ROTARACT CLUB OF GCT COIMBATORE ISSUE NO. 2 | AUGUST 2021 EDITION Parented by Rotary Club of Coimbatore East Group 2 | Rotary International District 3201 EXPRIMERE Expressing Rotaraction
02Editor’s Note 05Dhosthu 07Orientation 03Calendar 0 6Saviours 08Installation INSIDE 10Our Happenings 13Handmades 15Happy Birthday 12Notable Projects 1 4Let’s Learn 1 6Aptitude Puzzle 01
EDITOR’S NOTE Hola Readers! We are very much rapturous to publish our second edition of EXPRIMERE. It makes our hearts very much contented and elated to receive a up-to- scratch recognition for our first edition. All are stirred up after our installa- tion and we are very eager to put in our efforts to uplift the club to next level. Off icially we are now, the editorial team of our club and this thought aroused all of us to give our full involvement to mark the best. We hope that you'll def initely love this edition. Let's together make an Impact! \" The best view comes after the hardest climb.\" EDITORIAL TEAM Rtr. Sabeera Jenisha Rtr. Sowmiya Rtr. Harini Rtr. Hiteshwaran Rtr. Muthukumaran 02
RAC GCT’S CALENDAR August 01 02 03 04 05 08 09 INSIGHT 07 10 06 Know Yourself Kalaikaram 11 12 13 14 15 Jingalalaa Come On Kaipulla Jingo Green 03
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Wriggling Out Thupparivalan LEH 26 27 28 29 30 Naatu Nadapu INHERIT Re - Touch 31 August 04
DHOSTHU A f riend is like a star that twinkles and glows. There are friends who are positive, The feeling of f riendship is something like And friends who are negative; \"magic\" that cannot be described by words. Friendship is a kind of laconic. When there is Some stick with you in your ups and downs, trust, understanding, loyalty, and sharing, Sing, laugh, cry and even make funny f rowns; whatever may be the difference between you and your friend, it will vanish away and it Treasure and love those special friends, won't bother much. Like Dhoni and Virat , Pray that this friendship never ends. Vijay and Ajith, MGR and Karunanidhi and many more, they adore their bond inspite of their position and profession. They didn't mix their personal and professional life. Friend- ship is a rare feeling, but it could be found def initely. It has profound impact on well-be- ing, strength, and quality. Friendship is won- derful, and much ink has been spilled in citing the virtues of having friends. That’s not to say f riendship is easy, though. It demands time and effort, and it requires that people put someone other than themselves first some- times. But in exchange for that work, a friend can provide an immense amount of support and comfort in good times and in bad. 05
SAVIOURS Deep and dark stories behind, The life of soldiers were left undefined. They sacrif ice their lives for our country, Saving us f rom the enemy’s entry. Leaving aside their families and love, For them to our knees we bow. The country is in debt to all who serve, Huge esteem and respect they deserve. -Rtr. Meharun Halidha Vice President 06
INSIGHT - CLUB ORIENTATION \"And suddenly you just know its time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.\" We the Rotaract Club of GCT Coimbatore, had completed our club's orientation \"INSIGHT\" on August 1.The trainer Rtr. PP Muthu Prasanna sir, a certif ied district trainer, carried the event in a very funny and in interesting way. He taught us a lot about Rotaract. Throughout the session he never failed to make us smile. In other words, he took the session very practically. The event was very interactive and benef icial. The event was also live-streamed on Youtube. At the end of the session we enhanced our knowledge about Rotaract. More than 100 partici- pants attended the orientation. 07
INHERIT ‘21 You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun. But in our case, it was slightly easy to explore things because of our seniors, the dream team(2020-21). Yeah, it's time to pass on the legacy. INHERIT'21, the Installation ceremony of the Rotaract club of GCT Coim- batore was held on 28.08.21 on the Zoom platform. Welcome Per- formance is a mandatory thing on every occasion. In this ceremo- ny our Treasurer Rtr. Jigendra Gowri and our Editor Rtr. Sabeera Jenisha gave the perfect welcoming performance. We had our beloved Vice-Principal Dr.P.K.Palani as our special guest and our DRR Rtr. Keerthi Vivek as a special invitee and our staff coordinator Dr. P. Ilamathi and Rtn. P.R. Muthuswamy( President, RC CBE EAST), Rtn. R.Vijay Krishnan( Secretary, RC CBE EAST), Rtn. Rajesh Chinnaswamy ( Youth service Director) as the Guests of honor. The annual Secretary report was presented as a video by our outgoing Secretary Rtr. Deebika S. Our outgoing Presi- dent Rtr. Bharath T V pre- sented his farewell speech followed by which he installed Rtr. Jaishree G V as the Presi- dent by adorning the collar. It was such a bliss- ful moment. 08
Our newly installed President introduced her team of office-bearers. After which, exchange of Club Charter was done by our outgoing Sec- retary Rtr. Deebika S to the incoming Secre- tary Rtr. Jini J Tracy. Then we had our club releases by GRR and GRS. We happily released the book written by our very own Impact team's Vice President Rtr. Meharun Halidha M. Our special guests, guests of honors, and the special invitee had addressed the gathering. Felicitations were given by DRR elect, DGS, our Club advisor, GRR and GRS of Group 2. RAC GCT is incomplete without the token of Love. Yes, we expressed our gratitude through our handmade works which were done by our fellow Rotaractors. We have got new responsi- bilities for which we will work hard for the whole year. We the team IMPACT(2021-2022) will def initely make an IMPACT in the history of RAC GCT. “Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away f rom what might have been, and look at what can be.” 09
LEAP LEAP- Club Officers Training Seminar was held on August 15th. It was organized by our district 3201. They conducted sessions for all the avenue directors and also for the editorial team, Finance, and public image. The trainers of each session taught us the do's and dont's and they taught a lot about Rotaract. This enlightened us a lot and we gained a lot of information about the Rotaract.400+ par- ticipants were participated in this training seminar and found it to be very useful. \"The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it f rom you.\" OUR HAPPENINGS SPARKLE Sparkle- Training of Presidents and Secretaries were held on 7th & 8th of August. It was hosted by Rotarct clubs of Covai user group, Coimbatore Gaalaxy and Western Valley, RI district 3201. The train- ing took place for 2 days. Many interesting and useful sessions were held. Each session was handled by separate trainers who briefed everything very clearly to the participants. They carried the ses- sions in a very productive manner. In this event, Rtr. Jini J Tracy, Secretary of our club has received the Style icon of Sparkle Best dressed - Female award. We also received the Sparkle kit f rom the host club. This training was very much useful for us and we learnt a lot about the club and how to carry the club to a next step. \"Learning never exhausts the mind\" 10
JINGALALAA \"Three chiefs were on the same chair\" The Rotaract Club of GCT Coimbatore in collaboration with Rotary Club of Coimbatore East, Cochin east, and Nasik Grapecity has successfully completed the event Jingalalaa- celebrating youth. This event was conducted to celebrate youth week. Jingalalaa is an event that is composed of few contests exclusively organized for the interactors. We also had the support of Rotarians, dis- trict chairmen, our own beloved board members with- out whom the reach of this event wouldn't have attained the maximum. Interactors thoroughly enjoyed the event and showcased their talents. All kids were credited with a bunch of knowledge and we developed a platform to expose them. We also awarded cash prizes to all the win- ners, runners, and special mention of the contest, and all the participants were given participation certificates along with the Token of love f rom the Rotaractors of RaC GCT. This event will surely be a remarkable one, as we had Rotarians-Rotaractors-Interactors on board. 11
Jingo Green Thupparivalan \" The goal isn't to live forever, \"If things were easy to find, they wouldn't be worth finding.\" the goal is to create some- thing that will.\" So here we took immense pleasure in conducting a virtu- al treasure hunt event, \"Thuparivalan- find the Sherlock On account of 75th Indepen- Holmes in you\". We conducted this event exclusively for dence day, we were very juniors to make them know about the Rotaract. The happy in delivering a commu- juniors enjoyed the event to the fullest. Totally 43 partici- nity service event \"Jingo pants attended the event and learned more information Green- go green and Patri- about our club. otize\" we collected the seeds and painted them to make NOTABLE PROJECTS them look like a paper flag and we planted them. This LEH event was done in 2 districts - Tiruppur and Cuddalore. This “Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey\". event creates awareness and motivates people to plant We were super excited in delivering 'LEH- Land of High trees. Passes' a virtual interview and we also streamed it live on our official Instagram page. We interviewed Mr. Mugesh, the YouTuber, who had traveled to Ladakh through his bike a few days back. We requested him to share different expe- riences and information about his travel to Ladakh. The moderator was our Vice President Rtr. Meharun Halidha M. The inter- view was both productive and fun-filled. 12
HANDMADES From the desk of Customizing & Archives 13
ഓണം – േകരള�ിന്െറ സാംസ്കാരിക ആേഘാഷം LET’S LEARN മലയാളികളുടെ ദേശീയ ഉതസ് വം ആണ് ഓണം. ഓണം ആതയ് ന്തികമായി Onam- The cultural festival of Kerala ഒരു വിളവെടുപ്പ് അഥവാ വ്യാപരോത്സാവമാണെന്ന് കരുതിപ്പോരുനന് ു. The festival of Onam is both a national and cultural festival of Kerala. It is consid- ered to be the ultimate harvest or trade festival. Another mythological aspect കേരളം ഭരിചച് ിരുന്ന മഹാബലി ചക്രവർതത് ി തനറ് െ പര് ജകളെ related to Onam is that Emperor Mahabali, who ruled Kerala once upon a time, came to visit his subject . Mahabali aka Maveli was the Asura emperor who ruled സനദ് ർശിക്കുന്നതിന് വേണട് ി വരുകയാണ് എനന് താണ് മററ് ൊരു Kerala. Hei was able to bring his glory to the heavens through his deeds. But Indra, who is the king of Devas was upset and sought the help of Lord Vishnu to ഐതീഹ്യം... കേരളം ഭരിച്ചിരുനന് അസുര ചകര് വർത്തി ആയിരുന്നു evacuate Mahabali from Kerala, and then Lord Vishnu appeared on earth in the guise of a Brahmin boy, Vamana. Vamana freed Mahabali from his pride by the മഹാബലി. കർമ്മങ്ങൾ കൊണട് ് തന്നെ തനറ് െ യശസസ് ് ദേവലോകത്ത് touch of his feet and lifted him to the sutala (underground). However, Mahabali requested permission to visit his subjects every year, and that he was allowed to വരെ എത്തികക് ാൻ മഹാബലി ക്ക് സാധിചച് ിരുനന് ു. എന്നാൽ ഇതിൽ come every year on the day of Thiruvonam in the month of Chingam. Onam is celebrated by the Malayalees for ten days from the Atham nakshatra in the അസ്വസഥ് നായിരുനന് ു ഇന്ദര് ൻ മഹാവിഷണ് ുവിൻനറ് െ സഹായം month of Chingam. Onam celebrations include flower arrangements in the yard called Pookkalam, a rich feast accompanied with variety of games. “Thrikkak- തേടുകയും, തുടർനന് ് മഹാവിഷണ് ു ഒരു ബ്രാഹ്മണ ബാലനറ് െ ദവഷം പൂണട് ു karayappan” is another ritual associated with Onam. This method is mainly found in some places in Thrissur district. Thrikkakarayappan, made of clay or ഭൂമിയിൽ അവതരിക്കുകയും ആണ് ഉണട് ായത്. വാമനന് തന്റെ പാദ wood, is placed on a pedestal and decorated with flowers. The most important of them are Kaikottikali (a dance form by clapping hands) and thumbithullal (a സപ് ർശത്താൽ മഹാബലിയെ അഹങക് ാരത്തിൽ നിന്ന് മോചിതനാക്കി kind of game). “Pulikkali” is a traditional art form celebrated only in Thrissur district on the fourth Onam. It is believed to be celebrated since half a century സുതലതത് ിലേകക് ് ഉയര്ത്തി. എന്നാൽ എലല് ാ വർഷവും തന്റെ പര് ജകളെ old. Flexibility and athleticism are the must-have features of Tigers. “Kummati” is another traditional art form found in Thrissur district. Kummati is performed for സന്ദർശിക്കുന്നതിന് വേണട് ി അനുവാദം നൽകണമെനന് ് മഹാബലി the sake of Goddess Preethi and in connection with the harvest. Apart from all this, ‘Aranmula Boat Raceʼ is another annual festival that is held on the auspicious ആവശയ് പ്പെടട് ത് അനുസരിചച് ,് എല്ലാ വർഷവും ചിങങ് മാസതത് ിലെ day of the month of Chingam. Onam is a celebration of prosperity. A festival of abundance celebrated by those who have and those who do not. This festival is തിരുവോണം നാളിൽ വന്നു കൊള്ളാൻ അനുവാദം നൽകുകയും ചെയ്തു celebrated by all the Keralites and some as Sravanotsava all over the world with the same enthusiasm and joy and is also a symbol of the culture of Kerala. We എന്നതാണ് ഐതിഹയ് ം. ചിങങ് മാസതത് ിലെ അതത് ം നക്ഷത്രം മുതൽ can hope that it will remain in its beauty and purity for centuries to come. പത്തു ദിവസം ആണ് മലയാളികള് ഓണം ആഘോഷികക് ുനന് ത.് മുററ് ത്തു Rtr Midhun Dinesh President പൂക്കളം ഒരുക്കിയും, വിഭവ സമൃദ്ധമായ സദയ് ഒരുകക് ിയും, വിവിധ Rotaract Club of LEAD രീതിയിലുളള് കളികളിൽ മുഴുകിയും ആണ് ഓണാഘോഷം. ഓണവും ആയി Parented by Rotary club of Palghat East ബനധ് പപ് െടട് ് മററ് ൊരു ആചാരമാണ് ‘തൃക്കാക്കരയപപ് ന്ʼ. തൃശ്ശൂര് Club ID 90502 | RID 3201 | Group II ജിലല് യിലെ ചില ഇടങങ് ളിൽ ആണ് ഈ രീതി പര് ധാനമായും കണ്ടുവരുനന് ത.് കളിമണണ് ് കൊണ്ടോ മരം കൊണട് ോ നിർമിച്ച തൃക്കാകക് രയപപ് നെ ഒരു പീഠത്തിൽ ഇരുതത് ി പുഷപ് ങങ് ള് കൊണട് ് അലങ്കരിച്ച് ചില പൂജകള് ചെയത് . നാലാം ഓണതിന് തൃശൂർ ജില്ലയിൽ മാതര് ം ആഘോഷിക്കുന്ന ഒരു അനുഷഠ് ാന കല ആണ് പുലികക് ളി. അര അരനൂററ് ാണട് ് പഴക്കമുളള് തായി വിശവ് സിക്കപ്പെടുനന് ു. മെയവ് ഴകക് വും കായികശേഷിയും പുലികളികക് ാർകക് ് ഉണ്ടായിരികക് േണട് നിർബന്ധ സവിശേഷതകാളാണ്.. തൃശൂർ ജിലല് യിൽ തനന് െ കാണുനന് മറ്റൊരു അനുഷ്ഠാന കല ആണ് കുമ്മാടട് ി. ദേവി പര് ീതിക്ക് വേണട് ിയും, വിളടവെുപ്പിനോട് അനുബന്ധിച്ച് ആണ് കുമ്മാട്ടി നടതത് ുനന് ത.് ഇതിനെല്ലാം പുറമെ വരത് ്ഷം നടതത് ിവരുന്ന മററ് ൊരു ആചാരം ആണ് ‘ആറന്മുള വള്ളംകളി ‘.ചിങ്ങമാസത്തിലെ ഉതര് ടട് ാതി നാളിലാണ് ആറനമ് ുള വളള് ംകളി നടതത് ുനന് ത്. ഓണം ഐശവ് രയ് തത് ിന്റെ ആഘോഷം ആണ.് ഉള്ളവനും ഇലല് ാതത് വനും ഒരു പോലെ ആഘോഷിക്കുന്ന സമൃദ്ധിയുടെ ഉത്സവം. ലോകമെമ്പാടുമുളള് എലല് ാ മലയാളികളും ഒരേ ആവേശത്തോടെ, സന്തോഷതത് ോടെ ആഘോഷിചച് ു പോരുനന് ഈ ഉത്സവം, കേരളതത് ിനറ് െ സംസ്കാരത്തിനറ് െ അടയാളം കൂടി ആണ്. നൂറാണ്ടുകള്ക്ക് ശേഷവും ഇത് അതിനറ് െ സൗന്ദര്യതത് ിലും പരിശുദ്ധിയിലും നില നിൽക്കടട് െ എനന് ് നമുക്ക് പര് ത്യാശിക്കാം. 14
Happy Birthday Rtr. Jini J Tracy August 3 May all the joy you have spread around come back to you a hundredfold! Rtr. Jigendhra Gowri August 3 15
01 APTITUDE PUZZLE 02 A and B started a busi- 03 A dealer buys a prod- ness by investing uct at Rs. 1920, he sells Rs.4000/- and Rs.5000/- at a discount of 20% respectively. Find the A’s still he gets the profit share out of a total profit of 20 %. What is the of Rs.1800: selling price of that product? A. Rs.1000/- B.Rs.1800/- C. Rs.800/- D. Rs.400/- A. Rs.1159 B. Rs.1550 C. Rs.2304 D. Rs.1785 04 Find the Missing 05 Number 2, 6, 12, 20, In a lottery, there are 30, 42, 56, __ Ten years ago, P was 10 prizes and 25 half of Q's age. If the blanks. A lottery is A. 60 B. 64 ratio of their present drawn at random. C. 72 D. 70 ages is 3:4, what will What is the probabili- be the total of their ty of getting a prize? present ages? ANSWERS: 1) Rs. 800/- A. 1/10 B. 2/5 A. 45 B. 40 2)Rs.2304 C. 2/7 D. 5/7 C. 35 D. 30 3)72 4) 2/7 16 5)35
GROW CULTIVATE TRANSMUTE ISSUE NO: 2 | AUGUST 2021 EDITION [email protected] @rotaract_gct rotaract gct
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