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Published by PT Integra Cipta Kreasi, 2020-05-14 05:29:11

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DAFTAR ISI Table of Content 4 Ikhtisar Kinerja 6 Kaleidoskop 8 Sambutan Komisaris Performance Overview Kaleidoscope Utama dan Direktur Welcoming Speech of the President Commissioner and President Directors 12 Profil Jajaran Komisaris 14 Struktur Kepemilikan, dan Direktur Prabhu Organisasi dan Wilayah Operasi Prabhu’s Board of Commissioner and Ownership Structure, Organization and Operating Areas Director Profiles 18 Profil Bisnis 30 Tata Kelola 32 Analisa dan Prabhu Perusahaan Pembahasan Prabhu’s Business Profile Corporate Governance Analysis and Discussion 48 Laporan Keuangan 98 Mitra Prabhu 99 Klien Prabhu Financial Statement Mitra Prabhu Client Prabhu

PENJELASAN TEMA 3 Explanation of The Theme Memperkokoh Pondasi Pengembangan Usaha Strengthening the Foundation for Business Development Sepanjang 2019, PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana T hroughout 2019, PT Perkasa Abadi (Prabhu) (Prabhu) melakukan sejumlah strategi undertook a number of synergistic strategies sinergis yang diharapkan menjadi pondasi which are expected to be a solid foundation yang kokoh bagi perusahaan dalam for the company in developing its business in mengembangkan usahanya secara berkelanjutan. a sustainable manner. This is implemented through Hal ini diimplementasikan melalui pengembangan the development of organizational structure, struktur organisasi, pengembangan produk dan business product and service development, network layanan bisnis, perluasan jaringan, penerapan expansion, application of appropriate technology, teknologi tepat guna, penerapan inovasi, dan juga application of innovation, and also improvement peningkatan kualitas dan profesionalisme kinerja of the quality and professionalism of company perusahaan. performance. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

4 IKHTISAR KEUANGAN Financial Overview Rasio Laba (Rugi) Rasio Laba (Rugi) terhadap Ekuitas terhadap Aset Return On Equity (ROE) Return On Assets (ROA) 55% 17% 62% 59% 26% 26% *2017 *2018 *2017 *2018 Rasio Liabilitas Rasio Liabilitas Rasio Lancar terhadap Ekuitas terhadap Aset Current Ratio Liabilities to Equity Ratio Liabilities to Assets Ratio 144% 226% 171% 147% *2017 *2018 139% 211% *2017 *2018 69% 58% 68% *2017 *2018 PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

IKHTISAR KINERJA 5 Performance Overview Laporan Laba Rugi* 43.794 90.012 Income Statement 118.882 Sumber Pendapatan Prabhu 4.167 7.293 9.522 63% Pendapatan Laba Kotor Income Gross Profit 100% 88% 37% 2.670 2.025 5.395 3.969 8.386 6.194 12% Laba Sebelum Pajak Laba Bersih 2017 2018 2019 Earning Before Tax Net Profit Pendapatan PGN Group Pendapatan Non PGN Group 2017 2018 2019 Laporan Posisi Keuangan* Financial Position Statement Jumlah Aset Total Asset 66 68 36.374 2017 2018 2019 46 20.856 7.780 7.826 20.925 36.440 Aset Tidak Lancar Aset Lancar Jumlah Liabilitas Non-Current Assets Current Assets dan Ekuitas Total Liability and Equity 25.258 11.182 6.738 2017 2018 2019 14.187 3.276 7.826 20.925 36.440 4.550 * Dalam Juta Rupiah 2017 2018 2019 Jumlah Liabilitas Jumlah Ekuitas * In Million Rupiah Jangka Pendek Total Equity Total Short-Term Liabilities PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

6 KALEIDOSKOP Kaleidoscope RAPAT KOORDINASI PEMEGANG SAHAM PRABHU RAPAT KOORDINASI PERMATA GROUP Dalam rangka meningkatkan koordinasi dan konsolidasi Sebagai langkah penguatan sinergi dan kolaborasi bisnis serta menetapkan langkah-langkah strategis untuk mencapai untuk mewujudkan visi yang sama, Prabhu menghadiri target yang ditetapkan, Prabhu melakukan rapat koordinasi Rapat Koordinasi (RAKOR) Permata Group yang pemegang saham yang digelar di kantor pusat Prabhu. dilaksanakan di Sentul 10-11 Januari 2019. PRABHU SHAREHOLDERS COORDINATION MEETING In order to improve the coordination and consolidation and determine PERMATA GROUP COORDINATION MEETING the strategic steps to achieve the target, Prabhu held a shareholder As a step to strengthen business synergy and collaboration to realize coordination meeting at the head office. the same vision, Prabhu attended the Permata Group Coordination Meeting (RAKOR) which held at Sentul on January 10 - 11, 2019. SURVEY LOKASI PERLUASAN KERJA SAMA DENGAN CEVA LOGISTICS KEGIATAN SAMAPTA SATUAN PENGAMANAN Kerja sama Prabhu dan Ceva Logistics yang dimulai Kegiatan SAMAPTA SATUAN PENGAMANAN berlangsung di Karawang & pada tahun 2018 terus berlanjut dan berkembang. Hal Cirebon pada 5 dan 12 Mei 2019. Diawasi langsung oleh PM. Pengamanan ini ditandai dengan survei lokasi kerja baru pada tanggal Prabhu, Korpamnas Prabhu dan Korpamwil. Setiap tenaga pengamanan 22 April 2019. diharuskan melakukan rangkaian check dan latihan fisik untuk mengukur LOCATION SURVEY TO EXPAND THE COLLABORATION kecepatan, tingkat kebugaran dan kualitas fisik mereka. WITH CEVA LOGISTICS The collaboration between Prabhu and Ceva Logistics which SAMAPTA ACTIVITIES FOR SECURITY began in 2018 continues and develops. This is indicated by a SAMAPTA ACTIVITIES FOR SECURITY are held in Karawang & Cirebon on May 5 survey of new work locations on April 22, 2019. and May 12, 2019. Supervised directly by the head of Prabhu’s Security, Prabhu’s Korpamnas and Korpamwil. Every security personnel is required to do a series TANGGUNG JAWAB SOSIAL PERUSAHAAN of examination and physical exercises to measure their speed, fitness level and Sebagai bentuk kepedulian sosial perusahaan physical quality. terhadap lingkungan dan masyarakat, Prabhu berbagi kebahagiaan dengan memberikan santunan kepada Panti Asuhan Anak & Pesantren Yatim Putri Min Fadhil Robby, pada tanggal 27 Mei 2019. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY As a form of corporate social care for the environment and the community, Prabhu shared happiness by giving donations to Min Fadhil Robby Orphanage and Female Orphan Islamic Boardinghouse, on May 27, 2019. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

KALEIDOSKOP 7 Kaleidoscope KEGIATAN TRAINING BASIC SEA SURVIVAL PENGAMANAN KEGIATAN SAMAPTA SATUAN PENGAMANAN BUMN Sebagai upaya meningkatkan kualitas dan kapabilitas tenaga Pengamanan dalam Rangkaian kegiatan SAMAPTA SATUAN PENGAMANAN BUMN berbagai kondisi lapangan, Prabhu mengadakan pelatihan Sea Survival. Dalam dilaksanakan guna mengukur tingkat kesiapan dan kualitas fisik pelatihan tersebut, dilakukan pengenalan perangkat keamanan dan keselamatan para tenaga pengamanan. Kegiatan yang diselenggarakan di di laut atau air kepada para tenaga pengamanan. Pelatihan Basic Sea Survival Lapangan kantor kementerian BUMN pada 22 Juni 2019 diawasi Pengamanan dilakukan pada 1, 7, dan 14 November 2019 dengan formasi training langsung oleh PM. Pengamanan Prabhu, Korpamnas Prabhu dan oleh PT Omega Trainindo Mandiri. Chief Satuan Pengamanan BUMN. BASIC SEA SURVIVAL SECURITY TRAINING ACTIVITIES SAMAPTA ACTIVITIES FOR SECURITY UNIT OF STATEOWNED ENTERPRISE As an effort to improve the quality and capability of Safeguards in the condition of variety fields, The SAMAPTA activities FOR SECURITY UNIT OF STATEOWNED ENTERPRISE were conducted Prabhu conducts sea survival training. During the training, the security and safety devices at sea or to measure the level of rediness and physical quality of security personnel. The activities water were introduced to security personnel. Basic Sea Survival Security Training was conducted on were held in the field at the office of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises on June 22, November 1, 7, and 14, 2019 with the training formation by PT. Omega Trainindo Mandiri. 2019 and supervised directly by the head of Prabhu’s Security, Prabhu’s Korpamnas and the Chief of Security Unit of State-Owned Enterprise. SAFETY DRIVING PENGEMUDI NUSANTARA REGAS Pelaksanaan pelatihan Safety Driving pengemudi Nusantara Regas KEGIATAN SAMAPTA SATUAN PENGAMANAN (SURABAYA) dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kapabilitas tenaga Prabhu menggelar kegiatan SAMAPTA SATUAN PENGAMANAN di pengemudi andal Prabhu. Pelatihan Safety Driving dilakukan pada 7 lingkungan. Kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan selama dua hari (1-2 dan 14 Desember 2019 oleh PT Triniti Anugerah Bersama. Desember 2019) di lapangan Kantor Surabaya. Diawasi langsung oleh pihak PM, Pengamanan Prabhu, Korpamnas Prabhu dan SAFETY DRIVING FOR DRIVERS OF NUSANTARA REGAS Korpamwil. The Safety Driving training for Drivers of Nusantara Regas was conducted to SAMAPTA ACTIVITIES FOR SECURITY UNITS (SURABAYA) improve the quality and capability of drivers of Prabhu. Safety Driving Training was Prabhu held SAMAPTA ACTIVITIES FOR SECURITY UNITS in the environment. The activities conducted on December 7 and 14, 2019 by PT Trinity Anugerah Bersama. was conducted for two days (December 1 - 2, 2019) at the field in Surabaya Office. This activitites are supervised directly by the head of Prabhu Security, Prabhu Korpamnas and SIMULASI PENGAMANAN UNJUK RASA Korpamwil. Prabhu gelar kegiatan simulasi penanganan unjuk rasa. Pelatihan ini ditujukan untuk meningkatkan proteksi diri PELATIHAN DAN SIMULASI PENANGGULANGAN KEBAKARAN para petugas pengamanan dalam menyediakan layanan Prabhu mengadakan pelatihan dan simulasi penanggulangan pengamanan dalam beragam kondisi. kebakaran. Melalui kegiatan ini kompetensi tenaga pengamanan Prabhu disiapkan agar mampu memberikan layanan terbaik RIOT CONTROL SIMULATION dalam berbagai situasi dan kondisi. Prabhu held a riot control simulation activity. This training is intended to increase FIRE FIGHTING TRAINING AND SIMULATION the self protection of security personnel in providing security services in a variety of Prabhu held a fire fighting training and simulation. Through this activity, conditions. the competencies of Prabhu’s security personnels are prepared to be able to provide the best service in a variety of situations and conditions. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

8 SAMBUTAN KOMISARIS UTAMA DAN DIREKTUR President Commissioner and Directors Welcoming Speech Baskara Agung Wibawa Komisaris Utama PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana “Kami menilai Prabhu Pemegang Saham dan Pemangku berhasil mewujudkan Kepentingan yang kami hormati, kristalisasi visi dan Dear Shareholders and Stakeholders, misinya melalui pelaksanaan tata nilai T ahun 2019 merupakan tahun yang sangat dinamis dan memiliki arti penting bagi bangsa secara disiplin dan Indonesia. Pada tahun ini, Negara Kesatuan berkelanjutan.” Republik Indonesia melaksanakan sebuah perhelatan besar, yaitu Pemilihan Umum “We assess that Prabhu has succeeded in realizing Presiden. Pemilihan sukses dilaksanakan dalam sebuah the crystallization of its vision and mission through perhelatan Pesta Demokrasi yang berlangsung dengan the implementation of values in the disciplined and aman, jujur, adil dan bermartabat. sustainable manners.” Pada satu sisi, dinamika ini menghadirkan tantangan dan peluang positif bagi pelaku bisnis di tanah air. Sebagai PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana perusahaan yang memiliki inti bisnis layanan penyediaan Laporan Tahunan 2019 sumber daya manusia (SDM) berupa tenaga alih daya (TAD) yang profesional dan berkualitas, PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana (Prabhu) terbukti mampu menyikapinya dengan baik. Memasuki tahun ketiga, kami menilai Prabhu berhasil mewujudkan kristalisasi visi dan misinya melalui pelaksanan tata nilai secara disiplin dan berkelanjutan. Year 2019 was a very dynamic year and has significance meaning for the people of Indonesia. In this year, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia held a big event, a Presidential General Election. Successful election is conducted in a Democratic Party event which executed in safe, honest, fair and dignified. On one hand, this dynamic presents positive challenges and opportunities for business owners in the country. As a company that has a core business in the form of service provision of human resources (HR) in the form of professional and qualified outsourcing, PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana (Prabhu) has proven to be able to do the job well. In the third year, we asses that Prabhu has succeeded in realizing the cystalization of its vision and mision through the implementation of disciplined and sustainable values.

SAMBUTAN KOMISARIS UTAMA DAN DIREKTUR 9 President Commissioner and Directors Welcoming Speech Hal ini diimplementasikan dengan baik oleh jajaran This is well implemented by Prabhu’s management through manajemen Prabhu melalui rangkaian strategi sinergis yang a series of synergistic strategies that increase effectiveness, meningkatkan efektivitas, efisiensi dan optimalisasi kinerja efficiency and optimization of company performance. perusahaan. There are some important indicators of Prabhu’s positive Ada sejumlah indikator penting dari pertumbuhan positif growth throughout 2019. First, the increase in corporate Prabhu sepanjang 2019. Pertama, peningkatan laba profits which exceed 100 percent compared to the previous perusahaan yang melonjak lebih dari 100 persen dibanding year. This very proud achievement shows that Prabhu’s is tahun sebelumnya. Capaian yang sangat membanggakan ini able to manage its business activities effectively and efficiently. menunjukkan bahwa Prabhu mampu mengelola kegiatan This has led to an increase in company productivity with an usahanya secara efektif dan efisien. Hal ini mendorong impact on accelerating the company’s financial performance. terjadinya peningkatan produktivitas perusahaan yang berdampak pada percepatan kinerja keuangan perusahaan. Second, in 2019, Prabhu increasingly showed independence in doing its business. This can be seen from the growth of a Kedua, pada 2019, Prabhu semakin menunjukkan new balance between “internal” and “external” customers. kemandirian dalam menjalankan usaha. Hal ini terlihat The balance shows that Prabhu has excellent potential and dari pertumbuhan keseimbangan baru antara pelanggan ability to increase customer satisfaction and trust. This is a “internal” dan “eksternal”. Perimbangan ini menunjukkan very good foundation to continue to grow in a sustainable bahwa Prabhu memiliki potensi dan kemampuan yang manner in the future. We believe that increasing this ability sangat baik meningkatkan kepuasaan dan kepercayaan will be a surefire strategy to win business competition that pelanggan. Hal ini menjadi pondasi yang sangat baik untuk continues to run tight. terus bertumbuh secara berkelanjutan di masa mendatang. Kami meyakini, peningkatan kemampuan ini akan menjadi Third, the diversification of Prabhu’s products and services strategi jitu untuk memenangkan persaingan bisnis yang has successfully driven the growth of the company’s business, terus berlangsung dengan ketat. both in terms of customers and power experts (TAD). We believe that this growth has a significant contribution to Ketiga, diversifikasi produk dan layanan Prabhu sukses the company’s development potential. To make it happen, mendorong pertumbuhan kuantitas bisnis perusahaan, baik Prabhu has run parallel and consistent discussions as well dari sisi pelanggan maupun TAD. Pertumbuhan tersebut, as explored cooperation with various types of business kami yakini memiliki kontribusi signifikan terhadap potensi fields with specific human resource (HR) characteristics. pengembangan perusahaan. Untuk mewujudkannya, Prabhu secara paralel dan konsisten melakukan diskusi sekaligus Fourth, in order to support the improved company penjajakan kerja sama dengan berbagai jenis bidang usaha performance, Prabhu has carefully changed the dengan karakteristik SDM yang spesifik. organizational structure of the company. Change is implemented through the addition of a marketing Keempat, dalam rangka mendukung peningkatan kinerja function that is expected to sharpen marketing lines so perusahaan, Prabhu dengan cermat telah melakukan as to encourage the growth of new market share quickly, perubahan struktur organisasi perusahaan. Perubahan precisely, and with quality. diimplementasikan melalui penambahan sebuah fungsi pemasaran yang diharapkan mampu mempertajam lini For various successes achieved throughout 2019, we represent pemasaran sehingga dapat mendorong bertumbuhnya the entire Board of Commissioners, Shareholders, and pangsa pasar baru secara cepat, tepat, dan berkualitas. Stakeholders, expressing our deepest appreciation to all levels of directors and management of Prabhu. We appreciate all Atas berbagai keberhasilan yang berhasil dicapai sepanjang the collaboration and synergy that have been carried out in 2019 ini, kami mewakili seluruh Dewan Komisaris, Pemegang developing the company in a sustainable manner. Saham, dan Pemangku Kepentingan, menyampaikan apresiasi yang sebesar-besarnya kepada seluruh jajaran Of course, this achievement should not be seen as the direksi dan manajemen Prabhu. Kami menghargai pinnacle of success, but rather the beginning of an episode seluruh kolaborasi dan sinergi yang telah dilakukan dalam of the journey towards the next peak of glory. We should all menumbuhkembangkan perusahaan secara berkelanjutan. work hard by collaborating and working together to make it happen. Tentunya, capaian ini tidak boleh dipandang sebagai puncak kesuksesan, melainkan awal dari sebuah episode perjalanan menuju puncak kejayaan berikutnya. Sudah semestinya, kita semua bekerja keras dengan saling berkolaborasi dan bersinergi untuk mewujudkannya. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

10 SAMBUTAN KOMISARIS UTAMA DAN DIREKTUR President Commissioner and Directors Welcoming Speech Dedi Junaedi Direktur PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana “Pertumbuhan P ertama-tama, perkenankan kami pendapatan perusahaan menyampaikan apresiasi dan terima kasih merupakan dampak positif dari pertumbuhan kepada seluruh Pemegang Saham dan jumlah klien Prabhu, Pemangku Kepentingan atas berbagai baik dari sisi jaringan arahan dan bimbingan yang diberikan pelanggan maupun penambahan kepada PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana (Prabhu). Sejak awal karakteristik bisnis berdiri tiga tahun lalu, arahan dan bimbingan tersebut yang dilayani,” menjadi bekal yang berharga bagi perusahaan untuk “The company’s revenue growth is the positive impact of Prabhu’s growing number of terus melangkah dan bertumbuh sesuai harapan clients, both in terms of customer networks and the dan tujuan bersama. Tentunya, hal serupa akan terus additions of business characteristics served, “ kami nantikan sebagai garis pemandu pertumbuhan perusahaan di masa mendatang. Arahan dan bimbingan yang diperoleh sepanjang 2019 kami tindaklanjuti dengan merancang dan melaksanakan sejumlah strategi sinergis secara cermat, disiplin, dan profesional. Selain itu, kolaborasi dan sinergi seluruh jajaran manajemen Prabhu terus kami tingkatkan guna mendukung percepatan perwujudan/implementasi strategi sinergis tersebut. Hadir sebagai perusahaan dengan inti bisnis sebagai penyedia sumber daya manusia (SDM), utamanya tenaga alih daya (TAD) yang berkualitas dan profesional, Prabhu sangat memahami dan berupaya melaksanakannya secara optimal. First of all, may we express our appreciation and gratitude to all Shareholders and Stakeholders for the various directions and guidance given to PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana (Prabhu). Since it was founded three years ago, the direction and guidance have become a valuable provision for the company to continue to move and grow in accordance with shared expectations and goals. Of course, we will continue to look forward to the same thing as a guide line for the company’s growth in the future. We have followed up on the direction and guidance we received throughout 2019 by designing and implementing a number of synergistic strategies in a careful, disciplined and professional manner. In addition, we continue to improve collaboration and synergy throughout the management of Prabhu to support the acceleration of the implementation of the synergistic strategy. Present as a company with a core business as a provider of human resources (HR), especially qualified and professional outsourcing staff (TAD), Prabhu understands and strives to implement it in an optimum manner. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

SAMBUTAN KOMISARIS UTAMA DAN DIREKTUR 11 President Commissioner and Directors Welcoming Speech Salah satu keberhasilan Prabhu tercatat pada laba One of Prabhu’s successes was recorded in its 2019 net bersih perusahaan (EAT) 2019 sebesar Rp 6,1 miliar. profit (EAT), reaching the amount of Rp 6.1 billion. This Capaian ini meningkat signifikan tahun sebelumnya achievement increased significantly from the previous (2018) yang tercatat hampir sebesar Rp 4 miliar. Laba ini year (2018) which was recorded at almost Rp. 4 billion. diperoleh dari pertumbuhan pendapatan perusahaan This profit was gained from the company’s revenue growth yang mencapai Rp 188 miliar. which reached the amount of Rp. 188 billion. Pertumbuhan pendapatan perusahaan merupakan The company’s revenue growth is a positive impact dampak positif dari pertumbuhan jumlah klien Prabhu, of Prabhu’s growing number of clients, both in terms baik dari sisi jaringan pelanggan maupun penambahan of customer networks and the additions of business karakteristik bisnis yang dilayani. Sejak 2018, Prabhu characteristics served. Since 2018, Prabhu has focused fokus mengembangkan jaringan bisnis, terutama dalam on developing business networks, particularly in the bidang manufaktur yang menyerap banyak tenaga kerja. manufacturing fields which absorb a number of workforces. Keberhasilan tersebut diiringi pula dengan diversifikasi This success was also accompanied by diversification and dan pengembangan layanan SDM/TAD, terutama pada development of HR / TAD services, especially in business bidang bisnis yang memerlukan TAD berkeahlian khusus. areas that require TAD with special expertise. In 2019, Pada 2019, Prabhu tengah menjajaki peningkatan Prabhu is exploring the improvement of the quality of TAD kualitas TAD berkemampuan khusus, antara lain yang with special abilities, including those who are competent berkompeten dalam bidang keteknikan dan konstruksi in the field of engineering and construction for energy untuk infrastruktur sektor energi. sector infrastructure. Kedua upaya tersebut di atas merupakan implementasi Both of the above efforts are the implementation dari strategi sinergis Prabhu guna mempersiapkan of Prabhu’s synergistic strategy to prepare for a “lompatan prestasi” yang lebih tinggi, khususnya dalam higher “leap of achievement,” especially in facing the menghadapi potensi peluang pertumbuhan bisnis yang potential for excellent business growth opportunities sangat baik pada 2020. in 2020. Untuk mendukungnya, Prabhu melakukan perubahan Supporting it, Prabhu has made changes to the struktur organisasi. Perubahan ini berupa penambahan organizational structure. This change is in the form of the fungsi pemasaran yang merupakan fungsi penting untuk addition of a marketing function which is an important membantu pengembangan potensi pangsa pasar, baik function to help develop potential market share, both pada lingkup nasional, regional, maupun internasional. at national, regional and international scope. With this Dengan pengembangan ini, maka laju pertumbuhan development, the company’s growth rate is expected to be perusahaan diharapkan semakin efektif, efisien, dan juga more effective, efficient, and also optimal. The estuary is optimal. Muaranya adalah terciptanya client satisfaction. the creation of client satisfaction. Sebagai komponen yang tidak kalah penting, rangkaian As an equally important component, a series of other strategi sinergis lain terus dilakukan secara konsisten. synergistic strategies continue to be carried out consistently. Prabhu senantiasa mengedepankan implementasi Prabhu always puts forward the implementation of teknologi mutakhir untuk mendukung kinerja leading edge technology to support the performance of TAD sesuai dengan karakteristik dan kebutuhan TAD in accordance with the characteristics and needs of pelanggan. Disisi lain, inovasi terus dilaksanakan secara customers. On the other hand, innovation continues to be berkesinambungan guna menjamin terciptanya kualitas carried out on an ongoing basis to ensure the creation dan profesionalisme layanan yang dihadirkan. Hal of quality and professionalism of the services presented. tersebut berjalan paralel dengan rangkaian pendidikan This runs parallel with the series of education and training dan pelatihan yang diyakini akan menjadi pilar penting which is believed to be an important pillar in increasing peningkatan kemampuan SDM/TAD dalam menjalankan the ability of HR / TAD in carrying out their respective tugas dan fungsinya masing-masing. duties and functions. Hal paling utama yang melandasi ragam keberhasilan The most important thing underlying the various tersebut di atas adalah kemampuan seluruh keluarga successes mentioned above is the ability of the entire besar Prabhu untuk memahami dan mengejawantahkan Prabhu extended family to understand and embody the visi misi perusahaan dengan baik. Hal ini telah kami company’s vision and mission in a good manner. We have lakukan sejak awal perjalanan bisnis Prabhu. Kami done this since the beginning of Prabhu’s business trip. meyakini, penerapan tata nilai perusahaan secara We believe that disciplined application of corporate values disiplin akan menjadi pondasi kokoh perusahaan untuk will be a firm foundation for the company to continue to terus bertumbuh secara berkelanjutan. grow in a sustainable manner. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

12 PROFIL JAJARAN KOMISARIS DAN DIREKTUR Board of Commissioner and Director Profiles Baskara Agung Wibawa Komisaris Utama PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana 2016 - Sekarang The President Commissioner of PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana 2016 - Now Baskara Agung Wibawa SE, MM, menyelesaikan Baskara Agung Wibawa SE, MM, completed his education pendidikan sebagai Sarjana Ekonomi Manajemen as a Bachelor of Economics in Management at the Islamic Universitas Islam Indonesia tahun 1994 dan meraih University of Indonesia in 1994 and earned a Master in Magister Manajemen dari PPM Manajemen tahun Management from PPM Manajemen in 2007. Now he 2007. Kini beliau tengah menempuh pendidikan S-3 dan akan is studying for a doctoral degree and will complete his menyelesaikan studi doktoral di salah satu Perguruan Tinggi doctoral studies at one of the State Universities in Jakarta. Negeri Jakarta. The Indonesian citizen who was born in Yogyakarta on July Warga Negara Indonesia kelahiran Yogyakarta 20 Juli 1970 ini 20, 1970 is the President Commissioner of Prabhu since menjabat sebagai Komisaris Utama Prabhu sejak 9 Oktober 2017. October 9, 2017. Beliau telah bekerja di PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) /PGN He has worked at PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) since sejak 1 April 1997 (selama 23 tahun) dan pernah mendapatkan April 1, 1997 (for 23 years) and was awarded the Employment penghargaan Kesetiaan Kerja PGN pada 2013. Loyalty of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) in 2013. Atas pengabdian dan jasa-jasanya dalam pengembangan For his dedication and services in developing human Sumber Daya Manusia. Ayah empat anak ini pernah dianugerahi resources, father of four children has been awarded the penghargaan Satya Lencana Wirakarya dari Presiden Republik Satya Lencana Wirakarya award from the President of the Indonesia pada tahun 2018, atas keberhasilannya dalam melakukan Republic of Indonesia in 2018 for his success in transforming transformasi pengelolaan SDM di lingkungan PGN group. the HR management in PGN Group environment. Sebelumnya beliau pernah menjabat sebagai Group Head, Previously he served as Group Head, Strategic Planning Strategic Planning and Portofolio, Direktur Utama PT and Portfolio, the President Director of PT Permata Graha Permata Graha Nusantara, Group Head, Human Capital Nusantara, Group Head, Human Capital and Management Management PGN, Komisaris PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana, dan PGN, the Commissioner at PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana, and the Direktur PT Permata Karya Jasa. Director at PT Permata Karya Jasa. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

PROFIL JAJARAN KOMISARIS DAN DIREKTUR 13 Board of Commissioner and Director Profiles Adhi Lingga Harymurti Komisaris 2018 - Sekarang The Commissioner of PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana 2018 - Now Lahir di Bandung 9 Juni 1975, sosok Adhi Lingga Harymurti Born in Bandung on June 9, 1975, Adhi Lingga Harymurti (45 tahun) telah menjabat sebagai Komisaris Prabhu (45 years old) has served as the Commissioner of PT Prabhu sejak 2018. Ia mengawali karirnya di PT Perusahaan Gas since 2018. He began his career at PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) / PGN pada 1999 dan pernah menjabat Negara (Persero) Tbk in 1999 and once served as Section sebagai Kepala Seksi PGN pada 2010 - 2013, Manajer PT PGN Head of PGN from 2010 to 2013, Manager at PT PGN Lng Indonesia pada 2014, Manajer dan plt. Assistant Vice President Lng Indonesia in 2014, Manager and Caretaker Assistant di PT Nusantara Regas pada 2015. Melalui RUPS pertama yang Vice President at PT Nusantara Regas in 2015. From the dilaksanakan pada 2018, Adhi Lingga Harymurti dipercaya first General Meeting of Shareholders held in 2018, he was memegang amanah sebagai Komisaris Prabhu. appointed as the Commissioner at Prabhu. Mengabdi di PGN selama 20 tahun, telah membuat ayah dua anak Serving at PGN for 20 years, has led the father of two ini dianugerahi Penghargaan Kesetiaan Kerja PGN 2 Windu pada children to be awarded the PGN 2 Windu Work Loyalty 2015. Award in 2015. Tak hanya itu, lulusan teknik informatika Universitas Mercu Buana Not only that, the informatics engineering graduate of tahun 2010 tersebut juga pernah menjalani berbagai pelatihan Mercu Buana University in 2010 also underwent various maupun lokakarya/seminar diantaranya adalah pelatihan trainings and workshops / seminars including training in Peningkatan Karya Prestasi (2003), Temu Nasional Pengelolaan Improvement of Achievement Work (2003), National Meeting Kearsipan Berbasis IT (2005), Employee Office Safety (2010), Handling on Management of IT Based Filing (2005), Employee Office Complain (2011), Leadership for Effective Supervisor (2012) dan Investor Safety (2010), Handling Complain (2011), Leadership for Relation (2013) serta Management Development Programme (2016- Effective Supervisor (2012) and Investor Relations (2013) 2017). and Management Development Program (2016-2017). Dedi Junaedi Direktur Utama PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana 2018 - Sekarang The President Director of PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana 2018 - Now Dedi Junaedi warga Negara Indonesia, lahir di Jakarta, 1 Dedi Junaedi, a citizen of Indonesia, born in Jakarta on Januari 1979. Menyelesaikan pendidikannya di Fakultas January 1, 1979. He completed his education at the Faculty of Teknologi Pertanian (FATETA) di Institut Pertanian Bogor Agricultural Engineering (FATETA) at Bogor Agricultural Institute pada 2004. Saat ini beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur PT in 2004. He currently serves as President Director of PT Prabhu Perkasa Abdi Bhuana (Prabhu) sejak 2018. Setelah sebelumnya since 2018. After previously serving as General Manager of menjabat sebagai General Manager Operasi PT Perkasa Abdi Operations at PT Prabhu . Bhuana (Prabhu). During his service, he had attended various training, upgrades Selama mengabdi, beliau pernah mengikuti berbagai pelatihan, and workshops / seminars. Some of them are Building penataran dan lokakarya/seminar. Beberapa diantaranya adalah Management Training in 2012, Operational Excellence training Pelatihan Building Management pada 2012, pelatihan Operational in 2007, Basic Training for Security Management Systems Excellence pada 2007, Pelatihan Dasar Sistem Manajemen (SMP) and Main Gada Training in 2017. Pengamanan (SMP) dan Pelatihan Gada Utama pada 2017. He also attended CCPS (Certified Crime Prevention Specialist) Beliau juga pernah mengikuti Pelatihan CCPS (Certified Crime Training in 2018, Foundations of Real Estate Management, Prevention Specialist) pada 2018, Pelatihan Foundations of Real BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association) Training Estate Management, BOM A (Building Owners and Managers in 2018, Auditor Training, TSR (Transportation Security Association) di 2018, Pelatihan Auditor, TSR (Transportation Requirement) TAPA (Transported Asset Protection Association Security Requirement) TAPA (Transported Asset Protection Asia Pacific) in 2018 and Auditor Training, FSR (Facility Security Association Asia Pacific) 2018, dan Pelatihan Auditor, FSR Requirement) TAPA (Transported Asset Protection Association) (Facility Security Requirement) TAPA (Transported Asset Protection Asia Pacific in 2018. Association) Asia Pacific pada 2018. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

14 STRUKTUR KEPEMILIKAN, ORGANISASI DAN WILAyAh OPERASI Ownership Structure, Organization and Operating Areas Visi Menjadi perusahaan jasa penyedia tenaga kerja yang Vision terkemuka di Indonesia Misi To be the leading workforce providing service in Indonesia Mission Memberikan Mengelola tenaga Memberikan solusi layanan jasa kepada kerja dengan layanan jasa tenaga PGN Group dan mengedepankan kerja untuk kegiatan mengembangkan hubungan industrial administrasi, teknisi, pada pelanggan lain yang baik dan pengamanan, berdasarkan kebersihan, Providing services to the ketentuan transportasi & PGN Group and developing perundangan jasa penunjang to other customers perkantoran lainnya Managing the workforce by promoting good industrial Providing solutions for relations and based on manpower services for statutory provisions administrative activities, technicians, security, cleaning, transportation & other office support services Tata Nilai H Harmony Perusahaan L I Insan Prabhu senantiasa mengutamakan hubungan yang Company Values S harmonis sehingga tercipta lingkungan kerja yang kondusif dan produktif. Prabhu memiliki dan menerapkan Prabhu’s people always prioritize harmonious relations so as to create a nilai-nilai Perusahaan yang menjadi conducive and productive work environment. landasan pedoman bagi setiap karyawannya dalam melakukan Loyal aktivitas usahanya. Nilai-nilai tersebut terangkum dalam PANCA SATYA, Insan Prabhu senantiasa loyal kepada sejawat, atasan yang meliputi 5 (lima) nilai, yaitu: maupun perusahaan, serta mengutamakan kepentingan perusahaan di atas kepentingan pribadi dan golongan. Prabhu owns and applies Company values Prabhu’s people are always loyal to colleagues, superiors and companies, and which form the basis of guidelines for each prioritize the interests of the company above personal and group interests. of its employees in conducting their business activities. These values are summarized in Integrity PANCA SATYA, which includes 5 (five) values, namely: Insan Prabhu senantiasa mempunyai integritas yang dapat diandalkan serta menjunjung tinggi kedisiplinan, nilai etika, dan moral. Prabhu’s people always have reliable integrity and uphold discipline, ethical values, and morals. Spirit Insan Prabhu adalah pekerja keras, pantang menyerah dan bersemangat dalam memberikan pelayanan yang prima dengan tetap mengedepankan aspek kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja. Prabhu’s people are hardworking, unyielding and enthusiastic in providing excellent service while at the same time prioritizing aspects of occupational health and safety. R Respect dan Insan Prabhu senantiasa menaruh rasa hormat menghargai dalam berinteraksi. Prabhu’s people always puts respects while interacting. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

STRUKTUR KEPEMILIKAN, ORGANISASI DAN WILAyAh OPERASI 15 Ownership Structure, Organization and Operating Areas Struktur Kepemilikan Prabhu Prabhu’s Ownership Structure YKPP 40% Perkasa 60% Struktur Organisasi Organizational structure Direktur President Director General Manager General Manager Manajer Manajer Manajer Manajer HR & GA Operasional Keuangan Pemasaran HR & GA Manager Operational Manager Financial Manager Marketing Manager Staf HR & GA Staf Pengamanan Staf Pembayaran & Akuntansi HR & GA Staff Security Staff Payment & Accounting Staff Staf HR Benefit Staf Penunjang Staf Penagihan & Pajak HR Benefit Staff Support Staff Billing & Tax Staff PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

16 STRUKTUR KEPEMILIKAN, ORGANISASI DAN WILAyAh OPERASI Ownership Structure, Organization and Operating Areas Wilayah Operasi Prabhu Prabhu’s Operation Area Sumatera Utara Malaysia Riau Batam Pekanbaru Sumatera Balikpapan Jambi Selatan Jawa Timur Lampung Banten Jawa Barat Jabodetabek Jawa Tengah PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

STRUKTUR KEPEMILIKAN, ORGANISASI DAN WILAyAh OPERASI 17 Ownership Structure, Organization and Operating Areas Jasa Penunjang Perkantoran Office Supporting Services Jasa Pengamanan Security Services Jasa Pengemudi dan Kebersihan Driver and Cleaning Services Pengemudi Mobil Jenazah Hearse driver OS Labor Cost Outsource Labor Cost Papua n Sulawesi Selatan PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

18 PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

19 PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

20 Profil Bisnis Prabhu Prabhu’s Business Profile Profil Bisnis PRABHU PRABHU’s Business Profile Perkasa Abdi Bhuana (Prabhu) merupakan P erkasa Abdi Bhuana (Prabhu) is a provider perusahaan penyedia tenaga kerja, pelatihan, of manpower, training and other human serta layanan bidang sumber daya manusia resource (HR) services. Prabhu was (SDM) lainnya. Prabhu berdiri sejak 2016 di bawah established in 2016 under the umbrella naungan Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk., suatu badan of Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk., a state owned usaha milik negara yang telah go public dan bergerak enterprise that has gone public and is engaged in dalam pengelolaan energi gas bumi di Indonesia. natural gas energy management in Indonesia. Selain menyediakan jasa pendukung perusahaan, In addition to providing company support services, Prabhu juga menunjang peralatan pendukung kerja. Prabhu also supports work support equipment. Prabhu Prabhu memiliki dua lingkup bisnis yaitu: has two business scopes, namely: • Manage Service: Pelayanan end-to-end, memberi • Manage Service: End-to-end services, providing pelayanan menyeluruh termasuk standar comprehensive services including service pelayanan dan prosedur. Contoh : Security dan standards and procedures. Example: Security and Cleaning Services Cleaning Services • Manage Resource: Mendukung penyediaan jasa • Manage Resource: Supporting the provision tenaga kerja, dimana kualitas menjadi tanggung of workforce services where quality is the jawab user. Menyediakan tenaga kerja, dimana user’s responsibility. Provide workforce where prosedur, ketentuan, dan kualitas menjadi procedures, conditions and quality are the tanggung jawab user. Contoh : Sekretaris responsibility of the user. Example: Secretary Prabhu terus melakukan diversifikasi usaha pada sektor Prabhu continues to diversify its business in the Office bisnis Penunjang Perkantoran, Supply Goods, Support Support business sector, Supply Goods, Support Functions, dan juga Client Needs yang menyediakan Functions, and also Client Needs that provide services pelayanan sesuai kebutuhan pelanggan, seperti according to customer needs, such as needs related to kebutuhan terkait pelayanan keamanan, kebersihan, security services, cleaning, or office support. atau pendukung perkantoran. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

Profil Bisnis Prabhu 21 Prabhu’s Business Profile Lingkup Bisnis: Business Scope: Jasa Layanan Penyediaan Tenaga Kerja Penanganan Dukacita di Bidang Pengamanan Provision of Manpower Funeral service in Security Field Pendidikan Penyediaan Tenaga dan Pelatihan Kerja di Bidang Education Transportasi and Training Provision of Manpower in Transportation Field Penyediaan Tenaga Penyediaan Kerja Pendukung di Bidang Industri Minyak Tenaga Kerja dan Gas Bumi serta di Bidang Kebersihan Industri Lainnya dan Pekerjaan Umum Provision of Supporting Provision of Manpower in Cleaning Service and Manpower of the Field Public Work of Oil and Natural Gas and Other Industries Keunggulan Prabhu Distinctions of Prabhu Terpercaya Cerdas Mengelola tenaga kerja dengan prinsip jujur dan Mengedepankan pendekatan teknologi amanah, melindungi kepentingan perusahaan, informasi dalam memberikan layanan pengguna jasa dan kepentingan tenaga kerja. baik kepada pekerja maupun pengguna jasa. Trusted Smart Managing the workforce with the principles of honesty and trustworthiness, protecting the interests of the Prioritizing the information technology company, service users and the interests of the workforce. approach in providing services to both workers and service users. Bebas Resiko Kebersamaan Risiko hubungan industrial menjadi Fokus pada layanan dan hubungan baik tanggung jawab Prabhu. dengan pekerja maupun pengguna jasa berbasis pada penyediaan tenaga kerja. Free of Risk Togetherness The risk of industrial relations is Prabhu’s responsibility. Focus on services and relationships with both workers and service users based on the supply of workforce. Kepatuhan Hukum Selalu mengedepankan kepatuhan terhadap ketentuan perundang- undangan yang berlaku baik nasional, provinsi maupun kabupaten /kota. Compliance with Law Always prioritize compliance with statutory provisions that apply either in national, provincial, or district / city. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

22 Profil Bisnis Prabhu Prabhu’s Business Profile Proses Pengendalian Mutu Pengamanan Process of Security Quality Control Audit SMP SQC Audit • Isi : Pemenuhan Standar Mutu • Proses : Pre-Audit, Audit Awal, dan Final Audit • Content : Fulfillment of Quality Standards • Output : Mengantarkan PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. meraih kriteria emas berdasarkan standar pengamanan dari • Process : Pre-Audit, Initial Audit, and Final Audit Kepolisian Republik Indonesia • Output : Delivering PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. won gold criteria based on security standards from the Indonesian National Police Penerapan Manajemen Mutu & Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Implementation of Quality Management & Occupational Health Kerja (K3) and Safety (OHS) • Prabhu secara konsisten mengimplementasikan Sertifikasi • Prabhu consistently implements ISO 9001: 2015 and OHSAS ISO 9001: 2015 dan OHSAS 18001: 2007. 18001: 2007 Certification. • Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu ini diharapkan dapat • The implementation of the Quality Management System is memperkuat positioning Prabhu sebagai perusahaan dengan expected to strengthen the positioning of Prabhu as a company sistem terintegrasi yang dijalankan secara profesional dan with an integrated system that is run in a professional manner mengedepankan standar kualitas yang teruji. and prioritizes proven quality standards. Pelaksanaan Rutin Tes Narkoba Implementation of Drugs Routine Test Memastikan kualitas sumber daya manusia terkualifkasi Ensuring the quality of qualified human resources Sistem Penunjang Kinerja Berbasis Teknologi Technology Based Performance Support Systems Prabhu menerapkan penggunaan aplikasi sebagai pengawasan Prabhu uses the application as a security monitoring and reporting. (monitoring) dan pelaporan (reporting) pengamanan. Keunggulan The advantage of using the system is that it is able to minimize the pemakaian sistem tersebut ialah mampu meminimalisir use of paper (paper-less), actual or real-time, and is easily accessible penggunaan kertas (paper-less), actual atau real-time, serta mudah by both users and service providers. diakses baik oleh pengguna ataupun penyedia jasa. Absence Absensi • Using the Android-based “Mobile Attendance” application • Menggunakan aplikasi “Mobile Attendance” berbasis android. • Making it easy for workers to be absent and provide various • Memudahkan pekerja untuk absen dan memberikan berbagai reports, including overtime reports. laporan, termasuk laporan lembur. • The application implementation process uses a GPS system to • Proses penerapan aplikasi menggunakan sistem GPS untuk determine the location of workers. menentukan lokasi pekerja. • Workers simply take a self-portrait (selfie) as absenteeism. • Pekerja cukup mengambil potret diri sendiri (selfie) sebagai • Photos taken can only be real time photos through the absensi. application. • Foto yang diambil hanya bisa foto real time melalui aplikasi. Work Area Supervision Pengawasan Area Kerja • Implementing a technology-based security supervision system. • Menerapkan sistem pengawasan pengamanan berbasis • Using the application that is downloaded in a smart phone with teknologi. NFC facilities that are placed on each floor. • Menggunakan aplikasi yang digunakan terunduh di dalam • The use of the application is very user friendly. • Simply attach the smart phone to the point where NFC is placed smartphone dengan fasilitas NFC yang diletakan di setiap lantai. • Penggunaan aplikasi sangat user friendly. to provide the latest report. • Cukup dengan menempelkan smartphone ke titik yang Reporting System • Application of activity reporting system, photo documentation, ditempatkan NFC untuk memberikan laporan terkini. Sistem Pelaporan status, and other information through the application embedded • Penerapan sistem pelaporan kegiatan, foto dokumentasi, in the worker’s smart phone. status, dan keterangan lainnya melalui aplikasi yang Prime Quality Financial Report tersemat di smartphone pekerja. Prabhu’s financial statements in 2019 received the Fair without Exemption (WTP) status. This positive performance is an achievement Laporan Keuangan Berkualitas Prima and a growing Prabhu financial indicator. It can be said Prabhu has Laporan keuangan Prabhu pada 2019 mendapatkan status Wajar succeeded in producing quality and professional performance. With Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP). Kinerja positif ini menjadi sebuah WTP’s opinion, the internal control carried out by Prabhu has been prestasi dan indikator keuangan Prabhu yang terus tumbuh. effective. Dapat dikatakan Prabhu telah berhasil menghasilkan kinerja yang berkualitas dan profesional. Dengan mendapat opini WTP, maka pengendalian internal yang dilakukan Prabhu telah berjalan efektif. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

Profil Bisnis Prabhu 23 Prabhu’s Business Profile 3in1 Road Map (2017-2019) 3in1 Road Map (2017 – 2019) 2017 PEMBENTUKAN • Perizinan 2018 • SISDUR 2019 FONDASI Establishment of Foundation • Captive Market • Set up Operasi PENGUATAN • Human Resources Information System (HRIS) INFRASTRUKTUR • Self Service System Infrastructure Strengthening • Expand Market LAYANAN PRIMA • Service Orientation • IT Base Service Prima Services • Non-PGN Market • Office Automation Kelengkapan Perizinan License Completeness Menunjang peran dan kinerjanya sebagai penyedia tenaga kerja maupun sebagai Badan Usaha Jasa Pengamanan, Prabhu memiliki kelengkapan perizinan yang dibutuhkan, untuk: Supporting its role and performance as a workforce provider and as a Security Services Business Entity, Prabhu has the necessary licensing requirements, to: Memberi dukungan dalam usaha PT Perusahaan Provide support in the business of PT Gas Negara Tbk. mendapatkan sertifikasi Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. in getting a Sistem Manajemen Pengamanan. Security Management System certification Mengembangkansistemdanprosedur,diantaranya Develop systems and procedures, including the penyusunan prosedur pengamanan, penyusunan preparation of security procedures, preparation for Peraturan Perusahaan serta penyusunan code of Company regulations and the preparation of a code conduct berdasarkan nilai budaya Panca Satya of conduct based on Panca Satya cultural values Menyelenggarakan pelatihan-pelatihan untuk Organize trainings for professional development and pengembangan dan peningkatan kualitas tenaga quality improvement of the workforce kerja secara profesional PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

24 Profil Bisnis Prabhu Prabhu’s Business Profile Portofolio Portfolio Prabhu mengelola sebanyak 3.727 pekerja yang ditempatkan di berbagai area untuk mendukung kinerja sejumlah klien, khususnya dalam pengelolaan objek vital nasional. Tenaga kerja yang dikelola antara lain: Prabhu manages 3,727 workers who are placed in various areas to support the performance of a number of clients, particularly in the management of national vital objects. Manpower managed includes: Pengamanan Stasiun Gas Gas Station Security Prabhu mengelola keamanan offtake station yang berlokasi di berbagai wilayah di Pulau Jawa dan Sumatera. offtake station merupakan salah satu objek vital nasional. Gas Station Security Prabhu manages off-take station security located in various regions in Java and Sumatera. Off-take station is one of the national vital objects. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

Profil Bisnis Prabhu 25 Prabhu’s Business Profile Pengamanan Gedung dan Bangunan Structure and Building Security Prabhu mengelola keamanan meliputi gedung perkantoran, rumah VVIP dan kawasan perumahan grup PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN Group) yang tersebar di berbagai kota. Prabhu manages security including office buildings, VVIP houses and housing areas of the PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN Group) spread across various cities. Pengamanan Pergudangan Warehouse Security Prabhu memiliki kapabilitas dan kompetensi untuk menyediakan tenaga kerja pengamanan pergudangan di berbagai penjuru wilayah Indonesia maupun kawasan regional. Prabhu has the capability and competency to provide warehousing security workforce in various parts of Indonesia and regional areas. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

26 Profil Bisnis Prabhu Prabhu’s Business Profile Jasa Penunjang Perkantoran Office Support Services Prabhu berpengalaman menyediakan tenaga penunjang dibidang administrasi, teknisi, sekretaris, receptionist, tenaga pengelola arsip diantaranya yang terkait dengan bisnis minyak dan gas bumi Prabhu has had experiences in providing administrative support staff, technicians, secretaries, receptionists, archive management staff including those related to the oil and gas business Jasa Kebersihan dan Transportasi Cleaning and Transportation Services Prabhu berpengalaman untuk menyediakan tenaga kebersihan, Office Boy/ Girl, pengemudi, dan jasa tenaga kerja lainnya. Prabhu has had experiences in providing cleaning services, Office Boy/Girl, Driver and other manpower services PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

Profil Bisnis Prabhu 27 Prabhu’s Business Profile Jasa Penunjang Logisitik Logisitics Support Services Prabhu telah berpengalaman dalam menyediakan tenaga penunjang kompeten di bidang logistik. Prabhu is experienced in providing competent support staff in logistics. Jasa Penunjang Manufaktur Manufacturing Support Services Prabhu memiliki kompetensi dan kapabilitas dalam penyediaan tenaga penunjang manufaktur yang melayani di berbagai wilayah. Prabhu has the competence and capability in providing manufacturing support staff serving in various regions. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

28 Profil Bisnis Prabhu Prabhu’s Business Profile Jasa Layanan Penanganan Dukacita Grief Handling Service Prabhu berpengalaman dalam menyediakan Prabhu is experienced in providing management jasa pengelolaan layanan dukacita bagi services for grief services for working families keluarga pekerja di lingkungan PGN Group. within the PGN Group. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

Profil Bisnis Prabhu 29 Prabhu’s Business Profile Kegiatan Pelatihan Training Activities Prabhu telah berpengalaman mengelola berbagai Prabhu has had experiences managing various pendidikan dan pelatihan guna menghasilkan educations and trainings in order to produce tenaga kerja berkualitas. Seperti Pelatihan untuk quality workforce. Such as training for secretarial tenaga kerja Sekretaris, Gada Madya, Kegiatan workers, Gada Madya, Samapta Activities, Samapta, Pelatihan Safety Driving, Pelatihan Safety Driving Training, Fire Handling Training, Penanganan Kebakaran, Penanggulangan Unjuk Demonstration Handling, to Basic Sea Survival Rasa, hingga Pelatihan Basic Sea Survival. Training. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

30 Profil Bisnis Prabhu Prabhu’s Business Profile Tinjauan Operasi Attendance monitoring for the employees of the field of supporting oil and gas, security, office Operation Review support, transportation, cleaning and public works. 1 Pengawasan (monitoring) absensi untuk pekerja Penunjang Migas, pengamanan, penunjang Increasing the Competence of Power Experts (TAD): perkantoran, pekerja di bidang transportasi, kebersihan dan pekerjaan umum. Security Training : - Basic Competence : 2 Peningkatan Kompetensi Tenaga Alih Daya (TAD) : a Pelatihan Pengamanan : Training of Gada Madya - Kompetensi Inti: - Safety Driving Training Pelatihan Gada Madya - Basic Sea Survival Training - Pelatihan Safety Driving - Fire Fighting Training - Pelatihan Basic Sea Survival - Demonstration Security Training - Pelatihan Penanggulangan Kebakaran - Competence Standards Service : Training - Pelatihan Pengamanan Unjuk Rasa - Kompetensi Standar Pelayanan : Command Pelatihan Komando State Defense Training (Basic Military Training) b Pelatihan Bela Negara (Kewiraan) - Training to Develop Korsa Spirit - Pelatihan Membangun Jiwa Korsa Preparation of Quality Management and K3 3 Penyusunan Manajemen Mutu dan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja 4 Memasuki 2019, Prabhu semakin meningkatkan Entering 2019, Prabhu further improved the kualitas layanan dan informasinya dengan quality of its services and information by menghadirkan Call Center. Melalui Call Center, presenting a Call Center. Through the Call Center, masyarakat, khususnya pelanggan potensial the public, especially potential customers of Prabhu dapat memeroleh berbagai informasi Prabhu, can obtain various information about mengenai produk dan layanan berkualitas yang quality products and services provided by Prabhu. disediakan Prabhu. Disisi lain, Call Center berperan On the other hand, Call Center also plays an penting pula sebagai sarana penyaluran keluhan important role as a means of channeling customer pelanggan, sekaligus menjadi sarana komunikasi complaints, as well as a means of communication antara Prabhu dengan pelanggan/calon. between Prabhu with customers / candidates. Jenis Kontrak Kerja Sama Security Services • Office Building security Types of Cooperation Contract • Facility Network Security • Warehouse Security 1 Jasa Pengamanan • Pengamanan Gedung Perkantoran Office Support Services • Pengamanan Jaringan Fasilitas • Secretary • Pengamanan Pergudangan • Archives Management • Receptionist 2 Jasa Penunjang Perkantoran • Library Support Services • Sekretaris • Pengelola Arsip Driver and Cleaning Services • Resepsionis • Jasa Penunjang Perpustakaan Grief Support and Handling Services 3 Jasa Pengemudi dan Kebersihan Logistics Support Services 4 Jasa Pendukung dan Penanganan Dukacita 5 Jasa Penunjang Logistik Manufacturing Support services 6 Jasa Penunjang Manufaktur PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

Profil Bisnis Prabhu 31 Prabhu’s Business Profile Kelengkapan Legalitas Perusahaan Completeness of Company’s Legal Requirements Prabhu memiliki perizinan sebagai berikut: Prabhu has the following licenses: 1 Akta Pendirian, Tanda Daftar Perusahaan, Surat Izin Prabhu has the following permissions: Deed of Usaha Perusahaan, Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak. Establishment, Company Register, Company Business License, Tax Registration Number. 2 Izin Operasional penyedia tenaga kerja dari Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Wajib lapor tenaga kerja. Operational permit for labor providers from the Manpower Office and must report labor. Memiliki keanggotaan Asosiasi Badan Usaha Jasa Has a membership of the Association of Indonesian Security Services (ABUJAPI), the Indonesian Power 3 Pengamanan Indonesia (ABUJAPI), Asosiasi Bisnis Alih Business Association (ABADI), the Building Owners Daya Indonesia (ABADI), Building Owners and Managers and Managers Association of Indonesia (BOMA), the Association Indonesia (BOMA), Transported Asset Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA), the Protection Association (TAPA), Chartered International Chartered International Institute of Security and Crisis Institute of Security and Crisis Management (CIISCM), Management (CIISCM) , The Indonesian Chamber of Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia (KADIN). Serta Commerce and Industry (KADIN). As well as having memiliki sertifikasi Gada Utama dan memiliki izin Gada Utama certification and having a Security Service Badan Usaha Jasa Pengamanan (BUJP), yaitu Badan Business Entity (BUJP) permit, namely a Security Service Usaha Jasa Penyediaan Tenaga Pengamanan dan Provider and Security Training Services Business Entity in Badan Usaha Jasa Pelatihan Keamanan di masing- each operating area. masing wilayah operasi. Peraturan Regulations Prabhu mengimplementasikan peraturan-peraturan sebagai berikut : Prabhu implements the following regulations : 1 Peraturan Perusahaan sesuai ketentuan undang- Company Regulation in accordance with the provision of undang ketenagakerjaan No. 13 Tahun 2003. manpower law No. 13 of 2003. 2 Pedoman Good Corporate Government (GCG). Good Corporate Governance Guidance (GCG) Guidelines. 3 Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) Security Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) Security. Pengamanan. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

32 TATA KELOLA PERUSAhAAN Corporate Governance Tata Kelola Perusahaan Corporate Governance Transparansi Komitmen perusahaan ungkap akurasi material menyangkut kinerja, keadaan keuangan, kepemilikan saham perusahaan dan informasi perusahaan lainnya dengan: Transparency The company’s commitment expresses material accuracy regarding performance, financial condition, ownership of company shares and other company information by: Tepat waktu Akurat On time Accurate Memadai Transparansi Dapat diperbandingkan Adequate Can be compared Jelas Mudah diakses oleh stakeholders dan Clear seluruh pihak berkepentingan sesuai dengan haknya. Easily accessible by stakeholders and all interested parties in accordance with their rights. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

TATA KELOLA PERUSAhAAN 33 Corporate Governance Kejelasan fungsi, pelaksanaan dan Tanggung jawab yang jelas dari pertanggungjawaban insan perusahaan yang masing-masing organ perusahaan memungkinkan pengelolaan perusahaan Clear responsibilities of each company organ terlaksana secara efektif. Akuntabilitas Mengomunikasikan hak dan kewajiban masing- Clarity of functions, implementation and accountability masing pihak of company personnel which enables the management Communicating the rights and obligations of each party of the company to be carried out effectively. Memiliki kebijakan tentang reward and punishment. Berlakunya ukuran kinerja dari semua insan Have a policy about reward and punishment. perusahaan berdasarkan ukuran-ukuran yang disepakati The validity of the performance measures of all company people is based on agreed upon standards Kesesuaian dan kepatuhan pengelolaan Pemenuhan kewajiban terhadap pemerintah perusahaan terhadap peraturan perundang- sesuai peraturan yang berlaku undangan yang berlaku. Compliance and compliance of the company’s Fulfillment of obligations to the government in management with the applicable laws and regulations. accordance with applicable regulations Kesesuaian prinsip-prinsip korporasi yang sehat. Responsibilitas Kontribusi yang nyata kepada masyarakat sebagai Compliance with sound corporate principles. bentuk tanggung jawab sosiaI perusahaan. Real contribution to society as a form of corporate Prinsip perusahaan dikelola secara profesional tanpa Kemandirian social responsibility. benturan kepentingan dan pengaruh/tekanan dari Mengambil keputusan bertindak obyektif dan pihak manapun, yang tidak sesuai dengan peraturan bebas dari segala tekanan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan prinsip- Make a decision to act objectively and free from all prinsip korporasi yang sehat. pressures The principles of the company are managed professionally Menghindari terjadinya dominasi yang tidak wajar without conflict of interest and influence / pressure from oleh pihak manapun any party, which is not in accordance with the applicable Avoiding unnatural domination by any party laws and regulations and sound corporate principles. Tidak terpengaruh oleh kepentingan sepihak serta Menghormati hak dan kewajiban, tugas dan tanggung jawab bebas dari benturan kepentingan serta kewenangan masing-masing organ perusahaan. Not affected by unilateral interests and free from conflicts of interest Respect the rights and obligations, duties and responsibilities as well as the authority of each company organ. Setiap organ perusahaan akan melaksanakan tugasnya sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang- Selain organ perusahaan tidak ada yang dapat undangan yang berlaku dan prinsip-prinsip GCG. mencampuri pengurusan perusahaan. Each company organ will carry out its duties in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and Apart from the company’s organs, no one can interfere in the GCG principles. management of the company. Adanyaperlakuanadildansetaradidalammemenuhi Perusahaan dapat mengeksekusi haknya terhadap hak-hak pemegang saham dan stakeholder. pihak yang berkepentingan sesuai peraturan There is fair and equal treatment in fulfilling the rights of perundang-undangan yang berlaku. shareholders and stakeholders. The company can execute its rights to the parties Kewajaran concerned in accordance with applicable laws and Memastikan agar pihak yang berkepentingan dapat regulations. mengeksekusi hak sesuai peraturan perundang- undangan yang berlaku. Adanya kesempatan kepada seluruh stakeholder untuk Ensuring that interested parties can execute rights in memberikan masukan dan menyampaikan pendapat accordance with applicable laws and regulations. bagi kepentingan perusahaan sesuai dengan prinsip PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana keterbukaan dan melalui mekanisme yang berlaku. Annual Report 2019 The opportunity for all stakeholders to provide input and express opinions for the interests of the company in accordance with the principle of openness and through the applicable mechanism.

34 ANALISA DAN PEMBAhASAN Analysis and Discussion Analisa dan Pembahasan Analysis and Discussion Aspek Keuangan Financial Aspect Sepanjang 2019, PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana T hroughout 2019, PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana (Prabhu) berhasil mengelola dan (Prabhu) has succeeded to manage and mengembangkan aspek keuangan perusahaan develop aspects of the company’s finances dengan lebih efektif, efisien, dan optimal. Hal more effectively, efficiently, and optimally. ini berdampak pada terciptanya pertumbuhan This has an impact on the creation of neraca keuangan yang positif. Capaian kinerja keuangan positive balance sheet growth. Achievement of financial yang senantiasa meningkat merupakan indikator performance that continues to increase is an indicator dari tingkat kepercayaan dan kepuasan pelanggan/ of the level of trust and satisfaction of customers / pengguna jasa yang semakin kuat dan terus bertumbuh. service users who are getting stronger and growing. Hingga Desember 2019, perusahaan memeroleh Until December 2019, the company has obtained a gross laba kotor sebesar Rp 12.535.402.656, yaitu profit of Rp. 12,535,402,656, namely the breakdown dengan rincian Laba Operasional (EBIT) sebesar of Operating Profit (EBIT) of Rp 8,386,309,400 while Rp 8.386.309.400, sedangkan Laba Sebelum Pajak Profit Before Tax (EBT) of Rp 8,386,309,400. (EBT) senilai Rp 8.386.309.400. Perusahaan membukukan laba bersih setelah The company posted a net profit after tax (Nett Profit pajak (Nett Profit Margin) sebesar Rp Margin) in the amount of Rp. 6,194,012,400. This Perolehan ini meningkat signifikan Rp 2.224.562.447 acquisition increased significantly by Rp. 2,224,562,447 (56% Year on Year/YoY) dari 2018 yang tercatat sebesar (56% Year on Year / YoY) from 2018 which was recorded Rp 3.969.449.953. at the amount of Rp. 3,969,449,953. Perusahaan berhasil meningkatkan laba per lembar The company has managed to increase earnings per saham menjadi 4.955.210. Sebagai perbandingan, pada share to 4,955,210. For comparison, in 2018, basic 2018, laba per lembar saham dasar dibukukan sebesar earnings per share were recorded at the amount Rp. 3.175.560, sedangkan pada 2017 laba per lembar of Rp. 3,175,560, while in 2017 basic earnings per saham dasar tercatat sebesar Rp 1.620,545. share was recorded at the amount of Rp. 1,620,545. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

ANALISA DAN PEMBAhASAN 35 Analysis and Discussion Pertumbuhan laba bersih setelah pajak perusahaan The growth in net profit after corporate tax is supported didukung peringkatan total pendapatan perusahaan yang by the increase of company’s total revenue which, in 2019, pada 2019 mencapai angka Rp 188.732.399.201. Pendapatan reached the amount of Rp. 188,732,399,201. This income ini meningkat sebesar Rp 86.681.764.140 (85% YoY) dari increased by Rp. 86,681,764,140 (85% YoY) from 2018 pendapatan 2018, yaitu sebesar Rp 102.050.635.061. Adapun revenue, which was in the amount of Rp. 102,050,635,061. total biaya pokok perusahaan pada 2019 dibukukan sebesar The total basic cost of the company in 2019 was recorded Rp 176.196.996.545. at the amount of Rp. 176,196,996,545. Salah satu elemen utama pertumbuhan laba One of the main elements of the company’s profit perusahaan adalah peningkatan ekuitas perusahaan growth is an increase in corporate equity in 2019 which pada 2019 yang tercatat sebesar Rp 11.182.723.719. was recorded at the amount of Rp. 11,182,723,719. Sebelumnya, pada 2018 ekuitas perusahaan Previously in 2018, the company’s equity was booked at dibukukan sebesar Rp 6.738.711.319. Liabilitas jangka the amount of Rp. 6,738,711,319. The company’s short- pendek perusahaan sepanjang 2019 tercatat sebesar term liabilities in 2019 were recorded at the amount of Rp. Rp Dengan demikian, jumlah total 25,258,236,572. Therefore, the total amount of liabilities liabilitas dan ekuitas perusahaan pada 2019 dibukukan and equity of the company in 2019 was recorded at sebesar Rp 36.440.960.291. Capaian ini meningkat the amount of Rp. 36,440,960,291. This achievement sebesar Rp 15.515.136.673 (74% YoY) pada 2018 yang increased by Rp. 15,515,136,673 (74% YoY) in 2018 which dibukukan sebesar Rp 20.925.823.618. was recorded at the amount of Rp. 20,925,823,618. Hingga Desember 2019, perusahaan memiliki total aset Until December 2019, the company has had total current lancar sebesar Rp 36.374.563.568 dan aset tidak lancar assets in the amount of Rp. 36,374,563,568 and noncurrent sejumlah Rp 66.396.723. Aset tidak lancar dibukukan assets in the amount of Rp. 66,396,723. Non-current assets sebesar 0,002 persen dari total aset perusahaan senilai were recorded at 0.002 percent of the company’s total Rp 36.440.960.291. assets valued at the amount of Rp. 36,440,960,291. Pada 2019, Tingkat Pengembalian Aset (return on asset/ In 2019, the company’s return on assets (ROA) was ROA) perusahaan tercatat 17 persen. Capaian ROA recorded at 17 percent. The achievement of ROA is menjadi salah satu pilar kokoh peningkatan pertumbuhan one of the strong pillars in increasing the company’s perusahaan. growth. Tingginya ROA yang berhasil dicapai perusahaan The high ROA managed to be achieved by the menunjukkan semakin besar pula tingkat keuntungan yang company has shown the greater the level of profits dicapai perusahaan. ROA secara kuat mengindikasikan achieved by the company. ROA strongly indicates bahwa perusahaan telah menjalankan praktik akuntansi that the company has implemented good accounting dengan baik. Hal ini dapat dipergunakan untuk mengukur practices. This can be used to measure the efficiency of efisiensi penggunaan modal yang menyeluruh, yang overall capital use which is sensitive to everything that sensitif terhadap setiap hal yang mempengaruhi keadaan affects the company’s financial situation. As a matter keuangan perusahaan. Dengan demikian, dapat diketahui of fact, it can be seen the company’s position against posisi perusahaan terhadap industri. the industry. Sepanjang 2019, berdasarkan capaian ROA, perusahaan Throughout 2019, based on the achievement of ROA, secara efektif, efisien dan optimal telah terbukti berhasil the company effectively, efficiently and optimally has memberdayakan seluruh sumber daya dan asetnya untuk been proven to successfully empower all its resources menghasilkan kinerja keuangan secara positif. Perusahaan and assets to produce positive financial performance. mampu merancang dan menerapkan strategi yang tepat The company was able to design and implement dalam mempertahankan dan meningkatkan efisiensi appropriate strategies to maintain and improve the pengelolaan aset. Kemampuan ini berdampak signifikan efficiency of asset management. This ability had a terhadap pertumbuhan laba perusahaan. significant impact on the company’s profit growth. Disisi lain, perusahaan mencatat return on equity/ROE On the other hand, the company recorded a return on sebesar 55 persen. ROE ini merupakan sinyal dari kinerja equity (ROE) at 55 percent. This ROE means a signal positif beberapa rasio keuangan perusahaan, yaitu rasio of the positive performance of some of the company’s aktivitas keuangan yang terdiri dari rasio perputaran kas, financial ratios, namely the ratio of financial activities rasio perputaran persediaan, dan juga rasio perputaran consisting of cash turnover ratios, inventory turnover piutang. Rasio keuangan lainnya yang menentukan ratios, and also accounts receivable turnover ratios. kualitas ROE adalah rasio utang yang terdiri dari utang Other financial ratios that determine ROE quality are terhadap aset, utang terhadap ekuitas dan rasio EBT debt ratios consisting of debt to assets, debt to equity terhadap bunga. Rasio lainnya adalah rasio likuiditas yang and the ratio of EBT to interest. Other ratios are liquidity terdiri dari rasio cepat dan rasio lancar. ratios consisting of fast ratios and current ratios. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

36 ANALISA DAN PEMBAhASAN Analysis and Discussion Berdasarkan capaian ROE tersebut, maka langkah Based on the achievement of ROE mentioned above, perusahaan dalam melakukan pengembangan investasi the company’s steps in developing investments adalah sangat tepat. Hal ini menjadi indikator penting are deemed very appropriate. This has become yang ditunjukkan perusahaan dalam mengelola an important indicator shown by the company in investasi/penanaman modal yang pemegang saham managing investments which were the shareholders sejak awal perusahaan didirikan. Dengan demikian, since the company was founded. Therefore, achieving pencapaian target ROE pada 2019 menunjukkan the ROE target in 2019 has shown that the company perusahaan dapat terus melaksanakan ekspansi sesuai can continue to carry out expansion in accordance dengan arah dan kebijakan yang ditetapkan. with the direction and policies which were set. Efektivitas penggunaan modal maupun aset perusahaan This high effectiveness of the use of capital and (ROE dan ROA) yang cukup tinggi ini didukung oleh company asset (ROE and ROA) is supported by berbagai aspek, diantaranya kebijakan perusahaan various aspects, including company policies in dalam menentukan segmentasi dan positioning determining segmentation and positioning to face a menghadapi pasar penyediaan tenaga kerja yang cukup dynamic workforce supply market. Throughout 2019, dinamis. Sepanjang 2019, perusahaan telah membangun the company has built a solid foundation to develop pondasi yang kokoh untuk mengembangkan kualitas quality products and services, and at the same time produk dan layanan, sekaligus memperluas jaringan expanding its marketing network, either nationally, pemasarannya, baik dalam lingkup nasional, regional regionally or internationally. maupun internasional. Langkah strategis tersebut pada 2019 secara This strategic step in 2019 is continually followed berkesinambungan ditindaklanjuti melalui rancangan up through the design and implementation of dan implementasi strategi pendukung lainnya, seperti other supporting strategies, such as increasing meningkatkan peluang kerja sama dengan berbagai opportunities for collaboration with various pemangku kepentingan, menjajaki dan mempersiapkan stakeholders, exploring and preparing for more pengembangan pasar internasional yang lebih expansive international market development, and ekspansif, serta mempertajam kualitas tenaga alih daya sharpening the quality of power experts (TAD) with (TAD) dengan spesifikasi dan keahlian khusus. specific specifications and expertise. Selain itu, faktor implementasi teknologi, inovasi dan In addition, the factor of technology implementation, juga pengembangan aset berupa sumber daya manusia innovation and also the development of assets in the (SDM) melalui serangkaian pelatihan yang dilakukan form of human resources (HR) through a series of berkesinambungan, menjadi pilar pendukung yang tidak training that is carried out continuously has become a kalah pentingnya. supporting pillar that is no less important. Aspek Kinerja Performance Aspect Kinerja positif berhasil memenuhi peningkatan target Positive performance has succeeded in meeting the yang ditetapkan sepanjang 2019 dimana perusahaan increased targets set throughout 2019 where the mampu membukukan peningkatan kinerja yang company was able to record a significant increase cukup signifikan, terutama dari sisi pertumbuhan dan in performance, especially in terms of growth and perkembangan jumlah pelanggan maupun jumlah development of the number of customers and the tenaga kerja yang disalurkan. number of distributed workforce. Melanjutkan keberhasilan yang berhasil dicapai pada Continuing the success which was achieved in 2018, 2018, pada 2019 perusahaan terus berupaya secara in 2019 the company continued to optimally achieve optimal mencapai target pertumbuhan pelanggan, customer growth targets, both from the type of power baik dari jenis tenaga alih daya (TAD) maupun cakupan expert (TAD) and the scope of work area. At the entrance wilayah kerja. Memasuki 2019, perusahaan fokus of 2019, the company focused on developing markets mengembangkan pasar secara intensif, baik dari dalam intensively both within the PGN Group and outside the lingkungan PGN Group maupun dari luar PGN Group. PGN Group. Pada 2019, perusahaan tetap fokus terhadap penyediaan In 2019, the company maintained to focus on providing tenaga kerja profesional dan berkualitas pada sektor professional and quality workforce in the Security, Tenaga Kerja Pengamanan, Penunjang Minyak dan Gas Support Oil and Gas (Migas), Drivers, Cleaning, and Bumi (Migas), Pengemudi, Kebersihan, dan Pelayanan Capacity Services sectors. In addition, the company Kapasitas terus dikembangkan. Selain itu, perusahaan juga also consistently provides workforce with special konsisten menyediakan tenaga kerja dengan spesifikasi specifications in logistics and warehousing. khusus dalam bidang logistik dan pergudangan. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

ANALISA DAN PEMBAhASAN 37 Analysis and Discussion Sepanjang 2019, perusahaan berhasil mempertahankan Throughout 2019, the company has managed to sekaligus meningkatkan keunggulan produk dan maintain and increase the superiority of its products layanannya terhadap 11 perusahaan yang berada and services to 11 companies within the scope of dalam lingkup PGN Group. Sementara itu, komposisi the PGN Group. Meanwhile, the composition of pelanggan dari luar lingkup PGN Group juga secara customers from outside the scope of the PGN Group signifikan terus ditingkatkan kualitas dan kuantitasnya. also significantly improved its quality and quantity. Hal ini terbukti dari peningkatan jumlah perusahaan This is shown from the increase in the number of dari luar PGN Group sebanyak 3 kali lipat dari 2018, companies from outside the PGN Group by 3 times yaitu dengan penambahan perusahaan aCommerce from the same number in 2018, namely by the dan juga Oppo. addition of aCommerce and Oppo companies. Sebelumnya, sejak 2018 perusahaan telah memberikan Previously, since 2018 the company has provided layanan prima kepada Ceva yang sekaligus merupakan excellent service to Ceva, a company located perusahaan yang berlokasi di negara sahabat in friendly country with international business dengan jangkauan bisnis internasional. Pemenuhan coverage. The fulfillment of professional and tenaga kerja profesional dan berkualitas di beberapa qualified workforces in several companies operating perusahaan yang beroperasi di sejumlah negara in a number of neighbouring countries by promoting tetangga dengan mengedepankan prospek bisnis the manufacturing workforce business prospect tenaga kerja manufaktur dengan kinerja di tahun 2019 with 2019 performance has succeeded to employ berhasil memperkerjakan sebanyak 1.200 pekerja. nearly 1,200 labors. Pada 2019, jangkauan produk dan layanan perusahaan In 2019, the company’s range of products terus ditingkatkan. Hal ini diimplementasikan melalui and services continued to be improved. This is penjajakan berbagai potensi kerja sama dengan calon implemented through the exploration of various pelanggan potensial. Salah satu strateginya adalah potential collaborations with potential customers. dengan memberikan spesifikasi TAD khusus pada One strategy is to provide specific power expert bidang usaha tertentu, seperti dalam bidang keteknikan (TAD) specifications in certain business fields such dan konstruksi. as in the engineering and construction fields. Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan karakteristik In order to meet the needs of these customer pelanggan tersebut, perusahan secara konsisten menjalin characteristics, the company consistently kerja sama profesional untuk menghadirkan kualitas collaborates with professionals to deliver excellent layanan prima. Kerja sama dilakukan dengan penjajakan service quality. The collaboration is carried out pelatihan SDM yang dirancang secara efektif, efisien, dan by exploring human resource (HR) training that is berkesinambungan. designed to be effective, efficient, and sustainable. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

38 ANALISA DAN PEMBAhASAN Analysis and Discussion DATA DATA Ragam pengembangan karakteristik TAD merupakan The variety of TAD characteristic development is implementasi strategi perusahaan yang terus berupaya the implementation of the company’s strategy that untuk mampu beradaptasi terhadap kebutuhan continues to strive to be able to adapt to market needs. pasar. Dengan demikian, melalui penerapan strategi As a matter of fact, through the implementation of yang fleksibel dan adaptif tersebut, perusahaan these flexible and adaptive strategies, the company mampu untuk selalu menyesuaikan segmentasi dan is able to always adjust market segmentation and targeting pasar. targeting. Strategi tersebut kemudian berdampak pada The strategy then has an impact on exceeding the terlampauinya target jumlah tenaga kerja yang target number of workforce provided and placed disediakan dan ditempatkan pada sejumlah perusahaan in a number of companies that employ them. The pengguna tenaga kerja. Perkembangan TAD yang dikelola development of power expert (TAD) managed by the perusahaan senantiasa menunjukkan pertumbuhan company always showed a very significant growth, yang sangat signifikan, yaitu dari 769 orang pada 2017 from 769 people in 2017 to 1703 in 2018. This menjadi 1.703 pada 2018. Prestasi ini terus melonjak achievement continues to surge in 2019, which pada 2019 yang berkembang menjadi 3.727 orang. grew to 3,727 people. Of these, 2,220 power experts Dari jumlah tersebut, 2.220 TAD (60%) merupakan SDM (60%) are the human resources placed at companies yang ditempatkan pada perusahaan di luar lingkup PGN outside the scope of the PGN Group, while another Group, sementara 1.507 TAD (40%) lainnya merupakan 1,507 power experts (40%) are the human resources SDM yang ditugaskan pada sejumlah perusahaan dalam assigned to a number of companies within the scope lingkup PGN Group. of the PGN Group. Pertumbuhan jumlah serapan TAD/SDM sepanjang The growth in the amount of power expert (TAD) / 2019 merupakan wujud keberhasilan perusahaan human resources uptake during 2019 is a form of dalam menetapkan rangkaian keunggulan produk the company’s success in determining the range of dan layanannya. Diantaranya penerapan proses product and service excellence. Among them is the pengendalian mutu pengamanan melalui Audit application of the quality control process through Sistem Manajemen Pengamanan (SMP). Audit SMP the Security Management System Audit (SMP). The yang diimplementasikan perusahaan terdiri sejumlah SMP audit implemented by the company consisted of PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

ANALISA DAN PEMBAhASAN 39 Analysis and Discussion aspek. Pertama, dilakukan dalam rangka pemenuhan a number of aspects. First, it is carried out in order standar mutu. Kedua, penerapan sejumlah proses secara to fulfill quality standards. Second, continuous berkesinambungan, yaitu pre-audit, audit awal dan final implementation of a number of processes, namely audit. pre-audit, initial audit and final audit Mendukung hal tersebut, dalam menjalankan bisnisnya, Supporting this, in conducting its business, the company perusahaan mengimplementasikan sejumlah peraturan implements a number of related regulations, including: terkait, diantaranya : • Company regulations in accordance with the • Peraturan Perusahaan sesuai ketentuan undang- provisions of Labor Law No. 13 of 2003 undang ketenagakerjaan No. 13 Tahun 2003 • Guideline of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) • Pedoman Good Corporate Government (GCG) • Security Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) • Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) Pengamanan • Implementation of the Quality Management System • Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Mutu dan K3 and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Penerapan ragam aspek keunggulan dan peraturan The application of various aspects of excellence and ini mampu meningkatkan kapabilitas dan kompetensi regulation is able to improve the capabilities and perusahaan dalam penyediaan tenaga kerja yang andal competencies of companies in providing reliable and dan profesional. Hal ini secara nyata meningkatkan professional workforce. This significantly increases the daya saing perusahaan dan kepercayaan perusahaan company’s competitiveness and the trust of the user’s pengguna. company. Aspek Sumber Daya Manusia Human Resource Aspect Penyediaan tenaga kerja yang kompeten, andal, berkualitas Procurement of competent, reliable, qualified and dan profesional merupakan hal utama yang menjadi professional workforce is the main concern that becomes landasan kinerja perusahaan. Untuk mewujudkannya, the foundation of company performance. To make it perusahaan selalu memerhatikan seluruh aspek yang happen, the company always pays attention to all aspects berkaitan erat dengan proses menyediakan tenaga that are closely related to the process of providing workforce, kerja, mulai dari proses perekrutan hingga penempatan, starting from the recruitment process to placement as well sekaligus evaluasi kinerja setiap tenaga kerja. as evaluating the performance of each workforce. Informasi sistem perekrutan calon tenaga kerja dilakukan Information on the recruitment system of prospective berdasarkan azas tata kelola perusahaan yang baik, workforce is based on the principles of good corporate sehingga mampu menghadirkan calon tenaga kerja governance, so as to be able to present prospective yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan, sekaligus menjamin workforce according to needs, while at that the same time transparansi proses perekrutan. Kriteria calon tenaga ensuring the transparency of the recruitment process. kerja dipersyaratkan untuk dapat memenuhi standar Criteria for prospective workforce is required to be able to kualitas tenaga kerja perusahaan. meet the quality standards of the company’s workforce. Disisi lain, untuk meningkatkan kualitas tenaga kerja, On the other hand, to improve the quality of the perusahaan secara konsisten melaksanakan sejumlah workforce, the company consistently conducts pelatihan yang ditujukan agar kompetensi tenaga kerja a number of trainings aimed at increasing the dapat terus meningkat. competence of the workforce. Terhadap tenaga kerja Pengamanan, dilakukan pelatihan For the Security workforce, core competency training kompetensi inti (Pelatihan Gada Madya) dan kompetensi (Gada Madya Training) and service standard competency standar pelayanan (Pelatihan Komando). Sedangkan (Command Training) are conducted. As for the Secretary untuk tenaga kerja Sekretaris dan Administrasi, diberikan and Administration workforce, knowledge is provided pembekalan pengetahuan melalui Pelatihan Booth Camp. through Booth Camp Training. Berbagai pelatihan peningkat kompetensi ini disesuaikan These various competency enhancing trainings are dengan perkembangan kebutuhan pelanggan yang terus adjusted to the development of dynamic customer needs. bergerak dinamis. Sejumlah pelatihan lain juga dirancang A number of other trainings are also designed to match untuk menyesuaikan kapabilitas dan kompetensi tenaga the capabilities and competencies of the workforce that kerja yang akan ditempatkan di perusahaan pelanggan. will be placed in the customers’ companies. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

40 ANALISA DAN PEMBAhASAN Analysis and Discussion Aspek Inovasi dan Pengembangan Innovation and Business Development Bisnis Aspect Paralel dengan upaya peningkatan tenaga kerja yang Parallel to efforts to increase a reliable, qualified and andal, berkualitas dan profesional, perusahaan terus professional workforce, the company continues to innovate melakukan inovasi maupun pengembangan bisnis and develop business that supports sustainable business yang menunjang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan growth and development. bisnis secara berkelanjutan. Pengembangan bisnis dilakukan dengan menghadirkan Business development is carried out by presenting products produk dan layanan yang mampu memenuhi and services that are able to meet customer needs in kebutuhan pelanggan sesuai dengan karakteristiknya. accordance with its characteristics. This is accompanied by Hal ini didampingi dengan sejumlah value added yang a number of value added that are expected to improve the diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan performance of the customer’s company. The added value pelanggan. Value added yang ditawarkan perusahaan offered by the company becomes a complete service which menjadi sebuah layanan utuh yang menyatu dengan is integrated with the fulfillment of workforce according to pemenuhan tenaga kerja sesuai kebutuhan dan the needs and characteristics determined by the customers. karakteristik yang ditentukan pelanggan. Value added dapat mengikuti situasi, kondisi, dan Value added can follow the customers’ situations, kebutuhan pelanggan. Salah satu keuntungan yang conditions, and needs. One of the benefits to be gained akan diperoleh pelanggan, selain meningkatkan kinerja by customers, besides increasing company performance, perusahaan, adalah berpotensi besar meminimalisir is the potential to minimize the company’s operating biaya operasi perusahaan. Salah satu contoh adalah costs. One example is providing a service for handling memberikan layanan penanganan masalah komunitas community problems around the customer’s company disekitar lokasi perusahaan pelanggan sehingga proses location so that the work process can run well, safely kerja dapat berlangsung dengan baik, aman dan lancar. and smoothly. This can be carried out through intensive Hal ini dilakukan melalui koordinasi intensif bersama coordination with the community, organizations, masyarakat, lembaga, institusi dan pihak keamanan institutions and security forces around the work site. yang berada di sekitar lokasi kerja. In addition to it, the development of technology Selain itu pengembangan teknologi penunjang supporting workforce performance continues to be kinerja tenaga kerja terus dilakukan, sehingga mampu carried out so as to provide improved service quality memberikan peningkatan kualitas layanan kepada to customers. The things that have been done are by pelanggan. Hal-hal yang sudah dilakukan adalah implementing and developing the application of the dengan mengimplementasikan dan mengembangkan Human Resources Information System (HRIS). penerapan Human Resources Information System (HRIS). The application of HRIS is intended to complete a variety of Penerapan HRIS dimaksudkan guna menyelesaikan business activities including human resource management, beragam aktivitas bisnis termasuk pengelolaan SDM, attendance to payroll by the implementation of software. absensi hingga payroll melalui perangkat lunak (software). HRIS is the relationship between the human resource HRIS adalah hubungan antara SDM dan teknologi and information technology that is put together through informasi yang disatukan melalui perangkat lunak atau software or applications. Through the application of HRIS, aplikasi. Melalui penerapan HRIS, perusahaan akan the company will reduce HR administration costs to the menekan biaya administrasi SDM seoptimal mungkin. maximum extent as possible. HRIS menampilkan database yang terintegrasi dengan HRIS displays an integrated database with various berbagai fitur yang tersedia. HRIS menyertakan pilihan features available. HRIS includes the choice to analyze untuk menganalisis informasi atau membuat laporan information or make reports quickly and accurately. dengan cepat dan akurat. Melalui keuntungan efisiensi Through efficiency gains from implementing the HRIS, dari penerapan HRIS, HRD perusahaan dapat melakukan company’s HRD can manage employee administration pengelolaan administrasi karyawan secara efektif, efisien effectively, efficiently and optimally. dan optimal. Memasuki 2019, Prabhu semakin meningkatkan kualitas Entering 2019, Prabhu further improved the quality of layanan dan informasinya dengan menghadirkan Call its services and information by presenting a Call Center. Center. Melalui Call Center, masyarakat, khususnya Through the Call Center, the public, especially potential pelanggan potensial Prabhu dapat memeroleh berbagai Prabhu’s customers, can obtain various information informasi mengenai produk dan layanan berkualitas about qualified products and services provided by PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

ANALISA DAN PEMBAhASAN 41 Analysis and Discussion yang disediakan Prabhu. Disisi lain, Call Center berperan Prabhu. On the other hand, Call Center also plays an penting pula sebagai sarana penyaluran keluhan important role as a means of channeling customer pelanggan, sekaligus menjadi sarana komunikasi antara complaints, as well as a means of communication Prabhu dengan pelanggan/calon. between Prabhu with its customers / candidates. Penerapan Standarisasi Implementation of Standardization Dalam rangka meningkatkan pertumbuhan bisnis, In order to increase business growth, the company perusahaan secara optimal berupaya memperoleh dan optimally seeks to obtain and implement ISO 9001: mengimplementasikan Sertifikasi ISO 9001:2015. Penerapan 2015 Certification. The application of the provisions ketentuan yang dikenal dengan Sistem Manajemen Mutu known as Quality Management Systems strengthens (Quality Management Systems) ini memperkuat positioning the positioning of the company as a company with perusahaan sebagai perusahaan dengan sistem terintegrasi an integrated system that is run professionally and yang dijalankan secara profesional dan mengedepankan prioritizes tested quality standards. standar kualitas yang teruji. Its application has had a significant impact on the Penerapannya berdampak signifikan terhadap development of qualified products and services on an pengembangan produk dan layanan berkualitas secara sustainable and growing basis. This has a positive effect berkesinambungan dan terus bertumbuh. Hal ini juga on increasing customer satisfaction. Significantly, the berdampak positif terhadap peningkatan kepuasan implementation of the ISO 9001: 2015 certification has pelanggan. Secara signifikan, penerapan sertifikasi ISO succeeded in bringing about time and cost savings, 9001:2015 berhasil mewujudkan penghematan waktu dan increased efficiency, and at the same time improved the biaya, peningkatan efisiensi, dan sekaligus meningkatkan mutually beneficial relationship between the company hubungan saling menguntungkan antara perusahaan dan and customers. pelanggan. Some of the benefits obtained by the company Beberapa manfaat yang berhasil diperoleh perusahaan through the implementation of ISO 9001: 2015 melalui penerapan Sertifikasi ISO 9001:2015 antara lain certification include creating a guarantee for the menciptakan jaminan terhadap kualitas produk/ layanan quality of products / services and business processes, dan proses bisnis, meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan, increasing customer satisfaction, increasing meningkatkan produktivitas organisasi, meningkatkan organizational productivity, increasing mutually hubungan yang saling menguntungkan, dan juga beneficial relationships, and also increasing meningkatkan efisiensi pembiayaan. financing efficiency. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

42 ANALISA DAN PEMBAhASAN Analysis and Discussion $ Selain itu, perusahaan juga menerapkan OHSAS Tentang In addition, the company also implements OHSAS Manajemen Mutu Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Concerning Quality Management and Occupational Health (K3). Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan and Safety (OHS). Management System and Occupational Kerja (SMK3) merupakan bagian dari sistem manajemen Safety and Health (SMK3) is part of the overall company perusahaan secara keseluruhan dalam rangka management system in the context of controlling risks pengendalian risiko yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan related to work activities in order to create a safe, efficient kerja guna terciptanya tempat kerja yang aman, efisien and productive workplace. dan produktif. Perusahaan secara tegas dan profesional menerapkan The company firmly and professionally implements berbagai aspek K3 yang merupakan bagian dari various aspects of OHS which are part of efforts to provide upaya memberi perlindungan ketenagakerjaan dan employment protection and become a fundamental menjadi hak dasar dari setiap TAD/SDM yang dikelola right of each power expert (TAD) / human resource (HR) perusahaan. Penerapan K3 oleh perusahaan bertujuan managed by the company. The application of OHS by the melindungi keselamatan dan kesehatan para pekerja company aims to protect the safety and health of workforce dalam menjalankan pekerjaannya. Hal ini dilakukan in carrying out their work. This is done systematically, secara sistematis, terencana dan juga disiplin, yaitu planned and also disciplined, namely through efforts melalui upaya-upaya pengendalian ragam bentuk to control various forms of potential hazards in the potensi bahaya di lingkungan tempat kerja. workplace environment. Sebagaimana umumnya, konsep dasar SMK3 yang As in general, the basic concept of SMK3 implemented by diimplementasikan perusahaan meliputi PDCA cycle the company includes the PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check, (Plan, Do, Check, Action). Elemen PLAN diimplementasikan Action). The PLAN element is implemented by Prabhu by Prabhu dengan menetapkan sasaran dan proses yang setting goals and processes needed to achieve results diperlukan untuk mencapai hasil sesuai kebijakan K3 according to the company’s OHS policy. Whereas, the perusahaan. Sedangkan elemen DO (Pelaksanaan) DO (Implementation) element is realized through the diwujudkan melalui pelaksanaan proses K3 secara implementation of the OHS process in a disciplined and disiplin dan berkesinambungan. continuous manner. Elemen CHECK dilakukan melalui kegiatan pemantauan The CHECK element is carried out through monitoring and dan pengukuran terhadap kebijakan, sasaran, peraturan measuring the policies, targets, laws and regulations and perundang-undangan dan persyaratan K3 lainnya serta other OHS requirements as well as reporting the results. melaporkan hasilnya. Pada elemen ACTION (Tindakan), In the ACTION element, the company consistently takes perusahaan secara konsisten melakukan tindakan untuk actions to continuously improve OHS performance. The perbaikan kinerja K3 secara berkelanjutan. Penerapan discipline of applying SMK3 by the company has a positive SMK3 secara disiplin oleh perusahaan memberi dampak impact on the guarantee of qualified and sustainable positif terhadap jaminan produk dan layanan tenaga workforce products and services. This has become a strong kerja yang berkualitas dan berkesinambungan. Hal foundation to foster customers’ trust and satisfaction with ini menjadi landasan yang kuat untuk menumbuhkan the company’s performance. kepercayaan sekaligus kepuasan pelanggan terhadap kinerja perusahaan. PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

ANALISA DAN PEMBAhASAN 43 Analysis and Discussion Daftar Klien Prabhu tahun 2019 Client List of Prabhu in 2019 NO KLIEN 1 PT PERMATA GRAhA NUSANTARA 2 PT PERMATA KARYA JASA 3 PT PERUSAhAAN GAS NEGARA TBK 4 PT PGN LNG INDONESIA 5 PT GAGAS ENERGI INDONESIA 6 PT PGAS TELEKOMUNIKASI NUSANTARA 7 PT PGAS SOLUTION 8 PT TELEMEDIA DINAMIKA SARANA 9 YAYASAN KESEJAhTERAAN PEGAWAI DAN PENSIUNAN GAS NEGARA 10 PT NUSANTARA REGAS 11 PT PERTAMINA GAS 12 PT CEVA LOGISTIK INDONESIA 13 PT SELALU BAhAGIA BERSAMA OPPO 14 PT ACOMMERCE SOLUSI LESTARI Jenis-jenis kerja sama penyediaan tenaga kerja yang The types of employment provision cooperation dilakukan dan dikembangkan perusahaan pada 2019 made and developed by the company in 2019 are as adalah sebagai berikut : follows: 1. Security Services 1. Jasa Pengamanan • Pengamanan Gedung Perkantoran • Office Building security • Pengamanan Jaringan Fasilitas • Facility Network Security • Pengamanan Pergudangan • Warehouse Security 2. Office Support Services 2. Jasa Penunjang Perkantoran • Secretary • Sekretaris • Archives Management • Pengelola Arsip • Receptionist • Resepsionis • Library Support Services • Jasa Penunjang Perpustakaan 3. Driver and Cleaning Services 4. Grief Support and Handling Services 3. Jasa Pengemudi dan Kebersihan 5. Logistics Support Services 4. Jasa Pendukung dan Penanganan Dukacita 6. Manufacturing Support Services 5. Jasa Penunjang Logistik 6. Jasa Penunjang Manufaktur PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

44 ANALISA DAN PEMBAhASAN Analysis and Discussion Daftar Kontrak 2019 List of 2019 Contract PT PERMATA GRAHA NUSANTARA Jenis Layanan Jasa Jumlah TAD Jasa Tenaga Kerja Pengamanan Facility Management dan 412 Pendayagunaan Aset Wilayah I - VII Jasa Tenaga Kerja Keamanan di Beranda MAS 3 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Area Gedung Sinergi 8 7 9 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Facility Service Area Semarang dan 39 Sorong 5 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Pengamanan Executive (Rumah Dinas Direksi) Jasa Tenaga Kerja Data Entry HBB Jasa Tenaga Kerja Data Entry HBB Kearsipan 2 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Pendukung Perkantoran Kesekretariatan 3 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Pengemudi 8 11 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Pengemudi Kendaraan Operasional 3 PGN-Tambahan 1 2 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Penunjang Perkantoran Executive 1 (Pengemudi Dekom, Perbantuan) 43 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Penunjang Kantor (Sekretaris) Direktur Keuangan dan Administrasi Jasa Tenaga Kerja Penunjang Kantor (Sekretaris) Direktur Operasi dan Komersil Jasa Tenaga Kerja Penunjang Kearsipan Kementerian Pariwisata Jasa Tenaga Kerja Penunjang Kearsipan Jasa Tenaga Kerja Penataan Kearsipan 11 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Alih Media Arsip Keuangan 8 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Penunjang Perkantoran Supervisor OB 1 569 PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

ANALISA DAN PEMBAhASAN 45 Analysis and Discussion PT PERMATA KARYA JASA Jenis Layanan Jasa Jumlah TAD Jasa Tenaga Kerja Pendukung Keproyekan 55 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Layanan Pekerjaan Penunjang 5 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Layanan Pekerjaan Penunjang Perkantoran 18 & Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan (TJSL) 19 5 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Penunjang Migas 1 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Pengemudi dan Kebersihan 1 1 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Surveyor Proyek Dumai 1 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Operator SPBG 1 1 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Pengelolaan Perpustakaan 108 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Staff Event Organizer Jasa Tenaga Kerja Teknisi AC Jasa Tenaga Kerja Sekretaris Direksi PT PERUSAHAAN GAS NEGARA TBK Jenis Layanan Jasa Jumlah TAD Pekerjaan Pendukung Penanganan Dukacita 2 Pekerjaan Penanganan Dukacita 2 PT PGN LNG INDONESIA Jumlah TAD Jenis Layanan Jasa 8 Jasa Pengamanan FSRT dan Kantor Shorebase Merak 8 PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

46 ANALISA DAN PEMBAhASAN Analysis and Discussion PT GAGAS ENERGI INDONESIA Jenis Layanan Jasa Jumlah TAD Jasa Tenaga Pengamanan 15 15 PT PGAS TELEKOMUNIKASI NUSANTARA Jenis Layanan Jasa Jumlah TAD Account Executive 9 Call Center 4 Driver 32 Office Boy 12 Security 8 65 PT PGAS SOLUTION Jumlah TAD Jenis Layanan Jasa 584 77 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Pengamanan Aset 661 Penunjang Infrastruktur Jasa Tenaga Kerja Pengamanan Lingkungan Kerja Perusahaan PT TELEMEDIA DINAMIKA SARANA Jenis Layanan Jasa Jumlah TAD Driver 4 Office Boy 1 5 YAYASAN KESEJAHTERAAN PEGAWAI DAN PENSIUNAN GAS NEGARA Jenis Layanan Jasa Jumlah TAD Jasa Tenaga Kerja Pengemudi 2 2 PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

ANALISA DAN PEMBAhASAN 47 Analysis and Discussion PT NUSANTARA REGAS Jumlah TAD Jenis Layanan Jasa 30 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Penunjang Jasa Tenaga Kerja Pengemudi 29 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Pengamanan 12 71 PT PERTAMINA GAS Jumlah TAD Jenis Layanan Jasa 1 1 Jasa Tenaga Kerja Penunjang Perkantoran Sekretaris Direksi PT CEVA LOGISTIK INDONESIA Jenis Layanan Jasa Jumlah TAD (Warehouse) Perjanjian Kerjasama Penyerahan Sebagian 281 Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan - Layanan Nilai Tambah 281 102 (Security) Perjanjian Penyediaan Jasa Keamanan 102 500 Value Added 500 PT SELALU BAHAGIA BERSAMA OPPO Jenis Layanan Jasa Jumlah TAD Jasa Penyediaan Tenaga Kerja 1263 1263 PT ACCOMERCE SOLUSI LESTARI Jenis Layanan Jasa Jumlah TAD Value Added Service 74 74 PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019


ANALISA DAN PEMBAhASAN 49 Analysis and Discussion Pertumbuhan TAD Prabhu Tahun 2019 Growth of Prabhu Power Expert in 2019 2018 2019 7T2AD7 1. 7T0AD3 3. 2017 76TA9D PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Annual Report 2019

50 LAPORAN KEUANGAN (Audited) Financial Statements (Audited) PT Perkasa Abdi Bhuana Laporan Tahunan 2019

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