Inspiring and developing talent through HR qualificationsLeading to Associate Membership of the CIPD, this advanced level 7 certificate programme hasbeen tailored towards recruitment professionals. You will study four modules which will provideyou with the practical knowledge and skills needed to enhance and develop your career as aneffective resourcing practitioner. We recognise that undertaking a qualification demonstrates ahuge commitment to your personal development and therefore you want a programme relevantto your specialism. Each module will include up to date best practice, practical work-basedexercises to stretch your knowledge and add immediate value to recruitment activities.We specialise in flexible learning Bespoke - for candidates who One-to-one support - Allsolutions that are tailored to prefer to have a personalised programmes include regularyour needs. The combination of programme, combining 1-to-1 telephone conversations, e-mailelements can include meetings, directed learning and exchanges and/or meetings withworkbooks, assignments, self- developmental exercises with a personal adviser who isstudy, guided learning and minimal time away from work. allocated at the start of yourevidence collation. You can programme. These sessions areselect from three main delivery Distance learning - for used to review youroptions: candidates who prefer to work submissions, monitor progress, mainly by themselves with discuss and review work basedWorkshops (active learning) - for supported learning materials, activities that demonstratecandidates who prefer to using our Virtual Learning understanding, provide focusedparticipate in planned Environment, allowing individual feedback on yourinteractive sessions and have individuals to work at own pace work and to plan your nextexposure to other learners and with maximum flexibility. modules.their organisation's practices.The workshops provide an ideallearning environment in whichexpert trainers present andfacilitate practical activities,group discussions andnetworking. Workshops arescheduled on a regular basis.
Resourcing and Talent Skills for Business James Reed FCIPDManagement Leadership Chairman, Reed GroupThis module covers not just on This module encourages you tothe practical aspects of develop a strong sense of self- \"Recruitment is acandidate attraction, awareness and of your own critical activity, notrecruitment, selection, strengths and weaknesses as a just for the HR teamemployee retention and colleague or developing leader.dismissal, but also on the It will help develop and improve but also for linestrategic aspects to equip you a range of definable skills that managers who arewith the knowledge and skills are pivotal to successfulrequired for resourcing and practice. e.g. decision making, involved in thetalent management within a managing financial information selection context. There is a and budgets, team working andparticular focus on the costs and interpersonal skills. This module What’s more it isbenefits of different is particularly useful for those crucial torecruitment methods and how seeking to develop theirthe development of a strong management capability. organisationalemployer brand can add long performance.term value. Performance Management And all those involvedEmployment A key focus here is on deciding in recruitment shouldLaw and communicating strategic be equipped with theCurrent and future developments aims, objectives and employment law and the This module examines the appropriatepractical application of the key design of performance knowledge and skillsprinciples that underpin EU and UK management systems.employment. You learn about It identifies the knowledge and which thisdifferent types of employment skills needed for effective internationally-contract and the impact of performance review processes,employment law throughout the recognising that recognisedemployee life cycle and how to communicating poor professional CIPDwork ethically with performance is one of the mostprofessionalism. Detailed difficult jobs for managers. qualification canguidance will be provided on direct provide\".and indirect discrimination andways to reduce unconscious bias.If you would like to book this AdvancedCertificate in HR programme, or discuss theAdvanced Diploma with us, please give us a callon 020 7932 2760. We are certain we can find aqualification and route to suit you and set you onyour journey to become a Chartered member.
Gain a world-renowned qualification for recruitment professionalsIn-house Become a Chartered Member of Start date and lengthdelivery the CIPD of courseMany organisations develop Once you have successfully We are not linked to antheir HR talent using our achieved your Advanced academic timetable so you canprogrammes which can be Certificate in HR, why not top- start your programme at anydelivered on an in-house basis. up to the Advanced Diploma in time. Typically it can take aDelivering this way allows for Human Resource Management candidate twelve months toinclusion of peer mentoring, in- or Human Resource complete a Certificate, and acompany action learning sets Development. This involves further 12 months if they go onand full alignment with the undertaking a further 4 modules to top-up to the Advancedorganisation's internal and provides the opportunity to Diploma.development pathway. upgrade your CIPD membershipWorkshops and one-to-ones are to become a CIPD Charteredscheduled on site to suit the Member.client. If you would like to findout more about group discounts QUOTE: 0516EXCLUSIVE REED.CO.UK OFFERor group bookings, please call. TO GET £250 OFFPricingBespoke package: delivered viadistance learning - £3,250Active Learning: delivered viaour workshop based programme(4 workshops over 10 months) -£3,775 +44 (0) 20 7932
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