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Home Explore Student Assessment

Student Assessment

Published by tülay kayıran, 2022-05-07 18:30:28

Description: Student Assessment


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Student Project Evaluation Dear students, we are about to come to the end of our project, it has been a very educational and fun project process for me! More importantly, your opinions! Please share your feelings and thoughts under this title. This project was very helpfull for me İt gave me a chance to protect nature effectively with my friends that i made alongside MuratÖ SEÇAL This project was a very fun and useful project for me.My perspective on nature has changed, I will always work for a clean nature from now on.Talking to other people has improved my english level enough, I am very happy and proud of this situation. Yiğit SEÇAL This project improved my English and help me gain digital skills.It was a very enjoyable process. MeryemK SEÇAL This project was a lot of fun for me, nature protection made me more conscious about environmental protection and my English improved a little bit. Alperen seçal Thanks to this project, my perspective towards nature has changed and I had a great time. AyĢe seçal I am proud to take part in this project, because this project is very useful and wonderful. I am happy to work with you. Thanks to this project, my interest in nature has increased even more. HasanG SEÇAL We contributed to nature in this project and it was fun TuğçeÇ SEÇAL the project was very helpful for me, ı learned so much information about natüre HalilK SEÇAL We did great activities, we brought nature to our classroom. Sometimes we made nature a classroom. thank you so much Sude.K Özlem Thank you very much to my teacher who added us to the project. It was very educational and fun narin1 Kemtal I was an executive student on the project. It was a real project. I worked hard, I was very happy yasemin1 Kemtal This project improved my English and help me gain digital skills.THANKS Halis Kemtal We thank you for everything efe1 Kemtal In this project, I had the opportunity to introduce my English school Nihal Erdem Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in the online meeting. I also made an interview in English. These made me very happy Samed Müjde

I realized that I have more duties for nature in this project. I want to mobilize everyone for nature Melisa Müjde I had a lot of fun. My sensitivity to nature increased. I made many friends. Thank you. Zeki Müjde I took part in an eTwinning project for the first time. I'm glad I took part. I improved myself a lot. I learned new things. I shared it with my friends and teachers at school. My family was also very happy. Abdullah Müjde This project was a lot of fun. I took part in another project. I learned a lot thanks to eTwinning this year. I have more confidence in myself now. IĢıl Müjde I don't want our project to end. We did lots of fun activities. We had fun, learned and shared it with our environment. Taner Müjde I was very worried when I entered the project, I agree for the first time, I was afraid of failing, but I didn't think it was this fun.Glad I got the job. Ġsmail Müjde I can fight anything that harms nature, anyone. Kenan Müjde I think that we really gained awareness in the project and we learned by having fun. SUDE ġEVYAL this project has contributed a lot to me.I realized once again that we need to protect nature.Let's protect nature!! NAZ ġEVYAL it was a very good project, it made good contributions to our environment, from now on we will leave a better environment for the future. GÖKSU ġEVYA It was a nice project, we had a lot of fun and we learned by having fun. YUSUF ġEVYAL I learned a lot of biological terms in this project. yiğityavuz Ģevyal It was a very nice project that we had fun in the project and informed about the events. ESMA ġEVYAL This project was so much fun.Thanks to this project.I got to know nature better. I strongthened my communication with nature. ĠPEK ġEVYAL the project was good i learned the importance of teamwork AYġE MELEK ġEVYAL ıt was a nice project,it left us new information and a clean envormation. SELMA ġEVYAL I am so happy to e in this projecthr nehir ygmtal – Thank you for everything. İt was enjoyable and informative nebi ygmtal I am happy to participate in the project. I learned a lot. I improved my English. Thank you all.❤��� Rojinġ Özlem

I am happy that I participated in the project, we had a very good time, we had a good time with our friends. zehra.e özlem I am very happy to be in the project, we had a lot of fun with my friends, thank you everyone gül özlem I am very happy to be in the project, I learned a lot, I improved my English, thank you all��� Zeynep.Ö Özlem I have always loved nature and I think I have become more conscious thanks to this Project KAĞAN ġEVYAL it was definitely worth the effort and time for this project. Yusuf NFKAĠHL I think this project has added a lot to me. I would like to say that I am sad that the project is over. emirhan NFKAĠHL First of all, I am very happy and excited to be involved in this project. I think this project has increased our awareness of natüre Halil Ġbrahim NFKAĠHL First of all, I am very happy and excited to be involved in this project. I think this project has increased our awareness of natüre EmirhanER NFKAĠHL The project helped me with my language development, I learned new information about nature conservation and socialized. Yunus NFKAĠHL This project helped my language development, I learned more about nature, I had friends from different countries. muhammet ali NFKAĠHL I am happy to take part in this Project.Contributed a lot about natüre. I would like to participate in the next projects. ahmad alamın NFKAĠHL This project is for me to benefit from taking part in the training project in the development of nature awareness. EmirhanK NFKAĠHL This is my first time taking part in an eTwinning project. I was very interested in the fact that our project topic included nature and sustainability. We carried out very productive activities. I'm happy to be in this project, thanks everyone EREN RADAL I enjoyed the PROJECT activities. I made friends from foreign countries. I learned to use water and nature better. thanks everyone MELISA RADAL In this project, I learned about water footprint, carbon footprint and ecological footprint. I improved myself. thanks NAZMIYE RADAL The project was a lot of fun, new information, new friends, websites, nature activities, mind map activities etc. I participated in the events and had a lot of fun. I am very happy to take part in such a project. Thank you very much to my friends and teachers. Dilan Ke It was a perfect project. Thank you my teachers and friends Zilan Ygmtal