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Home Explore Medisys December Online Magazine

Medisys December Online Magazine

Published by adam.taaffe, 2017-11-30 15:11:07

Description: Medisys December online Magazine EN


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Most of us know that eggnog, shortbread cookies, mini low-carbohydrate hors d’oeuvres tend to be lower in Calories.sausage rolls, turkey stuffing or mini mincemeat pies aren’t Examples include mini chicken skewers, shrimp with cocktailexactly diet foods. But the December holidays come around sauce, tuna tartare on cucumber slices, or smoked salmon.only once a year – shouldn’t we let loose and gobble up all thegingerbread men and candy canes we can get our hands on? 5. Don’t arrive at cocktail parties starving:Some research suggests that most individuals of a healthyweight will gain about one pound during the holiday season. If you arrive at an evening holiday party having not eatenHowever, people who are already overweight or obese tend anything since noon, it’s likely you’ll end up eating more – andto gain more like five pounds over the holidays. If we all stuck less healthfully – than you otherwise might. Make a point ofto our New Year’s resolutions and ramped up physical activity having a small healthy, high protein, high fibre snack beforeor maintained a healthy diet the other 11 months of the year, heading out to your next party. For example, plain Greekthen the annual holiday weight gain wouldn’t be a concern! yogurt with a handful of berries, raw veggies with hummus,The issue is that this additional pound – or five pounds – or a cup of bean soup.over the holidays often accumulates year, after year, afteryear! Despite our best intentions, a few pounds gained in 6. Scan then feast:December aren’t – for most of us – counter balanced by a fewpounds lost in the months that follow. Before loading up your plate, scan the room to see what’s available. Start with a plate of vegetables, then lean meats,Here are 10 tips and tricks for staying seafood, or other protein, and then carbohydrates – in thathealthy this holiday season: order. Try to eat slowly, taking the time to really enjoy each bite. The process of scanning the room and making informed food choices helps you take a step back and be more mindful.1. Beware of the never ending glass of wine: 7. Avoid mingling at the buffet table:Often at holiday parties, especially those hosted at You may have enough will power to stand by the buffet tablerestaurants or hotels, servers cheerfully wait at every corner for several hours mingling without eating everything withinto refill your wine glass every time you take a sip. Before arms’ reach, but some of us don’t. Fix yourself a plate ofyou know it, that one or two glasses of wine you planned on food – and then move away from the buffet table and minglehaving turns into a bottle! somewhere else! Once you’ve decided you’ve had enough – pop a piece of minty gum. It may stop you from mindlessly2. Ramp up physical activity and weight training nibbling throughout the December: 8. Drink more water:If you know you’re probably going to overeat during theholidays, try to fit in a quick cardio workout or strength With holiday parties come salty foods and alcohol – all oftraining session as often as you can – whether it’s at the gym, which can dehydrate you. Try to drink more water, it will notat home, or outside. Even just a 20 minute jog over your only prevent dehydration but will also help you manage yourlunch hour or a series of squats or push ups in the morning appetite– even mild dehydration can lead to over eating, notcan boost your metabolism, burn excess Calories, and help to mention headaches and manage your appetite. It’s also harder to rationalizeeating a whole plate of cranberry goat cheese crostini after 9. Don’t leave holiday treats on the counter fora workout. Last minute gift shopping? Don’t drive from store easy-access nibbling:to store, walk! You are trying to be healthy, but you’ve been gifted countless3. Focus on your favourite holiday treats: boxes of Christmas cookies, peppermint chocolate bark, truffles and other holiday treats. If you don’t have a sweetDon’t waste calories on foods that aren’t all that special, tooth, leaving these items on your kitchen counter may notfoods you can enjoy year-round. Instead, when selecting induce sugar cravings. For many of us, however, it’s hardwhich bad-for-you-foods to indulge in this season, try to (or nearly impossible) to resist temptation to overeat whenfocus on special holiday treats – things you’ll truly enjoy – sugar treats are always within arms’ reach.but watch portion sizes. For example if you love rum-spikedeggnog, have a glass and really enjoy it. But enjoy that glass 10. Plan ahead:of eggnog instead of the glass of cab franc you’d otherwiseopt for, not in addition to. Holiday and celebratory beverages Plan your meals and exercise around holiday events. If youcan pack a lot more Calories than you may think – a 500 mL are planning to eat a lot of unhealthy food during a particularglass of eggnog contains up to 800 Calories and 78 grams evening, try to eat an extra-healthy breakfast and lunch thatof sugar! If you love your grandmother’s Christmas cookies, day and make an extra effort to get more exercise that day.turkey stuffing, or sweetish meatballs – go ahead, enjoy – butthen pass on the chips and dip or cheese board. Just because it’s the season of chocolates and cookies doesn’t mean that every day needs to be a write off! Enjoy4. Opt for hors d’oeuvres with higher protein: the holidays but make up for it by putting a little more focus on your health during the months that follow. It’s importantWhen it comes to hors d’oeuvres, try to select those that are to note that what you do the other 11 months of the year ishigher in protein vs. higher in carbohydrates. High-protein far more important than what you do for a few weeks over the holidays.


Particularly around the holiday season, we tend to neglect This month, challenge yourself to pick a few days each weekour health. Between gift-shopping, hosting and attending to make your health a priority. Block specific times off inholiday parties, coordinating family get-togethers, and end- your calendar to go to the gym, do something active outside,of-year work deadlines it’s no wonder our health deteriorates practice yoga, engage in stress-reducing activities, preparea little each December. What’s worse – Canadian’s report a healthy meal, or something else for your health. Manyexperiencing higher levels of stress around the holiday of us make excuses as to why we can’t put our health first.season, which only worsens our health situation. Consider the following common excuses and our suggestions regarding how you can change your mindset.

Excuse #1: Lack of Time breaking unhealthy habits, be patient with yourself and take them on one by one. The longer you’ve had the unhealthyTime is a luxury that few of us have. Sure, the working single habit, the harder it will be to break. Set small realistic goalsdad of triplets doing his MBA part time has “less time” to each day or each week and then work toward them.focus on his health than the newly retired, but when it comesdown to it, we all get 24 hours in a day. If you say that you Excuse #3: Consequencesdon’t have time for your health, what you’re really sayingis “my health is just not my priority”. You know that C-level People often neglect to put their health first because theyexecutive friend of yours who sits on five boards, coaches fear that by doing so they will ultimately fail something else.her daughters’ soccer team, is constantly hosting dinner If you go to that yoga class on Sunday morning you’ll missparties and yet still finds time to jog to and from work every the first half of your son’s hockey practice. If you spend timeday? She probably doesn’t have more time than you do, she tonight preparing healthy food to take to work, you won’tjust has different priorities. have time to prepare for tomorrow morning’s meeting. If you go to bed at the same time as the kids because you’reHave you ever heard the expression “If you need something exhausted – you’ll have to leave the kitchen a mess and thedone ask a busy person to do it”? It seems to hold true that laundry sitting getting wrinkled in the dryer. The reality isthe more we do, the more we can do. The more we practice you can’t put yourself first without putting something elsetime management, the more skilled at it we become. We’re second. Maybe you can’t put your health first today, maybenot suggesting that you should try to cram as much into not even this week, but if you NEVER put your health first ityour already-packed schedule as possible just to practice will catch up with you. If you want to be there for the peopleyour time management skills. Instead of trying to squeeze you love you need to get your priorities health-focused activities when you have time, scheduletime to allocate toward your health first, and plan other Excuse #4: Bad Influencesactivates around it. Start with small, simple changes thatyou can integrate easily into your existing routine. Take the You may be motivated to get fit or healthy, but what aboutstairs instead of the elevator, park your car farther from your spouse, partner, or family members? Are they helpingwork and walk the rest of the way, practice meditation during you achieve your health goals or are they standing in theyour commuter train ride to work, listen to a news podcast way? A strong support network definitely makes successwhile walking around the neighbourhood instead of reading easier. Not surprisingly, research suggests that in every areathe paper on your couch. Whatever you need to do to make of health improvement, success rates improve dramaticallymore time for your health, do it. When you block off time when partners and family members living in the samein your calendar for self-care, honour the commitment the household set and achieve health goals together. Whethersame way you would an important meeting. it is quitting smoking, increasing physical activity, shedding excess pounds, limiting refined sugar intake, managingExcuse #2: Old habits stress, or just getting more sleep, setting and achieving goals with your partner together improves success. However, justOld habits do die hard. Why? Because our brains work on because your partner, children, or work colleagues are eatinga trigger and reward basis — the so-called “habit loop” — junk food, going to bed too late, living a sedentary lifestylewhich means that once you slip into a bad habit or unhealthy or engaging in some other unhealthy activity doesn’t meanroutine, it is difficult to fight back. Long-time unhealthy you should give up trying to make a change yourself. Focushabits often become entrenched in our life at the neural level, on you. Find a friend to be your workout buddy or join abecoming powerful determinants of our daily behaviours. local running group or boot camp to help gain support andBut even if you’ve been eating poorly or living a sedentary motivation. Your family members will come around whenlifestyle for decades, you are capable of making a positive they see how great you are doing (and how good you look)!change. This is especially true when we can recognize whichunhealthy behaviours have become habitual so we can focus Making your health a priority can be tough – especially ifon breaking our unhealthy habits one by one. One strategy is you’ve spent decades putting everyone else’ needs beforeto think of a specific ‘replacement behaviour’ for an existing your own. At Medisys, we empower our clients to make smallunhealthy habit. For example, replace that 4pm coffee sustainable changes to their life to manage their health risksand pastry with a 4pm apple and herbal tea. If you spend and life their best life. With the right resources, knowledge30 minutes each morning scrolling aimlessly through your and confidence, you can make a change and look forward tosmartphone, start a new habit of spending 30 minutes each a healthy future!morning doing an at-home exercise routine. When it comes to

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Is a healthy family feast on your wish list 4. Stuffing: When considering stuffing it’s always best tothis year? make your own so you can control the nutrient content – theYou can enjoy all your favorite holiday foods while staying boxed stuff is typically packed with sodium! Substitute whitehealthy by incorporating some of these simple tips. bread with whole grain bread, or even wild rice. Ramp up the nutrition value by adding chopped veggies (like carrots and1. Gravy: Try making gravy 1-2 hours ahead and refrigerate celery), fresh herbs (like thyme and rosemary), seeds (like flax, pumpkin, or sunflower), or unsalted chopped harden the fat so it can be easily skimmed off. Reheatto serve. 5. Desserts: Here are seven ways to help improve2. Mashed Potatoes: Instead of making mashed the health of your desserts. 1) Try making crust-less pies. 2) For pie fillings, try replacing 1/2 the butter or oil in yourpotatoes with lots of butter and heavy cream, try using milk, recipe with unsweetened applesauce or mashed bananas. 3)low sodium chicken or vegetable broth, or low fat sour cream Substitute 2 egg whites for one whole egg. 4) Reduce theor Greek yogurt instead. Go easy on the salt and try cooked sugar by ½ or try sweetening with pureed dried fruit insteadonion, chives, or fresh grated garlic to season your potatoes until just sweet enough vs. overly sweet. 5) Substituteinstead. Try swapping out half of your white potatoes for white flour with whole wheat flour. 6) Replace frosting withsweet potatoes for extra fibre and beta-carotene, or if you fresh fruit or homemade unsweetened fruit. 7) Replaceprefer a reduced carb version, try our feature recipe Garlic heavy cream with evaporated skim milk in cheesecakes andMashed Cauliflower “Fauxtatoes”. cream pies.3. Eggnog: For many, the holidays just aren’t complete About the author: Nadia is a Registered Dietitian based out of the Medisys Ottawa office. She holds an Honors degree in Nutrition Scienceswithout eggnog! Swap out cream or whole milk with reduced from the University of Ottawa, and is a member of the College offat milk (eg. skim or 1%), or use unsweetened almond milk. Dietitians of Ontario & Dietitians of Canada. Nadia specializes in healthyBlend ripe banana into your milk base to sweeten and thicken everyday eating, weight management, and mindful eating. Her passionyour eggnog instead of using refined sugar. Use natural lies in teaching people how to enhance their health, energy, and wellbeingvanilla instead of artificial. through nutrition, physical activity, and positive lifestyle changes.

FEATURE RECIPE:CREAMY GARLICMASHED “FAUXTATOES”By Nadia Leblanc Pagie, Registered Dietitian, Ottawa

A holiday table just wouldn’t be a holiday table without mashed potatoes. CHEF’S TIP:As yummy as mashed potatoes are – with all that added cream and butter,your mashed-potato recipe often packs a lot more Calories, carbohydrates, Add the buttermilkand saturated fat than you bargained for!Mashed cauliflower is a wonderful slowly and only add as muchsubstitute for mashed potatoes. It’s a good source of vitamin C, vitamin liquid as you need to reach yourK, dietary fiber, vitamin B6, folate, pantothenic acid, potassium and desired consistency, you maymanganese. Cauliflower also provides many health benefits - cruciferous require less buttermilk thanvegetables are famous for their high concentration of cancer-fighting the recipe calls for. If you arechemicals called glucosinolates. looking for a more traditional meal, try substituting half ofThis creamy, low-carbohydrate garlic mashed cauliflower recipe offers all your regular holiday mashedof the savory richness of traditional mashed potatoes without the added potato recipe with our mashedsaturated fat and excess Calories. cauliflower. To do this, make both recipes separately andIngredients: then combine them together in one serving dish at the end.• 8 cups bite-size cauliflower florets (about 1 head) DON’T add cooked potatoes• 4 cloves garlic, crushed and peeled to the food processor while• 1/3 cup non-fat buttermilk blending your cauliflower.• 4 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided Potatoes should to be mashed• 1 teaspoon butter by hand, otherwise the texture• 1/2 teaspoon salt• Freshly ground pepper to taste turns gluey.• Snipped fresh chives for garnishPreparation1. Place cauliflower florets and garlic in a steamer basket over boiling water,cover and steam until very tender, 12 to 15 minutes. (Alternatively, placeflorets and garlic in a microwave-safe bowl with 1/4 cup water, cover andmicrowave on High for 3 to 5 minutes.)2. Dry the cauliflower to remove excess water and place the cookedcauliflower and garlic in a food processor. Add buttermilk, 2 teaspoonsoil, butter, salt and pepper; pulse several times, then process until smoothand creamy. Transfer to a serving bowl or baking dish. Drizzle with theremaining 2 teaspoons oil and garnish with chives, if desired. Serve hot(can reheat in the oven).Recipe adapted from:


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