Nov - December 2017 AgricultureNewsletter MESSAGE FROM THE HON. MINISTER Minister for Agriculture, Hon. Inia Batikoto Seruiratu As your Minister, I take this opportunity to shortfalls and make commitments to do thank you all from the Senior Management better or be a better person.Greetings to you all! and to every staff of the Ministry, to our stakeholders and development partners, This Christmas, I also ask that weWe have again reached the end of 2017 for the support given throughout the year. remember our staff who will beand it is the time of the year where we spending Christmas away from home -commemorate Christmas, the birth of the Thank you for the dedication and wives, husbands, daughters, sons andLord Jesus Christ and also reflect on our commitment. While celebrating this grandchildren whose family memberswork and achievement for 2017/2018. festive season, let’s keep in mind the are abroad working, studying or visiting - responsibilities that lie ahead and let us especially those serving as peacekeepers elevate our work to another level in order in some of the world’s most volatile and to achieve our objectives as set from the dangerous conflict zones. beginning of the year. I also ask that we remember those who This Christmas, it is not only important have lost loved ones through unexpected to Christians. It is a time when those of circumstances like accidents, drowning many different faiths can come together. and other tragedies. We should remember Let me remind you that it should be a families whose family members are time to reflect on our family, our faith and hospitalised or who are grieving. especially the tradition of love and giving. In addition, I pray that despite all these It is a special time to be thankful for all calamities, we will find favour with of the wonderful blessings in our lives, Almighty God and be filled with His to make new friends and mend broken peace during this season of glad tidings. relationships, to be accommodating and to forgive. Christmas is also a good time to I once again wish you all a peaceful reflect on what has transpired, learn from Christmas and blessed New Year. FIJI TO HOST 34TH APRC CONFERENCEFiji will be the first Pacific Island “As one of our commitment, and sign Government of Fiji have cooperated incountry to host the Food and Agriculture of stronger cooperation, it is a great almost every field of FAO’s endeavour,”Organisation (FAO) Regional Conference opportunity for the country to host the said Hon. Minister.for Asia and the Pacific (APRC). This was 34th FAO Regional Conference for Asia “Fiji supports FAO’s mandate and looksrevealed by the Minister for Agriculture, and the Pacific. Fiji will also have the forward to a greater contribution fromRural & Maritime Development & National opportunity to influence the agenda, FAO to the challenges facing Fiji and theDisaster Management & Meteorological drawing particular attention to issues of Pacific in addressing food and nutritionServices Hon. Inia Seruiratu. importance to Fiji and the Pacific Island security.During the signing of the Memorandum countries,” said Hon. Seruiratu. The 34th FAO Regional Conferenceof Responsibilities (MoR) between the “Hosting an international conference for Asia and the Pacific will be heldAssistant Director-General of the Food with high ranking Ministers and in Nadi from 9 to 13 April 2018and Agriculture Organisation of the officials from Asia and the Pacific is an and will be attended by all 46 FAOUnited Nations, Ms. Khundavi Kadiresan opportunity to demonstrate that Fiji has member nations for the Asia and Pacificand Hon. Seruiratu at the Ministry of excellent facilities and good logistics to Region. Selected Organisations and theAgriculture headquarters in Raiwaqa on host international conferences, adding Specialised Agencies of the UN SystemDecember 7th 2017, Hon. Seruiratu said to Fiji’s reputation as a destination for as well as a number of Intergovernmentalit would be an opportune time for the international conferences,” he said. Organisations (IGOs) and Civil Societycountry to host the 34th FAO Regional “Over the past 45 years, FAO and the Organizations (CSOs) will also be invitedConference for Asia and the Pacific. to the Conference.IssueIn this 2 Message From the Assistant Minister 3 Western Agriculture Show Focused on 4 1Guangdong Explores Climate Readiness Cooperation Opportunities in Agriculture
MESSAGE FROM THE HON. ASSISTANT MINISTER capture the how, what and when of doing Government. We also need to work better so and in our shortfalls we need to find out with our partners like other government also the reasons for under performance. agencies and the private sector for better delivery of service. These are priceless experiences from which we have a lot to gain and should It is not enough to only give assistance there be a need for change in the way and watch from the side, we need to we do things than the inevitable must be jump in and get involved right through to allowed to happen. achieving the end result. We must learn to be excellent leaders/decision makers and In my first year as your Assistant Minister, take charge of development from the start I have observed that a lot needs to be to the end. improved in terms of our service delivery. Let’s work together to see that the Ministry First of all there must be a change in the delivers on the mandate given to it by mindset of officers at all levels in order to Government. Let’s work smarter and plan change the way we do things. better for the future. Assistant Minister for Agriculture, Hon. Viam Pillay There must be a change in attitude of Let’s build on our strengths while officers to the general understanding capitalizing on lessons learnt from our My Warmest Greetings To You All, of the objectives and plans of National shortfalls. Let’s take service delivery in Government. the Ministry to a higher level and let’s put We have now arrived at the end of the in place systems and processes that will year 2017 and please allow me to thank Within the Ministry, changes must be boost overall efficiency. all officers of the Ministry and members made to the way we do things such that of your families, for your tireless efforts it responds to the changes in the external I close by challenging every officer in the and support in ensuring that service is environment that we service. Ministry to live up and measure up to the delivered to the people of Fiji to the best changes that are happening and to adapt of your abilities. There must be changes to our overall to these as fast as you possibly can. inefficiencies and we must become Years end is also a time for us to stop, look proactive in our responses to service These are exciting times for Government back and take stock of our achievements delivery rather than being reactive. We and the Fijian people and we all have a and shortfalls with our minds focused on need to plan better and ensure that all our part to play in it. the task ahead. plans reach the end stage. Please convey my warmest heartfelt With our achievements we need to We need to examine our plans such that wishes to you and your families and MAY they dovetail into the national plans of YOU HAVE A BLESSED CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. MESSAGE FROM THE PERMANENT SECRETARY As we approach the end of another year for all of us. and more importantly, the festivities of the Season, I wish to thank all staff for their A time of healing and renewed strength. contributions throughout the year. I hope that amidst your celebrations and merry making, you will be anchored on I hope we will all find time to wrap up this true spirit of the Season. our outstanding work before Christmas, so that we can all enjoy the celebrations I also urge all of you to spend time with peacefully with our families and friends. your dearest ones – parents, spouses and children especially. These are exciting I also take time to remember families who times for them and they will look forward may have lost someone beloved during to your presence with them. the year and for whom the celebrations will be quieter - we pray to the Almighty I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and for the eternal peace of your loved ones. a Joyful New Year! PS Agriculture, Mr. Jitendra Singh In the midst of the celebrations and the commercialization that comes with the Season, please take time to pause and un- derstand the true meaning of Christmas. It is a time when God showed His great love2
WESTERN AGRICULTURE SHOW FOCUSED ON CLIMATE READINESS hotels to explore the abun- sustainable farming systems that provide dance of fresh and pro- reliable sources of food and income se- cessed agriculture products. curity for all.” It is also an ideal time for “Government will continue to support local chefs to explore the the agriculture sector by providing an contemporary Fijian cuisine enabling environment for its continued and to choose more local, development. I note with interest the fresh, healthy and nutritious participation of the schoolchildren in the produce,” said the Presi- agriculture show. It is important that we dent. introduce the concept of agriculture to children from an early age. I acknowledge The theme for this year’s Ag- and thank the schools that are able to visit riculture Show was “Climate the show,” he said. Smart Agriculture for Fiji”, The public benefited from various displaysHis Excellency The President, Major General (Ret’d) Jioji Konusi Konrote presenting his which promoted the basis at the Western Agriculture Show whichkeynote address during the opening of the Western Agriculture Show held in Nadi. of resilient and sustainable included the Extension, Animal Health agricultural practices for cli- and Production and Research DivisionsThe 2017 Western Agriculture Show was mate adaptation and mitigation. of the Ministry, as well as other Ministriesheld from 08-10 November, 2017 at Ko- and stakeholders.roivolu Park in Nadi with demonstrations “Agriculture will remain an important and Students from selected schools in theof live animals, crops and farming man- significant player in our national devel- Western Division participated in oratoryagement practices. opment and in Government’s efforts to contests on the second day of the Show strengthen our economic growth. This will while farmer awards were held on theThe Western Agriculture Show focused on also help ensure that the national wealth third day.the need for the implementation of adap- is fairly distributed, and employment op-tation mechanisms for the sector amidst portunities made available to a wide crosschallenges posed by climate change. section of our communities.”His Excellency the President Major-Gen- He said whilst the Government is commit- The event, among other things aimed toeral (Ret’d) Jioji Konrote while opening ted in its effort to develop the agriculture promote agriculture in the country andthe show said that the annual agriculture sector, all farmers and would-be farmers provided the Ministry a platform to pub-show is but one programme that is aimed should agree to adopt the Climate Smart licize its services and encouraged moreat generating greater interest in the sector. Agriculture approach. farmers to venture into farming as a busi-“The event provides an opportunity for “This will enhance the development of ness. Highlights from the Western Show His Excellency the President Major General (Ret’d) Jioji Bee Man demonstration at the Western Show Hon. Viam Pillay with the Senior Officials and successfulKonusi Konrote with Hon. Viam Pillay and Acting Minister for farmers during the farmers awards nightAgriculture, Hon. Laisenia Tuitubou cutting the watermelon as a mark of declaring the Western Show open.NORTH STAFF AWARDED FOR THEIR DEDICATIONThe Ministry of Agriculture staff of the abilities. been humbled by the commitment youNorthern Division have been awarded “As staff of the Ministry you are constantly have all shown in your work, and manyfor their commitment and dedication being asked to meet targets or even do a times, I have personally witnessed first-throughout the year. more with less. This afternoon we can hand the difficulties most staff have hadThe Assistant Minister for Agriculture, allow ourselves the privilege to relax and to put up with – poor housing, no officeHon. Viam Pillay while addressing the reflect upon our achievements over the equipment and facilities and walking longstaff acknowledged their tireless efforts last six months.” distances between farms in all kinds ofand support in ensuring service delivery “Throughout my visit until today, I have weather,” said Hon. the people of Fiji to the best of their He thanked the staff for their efforts and 3
dedication to their duty and said the “There must be a change in attitude of Government. We also need to work betterchallenging environment they all have officers to the general understanding of with our partners like other Governmenthad to work under served as a valuable the objectives and plans of Government. agencies and the private sector for betterexperience to develop and nurture their Within the Ministry, changes must be delivery of service.”capacities in skills and leadership in order made to the way we do things such that “Let’s work together to see that theto deal with obstacles, adding that in the it responds to the changes in the external Ministry delivers on the mandate given toprocess, it would push the boundaries environment that we service,” he added. it by the Government. Let’s work smarterof their abilities to find ways of doing Hon. Pillay reminded the staff to change and plan better for the future. Let’s buildbusiness differently, in order to satisfy the the overall inefficiencies and become on our strengths while capitalizing oninterests and demands of the clients. proactive in their responses to service lessons learnt from our shortfalls. Let’s“This is my first year as your Assistant delivery rather than being reactive. take service delivery in the Ministry to aMinister, I have observed that a lot needs “We need to plan better and ensure that higher level and let’s put in place systemsto be improved in terms of our service all our plans reach the end stage. We and processes that will boost overalldelivery. First of all there must be a change need to examine our plans such that efficiency,” said Hon. the mindset of officers at all levels in they dovetail into the national plans oforder to change the way we do things.Assistant Minister for Agriculture, Hon. Viam Pillay with the Assistant Minister for Agriculture, Hon. Viam Pillay (seated third Assistant Minister for Agriculture, Hon. Viam Pillay hands over Dreketi Agriculture Staff from the left) with the Ministry of Agriculture Northern Division the Overall Winner for the Northern Division to Saleshni Sha- feen during the Ministry of Agriculture annual awards at Hotel Staff members North Pole in Labasa on December 15, 2017 GUANGDONG EXPLORES COOPERATION OPPORTUNITIES IN AGRICULTURE Hon. Viam Pillay along with Singh acknowledged the visiting delega- the Permanent Secretary tions proposals as it would help improve for Agriculture, Mr. Jitendra service delivery to farmers saying, “we Singh were introduced to will work closely with the Department of the development of modern Agriculture Guangdong Province. agriculture currently being implemented in the Guang- There will be more training opportunities dong Province by the visiting for staff as our farmers will be the main delegation with the inten- focus when these trainings and opportuni- tions to also adopt it for the ties are pursued.” local sector. The visiting delegation was made up of Discussions also centered on the Deputy Director-General of the De- partment of Agriculture of Guangdong Assistant Minister for Agriculture, Hon. Viam Pillay (3rd from right) and PS Guangdong’s accumulated Province, Mr. Jiang Yi, the Director-Gen-Agriculture, Mr. Jitendra Singh (3rd from left) with the visiting Guandong Agriculture eral of the Station of Cultivated Land and rich agricultural production Fertilizer of Guangdong Province, Mr. Department Representatives technique and experience Xiao Zhixiong, Ms. Li Xiaojun, the Deputy Director of Agricultural Foreign Economic as it could help assist developing coun- Promotion Center of Guangdong Prov- ince, the Section Chief of the DivisionOpportunities for cooperation in develop- tries meet their own supply and demand of Agricultural Product Quality Safetying the local agriculture sector was high- chains. Supervision Department, Ms Huang Na, Director of the Edible Fungus Researchlighted by a visiting delegation from the Division, Vegetable Research Institute,Department of Agriculture of Guangdong It was also highlighted that during a visit Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sci- made to Fiji last year by agriculture ex- ences and Mr Fang Boping, the DirectorProvince to the Ministry of Agriculture. of the Sweet Potato Research Division, perts from Guangdong Province, that Crops, Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences.This was raised during a courtesy visit edible mushrooms, banana and potatomade by the delegation from the Depart- were preliminary chosen as objects ofment of Agriculture of Guangdong Prov- this year’s technology exchange and co-ince to the Assistant Minister for Agricul- operation project. Training opportunitiesture, Hon. Viam Pillay at the Ministry of for Ministry officials engaged in the workAgriculture headquarters on December of cultivating edible mushrooms, banana and sweet potato was offered as well. Mr.12, 2017.4 (+679) 338 4233 Ministry of Agriculture Fiji Contact Us On: Fiji Agriculture
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