PROFILE CEO’s NOTE “Kehadiran APIK dilatarbelakangi asa untuk menjadi solusi atas kebutuhan layanan dengan 2 keahlian bidang IT bagi para pelaku bisnis di Indonesia. Dengan mengedepankan nilai loyalitas dan penuh dedikasi, APIK mengembangkan produk dan layanan untuk menjadi solusi end to end bagi pelanggan. PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI Kami bersinergi untuk selalu bergerak dinamis, menjawab setiap tantangan perubahan, hingga mampu mencapai tujuan. Dengan berlandaskan pada filosofi ‘Integritas dan Amanah’, APIK diharapkan dapat tumbuh berkelanjutan, menjadi perusahaan yang berdaya saing dan tepercaya.” “APIK was established with the motivation of making it a solution for the demands for IT services of the businesses in Indonesia. By upholding loyalty and dedication, APIK has developed its products and services as an end-to-end solution for its customers. We synergize to always move dynamically, and answer every challenge changes have given us in order to be able to achieve goals. Based on the philosophy of ‘Integrity and Trustworthiness’, APIK is expected to grow sustainably, to become a competitive and trusted company.” Azhari Ahmad
PROFILE PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI ABOUT US PT APIK Media Inovasi merupakan perusahaan IT (Information Technology) yang berdiri pada 2012. APIK hadir sebagai wujud kesamaan visi kedua founder untuk menyediakan solusi layanan di IT kepada pelaku bisnis di Indonesia. Produk dan layanan APIK berkembang kian masif sejak 2017. Perkembangan APIK didukung tim yang kompeten, kreatif, inovatif, serta memiliki komitmen dan semangat hingga mampu menghadirkan layanan terbaik bagi industri IT di Tanah Air. PT APIK Media Innovation is an IT (Information Technology) company that was founded in 2012. APIK is here as the embodiment of the shared vision of the two founders, namely to provide service solutions in IT to business people in Indonesia. APIK’s products and services have grown massively since 2017. The development of APIK is supported by a competent, creative, innovative team who are committed and passionate about providing the best service for the IT industry in the country. 3 click to go to the website
PROFILE 4 VISION: MISSION: PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI Menjadi perusahaan IT terkemuka dan l Memberikan solusi terpadu, amanah di Indonesia serta menjadi profesional, cepat, dan tepat. mitra bisnis yang strategis dan saling menguntungkan bagi mitra dan prinsipal. l Mengembangkan nilai tambah demi mencapai kepuasan. To become a prominent and reliable IT company in Indonesia and to become a l Mengoptimalkan hardware dan strategic and mutually beneficial business software dengan efisien. partner for its principal and partners. l Providing integrated, professional, fast, and accurate services. l Improving added value to ensure customer satisfaction. l Efficiently optimizing hardware and software. click to go to the website
PROFILE APIK’s GROWTH 2017-2022 Number of Customers 502022 352021 2020 5 10 15 202017 2019 2018 Milestone APIK l Launching layanan 5 baru dari Jetdino: l Memulai bisnis 2018 l Berdiri Divisi NOC 2020 JOSS 2022 PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI hanya dengan 4 l Memiliki 6 pegawai orang: CEO, COO, l Memiliki 16 pegawai 1 Administrasi, 1 l Established NOC l Memiliki kantor Support Division operasional di l Starting its l Has 6 employees Duren Tiga business with only 4 persons: CEO, COO, l Launchingthenew 1 Administration service of Jetdino: staff, 1 Support JOSS Staff l Employs 16 workers l Has an operational office in Duren Tiga 2017 l Berstatus PKP 2019 l Memiliki 8 pegawai 2021 l Menempati Kantor l Berkantor di 88 l Dibentuk Divisi Operasional baru di Komplek PLN, Duren Tower Kasablanka Marketing and Sales Tiga l Berdiri Divisi Tax dengan bantuan Freelance Design l Occupies the new and Finance l Admin Support Operational Office bergabung at PLN Complex, l Taxable enterprise Duren Tiga status l Have 8 employees l The marketing and l Opened Its Office at 88 Tower Sales Division was Kasablanka formed with the help of Freelance l Established Tax and Design Finance Division l Admin Support join
PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI PROFILE PARTNERS CLIENTS 6 Government & NGO (Non-Government) click to go to the website
PROFILE Public Agencies & Services 7 Cloud Company PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI click to go to the website
PRODUCT & SERVICES SYSTEM INTEGRATOR 8 PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI #1. #2. #3. RACK DATA CENTRE COLOCATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND DEVELOPMENT Layanan penyewaan Fasilitas penyimpanan Layanan pemeliharaan rak penyimpanan perangkat keras dan dan perawatan sistem server di data pengelola data dengan untuk menjaga fungsi centre. koneksi internet 24 jam kerja sistem dan nonstop. mencegah kerusakan. Server storage rack rental service at the Hardware storage and data System maintenance data centre. management facilities services to maintain the with a 24-hour non- stop system’s working function internet connection. and prevent damage.
PRODUCT & SERVICES 9 #4. #5. PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI HOSTING CONNECTIVITY APIK mengembangkan APIK menjamin klien tetap terkoneksi dengan layanan hosting retail konektivitas stabil, bandwidth jaringan berkapasitas bernama JETDINO. besar, dan infrastruktur terawat. APIK has developed APIK guarantees that clients will stay connected JETDINO, a retail hosting with stable connectivity, large-capacity network service. bandwidth, and well-maintained infrastructure. click to go to the website
PRODUCT & SERVICES #1. RACK COLOCATION Layanan penyewaan rak penyimpanan server di data centre. Server storage rack rental service in the data center. Keunggulan: Advantages: 1. Sistem keamanan dilengkapi CCTV yang 1. CCTV-based security system which is siap memantau. ready to monitor the server. 2. Selalu aktif dan terpantau 24/7/365, 2. Constantly active and monitored setiap saat, kapan pun, dan di mana pun. 24/7/365, anytime and anywhere. 3. Bandwidth stabil dan sudah terbagi 3. Stable bandwidth which has been untuk memaksimalkan waktu well distributed to maximize business operasional bisnis. uptime. 4. Dilengkapi sistem pendeteksi kebakaran, 4. Equipped with fire smoke, andanti-flood asap, dan antibanjir. detection systems. 5. Meningkatkan uptime koneksi internet 5. Increase internet connection up time on pada server hingga 99,9%. the server up to 99.9%. 6. Disaster Recover (Antisipasi Kerusakan) 6. Disaster Recovery (Damage Anticipation) Tipe Rak/Rack Type 10 PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI
PRODUCT & SERVICES Tipe/Type 42U l Type Closed Rack 19\" (42U/dengan kedalaman 1100mm) Berlokasi di Gedung Cyber 1 Termasuk Free 1 Public IP Address (free domestic jika anda memiliki IP Address & AS Number sendiri) l Termasuk Listrik 10 A (redundant) backup dengan UPS & Genset l Firesystem Gasbase FM200 & CCTV Camera l 24/7 standby data center engineer and helpdesk l Private access card untuk pengecekan perangkat l Otorisasi akses masuk gedung minimal H-1 l 19” Closed Rack Type (42U/with a depth of 1100mm) Located in Cyber 1 Building Including Free 1 Public IP Address (free for domestic use if you have your own IP Address & AS Number) l Includes 10 A (redundant) backup power with UPS & Genset l Firesystem Gasbase FM200 & CCTV Camera l 24/7 standby data center engineer and helpdesk l Private access card for device checking l D-1 building entry authorization at the latest Tipe/Type 45U 11 l Type Closed Rack 19\" (45U/dengan kedalaman PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI 1100mm) Berlokasi di IDC Duren Tiga. Termasuk Free 1 Public IP Address (free domestic jika anda memiliki IP Address & AS Number sendiri) l Termasuk Listrik 12 A (redundant) backup dengan UPS & Genset l Memiliki fitur 'raised floor' untuk AC Downflow l Firesystem Gasbase FM200 & CCTV Camera l 24/7 standby data center engineer and helpdesk l Private access card untuk pengecekan perangkat l 19” Closed Rack Type (45U/with the depth of 1100mm) Located at IDC Duren Tiga. Includes Free 1 Public IP Address (free for domestic use if you have your own IP Address & AS Number) l Includes 12 A (redundant) backup power with UPS & Genset l Has a ‘raised floor’ feature for Downflow AC l Firesystem Gasbase FM200 & CCTV Camera l 24/7 standby data center engineer and helpdesk l Private access card for device checking
PRODUCT & SERVICES #2. DATA CENTRE Fasilitas penyimpanan perangkat keras dan pengelola data dengan koneksi internet 24 jam nonstop. Hardware storage and data management facilities with a 24-hour non- stop internet connection. 12 PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI 1. Disaster Recovery 2. Network Design & Implementation l Antisipasi kerusakan atau kehilangan data akibat Layanan pembangunan situasi bencana atau kejadian luar biasa lainnya. infrastruktur jaringan, mulai dari perancangan hingga l Strategi: penempatan perangkat IT, sistem, aplikasi, penerapan desain jaringan. dan data cadangan di lokasi terpisah. l APIK has a system that anticipates data damage Network infrastructure or loss due to disaster situations or other force development services, from majeure events. design to implementation of network design. l Strategy: deployment of IT tools, systems, applications, and backup data in separate locations.
PRODUCT & SERVICES Lokasi 1: Spesifikasi: Gd. Cyber 1 l Closed Rack 19” (42U/1100mm) Jl. Kuningan Barat Raya l Electricity Included 10 A (single source) backup with UPS & No.8 RT.1/RW.3, Kuningan Barat. Genset Kec. Mampang l Firesystem Gasbase FM200 & CCTV Camera Prapatan, Kota Jakarta l 24/7 standby data center engineer and helpdesk Selatan Daerah Khusus l Private access card for your personel Ibukota Jakarta 12710 l Free 1 IP Public Static l Free Unlimited Remote Hand Reboot l Free 1x UTP Cross Connect at APJII l Up to 1Gbps Domestic Bandwidth Additional Services: l General Availability l IIX Port (Gd. Cyber Only) l Support Cross Connect UTP & Fiber Optic l Cross Connect Fiber per Core l Cross Connect UTP l Overcharge Electricity per A Lokasi 2: Spesifikasi: 13 M-Ten Building (M10) l Full Rack 42U Include PDU 24x2 (Redundant) Jl. Kuningan Barat Raya l Access to Facility 24 hours No.1, RW.3, Kuningan Barat, l Electricity charges using Kwh meter Kec. Mampang Prapatan, l Private access to your premises for your personel Kota Jakarta Selatan l Free unlimited remote hand (reboot, mounting, physical Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12710 check) l Free access to NEX DC lounge 24/7 l Electricity by usage per Kwh Lokasi 3: Spesifikasi: PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI IDC l Closed Rack 19” (45U/1100mm) (IDC Duren Tiga) / Closed Jl. Duren Tiga Raya No.7, RT.9/RW.5, Duren Tiga, Rack 19” (42U/1100mm) (Gd. Cyber) Kec. Pancoran, l Included Public IP Address (free domestic Transit if you have Kota Jakarta Selatan Daerah Khusus Ibukota your own IP Address & AS Number) Jakarta 12760 l Electricity Included 12 A (single source) backup with UPS & Genset l Raised Floor 40mm, AC Downflow (IDC Duren 3 Only) l Firesystem Gasbase FM200 & CCTV Camera l 24/7 standby data center engineer and helpdesk l Private access card for your personel Additional Services: l General Availability l OpenIXP Port (IDC Duren Tiga Only) l Support Cross Connect UTP & Fiber Optic l Cross Connect Fiber per Core l Cross Connect UTP l Redundant Power l Overcharge Electricity per A
PRODUCT & SERVICES #3. SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND DEVELOPMENT Layanan pemeliharaan dan pengembangan sistem untuk menjaga fungsi kerja sistem dan mencegah kerusakan. System maintenance and development services to maintain system operational functions and prevent breakdowns. 14 PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI 1. Server & Cloud Migration 2. Cloud Integration Layanan migrasi data untuk: Layanan integrasi beragam aplikasi, sistem, l Pemutakhiran sistem operasi repositori, dan lingkungan IT untuk: l Pertukaran data dan proses secara real (up to date). l Peningkatan fleksibilitas dan time. l Fleksibilitas penyimpanan, akses, dan skalabilitas. l Efisiensi dan konsolidasi hosting. berbagi data. l Peremajaan infrastruktur. Integrated services of various applications, Data migration service for: systems, repositories and IT environments l Operating system updating (up to date). for: l Increased flexibility and scalability. l Exchange of data and processes in l Hosting efficiency and consolidation. l Infrastructure rejuvenation. real-time. l Flexibility of data storage, access, and sharing.
PRODUCT & SERVICES 15 3. Router & 4. Web dan PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI Bandwidth Mail Server Manage l Melalui web server, APIK siap hadir untuk memastikan Layanan pengaturan website Anda selalu aktif 24/7, tanpa adanya kendala bandwidth pada jaringan agar bisnis Anda tetap berjalan. komputer untuk menjaga performa jaringan. l Sementara untuk mail server, APIK akan memastikan klien memiliki identitasnya sendiri lewat adanya email Bandwidth management pribadi perusahaan. services on computer networks to maintain l Through its web server, APIK is on stand by to ensure network performance. your website is always active 24/7, without any problems to keep your business running. l As for the mail server, APIK will ensure that clients have their own identity through the company’s personal email.
PRODUCT & SERVICES #4. HOSTING APIK mengembangkan layanan hosting retail bernama JETDINO. APIK has developed JETDINO, a retail hosting service. 16 PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI 1. Domain 2. Hosting 3. Cloud Server Layanan pembuatan Layanan tempat Layanan server virtual domain untuk akses website penyimpanan file dan data dengan spesifikasi sesuai yang lebih mudah. website dengan akses kebutuhan pengguna dan internet. hanya digunakan satu Domain creation service for pengguna. easier website access. A service for storing website files and data with internet Virtual server service with access. specifications according to user needs and available only to one user.
PRODUCT & SERVICES 17 4. Dedicated Server 5. JOSS (Jetdino Object PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI Storage Service) Jetdino menghadirkan layanan server yang didedikasikan khusus untuk satu pelanggan JOSS merupakan Signature Product dengan performa yang stabil, resource dari Jetdino yang menyediakan layanan yang besar, dan spesifikasi yang dapat object storage berkapasitas penyimpanan dikustomisasi oleh pelanggan. mencapai 500 TB dengan traffic yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pelanggan. Jetdino provides a dedicated server service for a single customer with stable JOSS is a Signature Product of Jetdino performance, large resources, and that provides object storage services with specifications that can be customized by a storage capacity of up to 500 TB with customers. traffic that can be tailored to customer needs.
PRODUCT & SERVICES #5. CONNECTIVITY APIK menjamin para klien agar tetap terkoneksi dengan konektivitas stabil, bandwidth jaringan berkapasitas besar, dan infrastruktur yang terawat. APIK guarantees that clients will stay connected with stable connectivity, large- capacity network bandwidth, and well-maintained infrastructure. SPEED l Open IX 10GB l II X 10GB l JKTIX 10GB l CDIX 10GB l Telcom Eyeball 10GB l Internasional IX 10GB BACKBONE DIRECT CONNECTION (many more) 18 1. LAN & VPN 2. Fiber 3. Security Optic Solutions PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI APIK menyediakan APIK selalu mengikuti Layanan solusi keamanan layanan pembangunan perkembangan zaman jaringan IT, mulai dari jaringan komputer yang dengan menggunakan perencanaan, perancangan, mendukung integrasi data Fiber Optic. Upgrade akan penerapan, pengoperasian, dan komunikasi serta memberikan performa yang hingga pemeliharaan. memberi perlindungan lebih cepat bagi pelanggan keamanan. yang ingin selalu terkoneksi IT network security solution dengan internet. services, from planning, APIK provides computer design, implementation, network development APIK constantly keeps up its and operation, to services that support service up to date by using maintenance. data and communication Fiber Optic. The upgrade will integration and provide provide faster performance security protection. for customers who wish to be connected to the internet at all times.
MILESTONE HEAD OFFICE & DATA CENTER Location Map HEAD OFFICE KANTOR OPERASIONAL 88@Kasablanka Office, Komplek PLN Tower A 26 F Jl. Batang Agam No 4a, Jl. Raya Casablanca Kav. 88 Duren Tiga, Pancoran, Menteng Dalam, Tebet Jakarta Selatan Jakarta 12780 SETIA BUDI KEBAYORAN SETIA BUDI LAMA TEBET KEBAYORAN LAMA PESANGGRAHAN KEBAYORAN MAMPANG IDC 3D DUREN TIGA BARU PRAPATAN Gedung IDC 3D Jl. Duren Tiga Raya KEBAYORAN PANCORAN No. 7H Jakarta LAMA 12760 19 PASAR MINGGU CILANDAK PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI JAGAKARSA IDC CYBER BUILDING MENARA TENDEAN (M-TEN) Gedung Cyber Lt. 3A Jl. Kapten Tendean Jl. Kuningan Barat No. 8 No. 20C Kuningan Barat, Jakarta 12710 Mampang Prapatan Jakarta 12710
MILESTONE PT APIK MEDIA INOVASI Office 88@Kasablanka Office, Tower A 26 F Jl. Casablanca Raya Kav.88 Menteng Dalam, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan Jakarta 12870 Kantor Operasional Komplek PLN Jl. Batang Agam No 4a, Duren Tiga, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan +62 21 304 999 46 [email protected]
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