PGMI Resources Stress Management Sevice Offerings If you are experiencing on-going stress, you can get short-term individual consultations from PGMI Behavioral Health Consultation Services staff. To make an appointment, call (877) 690 - 6140. PGMI Healthcare clinicians or professional health educators can provide services or an event to provide educational programs about stress management. Contact Martha Watson PhD, health educator and CEO of Personal Growth Management Inc., at [email protected] Personal Growth Appointments require at least two weeks in Management, Inc. advance to schedule. You can make a free 15-minute appointment with a health educa- tor to develop an individualized plan for man- aging stress by calling us. Phone: 877 - 690 - 6140 Other Resources E-mail: Exclusive for participants of Workshops par- [email protected] ticipants only. Want to Host a Private Support Group? Interested in us helping your employees, Staff- Patients ? Personal Growth CALL TODAY! 877- 690-6140 Management, Inc. Additional Resources Services, Training, Products, We Train CEUs AND we are a CEU Broker. Ask us to train your employees, staff. CEU Broker Get your facilities training programs approved for continuing education units. Personal Growth Management, Inc.
What is Stress? Managing Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of Symptoms of Stress Stress demand. It can be caused by both good and bad ex- periences. When people feel stressed by something There are several signs and symptoms that you may Recognizing that stress has a lifelong influence on you, what going on around them, their bodies react by releasing notice when you are experiencing stress. These signs and can you do about it? Researchers have come up with a few chemicals into the blood. These chemicals give people symptoms fall into four categories: thoughts, feelings, suggestions on how to live with stress. more energy and strength, which can be a good thing behavior, and physiology. When you are under stress, if their stress is caused by physical danger. But this can you may experience one or more of the following: Work off stress. If you’re upset, blow off steam through also be a bad thing, if their stress is in response to activities like walking, running, or exercising. Physical activity something emotional and there is no outlet for this Thoughts Feelings allows an outlet for mental stress. extra energy and strength. This workshop will discuss Low self-esteem Anxious Avoid self-medication. Although there are many chemi- different causes of stress, how stress affects you, the Fear of failure Scared cals, including alcohol, that can mask stress, they don’t help Irritable Forgetfulness difference between 'good' or 'positive' stress and 'bad' Preoccupation Moody you adjust to the stress itself. Many are habit forming and can or 'negative' stress, and some common facts about Worries about the future cause more stress than they solve. how stress affects people today. Behavior Sleep and eat well. Lack of sleep can lessen your ability to How Does Stress Affect You? Crying for no reason Grinding your teeth deal with stress. Most people need at least 7-8 hours of sleep Stress can affect both your body and your mind. Peo- Acting impulsively Stuttering every 24 hours. If stress repeatedly prevents you from sleep- Increased smoking Being prone to accidents ple under large amounts of stress can become tired, Change in appetite Drinking or drug use ing,, talk to your health care provider. Similarly, unhealthy or sick, and unable to concentrate or think clearly. Startling easily irregular eating habits interfere with your ability to cope with Sometimes, they even suffer mental breakdowns. stress. Relaxation techniques can help relieve symptoms Physiology Balance work and recreation. All work and no play can of stress. Some to try include: Perspiration / sweaty hands Fatigue Increased heart rate Changes in sleep patterns make you a nervous wreck. Schedule time for recreation to • Progressive relaxation (alternately tensing and Trembling Indigestion relax your mind and body. Headaches Nervous tics relaxing major muscle groups of the body) Dry throat or mouth Neck or back pain Take one thing at a time. Don’t try to tackle all your • Deep breathing tasks at once. Set priorities; work on the most urgent. • Meditation or guided visualization ( Imagery) • Yoga or other gentle exercise Learn to accept what you can’t change. If a problem is beyond your control, try your best to accept it. Focus on Coaching information and audio files to help you things that you can do something about. can be downloaded from the website at Personal Growth Management, Inc. Support. It helps to gain support and tools. This is not admitting defeat. It’s admitting that you are an intelligent person who knows when to ask for help. According to the Material in this brochure adapted from the University of Phone: 877 - 690 - 6140 United States Center for Disease Control (CDC), 90% of Florida, the University of Minnesota, and the State University of New York—Buffalo. E-mail: illness and disease is caused by stress! [email protected]
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