Title:Dangers Posed By Smoking on Women's HealthWord Count:534Summary:Regardless of women's age, the dangers of smoking contribute to many kinds of cancer as wellas infertility, anxiety, blindness and osteoporosis. Quitting smoking is easier said than done.And women, it turns out, have an even harder time quitting than men.Keywords:dangers of smokingArticle Body:Everybody is aware of the dangers of smoking. It is absolutely damaging to the human body.While carcinogens in cigarettes pose a hazard to everyone, women are three times as likely asmen to get aggressive forms of lung cancer and more likely to develop it at an earlier age.Women are also more likely to die of lung cancer than breast cancer.Quitting smoking is easier said than done. And women, it turns out, have an even harder timequitting than men. Stronger withdrawal symptoms may be attributed to hormones or the biggernicotine dose absorbed by smaller female bodies. Regardless of women's age, the dangers ofsmoking contribute to infertility, anxiety, blindness, and osteoporosis. Pregnant women whosmoke risk not only their health but their babies' as well. Second hand smoke affects thechildren and other people around mothers who smoke.Smoking is a vice that almost always begins during adolescence. When teenagers finish fromhigh school without ever smoking regularly, they probably never will. However, while boys andgirls are equally likely to start smoking, the latter get the worse health complications. Youngpeople may exhibit symptoms of addiction within a few days or weeks right after they startedsmoking.While cigarette smoking was rare in women during the beginning of the 20th century, thetobacco industry realized the potential of women as a market for the expansion of the cigarette
揑industry. In fact, tobacco companies launched the campaign slogan nstead of a sweet, reach揧for a smoke?to encouraged women to smoke so as not to gain weight. This was followed byou've come a long way, baby?as a tribute to the burgeoning women's liberation movement.These marketing campaigns not only depicted women smokers as beautiful, independent andfun, but also sent subliminal messages that smoking helps women control their weight.Cigarette ads are banned in kids and teens magazines but billion of dollars are spent on t.v.,billboards, and adult magazines which can easily be accessed by the youth.Since 1987, lung cancer has surpassed breast cancer as the leading cause of cancer deathsamong women in the United States. About 87% of all lung cancer cases in America is directlyattributed to smoking. Smoking causes heart disease, which is the number one killer of womenin the U.S. The dangers of smoking contribute to respiratory diseases such as emphysema andchronic bronchitis, as well as many kinds of cancer.Women who smoke also harm their appearance as smoking speeds up the aging process andproduce more facial wrinkles, gum disease, dental decay, and halitosis. Mental health is alsoaffected due to depression and anxiety disorders. Women are more likely to be depressed thannon-smokers, and that women with anxiety disorders are more likely to smoke.Some women, however, are finding creative ways to break the habit for good. Engaging inactivities where smoking wouldn't fit, such as exercising, biking, mountain-climbing, as well asturning to a non-smoking lifestyle that includes going to smoke-free places with your kids.The dangers of smoking for women has increased attention and awareness from women'sorganizations, resulting in a number of projects that focus on supporting tobacco cessationefforts specifically for women.Title:How To Compare Low Cost Health Insurance In FloridaWord Count:690Summary:Health insurance is getting more and more expensive all the time. In fact, today almost 17% ofall Floridians simply cannot afford health insurance at all.If your place of employment offers a group policy, or if you belong to some group ororganization that offers its members group health insurance you should take a good, long lookat what they have to offer because group health insurance is almost always less expensive thanindividual health insurance and group health in...Keywords:Article Body:Health insurance is getting more and more expensive all the time. In fact, today almost 17% ofall Floridians simply cannot afford health insurance at all.If your place of employment offers a group policy, or if you belong to some group or
organization that offers its members group health insurance you should take a good, long lookat what they have to offer because group health insurance is almost always less expensive thanindividual health insurance and group health insurance is more likely to accept someone with apre-existing condition.If you own a home-based business and you've been in business at least six months then you mayqualify for group health insurance rates under a Florida law even if you don't have anyemployees. Check with your insurance agent for details and to see if you qualify.Florida, like other states, wants to make certain that every student in the state has access tohealth care. To achieve this goal Florida has initiated what is called the KidCare Program.KidCare makes low-cost health insurance available to low income families on a need basis. Tolearn more simply go to: http://www.floridakidcare.org/If you are in need of individual or family health insurance there are several things you can do tohelp keep the cost of your monthly premiums reasonable.Start by not smoking or using tobacco products of any kind. Smokers pay more for healthinsurance. Period. If you already have a health insurance policy and you were a smoker whenyou got the policy but have since quit you should inform your agent of that fact as you may beentitled to a rather hefty decrease in your monthly premiums.If you are overweight you will also pay more for your health insurance. Losing weight is evenmore difficult than quitting smoking, but if you can lose even a few pounds you may drop into alower weight category and that could save you hundreds of dollars each and every year.If you have multiple insurance policies with the same insurance company, such as ahomeowner's policy, or an auto policy, or a life insurance policy then you should be entitled to aMulti-Policy Discount on your health insurance.If you have been insured with the same company for at least 5 years ask if you are entitled to aLong-Term Discount on your health insurance.Don't participate in dangerous or extreme sports or hobbies. If you unnecessarily put your lifeor health at risk you are going to pay more for your health insurance.How much of a co-pay do you make whenever you see your doctor? Consider your financialsituation carefully and ask yourself if you could honestly afford to pay a higher co-paymentevery time you visit your doctor's office. If you could then talk to your agent because the higheryour co-payment the lower your monthly premium payment. This is an especially good idea forpeople who do not visit their doctor on a regular basis.What about your deductible? Again, you must look at your financial situation and make anhonest assessment of your ability to pay for your own health care costs. The more you canafford to pay each year before you ask your insurance company to help you out ?in other words,the higher your deductible ?then the less you will pay each month in premiums.You should now have an idea of what kind of a health care package you can afford, so it's timeto get online and compare prices among the different insurance companies for the coverageyou've decided upon.
Don't stop with making comparisons on just one website because no one website comparesevery insurance company operating in Florida. You need to take the time to make comparisonson at least 3 different websites. That way you can be certain that you are seeing the pricesoffered by all the different insurance companies and when you grab the best deal you can feelquite confident that you have truly compared low cost health insurance in Florida and that youhave gotten the very best deal possible.Title:The Best Way To Fight Poor Health Is To Make Home Cooking Fast And Easy!Word Count:324Summary:Obesity and related health problems are epidemic in North America. Not only are most of useating way too much and getting little exercise, but we're also eating very fatty foods. Even ifyou shun fast food restaurants and buy your food at supermarkets, it's still almost impossible tofind quick-to-fix foods that aren't high in fat content.Experts say we were in far better health a few decades ago when just about everyone preparedtheir meals from scratch. Home cooking, e...Keywords:cooking,family,health,fitnessArticle Body:Obesity and related health problems are epidemic in North America. Not only are most of useating way too much and getting little exercise, but we're also eating very fatty foods. Even ifyou shun fast food restaurants and buy your food at supermarkets, it's still almost impossible tofind quick-to-fix foods that aren't high in fat content.Experts say we were in far better health a few decades ago when just about everyone preparedtheir meals from scratch. Home cooking, even when elevated to the gourmet level, is farhealthier than restaurants or instant dishes from the grocery store.But these days when everyone is working one, two, even three jobs, who has the time to make acomplete meal at home? It would seem there is simply no fast, easy way to eat healthy food.Let me speak from experience: You CAN cook FAST at home and make EXCELLENT meals.Nick has been a gourmet chef for 25 years. During that time he developed more than 300 great,healthy recipes that can be prepared quickly.As a general rule of thumb, you can be sitting down, eating a hot, fresh meal within 45 minutesto one hour after you come home.
Consider how much time and money you spend at fast food restaurants, and you'll realize howmuch money--even time--you can save.Not only does eating better help you stay trimmer, it also makes you feel better. People who eatbetter have more energy and quite often feel younger. Education specialists assure us kidsdevelop normally and perform better in school when they eat right. And you can certainly headoff a host of health problems that can plague you in middle and later life.Do yourself and your family a huge favor. Start cooking your meals at home using freshingredients in recipes that help you cook fast and often from scratch. It's cheaper and, goodnessknows, it tastes a lot better!
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