Networking Component Computer network components are the major parts which are needed to install the software. Some important network components are , switch, cable, hub, router, and modem. Depending on the type of network that we need to install, some network components can also be removed. For example, the wireless network does not require a cable. Following are the major components required to install a network: Hub
A Hub is a hardware device that divides the network connection among multiple devices. When computer requests for some information from a network, it first sends the request to the Hub through cable. Hub will broadcast this request to the entire network. All the devices will check whether the request belongs to them or not. If not, the request will be dropped.The process used by the Hub consumes more bandwidth and limits the amount of communication. Nowadays, the use of hub is obsolete, and it is replaced by more advanced computer network components such as Switches, Routers. Switch A switch is a hardware device that connects multiple devices on a computer network. A Switch contains more advanced features than Hub. The Switch contains the updated table that decides where the data is transmitted or not. Switch
delivers the message to the correct destination based on the physical address present in the incoming message. A Switch does not broadcast the message to the entire network like the Hub. It determines the device to whom the message is to be transmitted. Therefore, we can say that switch provides a direct connection between the source and destination. It increases the speed of the network. Modem Modem is a computer hardware device that converts data from a digital format into a format suitable for an analog transmission medium such as telephone or radio. A modem transmits data by modulating one or more carrier wave signals to encode digital information, while the receiver demodulates the signal to recreate the original
digital information. The goal is to produce a signal that can be transmitted easily and decoded reliably. Modems can be used with almost any means of transmitting analog signals, from light-emitting diodes to radio. ROUTER A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. Routers perform the traffic directing functions on the Internet. Data sent through the internet, such as a web page or email, is in the form of data packets. A packet is typically forwarded from one router to another router through the networks that
constitute an internetwork (e.g. the Internet) until it reaches its destination node. A router is connected to two or more data lines from different IP networks NETWORKING CABLES Networking cables are networking hardware used to connect one network device to other network devices or to connect two or more computers to share printers, scanners etc. Different types of network cables, such as coaxial cable, optical fiber cable, and twisted pair cables, are used depending on the network's physical layer, topology, and size. The devices can be separated by a
few meters (e.g. Ethernet) or nearly unlimited distances (e.g.the interconnections of the Internet).There are several technologies used for network connections.
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