Reading Journal By Lalida Yaja] 6031006188 Section 5This journal is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor English reading and writing 1 course of Liberal Arts in English Program, Mae Fah Luang University First semester 2018
How climate change will affect your healthBy Arman Azad, CNN Updated 0934 GMT (1734 HKT) October 12, 2018 (CNN)A new report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns of direconsequences if governments don't make \"rapid, far-reaching, and unprecedented changes in allaspects of society\" to stem global warming. But the planet isn't the only thing at risk as temperaturesrise; your health might be in danger, too. Here are six ways that climate change might affect you,whether it's insect-borne disease or Type 2 diabetes.An increase in disease-carrying mosquitoes and ticks Hot and humid climates provide a perfect breeding ground for critters, and experts say that awarming world might put us at greater risk for vector-borne diseases, which are those transmitted byticks, mosquitoes or other organisms.Tick- and mosquito-borne diseases more than triple, since 2004, in the US In a 2017 report, the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health warned that\"mosquitoes that carry diseases like West Nile virus and dengue fever thrive in conditions that arebecoming more common, and there is concern that malaria could reemerge in the United States.\" Environmental changes affect not just the distribution of insects like mosquitoes but also howquickly viruses replicate within them and how long the bugs live. All of that might have contributedto recent Zika virus outbreaks, according to the CDC. More than 2,400 pregnant women in the United States have tested positive for Zika since2015, and the United States has seen a rise in Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and other Page 2 of 12
vector-borne diseases. Only 27,388 such cases were reported in 2004, but that number jumped to96,075 in 2016, according to a CDC report.Contaminated water sources and dangerous bacterial infections Extreme weather and rainfall have contributed to the spread of bacterial infections throughcontaminated water, especially in summer. Warmer temperatures will only make those storms worse.Where climate change is threatening the health of Americans Dr. Mona Sarfaty, director of the program on climate and health at George MasonUniversity's Center for Climate Change Communication, said that \"when increased rainfall leads toflooding, there can be a mixing of storm water and sewage that leads to bacterial contamination inthe water.\" That contamination can affect crops too, contributing to foodborne diseases. \"Heavydownpours and flooding can spread fecal bacteria and viruses into fields where food is growing,\"said a report from the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health. \"Warmer ocean water also makes a difference,\" Sarfaty said. \"Along the coast, there are casesof bacterial contamination in shellfish in the warmer months that make those waters more likely tocause infection when people swim there, especially if they have open cuts in their skin.\"An increase in mental health issues Even a modest rise in temperatures is associated with an increase in mental health issues,according to a study published this year that surveyed nearly 2 million US residents. The research,in the journal PNAS, looked at individual cities and found that warming of just 1 degree over fiveyears was linked to a 2% increase in mental health issues.Climate change study ties warming temperatures to rising suicide risk Page 3 of 12
Using a different approach, the study also found that an increase in average monthlytemperatures to over 30 degrees Celsius (86 Fahrenheit), up from an average of 25 to 30, wascorrelated with a 0.5% increase in mental health issues. That might seem like a small change, but Nick Obradovich, the study's lead author and ascientist at MIT's Media Lab, noted that those results, if consistent across the country, \"wouldproduce approximately 2 million additional individuals reporting mental health difficulties.\" Those challenges can turn deadly. A study published this year in the journal Nature ClimateChange found that a rise of 1 degree Celsius in monthly temperatures correlated with a 0.68%increase in the United States suicide rate. Using that data, researchers estimate that climate changecould be linked to over 14,000 suicides by 2050. Though more research is needed to determine what exactly causes that increase in suicide,the study's lead author said economic factors or biological changes might be to blame. \"As economic conditions worsen, that might also worsen mental health,\" said MarshallBurke, an assistant professor in the Department of Earth System Science at Stanford University.There also might be \"a plausible biological linkage between temperature, thermal regulation and howthe brain regulates its own emotion.\"An increase in Type 2 diabetesIs there a link between climate change and diabetes? Rising temperatures are associated with an increase in Type 2 diabetes, according to a 2017study published in the journal BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care. However, researchers lookedonly at the correlation between temperatures and diabetes, so the study didn't establish thattemperatures necessarily caused the disease. Page 4 of 12
Still, researchers found that diabetes rates increased by about 4% for every 1 degree Celsius ofwarming in the United States. Worldwide, glucose intolerance rose by 0.17% per degree Celsius ofwarming. Lead study author Lisanne Blauw, a researcher at Leiden University Medical Center in theNetherlands, said that \"a 1-degree Celsius rise in environmental temperature could account for morethan 100,000 new diabetes cases per year in the USA alone.\" Although calorie consumption and obesity are likely to be the biggest risk factors fordiabetes, the study hypothesizes that warmer temperatures might decrease the activity of brown fattissue, which burns fat and generates heat in colder weather. \"In warmer climates, brown fat may be less activated,\" Blauw said, \"which may causally leadto insulin resistance and diabetes.\"Respiratory problems and stroke Most scientists agree that greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide are contributing to globalwarming, but those emissions aren't just hurting the planet. Fossil fuel pollutants can also generate amixture of solid particles and liquid droplets in the atmosphere that can enter your lungs and evenyour bloodstream.Pediatricians are concerned about climate change, and here's why That mixture, called particulate matter, can aggravate asthma, decrease lung function andincrease your risk of cardiovascular events such as strokes, according to a study published last yearin The Lancet. That same study estimated that over 8 million people die early due to air pollutionevery year. Page 5 of 12
A warming planet also means more wildfires, which routinely release smoke that furtherworsens air quality. A 2011 report from the National Research Council found that a warming of just1 degree Celsius could lead to a 400% increase in the area of land burned by wildfires. But it's not just smoke and pollutants you're inhaling; it's pollen, too. Increases in carbondioxide can trigger plants to produce more pollen, which might explain why the pollen season seemsto get worse each year. A 2012 study presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunologyconference estimated that pollen counts were expected to reach 21,735 grains per cubic meter in2040. In 2000, that number was just 8,455.More car crashes and fewer food inspections Even small changes in climate can impact human behavior, leading to an increase in fatal caraccidents and a decrease in food safety inspections, according to a study published this year in PNAS. Researchers analyzed data from more than 70 million police stops, more than 500,000 motorvehicle accidents and nearly 13 million food safety violations.Unexpected effects of climate change: worse food safety, more car wrecks They found that above 29 degrees Celsius (84 Fahrenheit), police conduct fewer traffic stops,which can contribute to unsafe driving conditions. A 10-degree Celsius increase in maximumtemperatures decreased traffic stops by 1.5%, according to the study, and that same temperaturechange amplified the risk of a fatal car crash by half a percentage point. The researchers also found that health officials were less likely to conduct food safetyinspections when temperatures exceeded 26 Celsius (79 Fahrenheit). Across the 750,000 restaurants Page 6 of 12
and food production facilities they studied, they found that a 10-degree increase in temperaturestranslated to 8,000 fewer inspections per day.Get CNN Health's weekly newsletterSign up here to get The Results Are In with Dr. Sanjay Gupta every Tuesday from the CNN Healthteam. When those facilities were inspected, though, hotter temperatures led to more violations,probably because pathogens like E. coli and salmonella grow faster in warmer weather. Obradovich, the MIT Media Lab research scientist who co-authored the study, noted that\"hot temperatures are basically bad for human functioning.\" The crux of the idea, he said, was that\"weather affects how we perform our duties and how we go about our daily lives and the risks thatwe experience.\" Week 4 Title: How climate change will affect your health Author: Arman Azad, CNN Source: Page 7 of 12
Summary Climate change is the big issue .It’s cause of many healthproblems. First of all, it increase disease that is carried bymosquitoes and ticks because hot and humid climates areappropriate for insect’s reproduction and help the growth ofviruses within the insects too. Moreover, the rainfall increasingthat become flood spread bacterial infection by contaminating inwater and the flood spread bacteria to the field where we growthe food. Not only climate change effect to physical health but italso effect to mental health because just 1 degree over five yearswas linked to a 2% increase in mental health issues for exampleit increased risk of suicide because rise of 1 degree Celsius inmonthly increase 0.068% of suicide in UnitedStates .Furthermore, climate change increase diabetes type two .Diabetes rates increased by about 4% for every 1 degree Celsiusin the United States and increasing of temperatures mightdecrease the activity of brown fat tissue, which burns fat andgenerates heat in colder weather. Moreover, climate changeeffect to respiratory and stroke too. Fossil fuel pollutants can alsogenerate a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets in theatmosphere that can enter your lungs and your bloodstream.They disrupt lung function and increase the risk of cardiovascularevents such as strokes. Climate change contribute lots of wildfiresmoke and pollen. It’s the big problem for respiratory diseases.Moreover the warmer weather make police men conduct fewertraffic stop so it increase car crash and increasing of temperatureis the cause of fewer food inspections so the food safety isdecreased. Climate change effect to our health very seriously. Page 8 of 12
My reaction/reflection: I can understand this story difficultlybecause there are many vocabularies that I don’t know their meaningand I’m confused about some of story contents too. This story tellmany health effects from climate change. It makes me beware aboutour world problems.New words learned: (At least five new words that you have learned)New Words Definitions1. Organism (n.) (biology or formal) a living thing, especially one that is extremely small Hot and humid climates provide a perfect breeding ground for critters, and experts say that a warming world might put us at greater risk for vector-borne diseases, which are those transmitted by ticks, mosquitoes or other organisms.2. Replicate (v.) [transitive] replicate something (formal) to copy something exactly Environmental changes affect not just the distribution of insects like mosquitoes but also how quickly viruses replicate within them and how long the bugs live.3. Correlated [intransitive] if two or more facts, figures, etc. correlate or if a fact, figure, (v.) etc. correlates with another, the facts are closely connected and affect or depend on each other Using a different approach, the study also found that an increase in average monthly temperatures to over 30 degrees Celsius (86 Fahrenheit), up from an average of 25 to 30, was correlated with a 0.5% increase in mental health issues.4. Emission (n.) [uncountable] (formal) the production or sending out of light, heat, gas, etc. Most scientists agree that greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide are contributing to global warming, but those emissions aren't just hurting the planet. Fossil fuel pollutants can also generate a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets in the atmosphere that can enter your lungs and even your bloodstream. Page 9 of 12
5. Trigger (n.) something that is the cause of a particular reaction or development, especially a bad one But it's not just smoke and pollutants you're inhaling; it's pollen, too. Increases in carbon dioxide can trigger plants to produce more pollen, which might explain why the pollen season seems to get worse each year. Page 10 of 12
Articles Rubric for Independent Reading Journal (10%) 5 12341. Summary (4 %)2. Reflection (3%)3. Vocabulary Learned (3%) Scores Total scores _______ ÷ 5 = _____ marksCriteria for the above categories1. Rubric for Article SummaryCategory 5-4 3 2 1-0Summarizing Provides a very Provides a clear Provides a clear but Provides a somewhatthe content thorough and clear and concise shallow summary of muddled, unclear and and concise summary of the the article; may be rambling summary of summary of the article context excessively brief or the article. article context and and content. may include some content. extraneous information.Identifying Student recalls Student recalls Student is not able to Student cannot locateDetails several details for details for most locate most of the details with accuracy. each main point. main point. details of the main point. Is characterized byParaphrasing Is characterized by Is characterized Is characterized by the substantial paraphrasing of the by paraphrasing the substantial copying of main idea and of the main idea copying of key indiscriminately significant details and significant phrases and minimal selected phrases or details paraphrasing sentences.Spelling & There are few or There are some There are serious Serious errors inGrammar no errors in usage, errors in usage, errors in usage, mechanics, usage, grammar, grammar, grammar, grammar, or spelling punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, that make the sentence sentence sentence fragments, summary difficult to fragments, or fragments, or or spelling. understand. spelling. spelling.Total ________/20 ÷ 5 = 4 %2. Reflection on the Articles (3%)Students who have completely and clearly responded to the guided questions stated in the reading journalform will get 3 marks.3. Vocabulary Learned (3%) Page 11 of 12
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