Title:Develop The Correct Golf Swing For Women With Golf Fitness TrainingWord Count:848Summary:The woman golfer has a myriad of questions on how to develop the correct golf swing as doesmost any amateur. The questions from woman golfers center on a myriad of topics such as; howto hit the golf ball farther, how to develop a more repeatable golf swing, how do I hit half shotswith my wedges, what are good putting drills? The list can go on and on in relation to thewoman golfer and how to improve their golf swing. An area that is now presenting more andmore questions ...Keywords:Golf, Golf Fitness, Golf Training, Golf Workout, Womans Golf, Golf Flexibility, Womens GolfArticle Body:The woman golfer has a myriad of questions on how to develop the correct golf swing as doesmost any amateur. The questions from woman golfers center on a myriad of topics such as; howto hit the golf ball farther, how to develop a more repeatable golf swing, how do I hit half shotswith my wedges, what are good putting drills? The list can go on and on in relation to thewoman golfer and how to improve their golf swing. An area that is now presenting more andmore questions from the woman golfer centers upon golf fitness. Questions such as; what aregood golf flexibility exercises, and how can golf fitness exercises help me drive the golf farther?These and many more questions are arising in relation to golf fitness and the woman golfer.It is well known on the LPGA tour the number of players utilizing golf fitness programs toimprove their golf game. Annika Sorrenstam has publicly stated the benefits she has received in
her golf game from golf fitness training. One area that always appears to be a concern for thewoman golfer is distance. How to hit the golf ball farther and Sorrenstam does hit the ball along way, and utilizes golf fitness training. A simple connection can be drawn betweenincreased driving distance, women golfers, and golf fitness exercises. The bottom line is this;golf fitness exercises can benefit the distance of drives for the woman golfer.The questions that need to be answered are how and why. First off an understanding ofincreased distance, the golf swing, and the woman golfer needs to be addressed. Drivingdistance is contingent upon clubhead speed. The faster the clubhead is traveling at impact withthe golf ball. The golf ball will travel farther, an easily understood concept.Clubhead speed in the golf swing is contingent upon two components. Component number oneis golf swing mechanics. The biomechanics of the golf swing in and of themselves createclubhead speed. It centers upon physics and the coiling/uncoiling of the body during the golfswing. In relation to improving clubhead speed and golf swing mechanics. The more efficientthe woman golfer performs the mechanics of the golf swing. A greater amount of energy can bedeveloped and transferred into the golf ball as a result. First and foremost for the woman golfer;the development of efficient golf swing mechanics can improve driving distance.抯The second component of increasing clubhead speed is the body. Remember, the body is theimplement swinging the golf club. It is the woman body executing the biomechanics of thegolf swing. In addition it is also the body generating power for the golf swing. Power is theability of the body to generate the greatest amount of force in a short amount of time. Increasethe ability of the body to generate more power within the biomechanics of the golf swing. Anincrease in clubhead speed can occur. How does the woman golfer increase power outputs oftheir body? This is where the implementation of golf fitness exercises can be a benefit. Golffitness exercises can increase the power outputs of the body. Power golf fitness exercisesincrease the ability of your muscles to develop more force within the golf swing.How do golf fitness exercise achieve this outcome? Golf fitness exercises develop the bodyaround the golf swing: Very different than ordinary fitness training or aerobic classes. Golffitness exercises develop the required flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and powerwithin the body for the golf swing. This allows the body to execute the biomechanics of the golfswing correctly. In addition, golf fitness exercises can improve the swing in areas such asclubhead speed.This is accomplished with golf fitness exercises training the body in the positions, movements,and physical requirements of the golf swing. This allows for the proper levels of flexibility,balance, endurance, strength, and power to be developed within the body. Improving thecapacities of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power can improve the ability of thebody to perform the golf swing and increase distance.To summarize, the questions surrounding women and developing the correct golf swing aremany. How to improve the golf swing through golf fitness exercises is one of these questions,and one specific area within this topic is distance. Increasing distance is contingent uponincreasing clubhead speed. Improving clubhead speed centers upon golf swing mechanics andthe body. Improving the efficiency of the golf swing mechanics will allow a greater transfer ofenergy into the golf club, thus improving clubhead speed. The second component of distancelies within the body and its ability to generate power. Increasing the power outputs of the bodywill enhance clubhead speed. Power outputs of the body can be improved through golf fitnessexercises. These exercises differ than normal gym based exercises in that they develop the body
around the swing. This allows for the proper levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance,and power to be developed within the golf swing.Sean CochranTitle:How To Eradicate Your Emotional Health Problems Including InsomniaWord Count:678Summary:The stresses and strains of everyday life can bring with it a variety of emotional healthproblems. These can include depression, anxiety, insomnia, irritability and panic attacks. In thisarticle I write about each of these potential problems and suggest solutions to overcome them.Keywords:meditation, stress, sad, happy, panic attack, depression, lethargicArticle Body:The stresses and strains of everyday life can bring with it a variety of emotional healthproblems. These can include depression, anxiety, insomnia, irritability and panic attacks. In thisarticle I write about each of these potential problems and suggest solutions to overcome them.DepressionI am sure that we all become depressed at different times of our life, I certainly do. It is easy tolet things and people get us down. We can start to feel sorry for ourselves and to think that theworld is working against us.The brain has two halves, positive and negative. In these periods of depression the negative sideassumes control and it can become very hard to get out of this rut.I see the positive side of my brain as an apple and the negative side as a pear. If I only ever eatpears, I will not be able to experience the joy of eating apples. In short I have to give thepositive side a chance to help me to reach a state of happiness and I need to learn to ignore thenegative.Anxiety and panic attacksAt times people start becoming anxious about their future or even about their present situation.This can in certain cases even lead on to panic attacks.In my opinion worrying does not help the situation, it only makes things worse. I have to saythat I do worry and that the cloud of doom does descend over my life at regular intervals. Whenthis occurs I try very hard to break the cycle and I even talk to the demons in my head. I have a
battle of wills with them. I tell them that they will not win and that I will not stress anymore.This is not that simple but is what I try to do.InsomniaHaving trouble with sleeping at night can happen for a number of reasons, the main one ofwhich is stress. Other causes are snoring, an intake of too much caffeine, a noisy environmentor depression.I have written about stress and depression already, it is also time to cut down on the coffee. Asimple suggestion in potentially solving insomnia, is to read a book in bed before attempting toget to sleep. This book should help you to get your mind away from any anxieties you may have,it should relax your body and should also tire your eyes.IrritabilityWhen people lose sleep or work to hard they can become over tired and this can lead toirritability. This can cause people to have a higher pulse rate, making their muscles feel tightand can leave people also feeling anxious and lethargic.It is important to therefore ensure that you obtain a good amount of hours sleep per night (atleast seven)and that you only work a certain amount of hours per week. Money is important topeople, however in my opinion health should be the priority.Solutions to these emotional health problemsI have come to realise that I need to treat myself from time to time. I have always found itdifficult to relax and would often feel stressed and under pressure.I now use various methods at different times of the year to help me to chill out a bit and toreward my body. These include aromatherapy, using herbal products, attending tai chi lessonsand I have even tried Yoga. I must admit I could never get to grips with Yoga, however haveheard it can prove to be very beneficial to people who can.MeditationMy favourite form of relaxation is by meditating. I do this by sitting on a straight back chair andby basically concentrating with my eyes closed. I pay particular notice to my breathing and ithas certainly helped me to see things in a much clearer way.In conclusion there are many ways of reducing emotional health problems and withdetermination you are able to see your way to a better and brighter future.Steve HillTitle:The five CRITICAL things to do for your health and weight loss
Word Count:940Summary:One of the most important thing to do about your health and weight loss isto take action and begin learning about health, followed veryclosely by putting what you learn into practice. We are avery diversified bunch of people and what works for you maynot work for the next person. You have to find what works foryou from a wide variety of sources, expand your knowledge andaccept no one thing as being the best for your health.Keywords:health, weight loss, fitness, nutrition, exercise抦Article Body:I often asked what is the best diet, or the best foodprogram, best exercise program and which single best book torecommend to improve your health, fitness or weight loss.The answer is that there is no best way to do it. There isno best book, and there is no right way or wrong way to do it.The 5 Critical things you must do to achieve your health arethese1. Continue to learn about health, fitness, nutrition andweight loss from a wide variety of sourcesThe single most important thing to do right from the start isto take action and begin learning about health, followed veryclosely by putting what you learn into practice. We are avery diversified bunch of people and what works for you maynot work for the next person. You have to find what works foryou from a wide variety of sources, expand your knowledge andaccept no one thing as being the best for your health. Keep抰reading, keep learning and keep what works for you and discardwhat doesn .抰 搆Knowledge isn power, but nowledge in action is power!Some very simple things to keep in mind is that the body runs抣on food and if you give it the best quality food, in whatevermanor that happens to be, then you l probably get some goodresults in general. Keep the nutrition to a maximum by eatingas close to nature as possible, organic where possible andeliminating processed foods and trans fats.
2. Find a mentor.抯Someone who been there, done that and that you can model .I realized at quite an early age that if we can model someone抯who been there and done that and gotten results, then you揷can ut to the chase?as it were to find out what works for抰your health and weight loss - what doesn and in doing so getresults faster.抮Find a mentor, a role model for the things that you e looking抯for. If it weight loss or to improve your health, find抯 抮someone who walked in your footsteps and knows what you egoing through. Model them. Do what they did, repeat their抰process and contact them to ask what worked and what didn .抰You can save yourself a lot of time and effort by doing whatworks and skipping what doesn .3. Apply the knowledge you learn about health on a dailybasisThis is where the taking action part comes in. You must begin抳 抳to apply the knowledge you e gained from what you e read抳about health or watched and by talking with people who e been抳there before you. If you do not put it into practice thenyou e become an information junkie and not someone whofollows through on their knowledge. You must begin to work抳the principles you e learned on a daily basis and keep at it.抰Without the trial and error, you get nowhere fast and won抰truly know what works and what doesn .4. Repeat steps one, two and threeRemember, there is no right way or wrong way to lose weight,抳 抦improve your health or get what you want. You must continueto learn and challenge what you e read. I told that what I抰 搘teach is wrong and I ask what were your results when you triedit? Well, they didn try it and so I then ask hat right doyou have to tell me what I teach is wrong? It may have抰worked for me or for many people I coach including yourself,but without trying it and challenging it, you won ever know.抳Keep learning about health, keep reading, keep applying whatyou e read and this new knowledge. Begin the process of
抰filtering for yourself what will and won work for you.Remember this is about you, not me or the other guy, but whatwill help you achieve your weight loss goals or your health.This may very well be about applying certain fitnessprinciples that sound so controversy that you figure they抰 揵can possibly work. One of my favorite sayings is elievenothing I say, but I challenge you to prove me wrong? Myintent is to have you try it.When I first begun my journey to lose 300 pounds, I read one搒book and I preached the principles like they were the gospel.I was finally told to hut up?and read something else, so Itook it upon myself to learn whatever I could about health andweight loss. I began to apply my new knowledge daily, foundpeople who had used the info before and what they believedabout it, what worked for them for their health and thendiscovered for myself what worked.Finally, I discovered the ultimate secret to health and weightloss.5. Never give up.It never ends. In the large scope of your life, the next 30,40, 50 or more years, what is a few days if you happen to getoff track. Get right back on doing what you were doing, keeplearning, keep trying new things, go back to what worked whenit was working and keep up with your daily fitness routine.Probably the single most important fact about exercise or抳fitness is that our body is designed to move and we e gottenaway from that. We must do something on a daily basis toexercise our body.Never give up. Never lose sight of the health you want andkeep working towards your goal.
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