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Home Explore Detoxing Ion Foot Baths For Better Health!

Detoxing Ion Foot Baths For Better Health!

Published by eva, 2015-01-06 10:01:26

Description: Technology has played a role in our health. We are surrounded by wireless phones and
computers and while they play a tremendous role in increased productivity, they also create an
imbalance in positive and negative ions in your bodies system. When you sit in front of a
computer all day you are bombarded with positive ions coming at you from your monitor and
wireless phones anywhere in your vicinity. This makes you feel tired and sluggish and you can
lose some of your concentr...

Keywords: ion footbath,ionic foot bath, detox foot bath,body cleanse


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Title:Detoxing Ion Foot Baths For Better Health!Word Count:662Summary:Technology has played a role in our health. We are surrounded by wireless phones andcomputers and while they play a tremendous role in increased productivity, they also create animbalance in positive and negative ions in your bodies system. When you sit in front of acomputer all day you are bombarded with positive ions coming at you from your monitor andwireless phones anywhere in your vicinity. This makes you feel tired and sluggish and you canlose some of your concentr...Keywords:ion footbath,ionic foot bath,ion footbath, detox foot bath,body cleanseArticle Body:Technology has played a role in our health. We are surrounded by wireless phones andcomputers and while they play a tremendous role in increased productivity, they also create animbalance in positive and negative ions in your bodies system. When you sit in front of acomputer all day you are bombarded with positive ions coming at you from your monitor andwireless phones anywhere in your vicinity. This makes you feel tired and sluggish and you canlose some of your concentration. It can be difficult to sit there for long periods of time. To undothis phenomenon, you need a boost of negative ions to put you back in balance

Have you noticed that when you are in the mountains near trees and a waterfall, or paddlingdown a river or just walking on the beach with the water lapping around your feet how muchbetter you feel? This is because you are bombarded with an abundance of negative ions. Thisgives you that comfortable peaceful feeling we all seem to crave these days. No wonder peopleflock to these crisp clean air destinations to get some much needed down time.Being that most of us are bound most of the year to our jobs and home, we tend not toexperience enough of natures natural balance. And to make things worse, we are living in anenvironment that is far more toxic today than our fore fathers. Everything we eat, drink andbreathe is more toxic than it was even 20 years ago.An ionic foot bath is a great way to restore that feeling of well being and detox at the sametime.It works by filling a plastic tub of clean water, add sea salt, which is high in minerals, place thearray and your feet in the water and the array will put out positive and negative ions. This抳travels through your body attaching itself like a magnet to oppositely charged toxins and mucusand excretes it through the pores in your feet. If you e never seen the results of a foot baththen you will be amazed at what you see. What started out as clean water will become verydirty indeed. The color of the water determines what area of the body is detoxing.How to read your water:Black or brown water is the liver.Orange; means the joints.Dark green; the gallbladderYellowy green; kidneys, urinary tract,White foam; Lymph nodes drainingRed flecks; blood clot materialBlack flecks; heavy metals抰With the liver and kidneys taking a heavy load of toxins it is not unusual to see a lot of peoplewith brown and black water for several foot baths. But don be surprised one day if youdevelop a urinary tract infection and your water turns green. People with arthritis will oftenhave orangey water.If you leave the array in the water for the allotted time you will see some color change becauseit will react with the minerals in the water, but placing your feet in the water changes theconsistency and you will have mucus, foam and or flecks in the water, sometimes so heavy thatyou cannot even see your feet. Just the array in the water may be colored, but will remain clear.Some of the benefits of ion footbaths are;1) An enhanced the immune system2) Assists in recovery time from injuries and surgery3) Can relieve pain and joint stiffness due to arthritis4) Improves sleep pattern5) Remove heavy metals6) Removes blood clot material7) Improve liver and kidney function8) Increase your energy

Detoxing is a normal function of the body but when it gets overwhelmed and pain or diseasesets in, then we must do what we can to help the body unburden itself and ion foot baths helpyou do that.Anything you can do to relieve your body of toxic build up will be beneficial to your health.I hope this helps!Title:How To Eat Healthy During Your Next Camping TripWord Count:845Summary:One should not think that camping foods only includes junk foods.While you are on your way for camping then it is better if you can think as well as carry light.Although it feels really good to imagine a campfire along with eggs and hot coffee with somereality bites. Moreover, reality is truly heavy.If you want to make this imagination real then you have to carry all cooking equipments withyou in your camping trip. The things may include cast iron oven, ice and coo...Keywords:camping, camping tips, camping supply, camping tents, camping gear, camping recipesArticle Body:One should not think that camping foods only includes junk foods.While you are on your way for camping then it is better if you can think as well as carry light.Although it feels really good to imagine a campfire along with eggs and hot coffee with somereality bites. Moreover, reality is truly heavy.If you want to make this imagination real then you have to carry all cooking equipments withyou in your camping trip. The things may include cast iron oven, ice and cooler for keeping thefoods fresh etc.Thus normally people opt for dried and frozen foods but that mostly becomes very expensive.The taste is also not very good and the fake flavors with heavy preservatives are also added.You will definitely find some better alternatives there at your nearest grocery store. It may notprovide you much tasty foods but it will give you healthy foods. Moreover, there will not onlybe instant noodles but something better than that.

These are some tips that will help you to select the correct camping foods they are as follows:Evaluate in and out.A large amount of energy is required in camping, as you have to walk and pass through manypaths and trees. Thus the things that you will carry must be light weighing or should be bearableheavy so that it is easy to carry. Remember that besides food, you will also have to carry clothesalong with a mattress, a sleeping bag, a method of having purified water etc.In camping trips mostly people use the cooking system like the stoves, which entails microcooking with it. A burner is also fitted in it, which you can mainly use for boiling water andother things. Normally a camper would take any type of dehydrated foods.Another good alternative is the cereal flake such as Cheerios. You will also get somedehydrated type of foods. Some of the packaged cereals are available in which you only have toadd hot water and the warm meal is ready for you. These foods include cream of wheat andoatmeal. You can keep this kind of meals in a Ziploc bag rather than in a can then it will beeasier for you to share properly the quantity.Another improved and healthy option is dried fruits that includes blueberries, raisins and drycranberries etc.Tang that is an old powdered orange juice is good for drinks they are also handy and easily抰available. You can also take coffee that you can make instantly in your camping trip. If you don like black coffee then you can take Cremora, it is a fine creamer.If you carry this type of foods then the best part is that you will not have enough trash to leave.No one can stay only on breads so crackers can also be used.While you are in camping then crackers are better alternatives than breads as it does not stalemuch and your tummy will also remain full. It is also handy and light; Wasa is a good brand ofcrackers. And if you want cheese in your crackers then you must select the type of cheese thatdoes not need any refrigeration. You will get them in the grocery stores. Besides, for tastes youcan always opt for easily packed salami and pepperoni.In the portable tubes you can put the peanut butter or your trip. Another easily packed, verytasty as well as highly satisfying is the chocolate. When you will climb that hard top then thechocolate will be a good company.Although, if you want to experience the real world comfort while you are camping and areready to carry loads then you can take cans of chicken chunks, tuna, liver pate and ham.Calm down because if you are unable to sacrifice your needs then you must remember that youare not going forever to camp. After your camping gets over you are going to come back in theworld that has a stove-top grill, coffee machines, microwave oven, refrigerators etc.Plan, organize and get readyBefore camping make a plan of the trip and assure that for how many days or weeks you willstay out. It will help you to prepare the food required in the trip by you. Evaluate how much

food you can take with you for camping. You can opt for carbohydrate rich foods as they have ahigh amount of moisture and are good options.Sometimes it becomes very monotonous to have the same food every time during camping. Toavoid that you can take different kinds of food for your each meal. You can select in this waylike for breakfast dried fruits, oatmeal for lunch and in between you can enjoy some cookies.Actually, camp food is also in real a regular kind of food. You may not have the normalfacilities but it can be healthy and tasty as well. The only thing is that you must know thecorrect place.Title:The Effects of Over-training and on Women's HealthWord Count:495Summary:This article talks about the ill-effects of over-training on women. Too much training coupledwith unhealthy diets may lead to amenorrhea or a condition that refers to the absence ofmenstrual cycles. This condition, may lead to several health ailments like osteoporosis anddifficulties in pregnancy.Keywords:diet, anxiety, women's healthArticle Body:Countless women nowadays are striving to lose weight some restrict their food intake and搕engage in intense exercise routines. The long list may include athletes, super models, andordinary women who believe that hin is sexy.?These individuals tend to exercise too muchand eat too little. Women who engage in such activities are at risk of many health problems likeamenorrhea, a term that refers to the absence of menstrual periods. This is experienced bywomen because of extremely low body fat content. Missed menstrual is often linked todecreased estrogen (primary female sex hormone) levels. Several medical studies show thatamenorrheic women and those who have below 10% body fat may have a hard time gettingpregnant. Amenorrhea may also lead to osteoporosis, an ailment which decreases bone density, makingthe bones vulnerable to fracture and other injuries. Bones usually become brittle when peopleare much older, but some young women, especially the ones who experience amenorrheadevelop brittle bones at a very young age. A report released by the National OsteoporosisFoundation concluded that one in two women over 50 may encounter an osteoporosis relatedinjury in their lifetime.Here are some signs of over-training and unhealthy diet:

?missed or irregular menstrual periods?extreme thinness?extreme or rapid weight loss?behaviors that reflect frequent like eating very little, not eating in front of others, and focus onlow-calorie food?frequent and intense exercising (taking aerobics class followed by a five mile run, swimming揑for long hours, and weight-lifting?an can't miss a day of workout?attitude?anxious preoccupation with injuries?exercising despite illness, bad weather, injury and other conditions that may require resting?too much self-criticism or self-dissatisfaction?extreme anxiety and low self-esteem?fatigue?sleep difficulties?feeling cold most of the time?constant conversations about weightIf these signs are experienced, the best thing to do is make adjustments in one's exercise andeating regimens. Exercising in moderation and reducing the intensity from time to time coupledwith healthy diets may help prevent amenorrhea. It is also best to seek advice with one's doctorto make sure that one's missed periods is not a sign of over-training. In addition, doctors canhelp you make adjustments to protect you from further bone damage.搖Over-training may only impede health improvements, women who want to lose weight shouldbear in mind that too thin is unhealthy and is nsexy.?It is important to exercise properly andeat nutritious food. Without these, it will not be a matter of how people look and how long theyexercise. Balance is the key to improved health and well-being.Women who want to lose weight properly are encouraged to consult doctors and other healthprofessionals for advice. These advice are important because a lot of women tend to exercisetoo much and deprive themselves of nutrients necessary for growth and development.Understanding proper workout and including a healthy diet in one's lifestyle may lead toimproved health and overall well-being.

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