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Home Explore Jakesen THARP - Dictators for Dummies Project

Jakesen THARP - Dictators for Dummies Project

Published by 21jakesentharp, 2019-03-05 08:26:57

Description: Jakesen THARP - Dictators for Dummies Project


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Dictators guide to the galaxy By:Jakesen Tharp

So you wanna be a successful government jerk? Dictators are usually leaders that oppress their people and keep them obedient with force to stay in a powerful government position. Dictator of nazi germany from 1933 to Supreme leader of north korea 1945 he lead with force and a anti semitic from 2011 to the present he goal came into power because his father died

Tips to become an all powerful leader Dictators use the laws, government and political parties to their advantage. They do this by promising citizens one thing to get into power and then following through and doing another thing instead, and once they are in power they use government power to be able to keep people in check. Also they would destroy any opposing political parties to be able to stay in power

Tips to become an all powerful leader Dictators will use propaganda in their favor to influence the thoughts of the citizens to lean towards their ideas. Many dictators have focused on altering the mindset of children early on in life so there is little to no chance of their mindset being changed later in life.

Staying in power-One Dictators control all the social media outlets in the present day and change what some articles say or completely ban sites they don't like the message of. During the interwar years between WWI and WWII dictators would censor newspaper strips and alter them to their liking and so the citizens thought positively of what the dictator is doing.

Staying in power-Two Dictators would start putting propaganda in school courtyards and playgrounds to brainwash the children and the children would be taught false history of the world making the leader and the country seem magnificent and everyone else in the world seem horrible.

Staying in power-Three Dictators in power will repress opposition by killing their political party opponents and by having their secret police force subdue anyone that speaks against them in any way.

Staying in power-Four Dictators imprisoning enemies is a good way to get rid of any competition in the government and torturing their enemies could take away that persons will to go against the dictator and to publicly justify imprisoning their enemies they would most likely name them a traitor or enemy to the country

Staying in power-Five Dictators military and police were used for a fear factor instead of as protection, the police would arrest anyone who slandered the dictator and the military was to scare other countries and to flex the dictators power. Those help keep the dictator in power by making opposing the dictator basically a deathwish

Staying in power-Six Propaganda is used to influence people's views towards one side of an argument over another by either slandering the opposing side or praising the supporting side. Dictators can use propaganda to make themselves look better than they actually are and make the people trying to overthrow the dictator or anyone against him look like the villian

Staying in power-Seven Dictators will censor media and press to keep other political views and ideals from influencing their citizens by blocking websites or limiting computers in the country to only government use, they will have people check news pieces before they are published to see if they fit the dictators specifications

Staying in power-Eight Dictators will get people to believe there country is the greatest but not just for pride they will use it to get there people to feel superior and be aggressive to people that speak against their country. Also dictators will try to keep racial conflicts between people going so they can distract there people from real problems and use them as a scapegoat

Staying in power-Nine Dictators use the policies in effect or create new policies with loopholes to be able to get more and more power and permanently keep that position