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Home Explore The Role of NCCHK as Tertiary Hospital(rev)

The Role of NCCHK as Tertiary Hospital(rev)

Description: National Cardiovascular Cenetr Harapan Kita


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The Role of National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita as Tertiary Hospital

Introdution About National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita National Cardiovascular Various attempts have been done The utility and infrastructure Center Harapan Kita was to create Good Corporate development are the attempt to established by Yayasan Governance which are answer the challenges of Harapan Kita and was transparency, independence, cardiovascular service needs in the inaugurated on November 9th, accountability, responsibility and future. As the cases may increase 1985 by the late President of fairness. National Cardiovascular and the referral system has not Republic Indonesia, Soeharto. Center Harapan Kita is a national been performed optimally causing As a Public Service Agency that referral hospital for the National Cardiovascular was under the Ministry of cardiovascular diseases with its Center Harapan Kita workload to Health whose services are open vision to be Asian Standards improve as well. One thing that to the public throughout Cardiovascular Center and to could be seen as the result of that, Indonesia. This hospital was improve community access to is the improvement of bed made specialized to treat heart gain cardiovascular health occupancy rate and intervention patients and supported with services as one of its missions. both in non-invasive and surgery medical specialists and waiting lists especially on cardiovascular subspecialists. Below is the list of facilities we cardiovascular pediatric and As a National Cardiovascular have for now. congenital heart disease cases. Center, not only this hospital · Bed capacity : 331 Beds provides cardiovascular services · Catheterization Lab : 6 Cath but also being developed as an Labs education, training and research · Operation Theater : 7 OT institution in cardiovascular (consists of 4 adult OT and 3 health. pediatric OT)

This phenomenon occurs The building is expected to be National Cardiovascular Center because there are not many fully built in December 2021 and Harapan Kita as a public service hospitals that develop start to operate the work in the agency under Republic Cardiovascular Pediatric Surgery first semester of 2022. Surely, Indonesia’s Ministry of Health unit. Consequently, patients after the development of this has been financially supported shall have to wait for building, there are plenty of things by the government in terms of approximately 2 years to get the like infrastructure, utilities and paying the employees while for procedure done. medical devices that need to be these last two years have been prepared to support the health independent to finance hospital While for Adult Patients services to the community. operations through hospital Interventions take quite a short revenue. The hospital revenue is time for an amount 6-9 months Medical devices are the important way limited and unable to fulfill waiting time. Besides that, the role in order to provides good the needs of medical devices in utility and infrastructure health services to the community. Private and Pediatric Cardiology development needed to expand The sustainable health service Wing Building. Therefore, the our market to the upper needs to be supported with the roles of community and private economy class people who pay excellent, safe and ready to use sector are highly anticipated to with their own money or health medical devices to patients and support the development and insurance. Those people are used users to help the therapy process. construction through Corporate to having their treatment to And today, NCVCHK have a Social Responsibility (CSR) foreign countries like Singapore various of best, innovative program or other donation or Malaysia. medical devices in the world to supports. cope with industry 4.0 era The realization of room capacity challenges right now we are improvement is shown by the facing. The technology of medical construction of the Private and devices shall be able to be Pediatric Cardiology Wing integrated so that make an Building masterplan. The ground efficient and effective therapy and breaking or initial launch of the diagnostic needed for the construction itself has already patients. been done by 19th Health Minister of Republic of Indonesia, Lieutenant General Terawan Agus Putranto, MD. on November 9th 2019.

Optimization of National Cardiovascular Center HarapanKita Support System for National Cardiovascular Network National Cardiovascular Therefore, NCCHK provides in NCCHK. Therefore, NCCHK Center Harapan Kita guidance and supervision to provides guidance and (NCCHK) is a tertiary hospital RSUD throughout Indonesia, to supervision to RSUD that has become National meet the needs of the throughout Indonesia, to meet Cardiovascular Referral community and is held the needs of the community Center, where many patients according to professional and is held according to receive referrals from standards and ethics as is done professional standards and Regional Hospital (RSUD). ethics as is done in NCCHK. This causes the number of cases of the excessive number Until now there are 10 RSUD of patients. So that patients that has been supported by have to queue for a long time NCCHK with different levels of to get treatment services, independence, Starting from which is between 6 months to the readiness of the room, 2 years. human resources, procedure and devices. Therefore, NCCHK provides guidance and supervision to Regional Hospital (RSUD) throughout Indonesia, to meet the needs of the community and is held according to professional standards and ethics as is done in NCCHK.

Mapping of National Cardiovascular Network

Regional Hospital That Has Been Supported by NCCHK National Cardiovascular 1.Dr.Zainoel Abidin Aceh 7. M. Djamil Central Public Center Harapan Kita has the Regional Public Hospital Hospital - Padang task of managing cardiovascular network 2.Raden Mataher Jambi 8. Adam Malik Central Public hospitals in accordance with Regional Public Hospital Hospital - Medan the Minister of Health Decree No. HK.01.07 / Menkes / 3.Dr. Mohammad Hoesin 9. Fatmawati Central Public 7182/2020 concerning Palembang Central Public Hospital Cardiovascular Referral Hospital Network Hospitals. 10.Sanglah Denpasar Central National Cardiovascular 4.DR. Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Public Hospital Center Harapan Kita Regional Public Hospital - determines the areas of service Lampung Province that need to be developed first for cardiovascular network 5.Arifin Achmad Regional hospitals, where this is based Public Hospital - Riau on the availability of human Province resources, facilities and infrastructure. 6.Dr. Hasan Sadikin Central Public Hospital - Bandung These are the lists of National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita Support System For National Cardiovascular Network :

The Development of Facilities and Infrastructure In order to improve and achieve the better quality of referral health services access to community and cardiovascular services in Indonesia, National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita is trying to shorten patient waiting time (as mentioned above the waiting time for pediatric patient is 2 years and for adult patient around 6-9 months) with the construction of Private and Pediatric Cardiology Wing Building. In such a manner that services shall achieve better access to the Hopefully the development shall community, we need to fully be finished by the end of 2021. equip the hospital with the infrastructure and medical This building is built to improve devices. the service quality, adding a \" I hope this development progresses as planned General Secretary Ministry of number of rooms and beds that in 2021, there is Health Republic of Indonesia, including to operating facilities. some unit that could With the development of this start to operate. If there Oscar Primadi, MD, MPH is anything missed shall observing the development of building, feasibly could \"be pushed overcome the cardiovascular the new building of National Cardiovascular Center Harapan service needs that are becoming greater as the year goes by. Kita on Wednesday (30/12) 2020. There are almost 95 percent of pediatric surgery among all surgery cases in the National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita. As a result, it occurs to have a long waiting time for surgery. “I hope this development progresses as planned that in 2021, there is some unit that could start to operate. If there is anything missed shall be pushed,” said Oscar.

Acievement in National Category : Most Outstanding High Rank Officer Category Through his reforms and 3 Most Outstanding High Rank Officer Award 2019 by Minister of Administrative and Bureaucracy breakthroughs in improving Reform, MrTjahyo Kumolo public services, delivering Dr. dr. Iwan Dakota, Sp.JP (K), MARS facilitate the handling of information on the estimated (President Director of Harapan cardiovascular emergencies in consultation time, so they don't Kita Heart and Blood Vessel Jakarta, with an integrated have to wait too long. The next Hospital Jakarta) as the Top 3 system that facilitates breakthrough that has ASN Award for the exemplary coordination between hospitals experienced tremendous Pejabat Pimpinan Tinggi Teladan in providing services. So, benefits for the patients of (The Most Outstanding High patients can be treated quickly Harapan Kita National Rank Officer Category) and precisely. The pre-visit Cardiovascular Center is the organized by the Ministry of appointment system that is facility to deliver medicine. Administrative and Bureaucratic carried out online is of course Where by simply handing over a Reform of the Republic of Indonesia, last 2019. This Competition selected by more than thousands High Rank Officer from any Ministry or Stet Institution thru the country, then selected as Best 100 category, The Best 20 then selected as The Best 10 then interviewed by the Judge, followed by Innovation Presentation , then Final Interview, before Final Decision taken. Dr. Iwan sparked various reforms at the Harapan Kita National Cardiovascular made to make it easier for prescription to a pharmacy Center Hospital, some of which patients to register and get officer, patients can go straight are the Cardiovascular Care Unit services. Given the large number home without waiting in line, and Network, pre-visit appointments of queues and long waiting the medicine will be sent home. made online, and home delivery times, this online appointment services. system provides certainty of service time, where patients get The Cardiovascular Care Unit Network was created to

With dr. Terawan Minister of Health 2019 Appreciation From Minister of Administrative and Bureaucracy Award from The Minister of Administrative and Reform, Mr. Tjahyo Kumolo as The Best Institution Bureaucracy Reform as The Top 3 Public Service with Breakthrough Innovation in Indonesia 2020 Institution in Indonesia 2020 Although it was not an easy Mr. Ma'ruf Amin accompanied by Other Achievement in 2020 , stage, namely through a PANRB Minister Tjahjo Kumolo at Awards from The Administrative series of rigorous selection, the Vice President's Office, on State Agency, as Dr Dakota joint there were also so many January 15, 2020. the Special 20 weeks duration competition between On this occasion, the Vice ofThe National Leadership Ministries and Institutions, President appreciated the ASN Training program by each of which brought about Award event and invited the top 3 Administrative State Agency no less interesting ASN Award winners to continue to 2020-2021. Including The Best breakthroughs, for the improve their quality, abilities, and Innovation and The Best 10 extraordinary intention and innovation. Graduaters of National Leadership dedication of dr. Iwan, which Program 2020. was done to answer the Inivited by Vice President Republic of Indonesia, needs of the community, Prof Ma’ruf Amin Certificate of Appreciation ToThe B est 10 Garduater was right at the event for of National Leadership Training Program the Giving of Appreciation for State Public Servants, the from The State Administrative Agency 2020 2019 ASN Award on December 1, 2019, on the Certificate of Appreciation as The Best Innovation stage of the dr. Iwan on Video Festival 2021 received the Charter directly from the Minister for by The State Administrative Agency 2021 Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, Mr. Tjahyo Kumolo as the Top 3 ASN Award for the 2019 Model PPT(The Most Outstanding High Rank Officer category) Not only that, the 2019 ASN Award Top 3 winners had the opportunity to receive directions as well as chat with Vice President, Appreciation from Vice President Republic of Indonesia Prof Ma’ruf Amin

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