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Published by PT Integra Cipta Kreasi, 2020-05-05 03:55:49

Description: Edisi 3_FA_ANANDAMAYA EDISI 3_13052019


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NEWSLETTER Edisi 3 - tahun 2019 WELCOME HOME FOREWORD Hidup sehat merupakan dambaan setiap manusia. Healthy living is the desire of every human being. Salah satu cara termudah dan sederhana menjaga One of the easiest and simplest ways to maintain kesehatan adalah dengan berolahraga. Namun, our health is by working out. However, bustling padatnya aktivitas dan sulitnya menjangkau sarana activities and the difficulty to reach sports facilities olahraga kerap dijadikan alasan untuk mengabaikan are often being an excuse to ignore the importance pentingnya berolahraga. of working out. Anandamaya Residences peduli akan kesehatan Anandamaya Residences pays special attention to the penghuni dan menjawab kebutuhan penghuni dengan health of its residents and is answering the needs of menyediakan beragam fasilitas olahraga. Dengan the residents by providing a range of sports facilities. fasilitas olahraga, penghuni tak hanya menikmati Through sports facilities, the residents are not only kemudahan dan kenyamanan hidup. Melainkan juga, given the chance to enjoy the convenience and dapat mencapai kesehatan yang paripurna. comfort of life, but also achieving an excellent health.

Hidden Paradise White Desert, Penjelajahan Melampaui Batas Imajinasi WHITE DESERT, A JOURNEY BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION Benua Antarktika di Kutub Selatan merupakan titik terendah bumi. Wilayah seluas 14 juta km2 yang berselimut es dengan ketebalan mencapai 4 km ini menyimpan misteri yang seolah tak terjamah dan tak bersahabat. Namun, hal tersebut tak mampu membendung pesona Antarktika yang, kemudian dikemas Patrick Woodhead dalam sebuah ekspedisi komersial bernama White Desert. White Desert menawarkan pengalaman menjelajah Kutub Selatan yang melampaui batas imajinasi manusia. 2 4 Edisi 3 - tahun 2019

Menuju Antarktika The Antarctica located in the South Pole is the Perjalanan menuju Antarktika dimulai dari Cape lowest point of the earth. With the area of 14 million Town, Afrika Selatan. Dengan pesawat jet, traveler km2 which covered in ice with the thickness up akan menempuh perjalanan 5 jam hingga to 4 km, Antarctica holds the untouchable and mendarat di landasan pacu es di Dronning Maud unfriendly mystery. However, it cannot hold back Land, Antarktika Timur. the fascination of Antarctica, which is then packed into a commercial expedition named White Desert Tur Eksklusif by Patrick Woodhead. White Desert offers the White Desert mewujudkan impian traveler menjelajah experience of exploring the South Pole that goes Antarktika dan Kutub Selatan selama 8—10 hari. Paket beyond the limit of human imagination. wisata seharga 92.500 dolar AS per orang ini hanya tersedia di musim semi dan musim panas belahan Headed to Antarctica bumi selatan, sekitar November dan Desember. Setiap The journey to Antarctica begins from Cape Town, South perjalanan hanya dapat diikuti oleh maksimal 12 orang. Africa. It will take 5 hours flight by jet plane until it is landed on the ice runway in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Glamping Di sini, traveler bisa berkemping glamor alias Exclusive Tour glamping (glamour camping) dalam tenda “igloo” White Desert manifests the traveler’s dream to explore portable di Whichaway Kamp. Tenda berdiameter Antarctica and South Pole for 8-10 days. This USD 92,500 6 meter yang terbuat dari fiberglass yang kuat dan (per person) tour package is only available during spring tahan angin tampak berjajar di tepian danau beku, and summer season in souther hemisphere, or around berlatar belakang dinding es yang putih dan kokoh. November and December. Each trip could be participated by maximum of 12 persons. Menariknya, tenda glamor ini menyuguhkan fasilitas premium ala hotel bintang lima. Glamping kian Glamping sempurna dengan sajian hidangan mewah ala chef Traveler could camp here glamorously a.k.a glamping profesional yang akan memanjakan lidah traveler. (glamour camping) in a portable “igloo” tent at Whichaway Kamp. The tent with a diameter of 6 meters was made of Atraksi strong and wind-proof fiberglass lines up on the edge Menyaksikan koloni pinguin kaisar di Atka Bay hingga of frozen lake, with white and sturdy wall of ice as the berfoto bersama ribuan pinguin menjadi salah satu atraksi background. favorit White Desert. Traveler pun bisa menikmati ragam What interesting is this glamour tent provides premium atraksi, mulai dari yang santai hingga memacu adrenallin, facilities like fives stars hotel. The glamping will be more seperti menikmati lukisan alam yang spektakuler, perfect with luxurious dish presented by professional chef menelusuri gua es dan terowongan es sepanjang 100 that will satisfy traveler’s taste buds. meter, hingga trekking ke puncak gunung es. Attractions Sentuh disini untuk Watching a colony of emperor penguins in Atka Bay and Menonton tayangan video taking pictures with thousands of penguins becomes one of the favorite attractions at White Desert. Traveler may Tap here to watch enjoy a range attractions, from the relaxed ones to the ones the video that rush your adrenalin, such as enjoying the spectacular natural paintings, walking through 100 meters of ice cave and tunnel, to trekking to the top of the iceberg. 3 Edisi 3 - tahun 2019

lifestyle Mengikat Janji di Atas Helipad: Di Kala Sang Cakrawala Bersaksi TYING THE KNOT ON THE HELIPAD: WITNESSED BY THE HORIZON Pernikahan adalah momen bersejarah Jika hotel pada umumnya menyediakan aula dalam perjalanan hidup seseorang yang untuk pesta pernikahan, tidak demikian hanya terjadi sekali seumur hidup. Tak dengan Burj Al Arab. Hotel yang berdiri di atas ayal, calon pengantin pun menginginkan pulau buatan di Teluk Persia ini menyediakan momen istimewa ini berlangsung sakral landasan helikopter (helipad) sebagai tempat dan tak terlupakan. Burj Al Arab menjawab pernikahan. Dari atas ketinggian inilah, kedua mempelai kebutuhan tersebut. Landmark ikonik mengikat janji. Birunya langit yang berhiaskan Dubai ini menawarkan paket pernikahan gumpalan awan putih menjadi saksi bisu pernikahan. eksklusif dan mewah di ketinggian 212 meter di atas permukaan Laut Arab. Beragam layanan premium pun menjadi privilege bagi pasangan pengantin. Di antaranya, aneka hidangan yang disajikan chef kenamaan, Maxime Luvara, dan menginap di salah satu kamar termewah. Pasangan pengantin juga bisa menikmati fasilitas mewah lainnya yang disediakan hotel. Paket pernikahan spektakuler dan sensasional ini berbiaya mulai dari 55 ribu dolar AS. Tak hanya menjadi tempat pernikahan, sejak diperkenalkan di tahun 1999, helipad Burj Al Arab juga telah menjadi lokasi pilihan untuk menyelenggarakan sejumlah ajang spektakuler, seperti pertandingan golf dan tenis kelas dunia. 4 4 Edisi 3 - tahun 2019

Wedding is a historical moment in someone’s life If hotels in general provide halls for wedding journey that happens once in a lifetime. That is party, Burj Al Arab offers different thing. This why the bride and groom-to be want this special hotel that was built on an artificial island in moment to be held sacredly and unforgettable. the Persian Gulf provides helipad as a wedding Burj Al Arab is the answer for your needs. This venue. From this height, the bride and groom tie iconic landmark of Dubai offers an exclusive and the knot. The blue sky with lumps of white cloud luxurious wedding package at the height of 212 will be a silent witness of the wedding. meters above the Arabian Sea level. A variety of premium services will be a privilege for the newlywed. For example, many kind of dishes presented by well known chef, Maxime Luvara, and stay at one of the most luxurious hotel rooms. The newlywed may also enjoy other luxurious facilities provided by the hotel. This spectacular and sensational wedding package costs from USD 55,000. Not only as wedding venue, since it was launched in 1999, Burj Al Arab’s helipad has been selected location for numerous spectacular events, such as world class golf and tennis tournament. Sentuh disini untuk Edisi 3 - tahun 20819 Menonton tayangan video Tap here to watch the video 5

Design Aneka Jenis Kayu Terb ai k di Dunia THE WORLD’S BEST TYPES OF WOOD Kayu merupakan salah satu jenis African Blackwood material yang banyak digunakan sebagai Kayu yang berasal dari daerah kering di Afrika Selatan ini elemen desain interior maupun eksterior. sangat tahan lama terhadap pembusukan dan serangga. Penggunaan kayu dapat menciptakan Harganya bisa menembus Rp7—10 juta per m3 dan kesan natural dan kehangatan dalam sering digunakan untuk bahan kerajinan ukiran dan alat sebuah hunian. Dari ribuan jenis kayu musik (gitar dan clarinet). di dunia, terdapat beberapa jenis kayu istimewa yang kerap diburu untuk Sandalwood digunakan sebagai elemen hunian, Di Indonesia, dikenal dengan nama kayu cendana. seperti beberapa jenis kayu berikut ini. Teksturnya halus, kayunya berat, berwarna kekuningan, serta memiliki aroma wangi yang sangat khas dan bisa Sentuh disini untuk bertahan puluhan tahun. Selain diolah sebagai furnitur, Menonton tayangan video kayu cendana juga diolah menjadi aksesoris, aromaterapi, Tap here to watch dan minyak yang berkhasiat kesehatan. the video Ebony Kayu berwarna hitam pekat ini memiliki kepadatan yang sangat tinggi, sangat awet, dan tahan terhadap serangan serangga. Sifat kayu ini membuatnya menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk diolah menjadi furnitur yang mewah. Tigerwood Banyak furnitur mewah menggunakan kayu ini sebagai bahan bakunya karena sifatnya yang awet dan tahan lama. Tigerwood juga memiliki keistimewaan pada seratnya. Dari sisi manapun kayu ini dipotong, serta yang dihasilkan sama bagusnya. Tak heran, jika tigerwood berharga tinggi. Sebagai perbandingan, 6 4 Edisi 3 - tahun 2019

untuk sebuah meja berukuran sama, meja dari kayu EBONY jati berharga Rp2,5 juta, sedangkan yang terbuat dari This black colored wood has very high density, very tigerwood harganya bisa mencapai Rp6,5 juta. durable and insects proof. These character of the wood makes it the best choice to be utilized as Dalbergia luxurious furniture. Pohon kayu Dalbergia tersebar di Asia Selatan, Afrika, Madagaskar, dan Amerika Tengah. Dalbergia adalah jenis TIGERWOOD kayu yang mudah diolah sehingga banyak diolah menjadi There are so many luxurious furniture that use this ukiran, furnitur mewah, bantalan rel kereta, dan terkenal kind of wood as raw materials due to its durable and sebagai bahan baku untuk gitar akustik. Harganya long lasting character. Tigerwood has specialty on menembus Rp1,8 juta per kilogram. its f iber. No matter which angle and side you take to cut it off, the result will be as good. No wonder if Wood is one of the materials that often tigerwood is very high in price. As a comparison, for utilized as interior and exterior design a table with exact same size, the one that was made element. Usage of wood creates natural of jati wood will cost IDR 2,500,000, meanwhile and warm impressions in a residence. the one that was made of tigerwood will cost IDR Of thousand types of wood in the world, 6,500,000. there are several types of distinctive wood that often being sought to be utilized as DALBERGIA the element of residence, which describe The trees of Dalbergia wood are spread along as follows; Southern Asia, Af rica, Madagascar, and Central America. Dalbergia is the type of wood that is very AFRICAN BLACKWOOD easy to process hence it often processed as carving, This type of wood which is originated from the luxurious furniture, rail track bearing, and it is well drought area in South Africa is very durable, in known as the raw material for acoustic guitar. The particularly from rotting and bugs. The price could price can reach IDR 1,800,000 for each kilogram. reach IDR 7,000,000-10,000,000 per m3 and often used for the material for carving craft and musical instrument (guitar and clarinet). SANDAL WOOD In Indonesia, it is known as “kayu cendana”. It has smooth texture, heavy, yellowish colored, it has unique good scent and it lasts for decades. Other than furniture, sandal wood is also processed as accessory, aromatherapy and health oil. 7 Edisi 3 - tahun 201194

Hidup Sehat, 1. Olahraga Olahraga menjadi hal yang “wajib” dilakukan Tubuh pun demi menjaga kebugaran tubuh Anda. Bugar dan Fit Untuk itu, Anandamaya Residences telah menyediakan beragam fasilitas olahraga LIVE HEALTHY, HENCE THE BODY WILL yang bisa Anda manfaatkan. Jadi, Anda BE HEALTHY AND FIT tak perlu lagi khawatir sekalipun Anda melewatkan momen Car Free Day. Mulai Di tengah padatnya kesibukan sehari-hari, terkadang kita dari peralatan gym yang lengkap, lap pool melupakan kondisi tubuh dan kesehatan sendiri. Lalu, dengan olympic size (50 m), badminton, bagaimana caranya menjaga tubuh tetap fit agar kegiatan tennis, hingga biliar, kami siapkan untuk di luar rumah dapat berjalan lancar? Berikut tips dari Tim Anda yang ingin hidup sehat. So, what are Property Management Anandamaya untuk Anda! you waiting for? Let’s get fit! 2. Quality Time Salah satu keistimewaan Anandamaya Residences adalah lokasinya yang sangat strategis dan berada dekat dengan sejumlah fasilitas dan area publik. Misalnya saja, pusat perbelanjaan yang bisa Anda kunjungi bersama keluarga di akhir pekan. Jika hang- out bareng keluarga di pusat perbelanjaan sudah menjadi hal yang biasa, Anda bisa memanfaatkan fasilitas yang disediakan Anandamaya Residences untuk ber-quality time bersama keluarga dan orang-orang terdekat. 8 Edisi 3 - tahun 2019

Diantaranya, mengadakan pesta barbeku di BBQ Dengan lokasi yang strategis dan kelengkapan pit. Fasilitas BBQ pit yang berada di dekat pool fasilitasnya, Anandamaya Residences menawarkan akan menambah keseruan pesta barbeku Anda. kemudahan dan kenyamanan hidup bagi Anda. Yang Anda pun bisa mengadakan pesta ulang tahun di tak kalah penting adalah perhatian dan concern Function Room berkapasitas maksimal 100 orang. Anandamaya Residences untuk menciptakan Bagi penyuka film, Anda pun bisa menonton di Mini lingkungan yang sehat bagi Anda. Theater, yang berkapasitas 10 orang. In the midst of our bustling daily life, sometimes we ignore our own body and health. In this case, how to keep our body fit hence our activities can go well? Anandamaya Property Management Team has prepared following tips for you! 1. Work Out the mall has became a usual thing, you can utilize Working out shall be a “must do” activity to keep your the facilities provided by Anandamaya Residences to have quality time with your family and loved ones. body fit. In this regard, Anandamaya Residences provides a range of sports facilities that you can One of which is having a barbecue party at BBQ utilize. Thus, no need to worry even if you missed pit. Our BBQ pit facility which located nearby the a Car Free Day event. From the complete gym swimming pool will increase the excitement of your equipment, Olympic size swimming pool (50 m in barbecue party. You can also have a birthday party length), badminton court, tennis court, to the pool at the Function Room with maximum capacity of table, we facilitate all of it to those who want to live a 100 persons. For movie lovers, you can watch movie at healthy life. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get fit! the Mini Theater which has a capacity of 10 persons. 2. Quality Time One of Anandamaya Residences’ specialties is its With its strategic location and equipped with strategic location which located in the vicinity of comprehensive facilities, Anandamaya Residences numerous public facilities and area. For example, offers you a convenience and comfort life. Another shopping centre that you can visit along with your important thing is the concern of Anandamaya family on weekend. If hang-out with your family at Residences to create a healthy environment for you. 9 Edisi 3 - tahun 2019

Agenda Keceriaan Paskah Edisi 3 - tahun 2019 Easter Joy Property Management bekerja sama dengan Jakarta World Academy menyelenggarakan acara Paskah, 27 April 2019. Pada peringatan Paskah kali ini, Poperty Management menggelar beragam kegiatan untuk anak, seperti lomba mewarnai, lomba mencari telur, serta berbagai aktivitas motorik yang membantu tumbuh kembang anak. Di tengah keseruan anak-anak yang begitu aktif mengikuti perlombaan, para orang tua mengikuti sesi talk show yang diadakan Tim Property Management. Sesi talk show menghadirkan Bapak Danny K. Tania, DISE.M.PD yang mengangkat topik ” Maximize your Childs Development”. Melalui event ini, diharapkan dapat terjalin komunikasi antar penghuni dan juga dengan Property Management. Semoga seluruh penghuni Anandamaya Residences dapat turut serta dalam event-event selanjutnya. Terima kasih Property Management in cooperate with Jakarta World Academy held an Easter event on 27th April 2019. On current Easter commemoration, Property Management has carried out a range of activities for kids, such as coloring competition, egg-hunting competition, and other motor activities that could help child development. During the excitement of kids while participating in the competitions, the parents could take part in the talk show session hosted by Property Management Team. The talk show session presents Mr. Danny K. Tania, DISE.M.PD who brought up “Maximize your Child’s Development” as the topic for discussion. Through this event, it is expected that communication among the residents and also with the Property Management team could be intertwined well. We are hoping that all of the residents of Ananadamaya Residences would take part in our upcoming events. Thank you. 10 4

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