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Language notes

Published by Guset User, 2022-07-19 15:12:41

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☺The employer had a meeting with the employees. 314. made of / made from / made by / made in ☺Doors are made of wood. ☺ Paper is made from wood. ☺This chair is made by the carpenter. ☺Clothes are made in Mahallah. 315. Remember these adverbs 1 – abroad  in or to a foreign country. 2 – above  in a higher position. 3 – aboard  on or onto a ship or train. 4 – ahead  in front. 5 – ashore  onto land by the side of the sea. 316. sloping roofs ‫اسقف منحدرة‬ flat roofs ‫اسقف مسطحة‬ Buildings in Japan have sloping roofs. In Egypt, there are flat roofs. 317. home to ‫موطن ل‬ be located = be situated = lies ‫تقع جغرافيا‬ Sinai is a home to wild life . Egypt lies in Africa. Egypt is located in Africa. 318. souvenirs ‫هدايا تذكارية‬ / presents(gifts) ‫هدية‬ reward ‫مكافأة‬ / prize ‫جائزة‬ We bought many souvenirs to remind us of our holiday in Egypt. He gave me a present ( gift) on my birthday. His teacher gave him a reward for his honesty. He won the first prize in the race. 319. astronaut astronomer astrologer # An astronaut is the person who travels into outer space. An astronomer is the person who studies stars and planets. An astrologer is the person who predicts the future. 320. expert ( in- on ) ‫خبير( متخصص في مجال علمي‬ experienced( adj ) ‫لديه خبرة‬ # Dr. Elbaz is an expert in space. # Ali is experienced in computers. 321. discover ‫يكتشف شيء له وجود ولكن غير معروف‬ Invent ‫يخترع شىء ليس له وجود‬ Explore ‫يستكشف مكان يزوره لأول مرة‬ # Columbus discovered America. 51

# Graham Bill invented the telephone. # I dream of exploring space. orbit ‫يدور حول شيء آخر‬ 322. spin ‫يدور حول نفسه بسرعة‬ ( The Earth orbits the sun) 323. Life ‫ الحياة بوجه عام‬A life of ‫ ياتى معها وصف الحياة‬The life of ‫فترة في حياة شخص‬ # Life is full of ups and downs. # Life is the opposite of death. # Children should have a life of fun. # People in Gaza have a hard life. # The life of Taha Hussein was difficult. 324.Borrow ‫ يستلف‬-‫ يستعير‬Lend ‫ يعير‬-‫ يسلف‬Owe ‫يستدين – يدين بــ‬ # Hams borrowed some money from Mido. ‫ شخص‬borrow ‫ شيء‬from ‫شخص‬ # Mido lent Hams some money. ‫ شخص‬lend ‫ شخص‬+ ‫شيء‬ # Mido lent some money to Hams. ‫ شخص‬lend ‫ شيء‬to ‫شخص‬ # Hams owes Mido some money. ‫ شخص‬owe ‫شيء شخص‬ 325. Decade ) ‫ سنوات‬11 ( ‫ حقبة‬Century ) ‫ سنة‬111 ( ‫ قرن‬Millennium ) ‫ سنة‬1111( ‫ألفية‬ # A decade is a period of ten years. # a century is a period of one hundred years. # a millennium is a period of on thousand years. 326.Everyday + ‫اسم‬ ) ‫ يومي ( صفة‬Every day ) ‫كل يوم ( ظرف‬ # The government should provide citizens with their everyday needs. ‫الاحتياجات اليومية‬ # I like to visit my relatives every day. 327. Be born in + ‫ الشهر‬- ‫ السنة‬-‫ المكان‬Be born on + ‫ اليوم‬Be born into + ‫العائلة‬ # My father was born in Mehalla in 1944. # My son was born on Monday2003. # She was born into a good family. 328. Machines ) ‫ آلات ( اسم يعد وله مفرد‬Machinery ) ‫آلات ( اسم لا يعد وليس له مفرد و يعامل معاملة المفرد‬ # The factory bought a new machine. ( new machines ) # The machinery in this factory is high-tech. 329. Wave ‫ يلوح – يشير بيده‬-‫موجة‬ Shake ‫يهز – يرج‬ # The waves of the sea are very high today. # I waved to the taxi , but it was occupied. # Shake the bottle before using the medicine. The snake is 10 meters long. 330. long - length The snake is 10 m in length. 331. on the way ‫فى الطريق إلى‬ in the way ‫معترضا الطريق‬ # I saw an accident on my way to school. # I couldn't go on my way as there was a car in my way. 332.similar ( to ) ‫ متشابه جزئيا‬the same ( as ) ‫ متطابق – مثل تمام‬the same + ‫نفس الاسم‬ 52

# Your car is similar to mine. They have the same colour. # Your car has the same colour as mine. Bark ‫اللحاء‬ 333. ‫و الآن مع أهم أجزاء الشجرة واستخدامها‬- Trunk ‫الساق‬ Root ‫الجذر‬ The tough outer layer of a tree that protects its living parts on the trunk. Leaves ‫الأوراق‬ The strongest part of a tree that grows wider and supports branches. Branches ‫الفروع‬ The underground part of a tree that hold down the tree securely. Fruit ‫الثمرة‬ The food factory of a tree. Grow out from the trunk and support the leaves. Produced by some trees every year.. 334. ‫و يوجد نوعان من الأشجار‬ 1. deciduous trees ----------- trees which lose their leaves in winter. 2. coniferous trees ----------- evergreen trees that don't lose their leaves. 333.drought ( no rain ) ‫قحط – جفاف‬ famine ( no food ) ‫مجاعة‬ # The drought was followed by famine which caused the death of many people. 335. machine ‫آله‬ instruments ‫آلات أو أجهزة فنية‬ tool ) ‫اداة ( المنشار مثلا‬ # He showed me how to operate the new machine. # A dentist has to get dental instruments that cost a lot . 336.Covered in ‫مغطى بشيء كجزء منه‬ Covered with ‫مغطى بشيء ليس جزء منه‬ # Birds are covered in feathers . # Everest is covered with snow. 337. lose ‫يفقد‬ get lost ‫يتوه‬ miss ‫يفتقد – يفقد مواصلة‬ # H lost his bag yesterday and he hasn't found it yet. # While my son was in Alex , he got lost, # I miss my father so much as I haven't seen him for a long time. # I got up late , so I missed the train. 338. space  Solar eclipse ------ the eclipse of the sun ( the moon is between the Earth and the sun ).  Lunar eclipse ----- the eclipse of the moon (the Earth is between the moon and the sun)  Total eclipse ------------ the sun or the moon disappear completely.  Partial eclipse ----------- the sun or the moon disappear in part. 53

 View ‫منظر ثابت‬ 338.About Eyes  sight ‫مشهد مؤقت‬  sight ‫ الرؤية‬- ‫البصر‬ # The view from my bed room window is wonderful.  landscape ‫منظر طبيعي‬ # I saw a sad sight while walking in the street. # Taha Hussein lost his sight when he was young.  sights ‫معالم المدينه‬ # The landscape along the Nile is amazing. # I visited Paris and enjoyed watching its sights. 339. Land mark- Landscape- Land slide- landfill  Land mark------ The Eiffel Tower is the land mark of France. ‫علامة مميزة‬  Landscape ----- The landscape along the Nile is wonderful . ‫منظر طبيعى – مظاهر السطح‬  Land slide ------The stadium was destroyed owing to a dangerous land slide. ‫انهيار تربة‬  landfill----------- Rubbish should be thrown in a landfill. ‫مكان القاء القمامة و تجميعها‬ 340. Snow- Ice- Break the ice  Snow ‫الجليد‬ # soft white pieces of frozen water that fall like rain in cold weather.  Ice ‫الثلج‬ # water that has frozen and become solid.  Break the ice ‫ يمهد الحديث‬# I began the meeting with a joke to break the ice. 341. Sculpture- sculptor – statue- Status  sculpture ---a work of art made from stone , wood , clay etc . ‫فن النحت – ينحت – تمثال منحوت‬  sculptor ----- someone who makes sculptures . ‫النحات‬  statue ----a stone , metal etc object that has been made to look like a person or animal.  Status ‫ حالة – وضع‬----------- what is your marital status ? 342. Abbreviations ‫اختصارات هامة‬ CV curriculum vitae ‫السيرة الذاتية‬ DOB BA date of birth ‫تاريخ الميلاد‬ Phd B.Sc. bachelor of arts ‫ليسانس أداب‬ M.Sc. IT doctor of philosophy ‫دكتوراه فى الفلسفة‬ bachelor of science ‫بكالوريوس علوم‬ Master of science ‫ماجستير فى العلوم‬ information technology ‫تكنولوجيا المعلومات‬ 343.take notes on ‫ ينتبـه‬make notes of ‫يـدون‬ We must take notes on the teacher's explanation. Wait ! I'll make notes of your comment. 54

344. steal rob steal ‫يسـرق شـئ‬ ‫يسـرق مكـان‬ A thief stole my bag. The thief stole my money. ‫يسلـب شـئ مـن شخـص‬ rob A gang robbed the bank yesterday. rob somebody of something They robbed him of his money. 345. between among between ‫ﺑين إثنين‬ He sat between Ahmed and Ali. ‫ﺑين أكثر من إثنين‬ among She sits among her friends. 346. listen hear ) ‫ينصت إلي ( سماع ﺑقصد‬ listen to I always listen to the holy Quran in the morning . ) ‫يسمع ( سماع عارض ـ ﺑدون قصد‬ hear When I was walking in the street I heard someone crying . ‫يتلقى رسالة من‬ hear from Have you heard from Ahmed? ‫يسمع أخبار عن ـ يعرف ﺑوجود شخص أو شئ‬ hear of She disappeared and was never heard of again. ‫يسمع ـ يتلقى معلومات عن‬ hear about You will hear about this later. 347. other another one of other I will visit other countries . ‫صفـة يتبعهـا جمـع‬ another I will read another story . ‫صفـة يتبعهـا اسـم مفـرد‬ One of ‫ما يقـع ﺑعـدها اسم جمع والفعل مفـرد‬ One of my friends is adoctor . 348. make profit make loss make profit ‫يحقـق رﺑـح‬ His business made great profit. ‫يخسـر‬ make loss Alas! he made loss last year. afford + to + inf. 349. afford ‫يتحمـل‬ I can afford to buy acomputer. ‫يتحمـل‬ 55 afford + N. I wish I could afford a new car.

350. ambitious opportunist ambitious She is very ambitious for her children. ‫ طموح‬ opportunist ‫ إنتهازى‬ He is opportunist because he makes use of every chance to have power. 351. adventure risk adventure ‫ مغامرة‬ When you are a child, life is one big adventure. ‫ مخاطرة‬ risk Smoking can increase the risk of developing heart disease. 352. primitive crude vulgar primitive ‫ ﺑدائى ـ عتيق الطراز‬ There are still primitive tribes in south east Asia. crude ‫ غير ناضج أو واضح ـ غير مهذب‬ His behavior is still crude despite his age. It is a crude drawing of a flower. vulgar ‫ مبتذل ـ سوقى ـ ﺑزئ‬ She found his laughter rather vulgar. 353. Spring Spring ‫ الرﺑيع‬ He was born in the spring. ‫ نبع ماء‬ ‫ ينبثق ـ يظهر فجأة‬ spring They discovered some springs in the mountains. ‫معتـاد‬ ‫مـن حيـن لآخـر‬ spring Tears sprang to her eyes. He turned off the alarm and sprang out of bed 354. usual occasional usual He was late as usual. occasional We get the occasional visitor here. 355. interpreter Translator interpreter ‫مترجـم فـورى ـ شفهـى‬ ‫مترجـم نصـوص‬ I want to work as an interpreter. translator My uncle is a translator; he translates documents, and official paper 56

356. Reflect - reflect on ‫يعكس‬ ‫يفكر ﺑشدة‬ Reflect Mirrors reflect lights. reflect on I reflected on this problem to solve it but I couldn’t. 357. list – menu list )‫قائمـة ( أسمـاء – أسعـار التسـوق‬ ‫قائمـة طعـام فـى مطعم‬ There is a list of names in alphabetical order. menu The waiter brought us the menu. 358. fortune a fortune fortune = luck ‫حــظ‬ ‫ثـروة‬ It was her good fortune to win such a great amount of money. a fortune = wealth She must have spent a fortune on her wedding dress. 359. street road street ‫شـارع داخـل مدينـه أو قريـه توجـد علـى جانبيـه المحـلات والمسـاكـن‬ I live in a wide and clean street. road ) ‫طريـق ( يرﺑـط ﺑين المـدن والقـرى ﺑبعـضه‬ The road between Cairo and Banha is crowded 360. iron iron Pliers are made of iron. ‫ حديد‬ iron I bought a new iron yesterday. ‫ مكوي‬ iron I need to iron my shirt. ‫ يكوي‬ 361. plane glider shuttle rocket spaceship plane ‫ طائرة ﺑمحرك‬ We always travel abroad by plane. ‫ طائرة شراعية ﺑدون محرك‬ glider A glider can fly without an engine. ‫ مكوك فضاء‬ shuttle A shuttle can travel into space and return to Earth more than once. ‫ صاروخ‬ rocket Astronauts will fly by rockets to a space station. ‫ سفينة فضاء‬ spaceship 57

A spaceship can travel to space. 362. breathe in = inhale breathe out = exhale breathe in = inhale ‫ يستنشـق‬ Plants breathe in carbon dioxide ‫ يـزفـر‬ breathe out = exhale Plants breathe out oxygen. 363. count calculate count ‫ يعــد علـى أصاﺑعه‬ ‫ يحسـب ﺑالآلـة‬ Scientists are able to calculate the speed of sound. calculate Some tribes can’t count up to nine. 364. conquer occupy raid ) ‫ يغزو ( عدو أو ﺑلد‬ conquer ) ‫ يحتل ( مكان أو ﺑلد‬ The Normans conquered England in 1066. ) ‫ يشن ( غارة‬ occupy The capital has been occupied by the rebel army. ‫الجيش الثائر‬ raid Villages along the border are regularly raided. 365. realize achieve reach ‫ يدرك‬ realize ‫ يحقق‬ ‫ يصل إلى ـ يحقق‬ I'm sorry, I didn't realize that it was so late. achieve He will never achieve anything if he doesn't work harder. reach ( goal – aim – target ) He reached his goal after long hours of hard work. 366. present introduce offer present ) ‫ يقدم ( شـئ ( ـ يهدى ( فعـل‬ We will present a cup to the winner. ) ‫) ( فعـل‬........ ‫ يقدم ( ﺑرنامج ـ مسلسل ـ فيلم‬ present She used to present a programmer about woman on TV. ) ‫ حاضـر ( صفـة‬ present All students are present today. ) ‫ هدية ـ الحاضر ( اسـم‬ present My father gave me a valuable present on my birthday. ( ‫ يقدم ( شخص لآخر‬ introduce He introduced me to his friend Ahmed. ( ‫ يقدم ( شـئ لشخص‬ offer He offered me 50,000 for the house. 58

367. knock knock on = at ‫يطرق على‬ While I was sleeping, he knocked on the door. ‫يخفـض السعـر‬ knock off the price Shopkeepers knock off the prices to sell a lot. ‫يسـرق ـ يبعـد عن مسـار‬ knock something off Scientists can knock an asteroid off its course by setting off an explosion near it. The assistant was busy, so the thief knocked off some jewellery and ran away. 368. weather wind ‫ الريـاح‬ There was a strong wind yesterday. ‫ المطـر‬ rain There is no rain in the desert. ‫ الجفاف‬ drought All of Africans die of drought. ‫ عاصفـة‬ a storm There is a storm outside. It's raining heavily and there is thunder and lightening. a blizzard ‫ عاصفـة ثلجيـة‬ A blizzard is a severe snowstorm. ‫ إعصار‬ a hurricane The hurricane caused destruction. ‫ فيضان‬ flood The village was destroyed by the flood 369. Jops Editor decides what should be in the magazine, improve the quality of writing and find out what the readers want. Illustrator draws pictures and cartoons. Designer decides what the magazine should look like. Manager decides on the price , sells and delivers the magazines to the readers . Photographer Takes photos. writer Writes stories , interesting articles and fictions . 367. ‫لاحظ استخدام المقطع‬multi- : ‫بمعني متعدد مع كلمات معينة مثل‬ multinational ‫متعدد الجنسيات‬ multicultural ‫متعدد الثقافات‬ multipurpose ‫متعدد الأغراض‬ multidimensional ‫متعدد الأبعاد‬ multimedia ‫وسائط متعددة‬ multilingual ‫متعدد اللغات‬ 868. outdoor / outdoors:  outdoor (adj.): )‫خارج المنزل (صفة يليها اسم‬ - Football is an outdoor game. 59

 outdoors (adv.): )‫خارج المنزل (ظرف مكان‬ - He spent the whole day outdoors. 369. gold / golden:  gold: ) ‫ ذهبى ( أى مصنوع من الذهب‬/ ‫الذهب‬ - Many prospectors ‫ المنقبون عن المعادن‬found gold in the hills of California. - Her father bought her a gold ring.  golden: ‫ ذهبى‬/ ‫ذهبى اللون‬ - Mary has got golden hair. - She missed a golden opportunity ‫ فرصة ذهبية‬by turning down ‫ رفض‬the job. 370. interfere / interrupt:  interfere in: )‫يتدخل فى (شئون الآخرين‬ - Mother advised me not to interfere in other people's affairs.  interfere with: ‫ يعرقل‬/ ‫يعوق‬ - Every time the telephone rings, it interferes with her work.  interrupt: ) ‫يقاطع (شخص أثناء الكلام‬ - He kept interrupting me with his silly questions. 371. cautionary / cautious:  cautionary: ‫تحذيرى‬ - Her story is a cautionary tale for women travelling alone.  cautious: ‫ حريص‬/ ‫حذر‬ - He's a cautious driver. 372. poor quality- good quality  poor quality: ‫نوعية رديئة‬ - A lot of cheap toys are of very poor quality. They break easily.  good quality: ‫نوعية جيدة‬ - Our school gives us good quality education. All the teachers work very hard. 373. Percent- percentage- ratio- increase to percent ‫في المائة‬ Cairo has 20 percent of the population percentage ‫ نسبة مئوية‬.  He achieved a good percentage . ratio - ‫معدل او نسبة – الى‬ The ratio of nurses to doctors is 3:1 increase to 60 percent %01 ‫ يزداد بنسبة او الى‬It will increase to 60% by 2030. 374. infect ‫يُعدي‬ # infected ‫ ملوث‬/ ‫مصاب‬ # infectious ‫ُمعدي‬ He was infected by bird flu. Malaria is an infectious disease. hostile 375. hostile - hostel ‫ عدواني‬- ‫عدائي‬ - We didn't expect such a hostile reaction to our ideas. hostel ‫ بيت الطلبة‬- ‫سكن‬ 61

- We stayed in hostels when we travelled in Europe. 376. Pole- pale pole ‫قطــــــــــــــب‬ - The Earth has two poles. pale ‫شاحــــــــب‬ - He had lost a lot of blood and was very pale. 377. (Un-) ‫* بادئة تعطي معني النفي‬ recognisable ‫يمكن التعرف عليه‬ unrecognisable ‫لا يمكن التعرف عليه‬ believable ‫ لا ُي َصدق‬- ‫غير معقول‬ readable ‫ واقعي‬- ‫ُمق ِنع‬ unbelievable ‫ لا يمكن قراءته‬- ‫غير مقروء‬ drinkable ‫ يمكن قراءته‬- ‫مقروء‬ unreadable ‫غير صالح للشرب‬ ‫صالح للشرب‬ undrinkable 378. angle angle ‫زاويــــــــــة‬ - The lines meet at a sharp angle. angle ‫وجهة نظــــر‬ - From this angle, the plan did not seem like a good idea. angel ‫مــــلاك‬ - Heaven is filled with angels. 379. mine mine ‫ منجــــــــم‬- The diamond mine was controlled by the government. mine ‫ كنـــــــــــز‬- The website was a mine of information. mine mine ‫ لغـــــــــــم‬- He was killed as he stepped on a buried mine. ‫ ملكـــــــــي‬- Ali's house is big, but mine is bigger. 61

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