16; applications for positions, n o , 170, Prussia, 434; rationalism, 176—78, 118, 159; character and demeanor, 187, 239; Rousseau, 131—32; royal reproof, 318-19, 356; deanship, 206, 271, 314, 378; Wolff, 123; women, 117, 118, 168, 474; death, 1-3,422; decline, 359, 386, 169, 455^7 390, 413-14; despair of living, 152; Kant, Immanuel, theories of: autonomy, 44, eclecticism, 183; end of teaching, 386; 53, 54, 128, 240, 269, 278, 286, 287, estate, 417; first name, 26; food 313, 377; beauty, xx, 130, 132, 185, 272, preferences, 222; friendships, xii, 345, 346, 347, 349, 4 8 5 ^ ; boundary 110-12, 154-57, 209-11, 227—33, 239> principle, 193, 261-62, 47gni74; > 320-25, 331-34, 391; health, 153, 204, categorical imperative, 44, 204, 285-87, 238, 317; house, 269, 270, 272; 307, 313, 397, 402; categories, 234, hypochondria, 151—52, 154, 239, 242-43, 244—47, 250, 258-59, 302—3, 45gni75, 46in22, 462^3, (and maxims, 327, 347, 411; causality, 92—3, 101, 152); income, 63, 109, 112, 123, 158, 139-4°, 178, 197-99, 243, 245, 247, 159, 189; investments, 157; knowledge 256—58, 264—65, 287, 313, 344, 350, of English, 50; knowledge of French, 468ni33, 493n238; character, xi, 3, 6-7, 436ngi; knowledge of Hebrew, 26, 8, n , 13, 14-5, 22, 26, 32, 37, 41, 43, 47-48, 50, 62, 73; knowledge of Latin, 56, 64, 93, 103, 112, 126, 128, 132, 47-50, 54, 59, 62, 97, 104, 134; 144-45, 147-51, 153, 154-156, 160, knowledge of mathematics, 50; lifestyle, 163-64, 168, 170, 172, 178, 197, 203-4, 128, 134-35 149, 153, 156, 218—20, 222, 222, 227, 236, 241, 245, 247, 279, 281, 269, 272-73, 322-23, 355, 357, 386-87; 284, 295, 299, 315, 317, 320, 324, 335, living quarters, 160, 220; manners, 115; 338, 342, 362, 367, 368, 387, 391, 402, philosophical development, 175—87, 407, 408, 410, 434^4, 4Ö9ni53, 192, 201-4, 23°—37; physical 485^6, 499ni25, 5ooni5i, (as appearance, 115, 116, 418; presumed conversion and rebirth, 150), (and duty, study of theology, 446ni27; privatissima, 144), (and moral worth, 144), 127; reading habits, 134; recreation, 64; (noumenal, 500m 51, 500m 57), (and rector, 314; rejection of offers from will, 147, 203); continuity thesis, 185, other universities, 162, 163, 188, 215; 190-91, 234; cosmogony, 98, 451; relationship to his colleagues, 317; cosmopolitanism, 59, 281, 288, 290, relationship to students, 207, 209, 274; 295, 300, 350, 373, 376, 383, 385, 399, reputation, 142, 318, 361; sense of 407; Denkungsart, 147-48, 203, 367, humor, 64, 106, 172—3, 357, 495^6; 368, 49gni5o; dignity, 40, 41, 150, 151, social dinners, 325, 332, 356-57, 392, 185, 203, 224, 278, 286, 291; duty, 22, 420—1; teaching schedule, 108, n o , 160, 41-2, 56-7, 80, 115, 186, 204, 206, 213, 204, 205, 274, 317, 359, 452; teaching 267, 278-80, 282—85, 300, 307, 330, style, 106-7, 125, 129-30, 133,160-61, 363, 366, 367, 370, 373-74, 376, 379, 205-6, 274, 357—59, (compendia, 190), 381-82, 384, 386, 392, 399, 401-03, (way of writing, 240) 406, 420, 433^5, 485^6, 486n2g; Kant, Immanuel, and: Baczko, 211; education, 55, (moral, 41, 42); ether, Christianity, 126; eclecticism, 130; 115-16, 411—12; faith, moral, 174, 208, empiricism, 176-79, 248, 262, 48m47; 224, 250, 369; faith, rational, 250, geography, 47, 49, 62, 108, 125, 127, 305-10, 377; freedom, 247, 250, 267, 134, 161, 205-6, 212, 273-74, 356-57, 291, 308, 313, 330, 377, (of belief, 372), 358-59, 45in22, 452n32, 458ni4i, (as a fall and punishment, 300), (outer 465^6, 475n9i; geometry, 102, 243; and inner, 396), (religious and civil, Greek, 47, 48, 49, 62, 73, 125, 225; 372), (of speech, 375); forms of Green, 156; his house, 498; his students, sensibility, 242-43; Gesinnung, 311,319, 125, 126, 161, 162; homosexuality, 509; 367, 368, 373, 499ni45, 5ooni5i, videalism, 142; Knutzen, 88, 89, 93, 94; 5ooni57~58; happiness, 280, 283, 307, Kraus, 210, 323, 324; Leibniz, 122; (versus duty, 373, 374); heteronomy, Lenz, 207; marriage, 169; military, 128, 286; highest good, 307, 313, 350; 227, 457ni23; misogyny, 424ni3; Physics history of mankind, 49, 288; Hume's

Index 537 principle, 260; idealism, 141, 251, 255, (versus animality, 300), (interests of, 460; ideas, 242, 244, 249, 313; kingdom 249), (kingdom of, 12), (and sensibility, of ends, 286; kingdom of God, 369; 184); religion, moral, 370, 382; science, kingdom of nature, 286, 355; logic, xx, xix, xx, 1, 174, 25s, 258, 261, 262, 302, xxi, 62, 161, 244, 378, 408, 479ni73; 305, 312, 321, 411, 413, 442^9, mathematics, xiii, 47, 50-1, 62, 66, 68, 446m 12, 448ni43, 472n42, 488m 16, 73, 75-8, 81, 90, 108-9, TI4, I 2 5 , 127, 493n2i7, 5O7nno, 5O7nns; sensation, !3°> r37, J39, 169, 182,188, 209, 218, 46gni53; sensibility, 493n238; sensus 258, 261, 266, 276, 302, 304, 322, 324, communis, 252, 348, 378; Sinnesart, 147, 343, 443-44n8i, 4521134, 452138; 367, 499ni5o; space, xvii, 29, 102, 103, mathesis, see mathematics; matter, 303; 105, 130, 132, 178, 186, 187, 191, 194, maxims, xi, 41—3, 115, 145-51, 154—56, 195, 196, 197, 231, 234, 242, 243, 244, 158, 163, 165, 168-69, 174, 182, 201-3, 246, 250, 251, 254, 258, 272, 299, 303, 222, 236, 281, 284-86, 297, 306-8, 304, 305, 309, 311, 358, 377, 411, 347-49, 366-68, 373-74, 376, 384, 397, 447ni3Ö, 489ni2i, (absolute or pure, 401-2, 486n45, 499ni45, 5ooni57—58, 303, 489ni2i), (relative, 303, 305, (as character-constituting devices, 147), 489ni2i); sublime, 142, 185, 346, 347, (constancy of, 146), (of honor, 282), 348; supersensible, 313; superstition, (and hypochondria, 152), (as 260, 308, 337, 382; synthetic a priori, Lebensregel, 147), (of pure morality, 235, 242, 243, 258, 354; teleology, 344, 282); morals, 13, 33, 42, 43, 54, 65, 101, 350; time, 85, 105, 108, 186, 188, 189, 114, 117, 131, 136, 137—39, 150, 174, 190, 191, 194, 195, 196, 197,234,239, 176, 178, 180, 185-86, 191, 201—3, 205, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 250, 251, 254, 207-8, 231—32, 240, 250, 260, 265, 258, 358, 367, 368, 377; virtue, 5, 32, 277-79, 281-87, 290, 301, 307, 312—13, 40, 130, 132, 150, 185, 186, 207, 225, 33°, 339, 344, 348-50, 355, 360, • 266, 278, 279, 359, 370, 376, 396, 401, 362-64, 366, 369, 371, 373—74, 382, 402, 406, 5O5n57; vis mortua, 89, 90; 384—85, 398, 402, 406—7, 424ni6, vis viva, see Living force; will, breaking 429n20, 43in35, 434n6g, 484ni57, of, 54; will, good, 284; will, pure, 285; (formal principles of, 138), world, beginning of, 105, 247; world, (fundamental principles of, 137), end of, 105; world, intelligible, 183, (material principles of, 138), (principles 189, 197; world, material origin of, 104, of, 185); mundus intelligibilis, see world, 105; worlds, plurality of, 105 intelligible; noumenon, 190-93, 246, Kant, Immanuel, views on: art of 259, 3'i; ontological argument, 140-1, conversation, 157; beer, 30, 416, 249—50, 480; phenomenon, 76, 89, 91, 5O9ni32; civil status of Jews, 392; 102, 183—84, 190-91, 196, 198, 201, clericalism, 371; confessions, 60, 145, 205, 246, 289, 294, 302, 311, 411, 225, 371; death, 126, 414; hymn singing, 447ni38, 4Ö2n22; physico-theological 270; immortality, 133; knowledge of proof, 140, 249; physico-theology, 350; spirits, 174; liturgy, 371; lying, 403; place, 92, 93; postulates, 313; principia marriage, 399; music, 115, 156,419; prima diiudicationis moralis, 202; obedience, 366; pilgrimages, 371; poetry, principle of accidentality, 197; principle 117; prayer, 216, 224, 371; right to of coextension, 101; principle of rebellion, lack of, 375; zealotry, 306-8 contradiction, 101; principle of identity, Kant, Immanuel, works discussed: 101; principle of succession, 101; \"Announcement,\" 160, 176 principle of sufficient reason, 101; \"Announcement of a Lecture in Physical principles, telological, 344; principles, Geography,\" 135 universal, 143; principles of the Anthropology, xxi, 13, 115, 144, 147, 161, understanding, 245; progress, 288, 292, 297, 392, 394, 400, 406—8, 474n63, 376; providence, 267, 288, 300, 384; 474n74, 499M50 psychology, 13, 133, 144, 152, 320, Anthropology Lectures, 32, 65,145, 156-57, 373, 4Ö2n22, 492ni99, 492^07; 169, 204-5, 207, 212, 389, 473-74^3, (empirical, 161, 205, 246—47, 373, 485n26 407), (rational, 81); reason, 368, 371, Concept ofNegative Magnitudes, xvi, 135,138

538 Index Kant, Immanuel, works discussed (cont.) Metaphysical Foundations, xix, xxi, 301, \"Concerning the Ultimate Foundation of 302, 304, 305, 309, 312, 321, 393, 396, the Differentiation of Directions in 409,411,48^2, 489m 17—124, Space,\" 186 489ni2i—32, 493^17, 507m 10 Conflict of the Faculties, 404, 5O2ni99 \"Considerations on Optimism,\" 135 \"New Doctrine of Motion and Rest,\" 135 Critique of Judgment, xiii, xix, 343, 344, Observations, xvi, xix, 131, 132, 135,142, 345—6, 350, 351, 361, 362, 407, 409, 496n53-6o 175, 185, 208, 46on2o6,46mi2 Critique of Practical Reason, xix, 39, 203, Old Saw, xx, 278, 364, 372, 405, 3°7, 3 \" , 312, 343, 344, 35*, 355, 396, 5omi75-78, 5omi82—83 4Ö9ni57, 482n5o, 5ooni5i \"On the Illnesses of the Head,\" xvi, 136, Critique of Pure Reason, xvii, xviii, xix, 22, 75, 181, 193,210,211,214,216,230, 173 231, 232, 235, 240, 24!, 244, 247, 248, \"On the Injustice of Counterfeiting 251, 256, 258, 259, 260, 269, 277, 278, 287,289,292,293,304,306,310,311, Books.,\" 294 312, 318, 321, 329, 346, 348, 353, 354, Only Possible Argument, xvi, 135, 138, 140, 355, 359, 36°, 377, 4 1 1 , 4J3, 468n'33, 468ni42,47in23, 473n42, 479ni74, 141, 142, 249 48oni5, 48in35, 492^14, 498m 16, \"Open Declaration,\" 1, 413 5O2ni95, (Antinomy of Pure Reason, Opuspostumum, 40g—13, 48gni^4, 247, 473n42), (final manuscript of, 241), (history of, 232), (Metaphysical 5o6~7n96 Deduction, 243, 244, 348), (Paralogisms of Pure Reason, 246, 468ni33), Perpetual Peace, 383 (Transcendental Aesthetic, 234, 243, Physical Monadology, xvi, 102, 112 258), (Transcendental Deduction, 244, Prolegomena, xviii, 230, 254, 255, 258, 260, 245, 310, 321, 472-73n42), (Transcendental Dialectic, 234, 244, 262, 265, 266, 267, 277 258), (Transcendental Logic, 243, 258) \"Radical Evil in Human Nature,\" 363 \"Definition of the Concept of the Human Religion within the Limits of Mere Reason, Race,\" 298 Discovery According to which Any New 250, 364, 366, 368, 371, 379, 382, 388, Critique . . . Has Been Made Superfluous, 402, 498m 16 353 Refutation of Idealism, 310 Dispute of the Faculties, The, xxi, 150,381, \"Remarks on the Observations,\" 131 392, 394,403, 506 \"Struggle between the Good and Evil Dreams of a Spirit-Seer, xvii, 152, 170, Principles,\" 365 171—73, 182, 221, 265, 4Ö7nii5 \"Thoughts at the Occasion of the Duisburg Nachlass, 233, 241 Premature Death,\" 135 Eternal Peace, xx, xxi, 382, 395 \"Volcanoes on the Moon,\" 294 False Subtlety, xvi, 135, 136 \"What Is Enlightenment?,\" 290, 487 General Natural History, 88,98-9, 104-5, \"What Is Orientation?,\" 308, 313, 482 \"What Is the Real Progress that 121 Groundwork, xviii, 277, 278, 283, 285, Metaphysics Has Made since the Times of Leibniz and Wolff in Germany?,\" 376 287—88, 296, 302, 307, 312-13, 351, 396, Kant, Anna Luisa, 431^5 403, 486n29, 486n42 Kant, Anna Regina, 26, 28—9, 31-3, 37, Idea for a Universal History, xviii, 295, 372 Inaugural Dissertation, xii, xiii, xvii, 68, 39—41, 44, 52, 431^5 186, 188-90, 192-94, 196, 208, 217—18, Kant, Johann Georg, 26, 29-33, 39, 42, 44, 231, 233-35, 242—43, 244, 268, 444n84, 479ni74, 481^6 52, 63, 94, 43in35 Inquiry Concerning the Distinctness of the Kant, Johann Heinrich, xv, 32, 34, 41, 52, 63, Principles (Prize Essay), 135—39 94,4i4,43m35 Kant, Katharina Barbara, 34, 4 3 0 ^ 0 , 4 3 1 ^ 5 Kant, Maria Elisabeth, 4 3 0 ^ 0 Kanter, Johann Jakob, xii, 128, 135, 159-60, 163—65, 169, 171, 209, 210, 213, 220, 225—26, 475ngi Karamsin, Nikolai Mikhailovich, 498nio8 Kästner, Abraham Gotthelf, 498mo5 Kepler, Johannes, 129 Kettemann, Otto, 429ni7 Keyserlingk, Heinrich Christian, count, xii,

Index 539 96, 98,114-16, 127, 217-18, 317, 323-25, 329-34, 34°, 343, 345, 35°, 359, 334-35, 449nI55,45onl67,494nI5, 365,39*, 410,449nI55,45°nI67,4Ö3n43, 495n24, 50911136 465^3,4751179, 47611107, 48m28, Keyserlingk, Caroline Charlotte Amalie, xii, 4831192, 49111181,49211211,493n227, 334, 336-38, 449nT55, 45°m67, 4541172, 4941115, 49511136 4 9 4 \" \" , 494^15,495n33, 498m 18 Kiesewetter, Johann Gottfried Karl, 305, 351, Krause, G., 4511114 359,360 Kreimendahl, Lothar, 472—31142 Klauer, Karl von, 5oim84 Kreuschner, J. H., 67, 76 Klemme, Heiner, 18, 4341174, 435n75, 438, Kreutzfeld, Johann Gottlieb, 217, 4 6 4 ^ 2 442, 444nÖ2, 478ni7o, 499ni33, Krickende, Samuel, 142, 169 5oini75 Kroner, Richard, 21 Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, 103, 341 Kuehn, Manfred, 4421157, 4Öoni94, 472n42, Knobloch, Carl Gottfried von, 457ni24 Knutzen, Martin, xv—xvi, 63, 76—81, 83-6, 484ni34, 49oni6o, 493n235 88-9,93-4,98, 105, 110, 112, 118, 189, Kuhrke, Walter, 4831181 425n44, 432n44, 443n63, 4431178, Krüger, Walter, 47on4 4441181, 444n84,444n92, 446mi2, Kypke, Georg David, n o - i i , 128, 149, 446nii7, 44Öni25, 44811141, 449ni46, 4Ö3n48 216-17, 225, 442n62,45on3, 453ns!, Kolbow, Heinrich, 423mo 46mi3 König, Ernst, 4Ö2n28 Kypke, Johann David, 72, 74—5, 106, 118, Königsberg, xii, xiii, xv, xvi, xvii, xxi, 1-10, 125, 44o~4in49, 442n62,457ni3O 12-18, 21—2, 26, 28, 30, 34, 36, 37-9, 44, 50, 52-3, 55, 57-60, 65, 68-72, 74, L'Estoq, Johann Ludwig, 107 76, 78, 81—6, 88, 93, 96,100, 103, 105, Laberge, Pierre, 485ni2 110—11, 114—15,117-19,121-24, Ladd, John, 5O5n62 126-28, 134-36, 142, 149, 154, 156, Lambert, Johann Heinrich, xiii, xvii-xviii, 158—60, 162-65, 167—70, 173, 188, 204—6, 208-9,2II>213—15, 217-20, 181, 196, 201, 231-32, 234, 241, 251, 223, 225-26, 229—30, 236, 240-41, 252, 254,296, 378,47in32,484n2 267, 269, 271, 273, 275, 295, 311, Lampe, Martin, xiii, 14, 222-23, 236, 323, 3*5-16, 318, 323-26, 335, 337, 339-40, 332, 387,400, 417,477ni33, 50911141, 342, 355, 358-60, 364, 386, 388, 390-92, 5O9ni43 417, 421, 4261161; administration, 58; Laplace, Pierre Simon, 105 church history, 4411138; culture, 59, 166, Lau, Theodor Ludwig, 4411138, 445ng8, 437nii5; economics, 56, 58,437M16; 45om73 and fires, 58, 158; and Garden of Eden, Laursen, John Christian, 4871170 424ni9; government, 437m 15; guilds, Lauson, Johann Friedrich, 78, 127, 166, 27; history, 25, \\i^a\\-j\\ importance, 20, 4431177 56; Jewish community, 162, 216, 438n6, Laval, Jean Claude, 157 49ini67; libraries, 4441191; Mennonites, Lavater, Johann Kaspar, 224 24, 37, 59, 225; merchants, 58, 59, Leclerc, Jean, 67 113-15, 154—57, 219, 223, 241, 323, Lehmann, Gerhard, 344, 361, 426n48, 4301131; and military, 57; Pietism, 36, 46mi2, 462:131, 5061196 44in38; political dependence, 56; Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, xvii, xxii, 25, 68, politics, 342; Russian occupation, 112, 75-6, 79, 82-3, 86-7, 89-93, i ° ! - 3 , 113, 114,126, 456nio7; size of, 356; 109, 122, 129, 130, 132, 139-40, 175-76, social developments, 30, 116,4311135 178, 195-96, 206, 305-6, 353—54, 357, Konschel, Paul, 427112, 4411139, 44511101, 360, 377-78, 383, 4451198, 457ni34, 477ni38 489ni2i Kowalewski, Arnold, 47gni73 Lenz, Jakob Michael Reinhold, 207—8, Kraus, Christian Jacob, xi—xiii, xx, 8, 77-8, 83, 449ni57, 474n74, 4741176 86,114,152, 206-11,213,216—20, 226, Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, xviii, 95, 108, 229,239,272,275,301,314,316,320-21, 122, 166, 296, 301, 305-6, 340, 369, 371, 445ni04, 449ni53, 478ni55, 4881193, 488m 12, 494mg Leucippus, 99 Ley, Willy, 45ini6

540 Index Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph, 394, 47811155 180—81, 183,188, 190, 191—94, 198, 2°3~5> 209-12, 231—32, 236, 242, Lilienthal, Auditeur, 466 245-46, 248, 254—62, 264, 273—74, 277, 285, 293, 306, 310, 312, 317, 321, 331, Lindner, Gottlieb Immanuel, 77, 103, 107, 354, 358, 359-61, 377-78, 389, 395, 407, 411, 452, 469, 481, 498; of morals, xviii, n o - i i , 119, 123, 125, 127, 160, 164, 23,42, 74, 94, 266, 277, 283, 285, 312, 396, 408, 457, 486, 490, 505; possibility 170, 217,443n78, 455n98, 4631157, 464^2 of, 199 Metzger, Johann Daniel, 4-6, 8,11, 16, 271, literary societies, 163, 167, 173 314-16, 342,420-21, 423nio, 424ni3, Locke, John, 67, 75, 79-80, 83, i n , 178, 181, 49ini86 Meyer, General von, 128 183, 197, 348, 375, 399, 429n25, 444^8, Michaelis, Johann David, 450m59 Mittenzwei, Ingrid, 463^3, 477ni32 457ni25, 47on23 Moliere, 166 Möller, Hans, 495^1 Loeb, Louis E., 4Ö8ni35 Moser, Justus, 342, 434nÖ4 Molyneux problem, 457ni25 Lossow, Daniel Friedrich von, 128, 163 monads, 68, 91, 93, 102-3, I 9 I , 447nI3*>, Louis XVI, xx, 341, 375 447i»38 Monk, Ray, 427^4 Lovejoy, Arthur, 45ini9 Montaigne, Michel de, 22, 64, 85, 121, 130, Lucian, 48 439ni4 moral sense, 131, 144, 178, 184, 185,186, Lucretius, 49, 99 , 189, 192, 201-3, 207 Lupin, Friedrich, 356 mortality, 293 Morfensen, Hans and Gertrud, 428n4 Lüthe, Rudolf, 472^2 Mortzfeld, Johann Christoph, 51, 4.241116, Luther, Martin, 47, 336, 479m 434n7°, 436moi, 45Sn83, 457ni23, 465^8 Lysius, Johann Heinrich, 36, 37, 68, 70, 77, Motherby, Johann Benjamin, xü, xiii, 219, 223, 228—29, 273, 322-23, 334, 462^6, 44°n34 476nii7,5o8ni2i Motherby, Robert, xiii, 156-57 Maimon, Salomon, xix, xx, 214, 360, 361, Muretus, 48 378, 4751197,499m23 mysticism, n , 35, 253, 272, 394, 395, 5O2n2O5 Majetschak, Stefan, 472n4i Malebranche, Nicolas, 75, 132, 252 Naragon, Steve, 45in2i Malter, Rudolf, 16-17, 423n7, 426^5, naturalism, 175-76 Necker, Jacques, 340, 341 428n4, 48on2Ö, 483ns 1 needs, 3, 93, 120, 153, 200, 219, 222, 258-60, Marquardt, Conrad Theophil, 68, 70, 75—6, 287, 289, 298, 344, 370, 385—86, 388-89, 81, 85, 93 406 Martens, Wolfgang, 44in4Ö Negroes, 344 Martin, Gottfried, 452^8,459ni6s Nepos, 48, 27inio8 Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis Moreau de, 141, Newlin, Thomas, 456 Newton, Isaac, 83—8, 90—1, 98, 102, 104, 129, 445nio6 137, 176, 304, 445nio2,447ni32-33, McClelland, Charles E., 43gni7 44^143, 45ini8, 457ni34, 489ni26 Mclntosh, Christopher, 495n31 Nicolai, Friedrich, xxi, 301, 391, 454^8, McMullin, Ernan, 447ni32—33 488m 12, 499ni32, 504^7 Meckel, Friedrich Theodor, 390 Nicolovius, Friedrich, 6, 383 Meier, Georg Friedrich, 108-9, J36, 212, Niemeyer, August Hermann, 379 358, 452n35 Meiners, Christoph, 318, 320-21, 351, 49oni59, 492ni99 Melton, James Van Horn, 51, 432^9, 435n82, 436^8 Mendelssohn, Moses, xiii, xvii-xviii, xix, 108, 122, 135-37, I4°, T6o, 171-73, 183-85, 195-96, 201, 214, 216, 230-32, 251, 253, 268, 277, 302, 305-9, 315, 318—19, 333, 371, 373, 375, 378, 405, 453n57,459ni78, 4Öoni94, 469M54, 478ni55, 484^, 489ni35, 494mg Merlan, Philip, 455^6 metaphysics, xvii, 1, 71, 73, 75, 79, 84-6, 88, 90, 100, 104, 108, 110, 118,125, 131-34, 137-38, 141, 159, 161-62, 172-75, 178,

Index 541 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 14—15, 22,4261150 Pörschke, Karl Ludwig, 8, 9, 138, 316, 323, Noack, Hermann, 49^133 359, 390, 391,412, 413, 498m 14, Norton, Robert E.,477ni34 5o8ni24 Nussbaum, Martha C , 46mi8 Porschmann, Adolf, 475n95 occasionalism, 75, 76, 79 Pozzo, Riccardo, 18, 44in5i, 45ini7 orthodoxy, xi, 3, 34-5, 37-40, 44, 56, 60, 67, preestablished harmony, 25, 68, 75, 76, 79, 69, 70—2, 74, 79—80, 82, 119, 120, 150, 91-4, 101-3, 354, 377,447ni36~37, 177, 179, 223, 225, 276, 301, 339, 356, 447ni4i, 448ni43-44, 5O2ni8g 380, 432n43, 443n72,444n85,454n8o, priestcraft, 370, 371 4Ö7ni33 Priestley, Joseph, 266, 275 Prussia, xv, xvii, xx, 2, 3, 10, 14, 18, 20, 21, pantheism, xviii, 305, 326, 328, 330-31, 345, 25, 26, 28, 30, 35, 36, 38, 40, 44, 50, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 62, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 350, 360 103,112, 113, 126, 127, 128, 149, r6o, Pantheismusstreit, 21, 455^7 162,189, 210, 218, 221, 223, 228, 229, 281, 282, 286, 290, 291, 301, 314, 338, Pappas, George S., 468ni39 339, 340, 363, 364, 371, 379, 381, 382, 384, 404, 431^9, 432^3, 434^4, Paulsen, Friedrich, 426n6i 464^8, 466m 10, 477ni32; culture, 439; pedagogy, xxii, 41, 45, 215, 408, 433^5, economic developments, 158; ethos, 281 punishment, 33, 41, 51, 52, 57, 80, 216, 266, 433n57~9> 433n6i 274, 300, 369, 43^04,436nioi Puritanism, 434^8 Penzel, Abraham Johann Jakob, 226, 227 Puttlich, Christian Friedrich, 483^3 Pyrrhonism, 160, 182,464^4, 464^1 Philanthrofinum, xvii, xviii, 227-29 philosophy, English, 77 physics, 21, 66, 73, 76-78, 81, 83-6, 89, 90, 98, 104—5, 108—9, 121-22, 124-25, 128, 130, 206, 217, 224, 227, 266, 283, 305, 350, 411-12,443n78, 444n8i, 448ni4i, 448ni4i, 4S2ni4, 452mo, 4651176 „, -tt <tj. « jt> f j jy> t 3 / Quakers, 24, 37 Pietism, 9, 12, 25, -IO, 34—40, 42, 41—6, 51-6, X\" , T 7 T , , o ,y» > 3 u , j t t >t . t j >o > Quandt, Johann Jakob, 70, 74, 85, 441,444 J J 60,64-5,68-72,74-7,79-80,82,84-«, r- . A , ' \" ^™ > 4- :>, /,/*/,/* , , <t :>, Quinton, Anthony, 49211203-4 89,93,94,103,110,112,119,125,131, ^ 150—51, 178, 217, 227, 229, 362,425n44, 429^5, 43in36-9, 432n39-4O, Rabe, Paul, 74 race, 24, 288, 289, 298, 299, 308, 343, 344, 432n42-7, 433n49-52, 433n63, 434n64, 434n68-9,436nioo, 44on34—5, 404,405, 407, 408, 47Öni3i, 494mg Rappolt, Carl Heinrich, 76, 77, 81, 93, 44in37—8, 44in43, 44in45-6, 44in49, 443^8 446m 12, 446ni27, 448ni4i, 45oni73, Rast, Georg Heinrich, 68 realism, 326 454n78; and Frederick William I, 36; in Reccard, Gotthilf Christian, 393 Recke, Lady von, 336-38 Halle, 36; influence on Kant's parents, Rehberg, August Wilhelm, 376, 50ini84 Reich, Klaus, 458ni55, 48sni2 37; in Königsberg, 36, 37, 38-9, 434n68; Reicke, Rudolph, 9 Reid, Thomas, 256, 326, 472^2, 493^35 and mysticism, 382; in Prussia, 431^9; Reimarus, Hermann Samuel, 141 Reimen, Pia, 462^2 in Württemberg, 433n5o Reinbeck, Johann Gustav, 379 Reinhold, Karl Leonhard, xii, xiii, xix, 7, Pillau (Prussia), 45omÖ2 219, 297, 326, 343, 345, 351-53, 378, Pindar, 48 390-92, 497^7, 5O2ni95 Reith, Reinhold, \\zQfti\\-j Pisanski, Georg Christoph, 113, 439m 8, religion, 3, 11, 12, 35-6, 42, 44, 47-8, 53-4, 59—60, 80, 85, 99, 118, 121, 131, 224—25, 44oni9, 4401130, 44on32, 442 228, 238, 250, 260, 290-91, 331, 336-40, 348, 361, 364—66, 369-71, 379, 382, 385, Pistorius, Wilhelm Friedrich, 490m 59 Platner, Ernst, 251, 275, 351 Plato, 151, 192-93, 200, 253, 265, 394, 458, 461, 470 Platonism, 200, 253, 458ni52, 47Oni9 Pliny, 48 Plutarch, 48 Pollok, Konstantin, 48gni29,489ni32, 489ni34 Pope, Alexander, 77, 240, 422, 442^7

542 Index religion (cont.) Schiffen, Christian, 50, 51, 52, 4341174, 395, 402, 4341168, 4611118; role in the 457ni27 state, 382 Schiller, Friedrich, 341 Resewitz, Friedrich Gabriel, 142, 45911178 Schupp, Paul Arthur, 21,46011185 Reusch, Karl Daniel, 215, 217, 318, 358,421, Schlegel, Friedrich, 378 425n28, 463^7 Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 5o6ng4 Reuter, Caspar, 26, 33 Schlosser, J. G., 227,228, 394, 395, 47711148 Reuter, Regina, nee Felgenhauer, 26, 28 Schmid, F. A., 425n45 Rexheuser, Adelheid, 456niO7 Schmid, K. Chr., xix, 318 Richardson, John, 130, 424ni6 Schneider, Ferdinand Josef, 445ni04 Richarz, Monika, 438n6 Schoen, K. Christian, 5O7nio5 Richey, Michael, 170 Schöndörffer, Otto, 427n66, 429^2, 452^1 Richter (Kant's uncle), 63, 100 Schott, Robin, 455^7 Riedesel, Erich, 427n2, 441^8, 444^5, Schroetter, Friedrich Leopold, 498m 17 445n98 Schubert, Friedrich Wilhelm, 426^7, Rink, Friedrich Theodor, xxi-xxü, 9,40, 316- 505^6 17, 323, 408,410,415,49ini84, 502n20i Schulz, Franz Albert, 37—9, 43, 46, 60, 62, Ritschi, Albrecht, 431^8 ;, 64, 70-2, 74, 76, 79, 81, 108, 118, 125, 427n2, 432n43, 432n48, 435n75, Ritter, Gerhard, 437ni30, 445nioo, 482^0 Ritzel, Wolfgang, 426^7, 433n57, 47on23, 439ni5, 44in49, 442^6, 444n8i, 495n26 446ni24 Rogall, Georg Friedrich, 25, 26, 69, 75, 77, Schulz, Johann, xii, xiii, xix, 125, 194, 218, 427n2, 432n43, 4401134, 4411137-8, 232, 268-69, 275, 316-18, 321-22, 329, 445098 356, 392, 4°9, 47°n23, 476mo7, Romantics, 14, 23, 408 4961147, 498nn6 Rorty, Richard, 263, 264,482^5-6 Schulz, Johann Heinrich, 266, 289, 365, 379, Rosen, Stanley, 410, SO7ng6 482n68 Rosenkranz, Karl, 47Öni27, 5O2ni86 Schulze (Aenesidemus), Gottlieb Ernst, xviii, Rosicrucianism, 339, 362, 363, 375, 380, 394, xx, 353, 378, 418 395,404, 495n31 Schütz, Christian Gottfried, 311-12 Rösselt, Johann August, 379 Schütz, Fritz, 449 Röttgers, Kurt, 475n79, 48on22 Schwab, Johann Christian, 5omi86 Rousseau, Jean Jacques, xvi, xviii, 129,131, Schwarz, J. L., 495^3-4,495n27 132,133,150,155,156,175,178, 209, Seidel, George J., S02ni96 227, 272, 383, 408, 458ni34, Seibach, R., 503^12 4S8ni55—56, 459niÖ4 Seile, Christian Gottlieb, 392, 49oni5g Rudolph, Enno, 469m 44 Seneca, 49 Ruffmann (bank director), 273, 323, 5O9ni3Ö Seven-Year War, 17, 112, 127, 158, 340, Ruhnken, David, 45,48, 49, 53, 43Ön87 456nio6, 463^3 Russia, xvi, 18, 56, 112-14, 118, 126-27, 136, Sextus Empiricus, 48, 161, 464 158, 188, 214, 338, 466m 10 Shaftesbury, third earl of, 132, 134, 176, 183, 185, 195, 200, 207 Sack, Friedrich Samuel, 142 Shaw, George Bernard, 153 Safranski, Rüdiger, 424m9 •. Shell, Susan Meld, 448ni43, 462^3, 479n4 Salewski, Wilhelm, 454^2 Simmel, Georg, 14 Salthenius, Daniel, 71, 85, 435n82, 440^4, Sinz, Herbert, \\KjVii-j 44in49, 444n9i skepticism, 16, 80, 82,119, 121,160,161, Scheffner, Johann Georg, xiii, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 179-83) 186, 198,200-1, 234, 246, 16, 64, 107, 113, 121, 142, 154, 160, 164, 251-53, 256-60, 263-65, 351, 352-53, 167, 169, 170, 224, 272, 323, 387, 388, 377, 388, 419,4Öoni85,464J164, 390, 391, 393, 410, 418, 420, 425n25-6, 468ni33,4Ö8ni39,4Ö9ni44,469niso, 46on2O5,463^8, 466nio7-9 482^3-7; critical, 352, 360; dogmatic, Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von, xx, 352; global, 258, 264, 265; local, 258,264 xxi-xxii, 276, 378, 413, 455n96, slavery, 299 5O7nio8, 507m 12-13 Smith, Adam, xiii, 183, 281, 324

Index 543 Smollett, Tobias, 4621122 215, 229, 246, 250, 253, 258, 268, 273, social contract, 375 314, 316-17, 344-45, 349-5°, 355, 36l> Socrates, 16, 119, 182, 200, 4641164, 47811155 363—64, 377, 381, 4321143, 4381170, Sommer, Georg Michael, 10, 219,323, 392, 440:134, 49811103 Theophrastus, 48 4251133,50711115 Thomasius, Christian, 67, 74, 84-5,136, Souriau, Michel, 344 442n57,445^8, 5O3n2i2 Spalding, Johann Joachim, 142 Thucydides, 48 Spener, Johann Carl Philipp, 372 Tieftrunk, Johann Heinrich, 190 Spener, Philipp Jakob, 35, 38, 79,150,433^9 Timerding, H. E., 451 Spinoza, Baruch, 131, 209, 305, 327, 391 Tindal, Matthew, 80, 209, 4 4 4 ^ 2 Spinozism, 82, 305-6, 350, 360, 4 4 5 ^ 8 Tittel, Gottlieb August, 4goni59 Springer, Gustav (alis G. Karl), 428ni2-i3, Toland, John, 80 Tonelli, Giorgio, 344, 445m 10, 447m36, 437ni2Ö 4Ö9ni44 Sraffa, Ernst, 423n7 Toussaint, Jean Claude, 157 Stadelmann, Wolfgang, 428n9 Tschackert, Paul, 456m 15 Stamp Act, 155, 4631140 Stapfer, Johann Friedrich, 108 Ulrich, Johann August Heinrich, 321, Starck, Johann August, 225-26, 338, 340, 329~3O, 359 342, 392, 477ni38 Vaihinger, Hans, 5O7nioi, 5o8ni27-28, Starcke, Christoph, 47,435^7 Stark, Anke Lindemann, 47gni76,493n220 5°9i»37 Stark, Werner, 18, 438, 442—43, 450—53, Vigilantius, Johann Friedrich, 323 Villers, Charles Francois, 5o8ni28, 5ogni37 456-60, 463-65, 473-77, 491-92, Vleeschauwer, Herman J. de, 21,178, 494—95, 503 Stäudlin, C. F., 394, 50211203 4Ö7ni33, 468ni34, 5O2ni86 Stäudlin, Carl Friedrich, 381 Voigt, Johannes, 45in23 Stavenhagen, Kurt, 17, 42Ön6i, 427^6, Voltaire, Francois-Marie Arouet de, xviii, 82, 437m 18, 440m 19, 454nÖ7, 454n7O Stein, Freiherr von, 498m 17 166,174, 209, 383 Sterne, Laurence, 166, 209, 388, 462^2 Vorländer, Karl, 15, 17, 18, 21, 141, 229, Stiening, Gideon, 423nio, 47on2, 483^6, 49iniÖ9 423n9, 424ni6, 425n24-5,426^6-60, Stoeffler, E. F , 431^6 428n6-8, 4301131, 431^5,435n75, Stoicism, 22, 82,101,130,150, 223, 380, 384, 436^4, 437ni25,438n7, 439mo, 401, 403, 406, 422, 4Ö2n22 44on23,44in5i, 442n52, 442n54, Stosch, Friedrich Wilhelm, 445n98 4 4 2 ^ 8 , 444^4, 44Öni22, 45oni6o, Strawson, P. F., 481^7, 482n57 452n4i, 455ng8, 459ni78, 4Ö3n39, Stroud, Barry, 263-64, 4821153 464^9, 473^8, 474nÖ7,47ÖniO7, Stuckenberg, J. W, 18, 427^2, 439ni8 476ni23, 477n78, 48oni23, 487n79, Studer, Thomas, 475^1 49oni59, 49oni7i, 49oni98, 496^5-6, Sturm and Drang, 21 499ni33, 505^7 Sulzer, Johann Georg, 195, 231, 408 Swedenborg, Emanuel, 170—71, 173 Wagner, Gabriel, 4 4 5 ^ 8 Swift, Jonathan, 24, 173 Walch, Johann Georg, 74, 5O3n2i2 Walker, Ralph C. S., 263, 264,4821152 Taylor, Charles, 49oni45 Walsh, W. H., 264, 4 8 2 ^ 3 , 48sni2 Teske, Johann Gottfried, 63, 76-9, 81, 86, Ward, Keith, 21, 433^2 Warda, Arthur, 423n2, 453^8-9, 5O3n3, 100, 125, 128, 443n77, 444n8i, 446nii2, 453n5i 504n29, 505^6, 5O7nio2, 5O9ni4i Tetens, Johann Nicolaus, xviii, 251 Waschkies, Hans-Joachim, 18, 4 4 3 ^ 8 , That, Theodor Reinhold, 68 theism, 250, 260, 261, 350 445mo4-8, 44Öni25-26, 449ni56, theology, xiii, 5, 10, 12, 34—8, 45—8, 50, 52, 45oni59, 45ini7 62-5, 66-73, 75—6> 81, 84, 108, 114, 120, Wasianski, Andreas, 110 124-25,128, 134, 137-38, 177,189, 204, Wasianski, Ehregott Andreas, xiii, 7, 9, 13, 15-16, 33-4,43, 409, 414-22

544 Index Watkins, Eric, 44911145 4411137-8, 4421157, 4441181, 44711136, 45711134, 50311212 Weber, Heinrich, 4801124 Wolffianism, 25-6, 38, 50, 65, 68-9, 70-2, 75—7> 79—81, 85, 91, 94, 109, 130, Weber, Max, 431, 4 6 9 ^ 8 z37-38, 176-77, 179, 183—84, 230, 285, 306, 377, 4 4 1 ^ 8 , 448ni43, 4Ö7ni33, Weiss, Helmut, 45611106 5oim86 Wolffians, 68—71, 79, 82, 85, 103, 109, 112, Weiße, Christian Hermann, 166 123, 179, 4 4 1 ^ 7 - 8 Wöllner, Johann Christoph, 336, 339, 363, Weitenkampf, Johann Friedrich, 88, 105, 365, 378, 380, 394, 404,495^1 Wolson, Johann Christoph, 111 45ini7 Wood, William, 24 Woolf, Virginia, 22 Weltbürgerrecht, see cosmopolitanism Wright, Thomas (of Durham), 104 Werner, Abraham Gottlieb, 356, 498nio5 Xenophon, 48 Werner, Franz, 449M57 Young, Edward, 198 Weymann, Daniel, 122-24, 130, 141—42, 206, Zande, Johan van der, 484ns Zammito,JohnH., 344—45, 496 215, 456niO4,456ni09,459ni75, Zedlitz, Karl Abraham Freiherr von, xvü, 4Öon2O2—3 215,216,217,314,339,365 Zimmerli, Walther Ch., 48on22 Wieland, Christoph Martin, 116—17, 341, Zinzendorf, count of, 150, 4 3 2 ^ 8 Zippel, G, 436nioi 358,455n84, 458ni52 Zöllner, Johann Friedrich, 290 Willich, Anton, 214, 4 7 5 ^ 6 Wilmans, Karl Arnold, 405 ,. Winter, Alois, 4 4 4 ^ 9 Winterfeld, F. A. von, 432n47 Wizenmann, Thomas, 306, 49oni59 Wlochatius, August Wilhelm, 215 Wlömer, Johann Heinrich, 63-4, 72, 81 Wolff, Abraham, 69, 432, 444n8i Wolff, Christian, xv, xxii, 25—6, 38, 50, 60, 67-9, 70-1, 74-7, 79-80, 82-5, 101, 109, 115, 129-30, 132, 136,139, 140-41, 176, 178, 183, 190, 192, 211, 215, 285, 377, 378, 427ni-2, 432n43-7, 44on34,

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