lncredible Earth RichardNorthcott Readanddiscoverall aboutour incredibleEarth... . Whatisa votcano? . Whereis the deepest akeon Earth? Readanddiscovemr oreabout he world! Thisseriesof non-fictionreaderps rovides i n t e r e s t inagn de d u ca ti o ncaoI n te ntw, ith activitiesandprojecwt ork. SeriesEditorH: azeGl eatches ,9nudioCDPackavaitabLe Wordcounftorthisreade1r:,700 Levet3 Level5 / a fio\"f\"'.f;\",o@0,600headwords 900headwords Level5 1 , 0 5 0h e a d w o r d s C o v e rp h o t o g r a p hS:cie n cePh o toL ib r a rlyAshp tu m efr o mMountS t H etensi n 1980) OXFORDENGLISH lsBN978-01-9-464438-9 ||[ill||illllllillll
Earth RichardNorthcott Introduction 1 Earth'Cs rust 4 2 Oceans 6 3 RiverasndWaterfalls 8 4 Gtacierasndlcebergs 10 5 HotWater L2 6 MountainasndLakes t4 7 Caves 16 8 EarthquakaensdTsunami1s8 9 Deserts 20 10 Erosion 22 Activities 24 Projects 44 PictureDictionary 46 AboutReadandDiscover 48 OXTORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
()x F()t{D ACIiNOWI,EDGI]MI]N TS I Nt\\lIsll\\ I'l{l]ss liirslrliti(r6 iry:Kelly Kqucdy pp 9. I l, 20; I)usnu Pivlic/ Beehive lllustration pp 25, 26. 30. ll2. il8. 40. 46. 47: nlan (.r, .rr ( l,|( D(lr)ilStr('cl, Oxfbrd ox2 6Dp Rowe pp 25,26.28,40,46.47:Jrne Snith pp 4. 18. 19. o\\1, rrl I lIrv|r'\\lly l'fcss is il (lcprrtllleDt ofthe University The lulrlisltr woulLllii(e to tlmnk thcJbl/(\\yin.q]i)r lltrir kinri ,,l | )\\ |,'r (| || I I I11lx.t \\ t lt. I Inivctsity's objcctive of excelleDce pcmission to reproduce lhntogruplts unLlolh!r co.l'yngJrtDtdtfljdl: ttr trr,,rt, lr.srlrol.rtslrtlt,.ltd cclutillion by publishiug Alany pp 3 {Creg Vaughn), 6 (dbimrges), 13 (Robcrt Hrrdi[g soIlrl\\\\t(l( il1 Picture Library/Pamukkale), l7 (Chris HowcsMild Places il\\t,,r,l N,.r\\ \\i,rL Photography/Sarawak Chrmber, JUPITERIMACIS/Agcncc Don'tgo nearT! hisis a volcanoa, ndit's hragcs/Lascaux), 18 (Hans Wcstheinr Photognphy), l9 eruptingV. olcanoeasredangerousb,utthey \\r, ll.ilr,l r .rlx li'$,il l).I e5SitlMIr H(,I]gKong Karachi (DEDDEDA); Corbis pp 9 (Layne Kennedy). 11 (Paul SaDders). arebeautifutt,oo.Therearemanyother l\\|r.rl.r| ||rIril l\\l.rrlrrrl l\\1r'lhltr[r' l\\4exicoCity Naircbi l2 (AdanJones). 16 {Robert Dowling}, 20 (Kazuyoshi incredibleplaceson Earth- highmountains, Nr'\\\\ |r'llil \\lr,ilItlr.il l.illIi li)rr)trt() Nomachi). 21 (Peter Adams), 23 (Ron Watts); Getty lmages greatriversb, igdeserts pp 5 (Ralph Lee Hopkins/National Geographic/painted \\\\ rllr,'llr, r'\\ rl :, clese11).7 {Jeff Hunter/Photognpher's Choice/iurtld. 13 \\r1', ilrilr,r \\l\\ril.r ltr.r/rl ( Itil(. (lzrch Rcpublic li.rnce (Koichi Kamoshida/monkeys), 14 (Jon Hicks/l,hotogmplrer's 'riiitf,\" (,r Ir'( r. (,il,rr..nl,rl.r l llill1i.il\\' ltirl\\' .lilPln lloland Portugrl \\rnli,rln'r( \\,)|llr K(,lt1r \\wilz('rliut(l Ihailand lirrkey Choice), l5 (Dnitry Kostyukov/AlP),22 (Daryl Bcnson); W h a ti s t h e h i g h e s t I ll.r.rrrrr.\\'rr'lr.ilI mountaionn Earth? Oxfbrd Universiry Prcsspp 7 (coral island), 8, 10; Ragnar'Ih. Whatisthebiggesht ot ()\\l otil,,ilt(l 1'\\t r)til, I N(,1t\\| ill(.1('gislcICd tIXdC lnarks W h a ti s t h e d e e p e s[ta k e ? r)l ()\\lotil I ll)r!( r\\rtr l'r(ss iD tIrt lll( rrn(l iltccrtainother SigalrdssoD/Arctic Images p 5 (Suft sey). W h a ti n c r e d i b lpel a c e s (l)!nlr rr,\\ doyouknow? With ,hon/$ k) Ann [ullickJbr scicnccchecking O Oxl()r(l I lDi\\,(.rsily l'r(,ss :o lr) 'lhc nr(r'rl rjghts ol lhe rrrthot hive becnasserted Database right Oxlord I Jnivcrsity Press(rDaker) liirst publislted 2o1o zo14 2013 2012 2O7r 2O1O 109876s4321 No unauthorized photocopying All rights rcselvcd. No prrt ofthis publication may be reproducc(I. stored in a retrieval systen. or transnitted, in any fornr or by aDy Drcatrs, without the prior pemission iD writing of Oxfbrd University l)ress, or as cxpressly permitred by law, or uncler tcrnrs agrced with the appropriare reprogrrphics rights organization. Enquiries conccuring reproduction outside the scope oftlte above should be sent to the IrLl Rights Depiulrnc,nt. Oxford University Press, at the adclrcss above YoLlDust not circulatc this book in aDy otltcr bindinll or covcr and you must impose this silntc condition on aDy acquirer Any websites ref'ered to in this publication are irr the public domain ind thcir addressesar('provided by Oxlbxl llniversity Press for information only. Oxlbrd University Press dischims any respoDsibility for thc content rsBN: 978 o 19464438 9 An Audio CD Pack containing tltis book aDd a CD is also rvailablc IsBN: 978 o 19 464478 s The CD has a choice ofADerican and British English recordings ofthe conplete text. An accourpanying Activity Book is also available ISBN: 978 o 19 46444a I PriDtcd iD Chinr
tEoffiffifkW A volcanois a hole in Earth's crust.$7hen a Earth is round, like an orange.Oranges volcano erupts, hot havea skin and Earth has a skin, too.\\7e rock flies out from call this skin Earth's crust. IJnder the crust under the ground, and there is very hot rock. melted rock pours out overthe ground. E,arth'scrust has different pieces.These Volcanoesunder the piecesmove very,very slowly.Millions oceansometimesmake of years3go,the piecesmoved and made new islands.In L963,a mountains.LInder mountains the crust is volcanoin the Atlantic thick, but under the oceanit's thinner. Oceanmade a new When two piecesof the crust move and island calledSurtsev. meet)there can be earthquakes. There are many different rocks in Earth's crust.They are millions of yearsold.The rocks are often different colors. In the PaintedDesert in Arizona in the USA. vou can seethe different rocks. @ _-r\\ l/, \\_i_--
@rceams S7herethe oceanis warm, we sometimes find coral. Coral is made of millions of very On Earth there is more oceanthan land. small animals that make hard coversaround The PacificOceanis the biggestocean. themselves$. 7hen the animals die, the hard It's biggerthan Africa! coversmake the coral reef. Did you know that there are mountains The Great Barrier ReefnearAustralia is and valleysunder the ocean?Some of the biggestcoral reef in the world. It's thesemountains are bigger than the biggest 21600kilometers long. Seaturtles, dolphins, mountains on land. In the deepestparts of and many other amazinganimals live there. the ocean,the water is l0 kilometers deep. The water in the ocean is alwaysmoving. \\il7aveshit the land and break the rocks. Sometimes,big piecesof rock fall into the ocean.They leavebig cliffs, like the beautiful Uluwatu Cliffs in Bali in Indonesia.
etm There's more water in the River Amazon than in any other river in the world. It begins K] in the mountains in Peru and Ecuador.Then it goesthrough the rainforest in Brazil, and Riversusually begin as streamsin to the Atlantic Ocean. mountains.The water comesfrom rain or snow.All rivers then go to the ocean. There areno bridgeson the Amazon. First, the river goesthrough rainforest and there Big rivers are very strong.When the ground are no roads.Then, near the ocean,the river under a river is soft, the river makesvalleys. is very wide so peoplecan't build bridges. \\7hen the ground under it is hard rock, They crossthe river by boat. there arewaterfallsor rapids. T h eA m a z o ni s t h e h o m e One incredible waterfall is the Iguazu Falls of oneof the longesst nakes, betweenArgentina and Brazll. Iguazu caltedanacondaSs.omegrowto 9 meters[ong. means'big water' in an old languageof South America. * Goto pages28-29foractivities.
Lffi}di The coldestplaceson Earth are in the At the North and South Poles,where the highestmountains, and at the North and glaciersare near the ocean'very big pieces South Poles.Flere,there are rivers made of of ice break off. These are calledicebergs. ice.They are called glaciers.Glaciersbegin Icebergsmove slowly on the ocean. when snow falls. Near the North Pole,Ilulissatis one of the Mountain glaciersmove very, very slowly most incredible placeson Earth - and one down the mountain. \\Whenthe ice melts, the of the coldest.The glacier and icebergs water goesinto rivers.It can take thousands here arevery,very big.The glacieris about of yearsfor the water from a glacierto get 40 kilometerslong and it movesslowly to to the ocean. the Arctic Ocean.It movesabout 30 meters every day. @cebergs aredangerofuosr boatsM. ostof the iceis under thewater,sopeoplein boats can'tseeatlthe ice. * Goto pages30-31foractivities.
Imagine you arein this park. Thesewhite cliffs look like they aremade of Suddenly,you hear a loud noisc ice,but they arereally made of rock. Hot of water moving very fast.Then water cameout of the ground and poured hot water and steampour out down the mountain.Then mineralsin the of the ground.You arelooking water made theseincredible cliffs.They look at a geyser. like waterfalls,but they never move.They are thousandsof vearsold. What makesa geyser?When it rains or snows,the water goes At theJigokudani into the ground. Deep under MonkeyParkinJapanh, ot the ground there is hot rock. If waterfromundertheground rainwatertouchesa lot of hot makespoolsW. henthe rock, it beginsto boil. Then weatheirs cold,monkeys there'sa lot of steam. sit in thewarmwater. Suddenlg the water can't stay & Goto pages32-33 for activities. under the ground. It hasto come out. Geysersare very hot, so don't go nearthem!
.,r*e' Near high mountains there areoften deep lakes.The deepestlake in the world is '/ Lake Baikal in Russia.It's more than _q + 1 , f'{ t 1r600metersdeep.Scientistsare exploring the lake in small submarines. The biggestmounrain chain in the world is Lake Baikal beganwhen piecesof Earth's the Himalayasin Asia. It beganwhen two crust moved and made a deephole.\\7ater piecesof Earth's crust met and moved up. from 330 rivers goesinto Lake Baikal. They beganto move about 50 million years There's more water here than in all the ago- and they aremoving now, very slowly. Great Lakesin North America! The top of Mount Everesrin the Himalayas S Goto pages34-35foractivities. is the highestplaceon Earth - it's about 9 kilometers abovethe ocean.Everestis very big and it's getting bigger.The top of Everestgoesup about 5 millimeters every year)becauseEarth's crust is moving ail the time.
{. r1,tl.:, Cavesare incredible underground worlds. Cavesare usually very wet becausewater Many peopleare interestedin them. comesthrough the rock. SlowlY,the raindrops mix with mineralsand build What makesa cave?Near the coast,ocean incrediblerock sculptures,calledstalactites waveshit cliffs and make holes.In the and stalagmites. mountainsrthe moving ice in a glacier makescavesin the rock. Thousands of years&go, people lived in caves. The most incredible cavesare in soft rock They didn't have books calledlimestone.Rain falls on the limestone or paper, so they drew and makesholes.Slowly,the holesgrow . pictures on the cave bigger and make cavesT. his takes walls. People drew thousandsand thousandsof vears. /'f this picture in a cave T h eS a r a w aCk h a m b ei nr B o r n e oi s t h e b i g g e sct a v e in France, about i n t h ew o r t dl.t ' s [ o n g etrh a n 16,000yearsago. tenbigp[anes! Goto pages36-37foractivities.
Usually,Earth's crust movesvery slowly- There are earthquakesunder the ocean, only a few millimeters everyyear. too. IJsually,they are small and not Sometimes,two piecesof the crust move dangerous.Sometimesan earthquakeunder suddenlyin different direcrions,and then the oceanmakesa giant wavecalleda there'san earthquake. tsunami.Tsunamis can be very dangerous. Earthquakesare dangerousbecause After a tsunami, there are often floods. buildings sometimesfall down.\\il7hen There's water everywhere.Flouses,cars, there'san earthquake,people in buildings and treesare in the water.The water isn't go under a heavytable. Or they stand clean,so many peopleare sick.In 2004' betweentwo rooms.These are good ideas- there was a very big tsunami in the Indian they can help to keeppeople safe. Ocean.Many peopledied. & Goto pages38*39foractivities.
A desertis a dry place,with almost no rain. In Bolivia in South America, there's a About 20 percent (.X,)of the land on desertmade of salt.It's calledthe Salar Earth is desert.What are desertsmade of? de Uyuni. About 40,000 yearsago it was Some desertsare made of sand, and many a saltwaterlake, but now the ground is hard desertsare made of stonesor rocks.Deserts and dry most of the time . Souretimesthe are usually hot, but not always.Antarctica is ground looks like a big mirror. a cold desert.It docsn't rain often there. Many people visit the Salar de Uyuni but there'slots of ice. becauscit's an incredible place.There's evena hotel made of salt! The SaharaDesert in Africa is the biggest hot desert on Earth. It's bigger than r...:1..'llill::':'; Australia!The animals in the desert can live there becausethev don't drink verv often. .. nttTD-s ;l\\ ffi G ot o p a g e s4 0 - 4 1 f o r a c t i v i t i e s . EJ( iI \\--l Camelscanlivefor a weekwithnowater.
In the Colorado River in the USA, erosion beganabout 20 million yearsago.The river moved overthe rock and slowlybroke it' Sun, cold weather,and wind broke the rock, too. All thesethings made the incredible deepvalley calledthe Grand Canyon' \\7ind, rain, sun' and snow - the weather is a part of Earth's story.Sun and wind make deserts.Glaciersmove between mountains and make valleys.Rain falls on limestoneand makescaves... This story beganmillions of yearsago,and it is still going on.\\7hat an incredible story it is! Where are theserocks?Are they on the moon?No, they arein Cappadocia in Turkey. They look like sculptures,but no one made them. Really,the windy weathermade them. These rocks arenot very hard.The wind blows on them and very slowly changes them.When the weatherchangesEarth in this way,we call it erosion.
$!IeN.tk-CswsJs* 3 Findandwritethewords. f Readpages4-5. ffi 1 !j:= wadmi S t a nd z t t o k vb o t b 1 Match. dI I uS t j cS t @w t Ed n r a h e am 1 Earthis \" of yearso[d. ea r t hq ua k e 2 Earth'csrustis mi[tions i the ocean. a I I a k t onep 3 Thepiecesof Earth'scrust ' in Earth'csrust. v t o me t V X e 4 Therearedifferenrt ocks ' round. phc noqozS n r v*m I ;o l ,9 9 I o 5 UnderEarth'scrust,there's veryhot rock. I W c s n ii-u- t k q t W 6 Therearevotcanoeusnder moveverystowty. Comptettehe sentences. effi crust hotes ocean etd rocks volcano @ 1 Somemountainasremillionsof years,:!,,1 -<^a -- 2 Whenpiecesof Earth's \\- sometmi esearthquakes. m e e t ,t h e r ea r e 4 Circlethe odd one out. 3 Volcanoeasre in Earth'csrust. 1 JapanLFutlhR, ussiaChina 2 orangeapple bananaskin 4 Therockin a i s v e r yh o t . 3 move fatt piece eruPt 4 votcanodangeroubs eautifuIincredibte 5 Sometimeasvotcanounderthe makes 5 in underon ground a newisland. 6 red brown desert Yetlow 6 InthePaintedDesertthe a r ed i f f e r e n t cotors. jih-,*t**,\"nr*rrr.JtF*nq41imruflry{$+ii* !fl}r,rri!/mfu'$ys4*fl,$*wffi!. wi'$vqlB{eil ts'${*w'sKr*s,€
ffiq r & ffi€ssns A n s w etrh e q u e s t i o n s . S Readpages6-7. 1 Whatisthebiggesot ceanon Earth? 2 Howdeepisthedeepeswt aterin theocean? g Writethe words. cliffs coraI dotphin seaturtle vetteir waves ffi 3 Wherearethe UtuwatuCtiffs? 4 Whatiscoralmadeof? 23 5 WhereistheGreaBt arrieRr eef? Writetrueor false. ii iri Addthewordsandwritecorrecst entences. 1 Therearemountainusndertheocean. 1 ThePacifiOc ceanisthanAfrica(.bigger) 2 Africais biggetrhanthe pacificOcean. 3 Wavescanbreakrocks. ..' 4 A coralreefcanmakean island. 5 TheGreaBt arrieRr eefis nearAfrica. 2 Therearebigmountainths eocean(.under) 6 Seaturtteslivein coralreefs. 3 Whenwaveshitthe[andr, ocksintotheocean(.fatt) 4 CoraiIs hardi,t isn'tmadeof rock(. but) 5 Manyamazinagnimatns earcoralreefs(.tive) wffi
f Amazon anacondaBraziI w ffi#wwfffifirfei W%Wm&wWfwwfi#'m 4 Write the words. lguazuFatts ocean rainforest & Readpages8-9. river waterfa[[ 1 A[[riversgohere. the mountainrainforest g. Writethe words. 2 Thisbigriveris in SouthAmericath. e 3 Therearemanytreeshere. the ffi3 ffi 5 Thisisanincredibtweaterfa[[. the 4 Thiscountryis in SouthAmerica. q'@6 Thisisa verylongsnake. the Writecorrecst entences. Circlethe correcwt ords. 1 Thewortdin riverscomesfromrainorsnow. t ThelguazuFattsareinAustrati/asouthAmerica. 2 Thegroundunderwaterfattiss hard/ soft. 2 Whena rivergoesoverrocksi,t makesrain. 3 TheAmazonbeginsin themountain/s ocean. 4 TheAmazongoesthrough,/ undetrherainforest. 3 lguazuFatlsisa SouthAmericarnainforest. 5 TheAmazon/ anacondiasa verylongsnake. Circlethe oddoneout. 4 TheAmazobneginsin therainforeisnt Peru. 1 river ocean waterfaI kitometer 5 TheAmazognoesthrougha bigmountain. 2 water rain rock snow 3 snake waterfal[ river rapids 6 Youcanfindriversin theAmazon. 4 mountainhard soft strong 5 Peru EcuadorAmazon Braztl.
&lmetmtrfffiim*$mmbmtrW$ 3 Orderthewords. d!6 Readpages10-11. 1 move/ s[ow[y/. Glacier/s very k Completethe sentences. r';{ - gtacierice incredibtemountainstowty icebergs 2 are/ made/ ice./ rivers/ Glacier/s of 1A isa rivermadeof ice. 3 dangerou/ slceberg/sboats/. are/ for 2 Gtacierms ovedownthe 4 of / the/ llutissa/t one/ is/ places/. coldest 3 Gtacierms ovevery,very 4 ComptettehequestionsT.henwritetheanswers. 4 Neartheoceang, lacierbsreakandmake How What Wlten Where Why d o g l a c i e rbse g i n ? 5 In icebergaslot of is undetrhewater. :, ,,,t!l {.i i , i r ,r r iji'. 6 Thereare icebergast l[ulissat. 2 areglacierms adeof? P Completethe chart. coraIreef glacier ice iceberg snow A-mazoRnainfai.estvolcano mettedrock I{ W Hot 3 areicebergdsangerous? 4 isltutissat? tI _ 5 longistheglaciear t llulissat? I I I I l
ffitr . ffiseFdmtsr I S Readpages12-t3. 3 Match. go neara geyser. v e r yh o t . & Writethewords. 1 Undear geysetrhereis waterfalts. 2 Geyserms ake a toudnoise. geyser pool rain snow steam waterfaI 3 Thewaterin a geyseirs a lot of hotrock. 4 Don't Turkey. \".o o b7+\\\";% 5 Thectiffsat Pamukka[e v)q___,^ry; t o o kI i k e 6 Pamukkalies in O .- a- n No.A^ t r . .\" 4\". fl\\i>' :'l_-n'- /\" 3 Addthewordsandwritecorrecst entences. L 1 Deepundetrhe,thereis hotrock(. ground) 2 Whenboils,it makessteam(.water) 3 ThemonkeyastJigokudainnithewarmwater(.sit) 2 Writetrueor false. 4 ln thewaterthereare.(minera|'s) 1 Geyserasremadeof waterandsteam. 5 Theat Pamukkatloeok[ikewaterfa[t(sc.tiffs) 2 Geyserasreusuatlvyerycotd. 3 Geyserlsook[ikebigicebergs. 6 Don'tgonearbecausteheyareveryhot.(gevsers) 4 Thewaterin a geysesrtaysin theground. 5 SomemonkeyisnJapansit in warmwater. 6 Thecliffsat Pamukkaatereveryotd.
rEc F& r{FF\\ ) . ; n n ^ u s r t a f ;anms dL a k m s WritethequestionsT.henwritethe answers. ts '!- / Itll, I t high/ mountainin theworld t Readpages14-15. lioltt;rfsq i?l* {r;;mi;*;,i;6,,;i;;,6;rg:l!!+rr t[ge qlel{,tc&F $. Completethe sentences. 2 deep/ lakein theworld deepest highest rivers 3 big/ mountaicnhainin theworld mountaicnhain moved stowty 4 big/ riverin theworld 1 TheHimatayasrea in Asia. a n dm a d e 4 Answetrhe questions. 2 Pieceos f Earth'csrust theHimalayas. 1 Whatisthehighesmt ountaiinnyourcountry? 2 Whatisthebiggesltakein yourcountry? 3 TheHimatayaasremovingvery mountain 3 Whatisthemostincrediblpelacein yourcountry? 4 MountEveresist the i n t h ew o r t d . 5 The lakein thewortdis in Russia. 6 Waterfrom330 g o e si n t oL a k eB a i k a l . r; Circlethe oddoneout. 3. 1 fish water bird snake 2 highest longest rainforestbiggest 3 mountain lake pond river 4 moved made went top 5 high very deep big 6 RussiaJapan Earth Turkey
ffirewww 3 Matchandwritethe questionsT.henwrite theanswers. $\" Readpagest6-L7. Whereis hard? Circlethe correcwt ords. ls [imestonveery [ikecaves? Arecaves m a d eo f ? 1 Therearesometimecsaveson/ nearthecoast. W h a ta r es t a t a c t i t e s the SarawaCk hamber? 2 Gtacierms ove/ breakandmakecaves. W h yd i d p e o p l e drawon cavewa[[s? 3 Therainmakescaves/ wavesin [imestone. D oy o u u s u a [ [ yw e t ? 4 TheSarawaCkhambeisr in Brazi/l Borneo. 5 Stalactiteasremadeof ice/ rock. 2 6 Peoptedrewpicture/s papeor nthecavewatls. 3 4 O r d e rt h e w o r d s . 5 6 1 usuatty/ Cave/s wet./ are 2 is/ soft/ a / Limeston/erock. 3 often/ in / limestoen./ There,/ caves/ are 4 drew/ walls./ Peopte/ pictures/ cave/ on 5 people/ Now/ caves/. Live/ in / don't/ most
ffimr€WxwEmkwm T ' ffiffidWswffimwwru*m 3 Writetrueor false. * Readpages18*19. 1 Earth'csrustmovesa fewkitometers everyday. K Findandwrite. 2 Earthquakaersedangerous. i \"\" -t --i.. i t-l ;1; i l-- 1 3 Inanearthquakiet',sa goodidea nigl lcibju ii ; -I i;r ;ii i to goundera heavytable. ii T h e r ea r en e v e re a r t h q u a k eusn d e r iil;i; theocean. e*iliy j E a r t h q u a kuens d e trh e o c e a na r en o t i*ih i; iii,iolgi o jml u s u a l tdya n g e r o u s . i i- ''i i-\" i\"i' r*-I '-*,-'t' ' \"-i' A tsunamiisa smatw[ ave. t ; 1 ; i;tbigit il rbi eir e: m i ciil 1 e iiui i 4 Writecorrecst entences. l\"- I \"-J' ii ;i ; : l-'-- j .\"i- i- t\"t 7 Earth'csrustmovesa fewmiltimeteresveryday. ;v,w,q a l|k*if- l It i hiq; u- ' -ll I 2 Bigearthquakeasrenotverydangerous. : *:i -- -- 1*-..i E a r t h q u a kuensd etrh eg r o u n ds o m e t i m e s niP; m a k et s u n a m i s . *- 1 ..*\"i' 4 A tsunamiisa giantbuitding. wit i 5 Aftera tsunamit,hereareoftenpeople. 13 57 24 68 Completethe sentences. buildingsin moves ocean under 1 UsualtEy arth'csrust veryslowty. 2 Whenthereisanearthquake f a t [d o w n . 3 Thereareearthquakes t h eo c e a n . 4 Earthquakuensdetrhe sometimes m a k et s u n a m i s . 5 Thetsunami 2004wasverybig.
W s Orderthewords. lr-&x 1 usual[y/ Desert/s hot./ are 2 very/ are/ places/. dry/ Deserts i,.W,fjfi*sgr&s 3 Africa/. The/ in / is/ Deser/t Sahara 4 Antarctica/ .lt's/ in / cold/ very $ Readpages20-21. ffi 5 visit/ Satadr e Uyuni/. peopte/ Many/ the g Completethe Yza-----/-- C o m p l e t et h e q u e s t i o n sT.h e nw r i t et h e a n s w e r s . _&/a-i.\\.'\\ffi )-6P What Howmuch Why Where of the[andon Earthisdesert? l\\-rl ffi 2 isthebiggesht otdeserot n Earth? rl'r\\_J^\\#@ 3 isBolivia? 4 domanypeoplevisittheSaladr e Uyuni? *Am % ffi Match. t Somedesertsaremade t h a nA u s t r a [ i a . 2 lt doesn'rtainoften madeof sa[t. 3 TheSaharaDeserits bigger of sand. 4 Animalsin the desert in Antarctica. 5 In Botiviat,hereis a desert d o n ' td r i n kv e r yo f t e n . 6 TheSaladr e Uyunis an incredibtpelace.
Srosimn 2 Completethe Puzzle. r-*i 2Y t.,,_ * Readpages22-23. Matchandwritethe questionsT.henwrite theanswers. W h e r ei s Canyon? e*l_T-\"' W h a tc h a n g e tdh e beginin the Colorado Whereis the Grand River? 1 Themon k eyisnJ i gok udasniiti nthew ar m- . Whatis the nameof 2 - undetrheoc eans om eti m emsak ets unam i s . theriver Cappadocia? 3 In SouthAmericathere'sa - madeof salt. Whendiderosion in the GrandCanyon? 4 Youcanfindincredibt-e in limestone. rocksin Cappadocia? 5 A - isa hotein Earth'csrust. 6 TheGreaBt arrieRr eefisnear-. 1 7 Thedeepes-t in theworldis in Russia. 8 A - isa rivermadeof ice. 2 9 Thewaterin a - isverYhot. 10 Attriversgoto the-. 3 Whatdoyouthinkisthe mostincrediblpelace 4 on Earth?Why? 5 @
fr{yCswn*wy frmer€d3bW$wWmffiws 10,00SYwmw&wEo$ &m$*1€yauffittry & lmagineyourcountry10,000yearsago.What 1 Completethechartaboutincredibleplaces wasthere?Write/ or X. then writenotes. in yourcountry. {-r \"'\\ Mycountry: \\s-'l {/'\"'H\" o u s els T h eh i g h e s tp l a c e : \\ i l 1\\-* --\"' I/-.l-\\n s e c t s1 \\il/ 'i'' .ilEJ '\\,/;'*)\\;f;\\ . ' ' Rivers ,'ffih I Thelongestriver: i \"..jj,/\\'.J{ I, 't_l \\ \\-5i/.-t I I: {i l-i t\"-*---*-----i- 1\\t\\\\\\\\\\t{\\\\\\\\\\tt\\\\'\\ t[r\\t\\tI1\\1\\'\\\\{t\\\\ {t\\\\)u\\\\ lt,'it, ','i'i u4\\\\I\\\\ u9(])9 {\\\\ \\\\\\{\\\\\\ i ttremost I ! beautifupl lace: i l) 9 99 i..+i-. ; , : 'i'.: 'ii 'i1r,i rr'i' il .r---'-- i i Makea posterW. riteaboutyourcountry -_-'---.--/ 10,000yearsagoanddrawsomepictures. 2 Finda photoor a pictureof oneof theseplaces. 3 Disptayourposter. ffi Makea posterW. ritesentencetso describe @ the incredibtpelace.Disptayourposter. @
PictureDictionfr!'y .//r.t ^. ,//D O/ l[gl= y:a \\E-r-\\] l?[, boit coast cover dangerous deep mountain noise ocean pour rainforest chain ffitr ,t1r o/ € fr,ftfri frffi m4e S:::/f',; -t road rocks satt sand >?? die directions Earth flver desert ffi ruLI w3 /\\ ,-w , TV I fatt flood ground ho[e is[and sculpture skin square steam stones kitometer ryffii6@ ffi w@ \" f f i # m'wtl v! ffi: LW%XL --Uq* reS#ecd.,r' [ake [oud mett million minerats stream submarine top va[[ey WAVC @@
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