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Home Explore How to Get the Highest Price for Your Home

How to Get the Highest Price for Your Home

Published by lance, 2015-05-05 14:13:51

Description: Easy tips from Homestead Road's experience restoring over 1000 homes.


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How to Sell Your Homefor the Highest Possible Price A Complete Guide for Homoeowners Published by Homestead Road

When you’ve decided to sell your house, you may be tempted to justput it on the market right away to see if anyone will make you an offer“as is.” It used to be that potential buyers would look beyond the surfaceappearance and “see the possibilities.” Sadly, those days are gone. Today’sbuyers want to move in with little or no repairs or cosmetics required.“But maybe someone will make me an offer,” you think. “What have Igot to lose?”The risk is that you do 20 showings and get no offers. Word spreads likewildfire in the realtor community. It’s hard to come back from a bad firstimpression.The most successful realtors will tell you to get your house in tip topcondition before putting it on the market. There are lots of details toYou can sell your house “as is” to Home- ...or you can fix it up yourself and sell itstead Road in 6 days... through a realtor in 6 monthsaccomplish this goal, and we’ve identified 5 key areas. We call them “The5 C’s.”1. Clutter2. Cleaning3. Cosmetics4. Curb Appeal5. CommunicationAt the end of this booklet you will find a 45 step checklist to help youmanage the process and make sure you don’t overlook an important step.

Before discussing the 5 C’s in detail, we want to mention that you mightavoid a lot of time and expense by selling your house “as is” and walk-ing away in six days instead of six months. With Homestead Road, youavoid a 6% realtor’s commission, closing costs, and 6 months of monthlypayments for mortgage, insurance, taxes, utilities, and upkeep. And whenyou spend money to fix it up yourself, you’re never sure you will get yourmoney out of the process. You hope it will appraise high enough to coverthe new mortgage, and that the buyer’s financing will go through. Tofind out what it’s like to sell your house “as is” to Homestead Road, visitour website and click on the video on thehome page.Clutter Prospective buyers are unmerciful. For them, everything stands out like a sore thumb. While small imper- fections might seem insignificant to you, they can be a deal breaker. Clutter is the first squeaky wheel to address. If your closets are full, yourA cluttered garage or room must rooms over furnished, your storagebe cleared out. areas jammed, you need to get things out of the house and into storage.The result will be a look and feel that is more spacious and livable.There are a number of companies like “Pods” who will drop off storagecontainers. You pack them, they pick them up and store them, then de-liver them afterwards wherever you want them. For an 8 ft. x 8 ft. by 16ft. container, it costs about $1,300 for six months of storage, the averageamount of time it takes to fix up a house and sell it.This uncluttering process is also an excellent opportunity to throw awayunwanted stuff. Some items can be dropped off at Goodwill Industriesand become a tax write off. For other things, a dumpster 8 ft. x 8 ft. x7 ft. is about $400. Most people underestimate the size dumpster theyneed, so err on the high side.

As a final measure, many realtors work with a “stager,” who can help you arrange your household effects in the most appealing way. Some stagers have warehouses of fur- nishings to enhance your overall presen tation.A spotless condition is critical to gettingoffers.CleaningProspective buyers notice dust, stains, and smudges like the finickymother-in-law in a comedy routine. Every blemish is another reason tofall out of love with your home. Even if you hire a professional cleaningservice, you should walk the house after they’re done with spray bottleand paper towel in hand.A good information source for all kinds of cleaning is the Better Homes& Gardens web site are one of the first things people notice about your house. Carpetstains, wood floor blemishes, cracks in tile or linoleum are all potentialdeal breakers. Ideally, cleaning is a remedy, but in some cases you willhave to replace floor covering, refinish wood floors, and repaint walls andwoodwork.Carpet cleaning is best done by professionals using steam cleaningequipment at a cost of about 50¢ a square foot. If you rent a carpetmachine, repeat the process several times until the water in the take upbucket is dirt free. For hardwood floors, vacuum first, then wipe with adamp cloth containing a wood floor cleaning chemical. If stains havepenetrated the finish, they must be sanded and refinished.Appliances should be cleaned thoroughly inside and out. Use a degreas-ing liquid on cooking appliances, exhaust fan grates, and surfaces sur-rounding the cooking areas.

Cosmetics“Cosmetics” means making exposed surfaces look and feel like new. Itmeans cleaning, repainting, or replacing floor coverings, wood floors,walls, woodwork, furniture and appliances. What you can’t clean, you re-surface. What you can’t resurface, you replace. What looks old and dated,you refurbish or replace.If your carpet is more than 5 yearsold, you probably should replace itat a cost of around $3 per squarefoot. (We replace any carpet over2 years old). Hardwood floors costabout $4.50 a foot to refinish, andabout $6.00 a foot to replace. Newlinoleum and tile costs about the A full kitchen rehab can pay for itselfsame as carpeting – $3 a square foot. and then some.Appliances can be made to look like new with new parts from your appliance dealer. New burners, grates and drip pans can make a stove look squeaky clean. If your appliances are old or dated, you might consider new appliances. A new refrigerator, stove, dish- washer, and microwave will cost around $2,000, but may help youA dank dark basement can also be a get an extra $5,000 for the house,deal breaker. as well as help you sell it faster.If the walls show dirt, water seepage or mold, it pays to wash them downand apply two coats of water stop white paint. This also reduces damp-ness and odors. The floor can similarly be transformed by first washingthoroughly, then applying two coats of epoxy paint. For an investment of$200, you get to sell your house faster for a higher price.

Curb AppealThe saying goes that you only get one chance to make a good first im-pression. An unappealing exterior can color the way the buyer perceivesthe interior. Your front yard is a chance to make a statement that willdefine the potential of the inside of the house. If prospects don’t likewhat they see from the curb,they probably won’t even stepinside.The Arbor Day Foundation You only get one chance to make a good firstreports that 98 percent of impression.Realtors believe mature treeshave a strong impact on thesalability of homes listed formore than $250,000. Evenbasic maintenance can giveproperties an upgrade.Don’t know where to start? From simple updates to complete yardmakeovers, there are many ways to improve curb appeal. And it doesn’thave to be expensive. Here are nine tips to boost your curb appeal:1. Clean up the yardRemove dead branches, weeds and debris to get started. A weed infestedlawn can also be a turn off. With a $30 spray tank and a $12 bottle ofweed killer, you can rid your lawn of weeds in a few weeks. Then, the bestway to green up your lawn is with granulated fertilizer2. Evaluate plant healthRemove and replace dead and dying plants with healthy foliage suitablefor the site. The key to landscaping is upkeep.3. Keep it simpleDesign your yard with plants and grasses that work well in your environ-ment and don’t need a lot of water, fertilizer and pruning.4. Pull eyes to the front doorPlant small, low plants up front. Place shrubs behind them and smallornamental trees in the rear.5. Plant treesTrees don’t ask for much — soil, water, sunlight and an occasional check-

up. In return they improve air quality, cut energy bills with their shade,provide homes for wildlife, add beauty and deliver a substantial returnon investment in exchange for relatively low-cost maintenance. Use largetrees as a centerpiece to complement the scale of your home.Can you dig it?Learn a few new landscaping tricks, courtesy of Angie’s List:6. Plant strategicallyIdentifying the right tree for the right location is key to the success ofthe tree and preventing future damage. Ensure the tree is planted awayfrom hazards, assess how much sunlight the site receives and controlcompeting vegetation and weeds. Remember that planting a tree on thewest side of a building is the best for cooling and energy savings.7. Prune trees and shrubsWell-kept trees and shrubs will improve a home’s visual appeal, and alsoenhance the structure and longevity of your landscaping.8. Spread mulchMulching around trees, shrubs and flower beds gives the yard a tidierappearance. It also helps retain moisture for roots and reduces weeds.9. Choose diverse plants that provide seasonal interestPlant spring bulbs such as crocuses and daffodils, as well as sum-mer-flowering ornamental trees and shrubs such as redbuds and forsyth-ia. Maples, oaks and viburnums can provide vibrant color in the fall. Fora quick punch of color, use hanging baskets and containers.Provide proper tree care and landscape maintenance this season andbeyond to maintain and increase the value of your property and help youto sell it faster.Now let’s turn to the roof. Studies have shown that your roof is 40%of your curb appeal. A perfectly good roof can look like it needs re-placement if it is soiled or discolored. As compiled in the RemodelingMagazine 2015 Cost vs. Value Report ( a roofreplacement can cost as much as $25,000. A better option is to have itprofessionally cleaned for about $300 and the roof issue goes away. Makesure they use low pressure nozzles and EPA approved chemicals that willnot damage your greenery. Most roofers will also power wash your sidingand windows while they’re at it.

A weed infested lawn can also be a turn off. With a $30 spray tank and a$12 bottle of weed killer, you can rid your lawn of weeds in a few weeks.Then, the best way to green up your lawn is with granulated fertilizerthat feeds in a time release fashion versus liquids that create only a short-lived flash of green.You only get one chance to make a good first impression.You should trim back your shrubbery so that it doesn’t have a neglectedor overgrown look. In some cases it’s better to remove shrubbery thatlooks old or unsightly and replace it with fresh plantings.If your siding and trim does not clean up with power washing or othermeans, you might have to have it repainted or replaced. RemodelingMagazine’s 2015 Cost vs. Value Report ( indicatesnew siding can cost up to $14,000.CommunicationsThe primary communications source for houses on the market is theMLS web site which is accessible only by realtors. If you try to sell yourhouse without a realtor, you are missing the place where almost all ofthem go for listings. Some large real estate firms also have their own website where they list every house on the MLS web site. Many sites withnames like “House Search” are realtor sites in disguise.What this means is that you will find it very difficult to sell your housewithout paying a realtor’s commission of 6%. However, some realtors willwork harder than others to sell your house. Find one that offers valueadded services such professional photographers who have the lensesand lighting to make your photos as appealing as possible. Also lookfor realtors who bring in “stagers” with warehouses full of furnishings toenhance the look and feel of your house.We don’t recommend investing in anything beyond appealing pho-tos and descriptions. Buyers do not like videos because they prefer toquickly click through the photos they want to see rather than wait forthe video to get around to them.

In all communications, make sure that your house can deliver what yourcommunications promise. Otherwise showings will lead to disappoint-ment.The Sixth C – CompromiseThere is a sixth “C” that we haven’t told you about – Compromise. Thatis, when you fully cover off the 5 “Cs,” you may still have to come downin price. There have been too many occasions when sellers turn down agood offer out of pride or stubbornness, only forced to accept a loweroffer later.ConclusionWe hope you enjoyed reading about the 5 C’s and that you have a greathouse selling experience. Use the 45 Step checklist on the followingpages to make sure you don’ t overlook an important step. Of course, letus know at any point in yourprocess if we can be of further assistance.If you would like to find out more about what it’s like to sell your houseto Homestead Road, visit us at A 45Step Checklist for Repairs and Upgradesq Seek advice from a realtorq Seek advice form an interior designerq Seek advice from a contractor or from building trades workersq Develop a final list of restoration needsq Hire an architect for major structural changesq Hire an interior designer for cosmeticsq Finalize blueprintsq Decide whether to hire a contractor or be your own contractorq Request rehab quotes from contractor or building trade workersq Receive and analyze quotesq Hire contractor or building trade workers

Step Checklist for Repairs and Upgrades (continued)q Open permitsq Order building materials and hard goodsq Order dumpsterq Clean out refuseq Remove all old materials to be replacedq Remedy basement moisture as neededq Deodorize houseq Complete structural repairsq Install appliances & cabinetsq Install flooring & carpetingq Recover or repaint wallsq Install windows and doorsq Replace hardwareq Clean up all interior spacesq Repair roof, gutters & sidingq Beautify landscape, lawn, shrubberyq Close permitsq Pass inspectionq Final Cleaning &Deodorizingq Hire a Realtorq Hire a Stagerq Take professional photosq Initiate Realtor adsq Answer phone calls

Step Checklist for Repairs and Upgrades (continued)q Schedule showingsq Show house to prospectsq Receive offersq Obtain guarantee letter from buyer’s bankq Propose counter offersq Negotiate & accept an offerq Sign Purchase Intent Contractq Complete Inspection, Survey, and Appraisalq Schedule & Attend Closingq Pay Realtor Commissions

We hope this booklet helps you get the highest possible pricefor your home. Our helpful tips are based on having restoredhundreds of houses over many years. When you are finished,we can help you sell your house, based on our years of experi-ence.If at any time in your process you would like to exploreselling your house “as is,” we would be happy to show you a freeno obligation comparison of your net proceeds selling it nowversus selling it later at the end of an average 6 mont rehab timeframe.

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