CONSERVATION COUNCIL OF NEW BRUNSWICK Spring 2017 Publication Poste- Mail publications 40050411FISH, DRINK, SWIM – PROTECTING NB’S WATER
BOARD OF DIRECTORS editorialPRESIDENT N It’s time to protect our watershedsew Brunswick is rich in beautiful lakes, rivers and streams. WhetherJohn Crompton it’s our 5,000 kilometres of ocean We believe that under the new strategy,DIRECTORS government should establish a baseline water quality classification system to betterJohn Bird coast, our 60,000 kilometres understand the health of our water systems.Deborah Carr of major rivers and lovely streams, or Already adopted in many jurisdictionsJean-Eudes Chiasson our 2,500 lakes, we know them all, love worldwide, the water health classificationStephanie Coburn them all, and argue which part of our wet system would set transparent goals toPatrick Colford province is our favourite. maintain and improve water quality.Susan EddyJim Emberger Citizens from all walks of life and in all The process works by “classifying” rivers,Hannah Grant communities in the province highly value lakes, and tributaries, using scientific-Frank Johnston this beautiful, natural heritage. A recent based parameters (for example, dissolvedDavid MacDonald public opinion poll conducted for the oxygen, nutrient status and aquatic life).Tyler McCready Conservation Council finds a large majority Governments then work with groups in eachTeri McMackin of us are concerned about the health of our watershed, including business, communityRob Moir water and believe that it is at risk from too and environmental organizations, to eitherLiane Thibodeau much pollution. protect or improve on water health. ThatPaula Tippett So it’s a good thing to see that the inclusive process ensures river health isAllan Vallis provincial government is working to maintained or improved over time. LuckilyJessica Vihvelin develop a comprehensive water protection for us, we have an existing regulation underNikole Watson strategy. our important Clean Water Act that we can In the old days, governments focused use (or even improve on).STAFF almost entirely on industrial pollution and All over Europe, in New Zealand, and sewage, and developed policy tools, like in most parts of the United States, thisEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR certificates of approvals, to restrict runoff system of protecting watersheds has led at the “end of the pipe.” Those restrictions to sustainable water management plansLois Corbett helped. A lot. and restoration projects that connect the Over time, governments developed upstream and downstream communities.PROGRAM STAFF drinking water protection plans that were New Brunswick started work on this a bit more comprehensive — setting wide science-based system over 15 years ago,Matt Abbott, Fundy Baykeeper buffers zones around municipal wells and with the intent to “eventually classify allScott Babin, BuyLocal NB prohibiting certain types of activities within waters in the Province, watershed byZachary Bourque, Forest Conservation those areas. watershed.”Anne Carruzzo, Translator Gradually scientists, environmental It’s high time we got this done.Louise Comeau, Climate Change experts and policy advisors withinand Energy Solutions government recognized the limits of both LOIS CORBETT is theOlivia DeYoung, Marine Conservation the end-of-the-pipe approach, and focusing Executive Director of theTracy Glynn, Forest Conservation solely on drinking water, and advocated for Conservation Council ofKaleigh Holder, Freshwater Intern comprehensive, science-based, watershed- New BrunswickNadine Ives, Learning Outside wide protection planning.Brittany MacLean, Tula Farm Newcomer Garden That approach needs to form the basis of the government’s strategy now.C0MMUNICATIONS TEAM Sign up to become a member of your localCorey Robichaud environmental group today!Emily McPheeSamantha Phillips, Videographer Annual memberships are only $30/year. We need yourADMINISTRATION support to amplify our voice for the environment and healthyStephanie Phillips communities.GRAPHIC DESIGN To join and receive your free subscription to EcoAlert, please contact us at:Stacy Howroyd, [email protected] [email protected] or telephone us at 458-8747 EcoAlert Magazine is printed on FSC-certified paper www.conservationcouncil.cawith vegetable-based inks. Learn more about FSC’s strictenvironmental and social standards at /conservationcouncil @cc_nb @conservationcouncilnb If you prefer to only receive EcoAlert in our convenientdigital edition (available for free anytime on our websiteand accessible on all your devices), please email us [email protected] photo: Greg Hemmings 3 ecoalert SPRING 2017
Julia Linke is a co-author ofa study on forest loss in the Miramichi watershed.Satellite data shows Miramichi watershed forest loss By Tracy GlynnForest loss in the headwaters of The 2017 study notes that Miramichi’s Miramichi’s watershed is happening forest is dominated by red spruce, balsam of New Brunswick, in the Chronicle-Herald and warrants our attention, fir, yellow birch, sugar maple, as well on Jan. 17, 2017. Crossland pointed out why according to a study released as tree species that are in decline in we should be concerned about forest loss: in January 2017 in the highest-ranking the region, such as white pine, eastern “Forests take decades, and in some cases scientific journal on remote sensing. hemlock, eastern cedar and beech. Four centuries, to grow back, especially tree The article assesses the accuracy of large Crown land licence holders operated species of higher value that prefer shade annual forest loss data from global satellite on Miramichi’s public lands in the studied and naturally achieve large sizes.” imagery (publicly accessible through period: the provincial government (in a The Conservation Council produced a Global Forest Watch) across 8,520 square licence previously held by Weyerhaeuser), video in 2014 and brought to the media’s kilometres of public lands in the Miramichi Fornebu (previously UPM Kymmene), J.D. attention in 2012 how this newly available River basin from the year 2000 to 2012. Irving Ltd. and Twin Rivers (previously satellite imagery was showing that New The Miramichi River basin covers one- Fraser Paper Nexfor). Only approximately Brunswick was no longer home to large quarter of the 73,000 square kilometres of 2.6 per cent of Miramichi Crown land was intact forest areas, outside of the province’s New Brunswick’s land base. The scientists catalogued as protected. The Miramichi three-per cent protected forest areas. used forest harvest inventory data made River basin study area also included 2,586 New Brunswick’s Auditor-General Kim available from the Department of Natural square kilometres of land managed by MacPherson noted in her 2015 report that Resources (now the Department of Energy industrial freehold, 89 per cent of it by J.D. 80 per cent of all the wood harvested from and Resource Development) to assess the Irving Ltd., and 2,110 square kilometres of New Brunswick’s Crown forests in the accuracy of the forest loss dataset and private land. past two decades has happened through found it to be quite reliable when applied The high harvest rates on industrial clearcutting. She recommended that to clearcut mapping in the temperate forest freehold in the Miramichi watershed is of forest management decisions be based on region of Miramichi. further concern given that J.D. Irving asked science. The study by Julia Linke et al. published the provincial government in 2012 to have The recent scientific study by Linke et al., in Remote Sensing of Environment also all Crown land in New Brunswick managed validating satellite data of annual forest summarizes the annual forest harvest as J.D. Irving freehold. The proposal was loss in the Miramichi watershed while also in each of the sub-watersheds of the only made known to the public through noting the most severe forest loss in the Miramichi, as well as the forest harvest a sweep of the provincial archives by the headwaters of the Southwestern region rates on licensed Crown land and industrial Halifax Media Co-op and the NB Media of Miramichi, highlights the urgent need freehold land in that area. Industrial Co-op. for considering the impact that pervasive freehold located near the headwaters of How satellite imagery is revealing serious clearcutting has on water quality and the southwestern Miramichi had the highest forest loss next door in Nova Scotia was aquatic species of the Miramichi River harvest rates, leading the authors to call for the subject of an opinion piece by Donna to help guide future management and monitoring and impact assessments of that Crossland, a biologist who holds a Masters conservation efforts and align them with area. of Science in Forestry from the University New Brunswickers’ priorities regarding forest values. 4 ecoalert SPRING 2017
Policy TalkMother Nature sent us wicked weatherfor most of January and February, and theConservation Council responded with aflurry of effort of our own – commentingon key policy issues in front of federal,provincial and local governmentdecision-makers. Prior to the government of New for moving New Brunswick forward on The Conservation Council and Fundy Brunswick’s public meetings on the energy efficiency and renewable energy Baykeeper were among the many groups response to January’s ice storms, Louise during the pre-budget consultation phase across the country that called for strong Comeau, the Conservation Council’s in late 2016. protection of fresh and saltwater habitat Climate and Energy Solutions Director, The Conservation Council’s Fundy for fish in a new Fisheries Act. shared research and recommendations Baykeeper, Matthew Abbott, is keeping T he Conservation Council’s Tracy Glynn with the government on the province’s a close eye on the federal government’s joined Stop Spraying NB at the N.B. capacity to adapt and respond to climate work to modernize the National Energy Legislature on Dec. 6, 2016 to witness change-induced extreme weather Board. The government established the submission of a petition against events. The submission highlights the an Expert Panel to engage Indigenous glyphosate spraying of the forest to need for a long-term risk reduction and peoples, interested stakeholders, Environment Minister Serge Rouselle. With preparedness plan and the development provinces and territories, as well as the over 27,000 people signing the petition, it of a regional renewable energy plan for public on how to strengthen the energy is believed that this petition has the most the Acadian Peninsula. regulatory process. Abbott will appear at signatures of any petition ever submitted the Expert Panel session in Saint John on to the NB Legislative Assembly. The NB government announced the March 21. formation of a Cabinet Committee to T he Conservation Council and Fundy You can learn more about these policy oversee action on the provincial climate Baykeeper are pleased that the House issues and read the Conservation Council’s plan on Jan. 27. Direct involvement of Commons Standing Committee on advice by checking out our website at: across departments, driven by leadership Fisheries and Oceans has included of the Premier and Cabinet Ministers, several key recommendations towards was a recommendation made by the protecting fish and fish habitat in the Conservation Council in its July 2016 report the Committee tabled on Feb. 24. report, “A Bold, Made-in- New Brunswick Plan to Address Climate Change,” which was supported by the three-party Select Committee on Climate Change in its October 2016 report. L ois Corbett, our Executive Director, reacted to the government of New Brunswick’s 2017-2018 budget delivered by Finance Minister Cathy Rogers on Feb. 7. Corbett told the Telegraph- Journal that: “The government missed an important opportunity when it chose not to increase spending to help low-income families and seniors invest in energy efficiency retrofits for their homes.” The Conservation Council had submitted our input on where investments were needed 5
Is New Brunswick’s water classification for rivers and lakes back on track? By Corey RobichaudNew Brunswick’s water classification system for the rivers Classification Regulation under the Clean as a critical part of an overall water and lakes is back on the table Water Act was a frequently raised concern. protection strategy by setting up a technical for discussion as part of a water That is why we are establishing a technical working group. This clears the way for thestrategy for the province. working group to look at this particular issue government to create a comprehensive and in depth and provide recommendations as progressive strategy, one based in modernCommenting on the engagement sessions we develop the overall water strategy.” law,” said Corbett.on water in 2016 that garnered feedback The Conservation Council’s Lois Corbett is Water classification systems are usedfrom a variety of stakeholders, First Nations one of the fifteen members of the technical worldwide as a science-based tool toand the public, Environment and Local working group on water. protect water quality. For example, theGovernment Minister Serge Roussellesaid, “The current status of the Water “We are especially pleased to see the Nashwaak River was designated as a Minister is committed to water classification Class A watercourse, which would protect it from new sources of pollution. When a water body is classified, volunteer groups, government and business then work together to maintain its classification.Crafters of Extraordinary Coffees! The Nashwaak Watershed Association lodged a complaint with the provincial Since 1996 ombudsman over management of the water classification program in 2014. In his response, Ombudsman Charles Murray condemned the management of the water classification program and said the program was bound by legal problems that had reduced the environmental regulation to what he described as “a smoke-alarm without batteries.” “There comes a point when an extended delay in implementing the provisions of an Act or Regulation thwarts the expressed will of the Legislative Assembly or the Lieutenant Governor in Council,” wrote Murray in his August 2014 report. 3935, route 115 Notre-Dame, New Brunswick1 (888) 224-2233 • [email protected] • 6 ecoalert SPRING 2017
Fixing a guttedFisheries ActThe Fisheries Act is almost as old as Canada and has served as an lakes, our rivers, and our oceans. Given that released its report on February 24, 2017. important piece of environmental we cannot fully understand complex aquatic The report makes 32 recommendations, legislation throughout the past ecosystems, it is wise to focus on protecting many of which propose restoring the building blocks of natural ecosystems. protections lost in 2012, addressing longcentury and a half. Of course, it has gone The post 2012 emphasis on particular standing regulatory issues, and filling gapsthrough several changes over those many fisheries failed to grasp this responsible in funding and enforcement capacity. If theyears, strengthened in 1977, then drastically approach to fisheries management. Committee’s recommendations are actedrolled back in 2012. on, the Fisheries Act will once again serve In 2012 major changes were made to Since the 2012 changes there have as a central tool in protecting our sharedthe Fisheries Act, effectively gutting been efforts across the country to see the fresh and saltwater. Fisheries Act, and other environmentalkey aspects of the Act. This occurred in legislation, restored. The scientific Restoring and improving ourthe context of major rollbacks to other community, Indigenous communities, fishery environmental legislation is much moreenvironmental legislation, including the organizations, and environmental and than an academic exercise. We are livingCanadian Environmental Assessment Act conservation groups have all worked closely in an era of climate change. Our aquaticand the Navigable Waters Protection Act to push for a restoration of the Fisheries ecosystems will be contending with(now called the Navigation Protection Act). Act and other legislation. Throughout these changes in temperature, pH shifts due toOne of the most galling changes to the efforts, new relationships were forged and a ocean acidification, and changes in speciesFisheries Act was the removal of explicit strong voice for restoration of environmental distribution. We need to make goodprotection of fish habitat and a replacement protections carried forward to the 2015 decisions now if we want to give our lakes,with a provision prohibiting “serious harm” federal election. rivers, and coastal waters a chance to beto fish that contribute to “a commercial, resilient in face of a changing climate.recreational, or aboriginal fishery.” The new government elected in 2015 brought with it a commitment to “reviewThe prohibition of the destruction of fish the previous government’s changes to thehabitat was the cornerstone of the Fisheries Fisheries and Navigable Waters ProtectionAct, giving it its real strength. Focusing Acts, restore lost protections, and incorporateon protecting habitat showed that we modern safeguards.” The Government hasunderstood that we are not all-knowing, that continued movement toward making changewe cannot fully understand the complex through a House of Commons Standing By Matthew Abbottecological processes that occur in our Committee on Fisheries and Oceans, which The scientific community, Indigenous communities, fishery organizations, and environmental and conservation groups have all worked closely to push for arestoration of the Fisheries Act and other legislation. 7
Mount Polley tailings disasterstill wreaking havoc over two years later:Why the Sisson mine is a concern for the NashwaakOne of the world’s largest “Tons of toxic substances By Tracy Glynn tailing dams is proposed to were dumped into waterways. be constructed in the upper Fish habitats were destroyed. Failures,” co-authored by Chambers, half Nashwaak River Valley as part of People’s drinking water was of serious tailings dam failures in the last the proposed Sisson mine operation. With affected. Yet, nearly three 70 years, 33 of 67, occurred between 1990 catastrophic mine waste spills on the rise years after the disaster, and 2009. Eleven catastrophic failures are and a failure of the Sisson mine’s permitting and despite clear evidence predicted globally from 2010 to 2019. The process to examine the possibility of a tailings of violations of Canadian average cost of these catastrophic tailings breach, there is reason to worry about the laws, no charges have been dam failures is $543 million, according to future of the Nashwaak Watershed. brought forward by any level Chambers’ report. of government.” While the industry says that they are Jacinda Mack says that the lives and working on best practices for tailings landscape of the Secwepemc territory in the – U go Lapointe, Canada Program dams, catastrophic mine waste spills are heart of British Columbia forever changed Coordinator for MiningWatch Canada increasing in frequency, severity and cost on August 4, 2014, the day the Mount because of, and not in spite of, modern Polley tailings dam breached. Mack was the precedent for other mines across the mining techniques. The tailings dams are Natural Resources Manager for the Xat’sull country, let alone internationally,” said Ugo getting larger and are not subjected to First Nation when 25 million cubic metres Lapointe, Canada Program Coordinator proper regulations. (10,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools) of for MiningWatch Canada. The organization Mining is essentially a waste management contaminated process water and tailings is taking the B.C. government and Mount industry, says Joan Kuyek, founder of poured into Polley Lake, Quesnel Lake and, Polley Mining Corporation to court for MiningWatch Canada. Kuyek argues that eventually, the Fraser River Basin. violations of the Fisheries Act in relation to mining has short-term benefits and long- Before the Mount Polley disaster, Xat’sull the Mount Polley disaster. term consequences. What to do with the families harvested and processed up to B.C. made some amendments to its large amounts of waste generated from the 200 salmon per family. The Quesnel Lake mining code in July 2015 in response to mining of ore has always been a problem watershed supported a lucrative sport and recommendations made by an inquiry and the problem is getting worse with the commercial fisheries and tourism industry, into the Mount Polley disaster, but Mack, mining of low grade ores that generate while also being home to resource extraction now the coordinator of the First Nations even more waste and require even larger in the form of mining and logging. Women Advocating Responsible Mining, dams or storage facilities. The increasing For the losses suffered by the worst mine argues that the changes are not strong rate of tailings dam failures is directly waste spill in North America’s history, the enough to prevent another Mount Polley related to the increasing number of larger Xat’sull First Nation at one point received disaster. tailings dams. tins of salmon to compensate for the loss of David Chambers, a mining technical Mining companies dump tailings, the wild salmon contaminated by the spill. The specialist with the U.S.-based Center for waste left over after ore has been mined company that operates the Mount Polley mine Science in Public Participation, maintains and processed, into dams for permanent and tailings dam, Imperial Metals, was never tailings disasters are on the rise and storage because it is cheaper than other fined by the B.C. government. advocates against the construction methods that are considered less risky “Tons of toxic substances were dumped into of new tailing dams. According to the to the environment such as the dry-stack waterways. Fish habitats were destroyed. report, “The Risk, Public Liability, and tailings method. People’s drinking water was affected. Economics of Tailings Storage Facility Knowing all we know about the risks Yet, nearly three years after the disaster, associated with today’s tailings dams, one and despite clear evidence of violations has to wonder whether we will one day of Canadian laws, no charges have been be telling stories of the day the Sisson brought forward by any level of government. tailings dam breached and devastated the This is wrong, simply wrong. It sets a terrible Nashwaak River.8 ecoalert SPRING 2017
THE PROPOSED SISSON MINE:One of the world’s largest open-pit tungsten and molybdenum minesQuarry Tailings Storage Facility PProlacnetss Napadogan Ludlow Global Tailings Dam Open Boiestown Failures Pit Williamsburg 1990-2009TraannsdmFisirseiolannLeine Stanley Cross Creek 33 Tay Creek Global Tailings Dam 8 KM Disasters Predicted Tailings Dam 2010-2019 87m 11 Open pit: 370 m deep Lawrence Wuest, a resident of Stanley, has The Conservation Council brought together average cost perworked diligently to reveal the impacts of what experts to examine and comment on the tailingS dam failurecould be one of the world’s largest open-pit mine’s environmental assessment reports.tungsten and molybdenum mines. The Sisson Based on the experts’ assessment of the $543mine, owned by Northcliff Resources and Todd project and environmental assessment, theMinerals, is located about 30 km from Stanley Conservation Council argues that the Sisson MILLIONand 60 km northwest from Fredericton. mine should not be approved. ImportantThe operation would have a footprint of questions about the mine’s impact on the Source: Centre for Science in Publicapproximately 1,250 ha, a 145 ha open-pit that natural environment remain unanswered. Participation www.csp2.orgis 370 m deep, and a tailings dam estimated Shockingly, the Environmental Impactto be 87 m in height at its deepest point and Assessment for the mine ignored calls for an8 km in length. In comparison, the Mactaquac assessment of a possible tailings breach intodam is about 40 to 50 m in height and 0.5 km the Nashwaak River.long. When Ministers responsible for mining from According to Wuest, if a tailings breach were provinces and territories across Canada meetto occur at the Sisson mine, the volume could in St. Andrew’s, New Brunswick this summer,be four times more than that spilled at the it will be a time for them to stand up andMount Polley site. If the tailings dam did fail, ensure that our watersheds are protectedaccording to Wuest, the tailings would travel from being forever devastated by a mine’sdown the Nashwaak River and reach Stanley in waste.17 minutes and Fredericton in three days. 9
NBers Love Restigouche Watershed Cam Management CouncilTheir Watersheds uitch Rive By Tracy Glynn, Kedgwick River r Kaleigh Holder and Upsalq Emily McPhee EdmundstonWhat is water classification, anyway? Restigouche Watershed Grand Falls Management Council Miramichi RiverWater classification systems, in place worldwide,use science to set transparent goals for water The Restigouche River Watershedquality. Jurisdictions “classify” their rivers, lakes, and Management Council works to ensuretributaries, using certain scientific-based parameters conservation and restoration of the(for example, dissolved oxygen, nutrient status and Atlantic salmon and its habitat in theaquatic life), and then work with groups in each Restigouche River. Members of thewatershed, including business, community and council include local First Nations,environmental organizations, to either protect those municipalities, recreational groupsvalues or to improve on them. That ensures river and is maintained or improved over time.Used all over Europe, in New Zealand and in Nashwaak Watershed Association Woodstock Nashwaak Watersmost parts of the United States, this system of Associationprotecting watersheds has led to sustainable The Nashwaak River is a popularwater management plans and restoration projects destination for canoeing, salmon Fredericton Areathat connect the upstream and downstream fishing and tubing. The Nashwaak Watersheds Associationcommunities. Watershed Association works to protectNew Brunswick started work on this science- healthy natural areas in the Nashwaak Frederictonbased system over 15 years ago with the passing Watershed through acquiring andof the Water Classification Regulation of our Clean restoring land. The organization also OromoctWater Act with the intent to “eventually classify all strives to ensure that the Nashwaak o Riverwaters in the Province, watershed by watershed.” River and its tributaries are green McAdamNineteen watershed groups conducted extensive corridors that connect to forested verdata collection to submit their river systems for upland, that pollution sources are Magaguadclassification, none of the proposals have been addressed and reduced, and that nativeapproved. fish species thrive and salmon return inAmong the groups to submit proposals was the greater numbers to the Nashwaak River.Nashwaak Watershed Association who have beenproactive in seeking classification. A complaint filed Fredericton Area Watersheds Association avic Riby the association and many other environmentalgroups led to an investigation by to the Office of The Fredericton Area Watersheds Saintthe Ombudsman, into the government’s delay in Association works to protect water qualityenacting the Water Classification Regulation. in streams that meet the St. John River St. AndrewsThe Ombudsman’s report was released in 2014 within the city’s boundaries. Activitiesand found that the classification system provides include in-depth monitoring of water quality, Bay of Funo protection because the Water Classification land use, and socioeconomic conditions.Regulation has never been enforced. The FAWA now works intensively with studentsOmbudsman stated that the government has all of at Fredericton’s high schools, and UNBthe information available to approve the Nashwaak on stewardship activities such as treeWatershed Association but have been dragging plantings, stream and wetland clean-ups,their feet. and community gardening.In March 2016 the Department of Environment andLocal Government announced that they would beginwork on developing a new comprehensive waterprotection strategy. This opportunity gives FirstNations, scientists, business and local watershedgroups and the environmental community hope thatthe neglected Water Classification Regulation will beenacted as the strategy’s key component.10 ecoalert SPRING 2017
mpbellton Chaleur Bay Did you know that there are over 30 groups in the province of New Brunswick working to protect our waters? Bathurst Caraquet Here we profile just a small sample of them in different corners of the province. We hope that this inspires you toNipisiguit River Esgenoôpetitj Watershed get involved with your local watershed group. Association Esgenoôpetitj Watershed Association The Esgenoôpetitj Watershed Association was established just this past November. Samantha Robichaud and Lorraine Savoie, both environmental monitoring technicians with the group, are more than excited to be a part of an association that’s creating jobs and informing the public on water issues. Miramichi Northumberland Petitcodiac Watershed Alliance Straight In 2016, the Petitcodiac Watershed Alliance celebrated Richibucto the announcement of the removal of the causeway affecting the Petitcodiac River and its replacement with a Doaktown bridge. “We stand on the shoulders of giants, and I am forever grateful for those who came before us. Today,shed Salmon River the Petitcodiac River will be formally resurrected in the eyes of our government and community. To those who iv er Petitcodiac Watershed walked across the causeway holding a casket which read Canaan R Alliance “Petitcodiac RIP,” I hope that we have made you proud,” Canaan-Washademoak said Christine McLauchlan, the Petitcodiac Watershed Watershed Association Moncton Alliance’s Executive Director. Sussex New Brunswick WatershedsOromocto Belleisle Watershed Chaleur Bay Composite Coalition East Fundy Composite Northumberland Straight Composite Inner Bay of Fundy Compositet John Belleisle Watershed Coalition Miramichi River Nepisiquit River The Belleisle Watershed covers the 37,000 ha of Acadian Peninsula Composite forests and farmlands that surround Belleisle Bay. Fundy Isles Composite The Belleisle Watershed Coalition conducts water Petitcodiac Composite quality sampling and monitoring and recently Restigouche River Basin celebrated the development of the Belleisle Creek Saint John River Basin Trail that stretches 5 km. St. Croix River Basin West Fundy Compositeundy Canaan-Washademoak Watershed Association The Canaan-Washademoak Watershed Association works with landowners, public agencies, the academic community, and the private sector to protect and improve water quality in the Canaan River and Washademoak Lake. Activities include monthly meetings with expert speakers, workshops, community events, and research and monitoring. 9 - Petitcodiac Compos1i1te www.cons1e1rv-atSionacinoutnJcoil.hcan River Basin
3RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVING 1 Shediac Bay Spread awareness Water Quality of multiple sources of contamination By Corey RobichaudAfter misreported swimming conditions at Parlee Beach Donelle says there are multiple sourcesmade headlines in 2016, Environment Minister Serge of pollution that need to be addressedRousselle announced the formation of a Steering Committee and resolving just one very likely won’t bethat will work with scientists and local governments to enough.fix reporting protocol (so that it meets Health Canada’s “It’s not a simple problem. There isn’t justguidelines) and explore ways to fix water contamination in one source of contamination for ParleeShediac Bay. Beach. A little bit comes from everywhere,What needs to happen to assure tourists and locals alike so I guess it’s everyone’s responsibility tothat Parlee Beach is swimmable by next summer? Here are address what they can,” Donelle told thethree recommendations from Rémi Donelle, Manager of Conservation Council on Feb 15, 2017. “Thethe Shediac Bay Watershed Association (SBWA), for steering Steering Committee will need to work withShediac Bay water quality back towards cleaner water: a lot of different partners if they want to be effective. This means the Greater Shediac Rémi Donelle, Manager Sewage Commission, the Town of Shediac, of the Shediac Bay resident boat owners and farmers alike.” Watershed Association In fact, we’re seeing the beginning of this collaboration between local stakeholders. 12 ecoalert SPRING 2017 For instance, Dominic LeBlanc, Fisheries and Ocean Minister, was in Shediac on Feb 20 to speak with town officials about a $1.9 million project to upgrade the town’s sewage lines on Main Street should that be the source of the contamination. If necessary, Minster LeBlanc says he’ll look to the Federal government for funding. As for other sources of contamination, the SBWA is planning to spread awareness regarding the free to use pumping stations at the bay’s two marinas, as well as working with resident farmers to help prevent additional sources of contamination. However, if things continue to worsen rather than improve, the government may also need to consider stricter regulations, according to Donelle.
Things you might know about 3. In 1989, the Beach Boys held a concert at Parlee Beach for 20,000 fans at a temporary concert stageParlee Beach 1. Parlee Beach boasts between Main Street and the beach. the warmest salt waters in Canada, the warmest water north of Virginia 4. Each spring, the provincial government spends and the world’s largest lobster statue! about $60,000 replacing sand on the beach lost from erosion. Up to a thousand truckloads of sand are 2. In 1959, Parlee Beach was named in needed to replace the amount of sand lost. honour of T. Babbitt Parlee, two years after he died in a plane crash. Parlee was the 5. Nearly a half million people visit Parlee former Minister of Municipal Affairs in Hugh Beach Provincial Park each year. John Flemming’s government. 2 3 Identify and target Review the current E. coli Bacteria specific sources of water quality testing system and inform the When is it safe to swim? contamination public on the source of each instance of Escherichia coli (abbreviated as E. Donelle says specific sources of coli) and Enterococci are indicatorcontamination must be identified with the contamination organisms generally measured to assesshelp of government and partners. microbiological quality of water. Most The Steering Committee will be working While the government has promised to strains of E. coli are harmless, others canwith Mount Allison University Professor Dr. review the current water testing system and make you sick and can cause kidneyDouglas Campbell, who had previously promised to keep the public better informed failure, urinary tract infections, respiratorysaid he planned to study Shediac Bay about water quality by enhancing on-site illness and pneumonia. When we discoverpollution with the help his environmental signage and posting water quality results E. coli in water, it usually has come frommicrobiology class last November. online, Donelle says they need to provide sewage runoffs, and animal faecal matter. Dr. Campbell will be working with the better information on why the water quality That’s why health officials all over thegovernment to gather Shediac Bay’s is poor: “Right now, that information is not world carefully monitor E. coli and otherbacteria results from interested parties available to people why the water quality the SBWA and update the province’s is poor – is it high bacterial count? Is it Health Canada has set safe limits for E. colinew information portal on Parlee Beach rainfall?” in drinking water and recreational waters.water quality. Donelle says he is hoping Donelle says there is a big difference The number of faecal bacteria consideredthis newly updated database will help point between an E.coli count of 100 and 1000, unsafe for recreational swimming variesthem in the right direction. between contamination spikes that come depending on whether the bacteria with rainfall and those that come from is found in freshwater or saltwater. If abnormal amounts of animal fecal matter. tests find more than an average of 35 He says that everyone has different enterococci/100 millilitres from five boundaries and that’s why he recommends samples in marine waters, it is declared the government be transparent about the unsafe for all and the beach is closed. source of contamination when they post water quality results. 13
Behind the Scenes at Conserver HouseLearning Outside throughout the seasons Children enjoy learning outside year round and We’ve been recording weather conditions, diggingthere are ample opportunities to incorporate snow profile pits and measuring snow depthmath, literacy, science and other subjects into (109cm now!), and learning that the deep icylearning about New Brunswick’s habitats snow layer contains twice as much water asand species no matter what the season. the fluffy top layer. We’ve experienced windNadine Ives, our Learning Outside chill and how snowshoes making walkingcoordinator, has been exploring the much easier (thanks for the great idea,nature trail and wetland with students and snowshoe hares!). We’ve had a close-upteachers at Lincoln Elementary School, look at snowflakes and watched an eaglelearning where the fox and snowshoe soaring overhead.hares travel by following their tracks, And there’s a lot more to investigate!looking at apples cached in trees by See you outside!squirrels, and watching chickadees at the www.learningoutside.cabird feeding station (sponsored by Shur-GainFeeds‘n Needs). Photo: Liane Thibodeau The Conservation Council on YouTube The Great Trees of New Brunswick Have you checked out the Conservation Is your great tree old and bold? Beautiful and striking? Part of a Council’s YouTube Channel lately? Thereremarkable story? The Conservation Council is working on the second are videos to be found there on ouredition of The Great Trees of New Brunswick. There is still time to nominate great trees project and Learning Outsideyour great tree. With almost 100 nominations so far, it is fair to say that New program. Another video goes to the seasideBrunswickers love their trees. Honeybeans Cafe in St. Andrews to discuss the importance of buying local. Contact Tracy at 506 458-8747 or [email protected]. The videos are being brought to you by Conservation Council intern, Samantha Phillips, a filmmaker from Fredericton. Topics of videos in the works include renewable energy and profiles of environmental champions.14 ecoalert SPRING 2017
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