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Home Explore BHLC Brochure

BHLC Brochure

Published by klechner, 2015-11-30 14:37:50

Description: BHLC Brochure


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Kalamazoo Valley Community College’s BRONSONHEALTHY LIVING CAMPUS

THE in black and whiteISSUE We are in the midst of a health crisis. Poor health impacts our well-being and our economy. Lack of access to affordable healthy foods, and the resulting poor dietary choices, contribute to the onset of preventable diseases and a reduced quality of life. In Kalamazoo County, over 63% of adults are overweight or obese. Across Michigan, more than $3 billion is spent annually on medical costs associated with diet-related health conditions. Meanwhile, food production causes more than half of all water pollution in the U.S. and at least 9% of the greenhouse gas emissions that lead to climate change, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Food is a problem... In Michigan, chronic health conditions that can be attributed to obesity account for nearly $3 billion in annual medical costs.

OURRESPONSE ...and food is a solution. In 2013, a partnership was announced between Kalamazoo Valley Community College, Bronson Healthcare, and Kalamazoo Community Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. The Bronson Healthy Living Campus is a catalyst for urban revitalization, community health, and workforce development through sustainable food education, training, production, distribution and preparation. The Bronson Healthy Living Campus is an anchor project that brings jobs and spurs economic development in downtown Kalamazoo.

The synergies developedbetween the project organizers,the new medical school,the City of Kalamazoo, andothers will meet increasingconsumer demand for holisticapproaches to food educationand health by preparingthe next generation ofprofessionals for existingand emerging careers. The campus is a catalyst for urban revitalization, community health and workforce development.

THECAMPUS Food Innovation Center 224 E. Crosstown Parkway Culinary/Allied Health Building 418 E. Walnut St. KCMHSAS Integrated Health Services Clinic 615 E. Crosstown Parkway Kalamazoo Valley’s Bronson Healthy Living Campus is located near: WMU Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine Bronson Healthcare Farmers’ Market Central Business District Downtown Kalamazoo Edison Neighborhood Vine Neighborhood

Downtown WMU HomerKalamazoo Stryker M.D. School of Medicine Bronson Upjohn BuildingLovell Street Portage Street Jasper Street John StreetBurdick Street Bronson Healthcare Walnut Street Bronson Healthcare Dutton StreetVine Street Vine EdisonNeighborhood NeighborhoodCrosstown Parkway Lake Street N Farmers’ Market

STATE OFTHE ARTFACILITIES The campus is an anchor project that creates jobs and spurs economic development

Culinary/Allied Health BuildingThis 76,000 sq.ft., 3-story building includes: Level 1: Culinary Theater, Community Education Kitchen, Full-service Teaching Restaurant and Café Level 2: The Kalsec® Center for Sustainable Brewing Education, 3 Culinary Labs, 5 Classrooms, group study room Level 3: Nursing and Allied Health Skills Labs and Simulation Labs, 2 classroomsIn this building, students in nursing, emergency medical technology andrespiratory care courses will be immersed in a food-focused environment,while the next generation of chefs and brewers will be exposed toconcepts in healthcare – and all will emerge with a strong understandingof the connection between food and health.The full-service restaurant and café will be open to the public. KCMHSAS Integrated Health Services Clinic Our partner is constructing this 17,000 sq. ft., single-story building houses a patient-centered mental health clinic and pharmacy providing services for adults, youth, and families. Proximity to Bronson Hospital will help prevent avoidable emergency room visits and facilitate timely post-discharge follow ups. Location on the campus will create opportunities to incorporate garden-based therapies in holistic patient care.

Food InnovationCenterThis 16,400 sq. ft., single-story building andits 10,000 sq. ft. greenhouse sit on 2 acres ofreclaimed urban land. It includes: Indoor Growing Space Flexible Processing and Distribution Facility Quality Assurance Testing Lab Classroom and Interpretive Visitor Center Outdoor gardens and education spacesThe Food Innovation Center is ademonstration facility for urban foodproduction, regional-scale food distributionand best practices in food safety. In thisbuilding, Kalamazoo Valley students andpartners will explore new trends in growingfood indoors and in reclaimed urbanenvironments. The site will also host a “foodhub” for aggregating foods from local farmsto supply area hospitals, schools and otherinstitutions.The demand for locallyproduced food isgreater than ever.

a new approachCOMMUNITYHEALTH In addition to the three facilities, the project enhances the area adjacent to Portage Creek with landscape improvements that restore the native landscape, lessen flood risk, and provide habitat for natural areas. Located on a trail system that connects with surrounding parks and neighborhoods and accessible by MetroTransit, the campus promotes alternative mobility in downtown Kalamazoo, and is accessible to all sectors of the community. Community educational programs in surrounding neighborhoods will carry the excitement beyond the campus, engaging the entire community while promoting health and nutrition.

THEPROGRAMS Programs focus on the relationship between food and health. Certificates, Associate, and Transfer degrees are available in the culinary arts, sustainable brewing, nursing, emergency medical technology and respiratory care.The power of using foodas medicine will improvethe health and well-beingof our citizens.

Menus That Matter™Culinary Arts &Sustainable FoodSystemsKalamazoo Valley’s Menus That Matter™ curriculumin Culinary Arts and Sustainable Food Systemsreflects our belief that integrated best practices ofagriculture, the latest developments in culinary andfood production research and technology, and thetransformative power of education will improve thehealth and well-being of our citizens and sustainour communities.In the AAS degree program in Culinary Arts andSustainable Food Systems, students spend theirtime working in a real production kitchen and foodservice environment, on a sustainable farm, and inan active food production and distribution facility.The curriculum is grounded at the intersectionof food production, food safety, social justice,environmental sustainability, nutrition and health.Our close proximity to nursing, emergency medicaltechnology and respiratory care programs atthe college and new state-of-the art facilities forculinary, food production, and urban growingenvironments make this a unique hands-onlearning opportunity. Students also have the optionof transferring coursework to complete a Bachelor’sdegree in Food Service Administration at WesternMichigan University.

Sustainable BrewingScience and TechnologyThe Kalamazoo Valley Sustainable Brewing programteaches all aspects of brewing science through anaccredited program. Classroom work is reinforcedthrough hands-on experience with brewerytechnology used in the operation of a small-scalebrewery. Students participate in a practicum classenvironment: designing a beer recipe; monitoringand analyzing the brew throughout the entirebrewing process; and assessing the final brew usingtests and sensory evaluation.The brewery has the comprehensive functionalityof industry equipment and the program andfacilities demonstrate sustainable brewingpractices.Students also have the option of transferringcoursework to complete a Bachelor’s degree insustainable brewing at Western Michigan Universiy.

Kalamazoo ValleyCertificate ProgramSustainable Brewing Kalamazoo Valley AS Transfer degree in Sustainable Brewing includes Kalamazoo Valley CertificateKalamazoo Valley Western Michigan UniversityAAS degreein Sustainable Brewing BS degreeincludes Kalamazoo Valley in Sustainable Craft BrewingCertificate Kalamazoo Valley Certificate required

ALLIEDHEALTH Our health science programs of study recognize the role food plays in healthy living and disease prevention. As such, education about food and nutrition are integral to their curricula. Nursing Programs The entry level and completion programs at Kalamazoo Valley prepare the student for a technical career in nursing. Employment opportunities include acute care hospitals, long term acute care and extended care facilities, clinics, offices, home health and ambulatory care. Upon successful completion of all nursing coursework the graduate will receive an Associate in Applied Science degree and will be eligible to write the National Council Licensure Exam for the Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN). Graduates may transfer credits toward a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at many colleges and universities.

Emergency Medical building a healthier communityTechnologyEMTs and Paramedics are trained to perform criticalemergency medical intervention for both thetraumatically injured and the acutely ill patient.Upon successful completion, KVCC’s Basic EMT andParamedic programs qualify students to take theappropriate licensure exams. These programs haveseparate application processes and can be takenindividually, however completion of a Basic EMTprogram is one of the prerequisites for acceptanceinto the Paramedic program. The Associate of AppliedScience Degree in Emergency Medical Services(EMS) option combines the Basic EMT and Paramedicprograms with additional general education courses.Respiratory CarePractitionerRespiratory therapists evaluate, treat, and care forpatients with heart and lung diseases. Respiratorytherapists manage sophisticated life support systemsfor adults, children and premature infants. Clinicalexperience is part of the program. Credits from thisprogram may transfer to the health science curriculumat Western Michigan University. Transfer opportunitiesare available at other four-year institutions as well. Understanding the relationship between food and health

LEARNMOREVisit our website tolearn more about ourprograms, communityimpact and

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