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Published by adam.benahmed, 2018-02-17 17:43:24



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The Professional Training Centre - Megrine Trainer Mrs Achouak Rouissi ICT advisor Mr Adam Ben Ahmed January 2018

- 5 handwritten sub reports + 1 handwritten final report. I write my project in a creative way using illustrations, photos, drawings…. - 5 Word documents + 1 final Word document. I process my project in a creative way. - 5 PowerPoint presentations + 1 final PowerPoint presentation to sum up my project in a creative way. - 5 Videos + 1 final video to sum up my project in a creative way. - A blog: I create my blog using blogger, a Google application, to post one or different parts of my individual or team project. - A website: I create my website, using Google Sites, to post one or different parts of my individual or team project.

My individual project reports To prepare “My project” reports, I need to do the following tasks:  I consider my plan and the various guiding questions in Part 3 of My ESP document.  I prepare a word document, a PowerPoint presentation and a video of my choice for every part of my project: My Word document I write three paragraphs minimum for each part of my project, except “My profile”. I can be inspired by the various guiding questions or links. I need to take the following details into account: A aragraph  8 lines minimum  Font type: Times New Roman  Font size: 14 Subtitle:  Font type: Times New Roman  Font size: 16 Title:  Font type: Times New Roman  Font size: 18 My PowerPoint presentation I choose key statements to sum up my Word document in a creative and coherent PowerPoint presentation about my project. My video I prepare a two or three-minute video about each part of my project. I prepare a final five or ten-minute video about all the parts of my project.  I pay attention to the coherence of my voice. At the beginning of my video, I include the following information: my professional training centre, my firtst name, my family name, my group, the title and the date of my video

 I save my documents according to the order below: <NAME OF THE GROUP>-<MY FIRST NAME><MY FIAMILY NAME>-MP1.<FileExtension> Example: TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MP1  I save my three documents (Word / PowerPoint / video) as the following: - Word documents should be within extension .doc or .docx - PowerPoint documents should be within extension .ppt or .pptx - The videos should be within one of these extensions .avi, .mp4, .wmv,.mkv, .mpg, .mpeg, .3gp, .3g2, .gvi or .webm  I create a Gmail account and an e-mail address as the example below:  I attach my documents and send my blog as well as my website links to my trainer Mrs Achouak Rouissi. - The field “To” must contain: - The field “Subject” must contain successively the name of your group, a dash, your first name, one space, your family name, a dash and the following: - My personal interests for the first e-mail - My training interests for the second e-mail - My business interests for the third e-mail - My ICTl interests for the fourth e-mail - My future interests for the fifth e-mail - My final project for the sixth e-mail  I write a message informing my trainer about my e-mail: Dear trainer/Madam/Mrs Rouissi, I am pleased to enclose / attach my PowerPoint presentation, my Word document and my video about my personal interests / my training interests / my business interests / my ICT interests / my future interests Best regards, Amal Tounsi TSC 1

 I enclose my documents and send my e-mails as the following: ∎ My first e-mail: In e-mail1, I enclose a Word document, a PowerPoint presentation and a video about part 1 of ‘My project’: My personal interests. <NAME OF THE GROUP>-<MY FIRST NAME><MY FAMILY NAME>-MP1.<FileExtension> TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MP1.DOCX TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MP1.PPTX TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MP1.AVI ∎ My second e-mail: In e-mail 2, I enclose a Word document, a PowerPoint presentation and a video about part 2 of ‘My project’: My training interests. <NAME OF THE GROUP>-<MY FIRST NAME><MY FAMILY NAME>-MP2.<FileExtension> TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MP2.DOCX TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MP2.PPTX TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MP2.AVI ∎ My third e-mail: In e-mail 3, I enclose a Word document, a PowerPoint presentation and a video about part 3 of ‘My project’: My business interests. <NAME OF THE GROUP>-<MY FIRST NAME><MY FAMILY NAME>-MP3.<FileExtension>  TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MP3.DOCX  TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MP3.PPTX  TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MP3.AVI ∎ My fourth e-mail : In e-mail 4, I enclose a Word document, a PowerPoint presentation and a video about part 4 of ‘My project’: My ICT interests. <NAME OF THE GROUP>-<MY FIRST NAME><MY FAMILY NAME>-MP4.<FileExtension>  TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MP4.DOCX  TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MP4.PPTX  TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MP4.AVI

∎ My fifth e-mail: In e-mail 5, I enclose a Word document, a PowerPoint presentation and a video about part 5 of ‘My project’: My future interests. <NAME OF THE GROUP>-<MY FIRST NAME><MY FAMILY NAME>-MP5.<FileExtension>  TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MP5.DOCX  TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MP5.PPTX  TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MP5.AVI ∎ My sixth e-mail: In e-mail6, I enclose a Word document, a PowerPoint presentation and a video about the final version of ‘My project’. I also send the two links of my blog and website. <NAME OF THE GROUP>-<MY FIRST NAME><MY FAMILY NAME>-MFP.<FileExtension>  TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MFP.DOCX  TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MFP.PPTX  TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MFP.AVI  The link of my blog  The link of my website

 I must respect deadlines: September – December e-mails Contents Deadlines 1 Word document e-mail 1: MP1 1 PowerPoint presentation th My personal interests 1 Video September - 4 Sunday - 23:59 1 Word document e-mail 2: MP2 1 PowerPoint presentation nd My training interests 1 Video October – 2 Sunday - 23:59 1 Word document e-mail 3: MP3 1 PowerPoint presentation th My business interests 1 Video October - 4 Sunday - 23:59 1 Word document e-mail 4: MP4 1 PowerPoint presentation nd My ICT interests 1 Video November – 2 Sunday - 23:59 1 Word document e-mail 5: MP5 1 PowerPoint presentation th My future interests 1 Video November - 4 Sunday - 23:59 1 Word document e-mail 6: MFP 1 PowerPoint presentation st My final project 1 Video December – 1 Sunday - 23:59 documents and links 1 My blog link 1 My website link

February - May e-mails Contents Deadlines 1 Word document e-mail 1: MP1 1 PowerPoint presentation th My personal interests 1 Video 2-3mn February - 4 Sunday - 23:59 1 Word document e-mail 2: MP2 1 PowerPoint presentation nd My training interests 1 Video 2-3mn March – 2 Sunday - 23:59 1 Word document e-mail 3: MP3 1 PowerPoint presentation th My business interests 1 Video 2-3mn March - 4 Sunday - 23:59 1 Word document e-mail 4: MP4 1 PowerPoint presentation nd My ICT interests 1 Video 2-3mn April – 2 Sunday - 23:59 1 Word document e-mail 5: MP5 1 PowerPoint presentation th My future interests 1 Video 2-3mn April - 4 Sunday - 23:59 1 Word document e-mail 6: MFP 1 PowerPoint presentation st My final project 1 Video 5-10mn May – 1 Sunday - 23:59 documents and links 1 My blog link 1 My website link -

My project hand-written report To prepare “My project” hand written report, I need to do the following tasks:  After processing part 1 of my project, Word document, I write the content in a creative way using illustrations…  After processing part 2 of my project, Word document, I write the content in a creative way using illustrations…  After processing part 3 of my project, Word document, I write the content in a creative way using illustrations…  After processing part 4 of my project, Word document, I write the content in a creative way using illustrations…  After processing part 5 of my project, Word document, I write the content in a creative way using illustrations…  I gather the five parts to get one final handwritten report of my project.

In collaboration with my classmates, we choose 2 or 4 coordinators to coordinate tasks among our team. We prepare together our participation for the event: Megrine speaks English. The chosen theme may be related to humanitarian issues of common interest such as citizenship, community life, vocational training, youth inspirations, violence, poverty…. or specific themes to business issues: - a product - a company - employability - ICT and jobs - the impact of social media on business - Trade in my country - Trade relations - Investment in my country or worldwide… Important remarks: - A jury of trainers marks team presentations. - Ever trainee gets a mark for team presentation in semester 1. - The trainee gets a second mark for team presentation in semester 2. - The sum of the two marks is divided into two to get the final mark, which represents 40% of the final exam. This latter is validated after checking the various tasks related to both team and individual projects. - If the trainee doesn’t participate in one of the two team presentations, only one mark will be considered and divided into two. - If the trainee misses the two team presentations, he/she will miss the 40% of the final exam. - No mark will be allocated if he/she misses the two team presentations.

My team project documents To prepare my team project documents, I need to do the following tasks with my classmates:  We choose two to four coordinators for our team  We agree upon a theme  We prepare a plan  I prepare my individual participation as part of my team project To prepare your team proposal, I can consider the following example: ∎ Team coordinators: - Yahiya Zemzmi - Jamila Hamada - Dhiaeddine Jouini - Dorra Amdouni ∎ Theme: Addiction ∎ Title: There is a way out ∎ Plan: Individual presentations in a logical order Trainee Presentation Ghada Yahia Pay attention to addiction: an introduction to addiction worldwide Marwen Allegui Stop alcoholic drinks: A personal experience about alcoholic drinks and family violence Haifa Ghribi Stop alcoholic drinks: A personal experience about financial problems due to alcoholic drinks Chaima Tarchouni Stop alcoholic drinks: A personal experience introducing solutions  We prepare individually and as a team 2 handwritten reports, 2Word documents, 2 PowerPoint presentations and 2 videos.

Individual and team hand written reports To prepare my individual and team hand written reports, I need to do the following tasks:  I write my individual participation an innovative and creative way without forgetting to mention my full name.  The coordination team gathers all separate individual participations in one hand written team report. Individual and team Word documents For individual and team presentations, we write three paragraphs minimum. We collect information using a variety of online or other resources. We need to take the following details into account: A aragraph  10 lines minimum  Font type: Times New Roman  Font size: 14 Subtitle:  Font type: Times New Roman  Font size: 16 Title:  Font type: Times New Roman  Font size: 18 Individual and team PowerPoint presentations We choose, individually and in group, key statements to sum up our Word documents in creative and coherent PowerPoint presentations. Individual and team videos I prepare a two or three minute-video about my presentation. As a team, we prepare a final fifteen or twenty minute-video about our final presentation on stage.  We pay attention to the coherence of the voice. At the beginning of the video, we include information about the following: - name of the centre, - date, - participant’s first and family names, - group, - the title and content of the video.

Individual documents  I save my documents according to the order below: <NAME OF THE GROUP>-<MY FIRST NAME><MY FIAMILY NAME>-MSE-IP.<FileExtension> Example: TSC1-AMAL TOUNSI-MSE-IP  I save my three documents (Word / PowerPoint / video) as the following: - Word documents should be within extension .doc or .docx - PowerPoint documents should be within extension .ppt or .pptx - The videos should be within one of these extensions .avi, .mp4, .wmv,.mkv, .mpg, .mpeg, .3gp, .3g2, .gvi or .webm  I attach my documents and send to my trainer Mrs Achouak Rouissi. - The field “To” must contain: - The field “Subject” must contain successively the name of your group, a dash, your first name, one space, your family name, a dash and the following: Megrine speaks English-Individual participation  I write a message informing my trainer about my e-mail: Dear trainer/Madam/Mrs Rouissi, I am pleased to enclose / attach my PowerPoint presentation and my Word document / my video about my participation in my team project. Best regards, Amal Tounsi TSC 1

Team documents  The coordination team saves team documents according to the order below: <NAME OF THE GROUP>-<COORDINATION TEAM>-MSE-TP.<FileExtension> Example: TSC1-COORDINATION TEAM-MSE-TP  The coordination team saves our three documents (Word / PowerPoint / video) as the following: - Word documents should be within extension .doc or .docx - PowerPoint documents should be within extension .ppt or .pptx - The videos should be within one of these extensions .avi, .mp4, .wmv,.mkv, .mpg, .mpeg, .3gp, .3g2, .gvi or .webm  The coordination team attaches our documents in an e-mail sent to our trainer Mrs Achouak Rouissi. - The field “To” must contain: - The field “Subject” must contain successively the name of your group, a dash, your first name, one space, your family name, a dash and the following: Megrine speaks English-Team participation  The coordination team writes a message informing our trainer about our e-mail: Dear trainer/Madam/Mrs Rouissi, We are pleased to enclose / attach our PowerPoint presentation and my Word document / our video about our team participation in Megrine speaks English event. Best regards, Coordination team TSC 1  The coordination team encloses our documents and send our e-mails as the following: <NAME OF THE GROUP>-<COORDINATION TEAM>-MSE-TP.<FileExtension> TSC1-COORDINATION TEAM-MSE-TP.DOCX TSC1-COORDINATION TEAM-MSE-TP.PPTX TSC1-COORDINATION TEAM-MSE-TP.AVI  Deadlines must be respected.

My team project deadlines September – December e-mails Contents Deadlines e-mail 1: MSE-IP 1 Word document My individual participation October - 4 Sunday - 23:59 th 1 PowerPoint presentation in Megrine speaks English 1 Video (2-3mn) event e-mail 2: MSE-TP 1 Word document nd Team participation in 1 PowerPoint presentation November– 2 Sunday - Megrine speaks English 23:59 1 Video (15-20mn) event

My team project deadlines February – May e-mails Contents Deadlines e-mail 1: MSE-IP 1 Word document My individual participation March - 4 Sunday - 23:59 th 1 PowerPoint presentation in Megrine speaks English 1 Video (2-3mn) event e-mail 2: MSE-TP 1 Word document nd Team participation in 1 PowerPoint presentation April – 2 Sunday - 23:59 Megrine speaks English 1 Video (15-20mn) event

My semester calendar 1 February - May Task Description Deadlines I send an e-mail, MP1, that contains: I prepare and e-mail three documents nd 1 Word document about the first part of my individual project: March – 2 Sunday - 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation My personal interests. 1 Video (2-3mn) I send an e-mail, MSE-IP, that contains: I prepare and e-mail three documents th 1 Word document about my individual participation in my March - 4 Sunday - 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation team project: Megrine speaks English. 1 Video (2-3mn) My coordination team sends an e-mail, MSE-TP, My coordination team prepares and e-mails nd that contains: three documents about our team project April – 2 Sunday - 23:59 1 Word document participation: Megrine speaks English. 1 PowerPoint presentation 1 Video (15-20mn) I send an e-mail, MP4, that contains: I prepare and e-mail three documents st 1 Word document about the fourth part of my individual May – 1 Sunday - 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation project: My ICT interests. 1 Video (2-3mn)

My semester calendar 2 February - May Task Description Deadlines I send an e-mail, MP1, that contains: I prepare and e-mail three documents th 1 Word document about the first part of my individual project: February - 4 Sunday - 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation My personal interests. 1 Video (2-3mn) I send an e-mail, MSE-IP, I prepare and e-mail two documents about that contains: my individual participation in my team st 1 Word document project: Megrine speaks English. March – 1 Sunday - 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation I send an e-mail, MP2, that contains: I prepare and e-mail three documents nd 1 Word document about the second part of my individual March – 2 Sunday - 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation project: My training interests. 1 Video (2-3mn) My coordination team sends an e-mail, MSE-TP, My coordination team prepares and e-mails rd that contains: two documents about our team project March – 3 Sunday - 23:59 1 Word document participation: Megrine speaks English. 1 PowerPoint presentation I send an e-mail, MP3, that contains: I prepare and e-mail three documents th 1 Word document about the third part of my individual March - 4 Sunday - 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation project: My business interests. 1 Video (2-3mn) I send an e-mail,MSE-IP, I prepare and e-mail a two or three minute April – 1 Sunday - 23:59 st that contains: video about my individual participation in 1 Video (2-3mn) my team project: Megrine speaks English. I send an e-mail, MP4, that contains: I prepare and e-mail three documents nd 1 Word document about the fourth part of my individual April – 2 Sunday - 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation project: My ICT interests. 1 Video (2-3mn) My coordination team My coordination team prepares and e-mails sends an e-mail,MSE-TP, a fifteen or twenty minute video about our rd that contains: team project participation: Megrine speaks April – 3 Sunday - 23:59 1 Video (15-20mn) English. I send an e-mail, MP5, that contains: I prepare and e-mail three documents th 1 Word document about the fifth part of my individual project: April - 4 Sunday - 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation My future interests. 1 Video (2-3mn) I send an e-mail, MFP6, that I prepare and e-mail the final version of my contains: individual project documents. I sum up the My blog link five videos in a five or ten-minute video. I My website link include all the parts of my project in one May – 1 Sunday - 23:59 st 1 Word document Word document and one PowerPoint 1 PowerPoint presentation presentation. In the same e-mail, I send the 1 Video (5-10mn) links of my blog and website.

My semester calendar 1 September - December Task Description Deadlines I send an e-mail, MP1, that contains: I prepare and e-mail three documents nd 1 Word document about the first part of my individual project: Ocober – 2 Sunday - 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation My personal interests. 1 Video (2-3mn) I send an e-mail, MSE-IP, that contains: I prepare and e-mail three documents th 1 Word document about my individual participation in my October- 4 Sunday - 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation team project: Megrine speaks English. 1 Video (2-3mn) My coordination team sends an e-mail, MSE-TP, My coordination team prepares and e-mails nd that contains: three documents about our team project November – 2 Sunday - 1 Word document participation: Megrine speaks English. 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation 1 Video (15-20mn) I send an e-mail, MP4, that contains: I prepare and e-mail three documents st 1 Word document about the fourth part of my individual December – 1 Sunday - 1 PowerPoint presentation project: My ICT interests. 23:59 1 Video (2-3mn)

My semester calendar 2 September - December Task Description Deadlines I send an e-mail, MP1, that contains: I prepare and e-mail three documents th 1 Word document about the first part of my individual project: September - 4 Sunday - 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation My personal interests. 1 Video (2-3mn) I send an e-mail, MSE-IP, I prepare and e-mail two documents about that contains: my individual participation in my team st 1 Word document project: Megrine speaks English. October – 1 Sunday - 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation I send an e-mail, MP2, that contains: I prepare and e-mail three documents nd 1 Word document about the second part of my individual October – 2 Sunday - 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation project: My training interests. 1 Video (2-3mn) My coordination team sends an e-mail, MSE-TP, My coordination team prepares and e-mails rd that contains: two documents about our team project October – 3 Sunday - 23:59 1 Word document participation: Megrine speaks English. 1 PowerPoint presentation I send an e-mail, MP3, that contains: I prepare and e-mail three documents th 1 Word document about the third part of my individual October - 4 Sunday - 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation project: My business interests. 1 Video (2-3mn) I send an e-mail,MSE-IP, I prepare and e-mail a two or three minute November – 1 Sunday - 23:59 st that contains: video about my individual participation in 1 Video (2-3mn) my team project: Megrine speaks English. I send an e-mail, MP4, that contains: I prepare and e-mail three documents nd 1 Word document about the fourth part of my individual November– 2 Sunday - 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation project: My ICT interests. 1 Video (2-3mn) My coordination team My coordination team prepares and e-mails sends an e-mail,MSE-TP, a fifteen or twenty minute video about our rd that contains: team project participation: Megrine speaks November – 3 Sunday - 23:59 1 Video (15-20mn) English. I send an e-mail, MP5, that contains: I prepare and e-mail three documents th 1 Word document about the fifth part of my individual project: November - 4 Sunday - 23:59 1 PowerPoint presentation My future interests. 1 Video (2-3mn) I send an e-mail, MFP6, that I prepare and e-mail the final version of my contains: individual project documents. I sum up the My blog link five videos in a five or ten-minute video. I My website link include all the parts of my project in one December – 1 Sunday - 23:59 st 1 Word document Word document and one PowerPoint 1 PowerPoint presentation presentation. In the same e-mail, I send the 1 Video (5-10mn) links of my blog and website.