Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Transformation through the Dialectic of Acceptance and Change Gina Vanderham MA, MFT, ICADC, SAP, RCC
Table of ContentsWhat is Dialectical Behaviour Therapy? 3Who Can Benefit From Dialectical Behaviour Therapy? 4What New Skills Will I Learn? 5Mindfulness 6Distress Tolerance 7Emotional Regulation 8Interpersonal Effectiveness 9Four-part Curriculum 10 2
What is Dialectical Behaviour Therapy?Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is a highly effectiveform of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy that involves thedialectic of acceptance and change. Before you can moveforward and implement positive changes in your life, youneed to accept yourself and your situation as it currently is.Self-acceptance leads to change. 3
Who Can Benefit from DialecticalBehaviour Therapy?Extensive research demonstrates that DBT succeedsfor those with even the most persistent of challengesincluding: ● Anxiety ● Depression ● Substance abuse ● Emotional reactivity ● Anger management ● Chronic feelings of emptiness ● Intense sadness or recurrent fear ● Suicidal thinking or behavior ● Eating disorders such as bingeing and purging ● Impulsive behaviour such as reckless driving or unsafe sex ● Difficulty building and maintaining healthy relationships ● Self-harm and self-destructive behaviour 4
What New Skills Will I Learn?Skills modules include Mindfulness and Distress Toleranceto provide a foundation of self-acceptance in the now.Emotional Regulation and Interpersonal Effectiveness helpyou transform your current reality into “a life worth living”. 5
MindfulnessMindfulness, or being aware of your feelings and reactionsin the present moment without judgement, will help youcope with the powerful emotions you may feel whenattempting to make changes in your lifestyle.You’ll learn to observe and describe your internal andexternal environment without evaluation. This will keepyou centred and present. You’ll gain the ability to letemotions come and go instead of getting stuck in aparticular way of feeling or reacting. 6
Distress ToleranceA life crisis can turn anyone’s world upside down, but skillstraining in distress tolerance will assist you in keeping alevel head. You’ll be able to deal with a difficultcircumstance calmly instead of becoming overwhelmedand making the situation worse . Tactics include distractionmethods, self-soothing techniques, radical acceptance ofreality, and being open to taking effective action. 7
Emotional RegulationEmotional regulation skills will assist you in mastering youremotional world. You’ll learn how to: ● Identify obstacles to changing emotions ● Increase positive emotional events ● Enhance mindfulness re current emotions ● Employ distress tolerance strategiesYou’ll also gain an understanding of how emotionsmanifest and how they prompt you to act. “TakingOpposite Action” is one technique you’ll practice toimprove your mood. For instance, if you are feeling down,your initial instinct may be to withdraw. However, if youtake the opposite action and contact a friend, you may findthat you feel much better. 8
Interpersonal EffectivenessLearn basic assertiveness skills such as how to ask for whatyou want and how to say no. Practice techniques to assistyou in maintaining relationships and maintain self-respectwith the following acronyms: GIVE AND FAST.● Gentle ● Fair● Interested ● Apologies (few)● Validate ● Stick to your values.● Easy manner ● Truthful (Don’t lie.)
Four-part CurriculumThe exciting aspect of Dialectical Behavior Therapy is thatyou actually learn concrete skills, have homeworkassignments, and make real changes in your life. What’smore, it is a time-tested formula that works.Group therapy provides the additional bonus of socialinteraction and peer feedback.Take time out and invest in yourself. Change your life for thebetter.
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