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Home Explore Age of Absolutism Project

Age of Absolutism Project

Published by, 2018-05-24 14:40:03

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King Philip II Of Spain

This is King Philip II. What an attractive guy.(I mean, c’mon, how do you think he got so many ladies)

King Philip II was born on May 21, 1527 inValladolid to Charles V, Holy Roman emperor,and Isabella of Portugal.During Philip’s childhood, his father never failedto emphasize two values that would remainwith Philip for life: the importance of his role toGod, and to be cautious in trusting advisors.(Note: Philip’s father was the last of the HolyRoman emperors)

King Philip was the king of Spain from 1556 tohis death on September 13, 1598.BUT THAT WASN’T ALL.He was ALSO the King of Naples from 1554-1598 King Consort of England from 1554-1558 as husband of Mary I (Bloody Mary) Lord of Seventeen Provinces 1556-1581 King of Portugal and the Algarves from 1580-1589 King of Chile 1554-1556

Philip became king of Spain when hisfather abdicated the throne, thusending the Holy Roman empire. Fromthis, e inherited control of Spain, aswell as the Netherlands and some ofItaly.

Now here’s the question, HOW did hebecome king of so many regions?Marriages.His first marriage: - To his beloved cousin, Princess Maria of Portugal - Married in 1543, until 1545 when Maria died 4 days after giving birthHis second marriage: - To his first cousin once removed, Queen Mary I of England - Married in 1554, he viewed it as a political affair, however she did not - She died in 1558. Until then, he was king Consort.His third marriage: - To Princess Elisabeth of Valois of France in 1559 - Helped end a 60 year war, she’s King Henry II’s daughter - They have two childrenHis fourth marriage: - His niece in 1570, she’s 22 years younger! - Five kids.

As a devout Catholic and male leader, Philipwas angered by Protestant England ruled byElizabeth I, therefore he thought it was his dutyto bring England under his rule, and changeEngland back to a Catholic monarchy with astrong, male leader. In order to take overEngland, he ordered the Spanish Armada.Long story short, it was a complete disaster forSpain.Philip spent large amounts of money building hisexpensive ass fleet, but like c’mon, it’s England(aka the nation state with the strongest fleetwith their pinkies up drinking tea) that he wasgoing against. Powerful male monarch or not, youcan just guess what happened.

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