December 2018Parkside Middle School NewsletterDear Parents/Carers,Each year the DfE (Department for Education) release statistics on school performance and it is withgreat pleasure that I can share figures with you comparing our three year trend in reading, writingand maths compared to all Worcestershire schools and then all schools in England.Percentage of pupils achieving expected standard in reading, writing and maths 2016-2018Parkside Middle School 64.87%Worcestershire average 55.61%National average 59.72%Percentage of pupils achieving higher standard in reading, writing and maths 2016-2018Parkside Middle School 13.08%Worcestershire average 7.03%National average 8.01%These figures of course fully support Ofsted’s findings in July when they reported that our pupils’ “…Progress in reading and mathematics is often outstanding.” And that “…In writing, pupils makeexceptionally strong progress.”It goes without saying that we are proud of the children’s efforts and I’d again like to thank the stafffor their continued dedication and tireless work.Best wishes,Mr Mills
We’d like to wish all of our pupils, parents and carers a wonderful Christmas break and a happy new year! We look forward to seeing you all back in school on Tuesday 8th January 2019. LIBRARY NEWS THRIVEeWCconTtWovnehuheemtrormemelrilrspwrlbL.ddetemheiodbBtreinratooaoliemosorfuynkatcreo,ccaDd'dewtraiavedlbeelyils'tyb'itvwierhgteashiontthetebshadeeaisewhnhaolfnOuumrbBeorookmf eanrktrcieosmapnedtitiwone We had a visit from the Thrive Central Relations Manager who was extremely impressed with howhwaavsegarefaatblyuslouupspodritsepdlabyy ainll much Thrive is embedded in our school this half term. We are hoping to become a Thrivetahpmeupaliizlbsinrawgrityehnofatfrnaietlalsst.thice ambassador school in the near future!Wenetlrliedso.nOeutrowbinonthersofwoeurer We would like to thank those parents and carers that attended our Thrive Parent Christmas CraftwTinannzeiersL! illy 6EO and Poppy event this half term as well as those in KS2 that supported us in designing a Christmas card. BothOGurreeKnSe35BHoPo. kWCellul bdojnoeinteod events were a huge success and children created some lovely designs!twboothotohfeyrouW! orcestershireMiddle Schools for an PTA NEWSeWnteeratlasionihnegldmaobronoinkgs,aledtihsicsuhsaslfintegrm'Rwunhnicihngtoookn the Key Stage 2 participated in the Reindeer Run on Friday 14th December to raise money for MaryRpolaocfeodf uthrinegWluonrcldh 'tibmyeJaensds Stevens Hospice. Thank you to all parents and pupils who supported this event as we have raisedBwuetterariwseodrtohv.eAr f£u7n0tfimorenew over £500—it was a lot of Christmas fun!wbaosokhsa, dthbaynkayllo. u to allIfthaonsyeownheoissuhpapvoinrtgedaus! ATTENDANCEChristmas book clear out,we would be very grateful Congratulations to the 200 pupils who have achieved 100% attendance this Autumn Term. A bigfor any donations of thank you to all the parents and carers for your support, encouraging your child’s fantasticchildren's books. attendance at school – it really does make a difference. BLETCHLEY PARK A small group of pupils from across the school enjoyed a great day out at Bletchley Park, where codebreakers helped to shorten World War Two. They had a guided tour that put them into the role of someone coming to Bletchley in the war and the secrecy that would have surrounded their job. Pupils saw the BOMBE machine that helped break the codes and had an understanding of the conditions that people worked under. Finally they took part in a workshop, where they broke Morse codes to plot the position of German ships in the Mid-Atlantic and got to use an authentic Enigma machine. All pupils were a credit to the school. INSPIRATION DAY Vijay (our workshop leader) was amazing at teaching every pupil how to learn the Bhangra dance; a style of dance formed together in the 1940s and has evolved since. Bhangra is traditionally danced to the dhol instrument, a large drum, and boliyan, short sets of lyrics that describe scenes or stories from Punjab. The children and staff all had a fantastic day and the buzz for learning around school was amazing. USED STAMP COLLECTION FOR NARCOLEPSY UK We are currently collecting used stamps in support of Narcolepsy UK. Please come into the school office if you wish to pass on your used stamps in order for us to raise important funds for the cause.
THE DEN—NEW AGE KURLING COMPETITION SPORTS NEWS We have had a busyOn Wednesday 28th November 2018 all the children from the Den went to a New Age Kurling sporting term leading intocompetition at the Ryland Centre. Having practiced in intervention PE, the children were able to the festive period.transfer their skills to competitive matches. Two teams were entered; a KS2 team and a KS3 We have had a lot ofteam. It was amazing to see the fantastic sportsmanship shown from both teams, success on the footballshaking hands with other schools and applauding them throughout. An extra well done to our field with all of ourKS3 team who won the tournament and will go on to represent North Bromsgrove in the finals football teams doing thenext year. badge proud whether victorious or not. ST. GEORGE’S PARK VISIT A special mention must go to the year 7 girls who On Wednesday 7th December, 15 girls across KS3 embarked upon the opportunity to visit won the Bromsgrove and St. George's National Football Centre. This was a fantastic day out whereby the pupils were Droitwich District 5-aside able to experience first hand the elite training facilities used by professional athletes. The held at South tour was extremely educational and included use of the gym equipment as well as the first Bromsgrove High and will class hybrid pitches where they participated in a 90 minute coaching session led by FA now go on to represent licensed coaches. This trip has both inspired and motivated pupils and furthered their our district in the Midland sporting interests. finals in Birmingham. Also a massive well done BRITISH MUSEUM—YEAR 5 to the pupils who regularly come to after On Thursday 15th November, Year 5 embarked on a journey to London to explore the British school sports clubs rain Museum. After arriving at school bright and early, they boarded the coach and made their way or shine; their efforts there. Once inside, they were surrounded by fascinating artefacts and things to see. They have not got unnoticed explored Ancient Egypt and saw real mummies as well as the beautiful artwork and carvings this term. of the Ancient Egyptians. They also learned a lot about the Vikings by studying many objects We look forward to which have been found from that time such as weapons, armour and jewellery. The Ancient working off the Christmas Greek pots were another wonder to see in real life, and the children were able to understand chocolates when we start which types of pots had which uses and how artwork was added so carefully. Now back at back after the winter school, the children have a strong basis of knowledge with which to continue their Learning break, until then, have a Journey studies. All children demonstrated impeccable behaviour and were a real credit to the lovely Christmas. school. Well done on a fabulous trip, Year 5!BAM CATERING PAYMENT OPTIONSBAM are changing the way that parents and carers can pay for school lunches in order to make it a cashless system.Activation letters have been handed out via your child for those of you that have not already activated your Parent Payaccounts. Please see the school website for further information.
REMINDERS Dates for your Diary Attendance Monday 7th January—TE Day Tuesday 8th January—School reopens Please call school every day that your child Thursday 10th January—Year 8 Information Evening is unable to attend. If parent/carers do not Thursday 17th January—Young Voices Concert let us know their child is away from school Friday 15th February—School closes for half term ill, each day you will receive a text message to notify you that your child is absent. It is vital that parent/carers respond to update us otherwise your daughter/son's absence will be recorded as unauthorised. Extra-Curricular Timetable—Spring 2019 Disabled Parking SpacesPlease see the school website for a list of extra-curricular Please can we remind all visitors to the sports and drama activities that will be coming up in the school car park that they must not park in spring term. disabled marked spaces unless a blue badge is displayed. The club booking system will be open from Monday 7th January to book places ready to start clubs on Monday14th January (for the exception of Karate which will start on Friday 11th January). Lunch Accounts—ArrearsWe have noticed that there has been a significant increase in arrears on pupils’ lunch accounts this half term. Please ensure that your child’s lunch account is in credit before we return to school in January.
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