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Washingtonian Magazine: Dr.Swati K portfolio

Published by Swati Save Ph.D., 2022-05-17 09:06:45

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Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 bore fruit with an appointment to the Budget Review Commission. Biliyar got to see first hand how public budgeting works, and how the political circus that it depends on and how it actually operates in real life. Gupta is a sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania where he is majoring in Bioengineering. At Penn, he volunteers for Asha for Education, a nonprofit, which sponsors schools for underprivileged children in India by organizing fundraising events and awareness workshops. Serving on the executive team of the Philadelphia chapter, he is also the recruitment chair for the Penn chapter of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity and is a member of the business staff of the Daily Pennsylvanian, Penn’s daily student newspaper. He graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, VA. About Gupta Lincoln S. Patel is a student at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. He is a junior in the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, majoring in political science with a minor in economics and mathematics. He also works as a legal assistant and accountant to the two senior attorneys at Friendlander Misler, PLLC, and is involved in several student organizations or campus including Pi Kappa Phi fraternity and South Asian Society. Apart from these activities, he has joined the LSP Foundation, LLC, in which members are committed to donating time and money to charitable organizations World-wide. About Patel Patel: ‘WLP offers Indian American students opportunity to experience legislative process from the inside’ ‘This is such a wonderful opportunity that many people do not receive’ I chose the Washington Leadership Program because this gives me the chance to further my political career while learning more about the culture I was born in. There are many internship programs at my school, UC Berkeley, but it would be interesting to get to know other Indian- Americans of my generation who share a passion for politics. I grew up in a working class neighborhood in San Diego that had a very small Indian population. For a variety of reasons, we were not able to socialize that much with the small population living there. This is a great opportunity for me to get acquainted with my culture. We are the ethnicity with the highest median family income, we are involved in vital sectors of the economy such as technology and medicine, yet we have nearly no voice. In comparison to other generally wealthy minorities, such as Jewish-Americans, Indians donate nearly nothing to political organizations. Page 51 of 73

Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 I believe that our political clout should be based on the economic and demographic powers we hold as a community, just as any other. Especially as the nation is pursuing a complex war on terrorism, we deserve a seat at the table. The Washington Leadership Program offers Indian American students an exceptional opportunity to experience the legislative process from the inside while in the presence of our peers. Not only does it give us invaluable exposure but it allows us to begin to take an active role in shaping the future of Indian Americans in the United States. Growing up right outside Washington, D.C. in suburban Virginia, the presence of the federal government is always felt. Over the years, however, I grew accustomed to it and was able to tune it out for the most part Not until I left for college in a different city did I realize how large an effect the Washington culture had on the region and the influence it has in the rest of the country and world. While weighing summer plans, I decided that now would be a good time to really experience Washington. The WLP offers that opportunity, with the added emphasis on the Indian American community and their relations. Page 52 of 73

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Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 Article 8. AGENTS OF CHANGE | Shivani Naidoo If you are reading this article, and are Desi, then you probably, like me have sat through an excruciating 6-hour Organic Chemistry lab in college. You know what I mean, the kind of lab where you are throwing together a bunch of chemicals in some 25-step process, and are sitting and stirring for what seems ages, and yet nothing seems to be happening. That’s when you wish you were on the Wonder Years, and suddenly hear an explosion coming from your neighbors’ hood just to be reassured that something really is going to happen. Then somewhere around your 14th step you add something little, and quite ordinary, into the mix, and POOF!!! Miraculously before your very eyes, your product has crystallized, shining and triumphant. All because of a very ordinary substance that has the capacity to do extraordinary things: a catalyst, an agent of change. It was only recently that I realized that I have become, almost by accident, an Agent of Change. My most recent opportunity to be a catalyst was through a program offered by the NGO SustainUS. SustainUS is completely run by youth volunteers under the age of 26. Their mission is to help youth get involved in their communities as a means to help sustain the development and growth of our world in the U.S. One such opportunity was to become an ‘Agent of Change’ and serve as a part of the youth caucus in the 44th Annual Commission on Social Development (CSocD) at the United Nations this past February. Even though the UN has many experienced delegates from around the world attending this event, there are actually very few young people involved in the sessions held by the UN. The Agents of Change program created a chance for youth to become more informed and active in the process of social development, and also to remind the UN with our visibility and voice, that investment in the youth of our world is truly the only way to build a more sustainable future. I along with 12 other talented, motivated and experienced agents from the age of 17 to 25 participated in discussions with delegates and NGO members in side events, we networked with the World Youth Alliance and youth from the countries that came, we even read a statement at the Plenary Session reminding all of the delegates that youth involvement matters both in America and throughout the world. I think however, that most of the SustainUS delegates were prompted to become Agents of Change within themselves, whether it was challenging their own stereotypes of the UN and its capacity, or the need for documentation and bureaucracy, or even their own value as young people in making a difference. It was a good opportunity to reflect upon the fact that change, no matter where or how it is sparked, takes a long time to create a self-sustained flame. This glimpse into the UN was in stark contrast to my recent experimenting and experiencing development in India. This past August, I completed an Indicorps Fellowship, where I spent 15 months working on a project in Ahmedabad Gujarat. Though a partnership between Indicorps, Project Ahimsa [a music supporting NGO based in San Francisco] and Manav Sadhna [an NGO for value based education at the Sabarmati Gandhi Ashram in Gujarat,] I worked to help use music as a tool to encourage creativity and communal harmony in children and teens. I worked in two areas of Ahmedabad, the “Ramapir no Tekre” the mainly Hindu slum that Manav Sadhna works with, and Juhapura an upper- middle class Muslim area on the opposite end of the city. Page 54 of 73

Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 I spent the year working to help 8 Hindu and 8 Muslim teens from these communities, to work together to create their own expression of their friendship and hopes for India. They worked to create a drama that they entitled ‘Unekta ma Ekta’ or ‘All-in-One,’ a play about friends of different religions helping their community to work together and to become a visible message for peace. Currently the teens are performing in various parts of Ahmedabad under the guidance of Anand Sirwani a drama student at Darpana Academy in Ahmedabad and Manav Sadhna. Through the Indicorps experience of initiating, managing, and sustaining our projects, I learned about the many challenges and joys of becoming a true agent of change. How to survey and understand a community in order to understand the ways in which you can best help. How to help others to try new ideas that seem unconventional. How to continue to see progress in the process. How to redefine success. How to help others to see that they too are part of the change. How to see that there is little difference between helping others and helping yourself. How to actively turn an idea into reality. And how to truly become a catalyst, and have faith enough in the process to place it in the hands of those who can continue to sustain change. One of the assignments that we had as an Indicorps Fellow was to write a ‘white paper,’ or a culmination of our best practices encountered on the field. At first I grumbled about the idea of spending time creating ‘just’ another document. However after attending CSocD, I began to understand the value of this assignment. It became clear from discussions between NGO’s and UN delegates, that there is a significant disconnect between the work being done on the field and the policies being created at the UN level. There is not enough exchange between these two very intertwined branches of development. Thus research papers and academic work that documents case studies and experiences form a necessary bridge of communication. This bridge is also similar to the mission of SustainUS Agents of Change, to allow an exchange of information and experience between American youth and delegations at the UN. All aspects of change must start from this fundamental point sharing of information, opening of minds, igniting ideas. The 10 days spend at CSocD was filled with exchanges of information, between the UN delegates, NGO’s and youth. In addition to learning about the value of communication, I was also reminded about the power of initiation. I spent an afternoon speaking with a French translator from Quebec who helped push along the women’s rights movement and strongly opposed the idea of marriage. The doors to an entirely new world opened before me simply because I shared a table with her and asked her why. The youth that gained the most out of the experience were those who had taken up every opportunity that they had to speak with delegates, to challenge other youth on the ideas of poverty and development and to observe the systems of progress of the UN. It reminded me again of how every day, we have the potential to be an agent of change. To speak to person sitting next to us on the subway, to pick up a bit of trash form the street, to smile genuinely with the world. They may seem like little things. But really they could just be just like step number 14 in Organic lab. CSocD reminded me that we all have this potential. Catalyze your world. Become your own agent of change. Shivana Naidoo is 23yrs old; recently spent 15 months in Ahmedabad, Gujarat India as an Indicorps Fellow working with Manav Sadhna and Project Ahimsa, helping to use music as a tool to cultivate creativity and communal harmony for impoverished children. She also helped form “All-in-One,” a Hindu and Muslim youth performance Page 55 of 73

Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 group. A 2004 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Shivana founded ATMA, an all-female a cappella group at UPenn that sings music of the South Asian Diaspora. Shivana has also attended the Juilliard School Music Advancement Program, where she played the cello. Shivana aspires to become a physician and practice medicine that serves underprivileged and multiculturally diverse communities both within the United States and abroad. For more information about Shivana Naidoo and her work please contact [email protected] for more information about UPenn’s Atma, please contact For more information on SustainUS and the Agents of Change program, please contact [email protected] Page 56 of 73

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Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 Article 9. THE GLOBAL YOUNG ACADEMY | The Voice of Young Scientists around the World 1. What is the GYA? The Global Young Academy (GYA) is an independent academy of young leaders, selected on the basis of research excellence and their commitment to using their expertise for the benefit of society. The academy has a maximum of 200 members at any given time, who together build consensus on science policy topics, address societal issues through interdisciplinary discourse, foster intercultural dialogue, build an international network and develop leadership skills. The GYA defines “Science” as any inquiry-based, knowledge-generating research, including natural, physical and social sciences as well as engineering, medicine, the arts and humanities. With the term \"scientists\", the GYA refers to all scholars, irrespective of their research area or their occupation. Vision and mission Society is confronted with increasingly complex and interdependent challenges at local, regional, and global scales. These mutual challenges range from climate change to gender inequality, from digital vulnerabilities to continuing conflicts and poverty. Scientists have a key role to play in developing solutions to these issues. To effectively confront these myriad and shared challenges, scientists with different backgrounds and areas of expertise must draw upon their unique strengths and knowledge bases in regional and global collaborations. In addition to research and analyses, scientists have a role to play in communicating with society, meeting society’s research needs and informing society about scientific findings and their potential implications in policy through science-based policy advice mechanisms. The vision of the GYA is to be the voice of Young Scientists. The mission of the GYA is to empower outstanding early- career researchers and scholars to lead international, interdisciplinary and intergenerational dialogue – both with each other and with external stakeholders – by developing, connecting and mobilizing young talents from six continents. The GYA's purpose is to promote reason and inclusiveness in global decision-making. Academy members share a common passion for “the role of science in creating a better world”. In order to build a stronger and more cohesive voice, the GYA works towards closing the gaps between science and scientists in every part of the world. The Academy aims to make scientific systems around the world more effective in developing knowledge and communicating with society. The GYA aims to develop alumni who are empowered to change the world, who also work to support the development of the next generation of scientific leaders. The GYA membership seek to ensure that global decision-making incorporates scholarly knowledge and is inclusive, with a focus on how today’s decisions will affect future generations. Guiding principles The GYA believes that early career scientists are optimally positioned to think in new ways and to innovate novel solutions to societal challenges. GYA also believes that bringing together outstanding Young Scientists from around Page 58 of 73

Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 the world creates new opportunities for tackling global issues. The exchange of ideas across disciplines/research areas, cultures and nationalities expands opportunities for scientists, increases global scientific capacity and contributes to improving the state of the World. The strategic targets of the GYA are guided by the following six principles: Excellence GYA members are selected based upon a proven track record for outstanding contributions to science and their commitment to public service. GYA strives for the highest quality in its activities: “excellence is an imperative”. Diversity The GYA is an academy of early career scientists and draws its membership from across all disciplines and research areas. GYA aims to include scientists from every geographical region around the world and for inclusive representation, by gender and scientific disciplines. Responsibility Concerned with global challenges, GYA takes special responsibility for its actions and work towards cooperative solutions, considering the social, ethical and moral issues involved, and being aware of dilemmas created by the interactions between science and society. Evidence As scientists, GYA members expect solutions to society’s problems to incorporate scholarly knowledge. GYA seeks to contribute innovative science-based policy ideas to the debates of concern to both scientists and the wider community. Independence The Academy fosters early career independence for Young Scientists. It operates independently from governments, other academies, funding sources, and businesses. It exists as a non-profit organization. Impact The GYA focuses on activities of concern to Young Scientists, supports the career development of Young Scientists, and is committed to addressing Global Challenges. GYA supports the formation of National Young Academies that empower these scientists to contribute to national improvement. The GYA in a nutshell The Global Young Academy grew out of discussions amongst top Young Scientists from around the world, convened by the InterAcademy Panel (IAP): The Global Network of Science Academies for the Annual Meetings of the New Page 59 of 73

Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 Champions of the World Economic Forum (“Summer Davos” meetings) in 2008 and 2009.1 The foundation of the GYA took place in February 2010 in Germany. It filled a niche, as there was not a single international Academy devoted to supporting excellent Young Scientists committed to addressing emerging global issues. In 2010, there were only five National Young Academies, three in Europe and one each in Africa and Asia, and not a single Academy for Young Scientists in the Americas and Australasia. In 2014, four years after its foundation, the GYA had reached its full capacity with 200 members composed of early- and mid-career scientists from over 50 countries on all continents and from a variety of disciplines. These members are elected to a five-year term on the basis of their demonstrated research excellence and a commitment to improving the state of Science and the Science-Society interface. When admitted, members are typically within 3 to 10 years from earning their Ph.D. and around the age of 35 years. After their five-year term, members become alumni, with roles that focus on continuing the mission of the GYA both in their own careers and to the betterment of the current GYA members. At present, in early 2017, the GYA has 134 alumni worldwide. The GYA is a democratic organization. The Annual General Meeting of the membership is the highest governing body, but they are represented by an Executive Committee (EC) with 2 Co-Chairs. One Co-Chair is from a developing economy/country and the other is from a developed economy/country. Similarly, the 9 additional EC members reflect the diversity of the membership. In 2016/2017 the elected Co-Chairs are Dr. Orakanoke Phanraksa (National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Thailand) and Dr. Mari-Vaughn Johnson (United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) -Natural Resources Conservation Service, USA). Their predecessors were Dr. Eva Alisic (Monash University, Australia), Prof. Sameh Soror (Helwan University, Egypt), Prof. Rees Kassen (University of Ottawa, Canada), Prof. Bernard Slippers (University of Pretoria, South Africa), Prof. Gregory Weiss (University of California, Irvine, USA) and Dr. Nitsara Karoonuthaisiri (National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Thailand). The 2016/17 EC consists of 5 women and 6 men who collectively represent all major regions of the World – the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australasia. The GYA also benefits significantly from an Advisory Board2, a group of internationally distinguished scientific leaders, which provides advice and helps develop international contacts, and supports the GYA’s mission. The Advisory Board is currently composed of distinguished men and women from Europe, North America, Asia, and Africa; its membership will continue to expand further and diversify. 1See “The Tianjin Statement of Global Young Scientists at the Annual Meeting of New Champions of the World Economic Forum 2008: Passion for Science - Passion for a Better World” at publications/TianjinStatement2008.pdf. 2The present composition can be found at: Page 60 of 73

Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 The GYA receives core funding from the German Government and has its Head Office on the premises of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in Halle (Saale). Particularly beneficial is the close cooperation with the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP)- the global network of science academies. The GYA has been granted observer status at IAP, and attends their Executive Committee meetings. The GYA approach GYA activities include: • Support and advancement of National Young Academies (NYAs) • Developing position papers on major international issues of concern to Young Scientists • Writing white papers on best practices, to support early career researchers • Cooperating with international institutions and forums such as UNESCO, the UN Secretary General’s Scientific Advisory Board, ICSU, IAP, the Global Research Council, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) • Introducing novel programs to bridge the scientific gap between the developed and developing worlds • Support for science education and outreach • Carrying out research studies on issues of importance to Young Scientists • Promoting dialogue between Young and Senior Academies -including by contributing to statements and reports produced by Senior Academies- through GYA’s observer status at IAP. 2. GYA Accomplishments and impact so far Since its foundation in Berlin in 2010, the GYA and its members have made important contributions to improving the state of Young Scientists around the world and their contribution to society. The activities and achievements have been described in the following public reports: “GYA: The First Five Years”3, “GYA 2015” and “GYA 2014 in 12 Stories”. A few recent examples of GYA achievements include: 2.1. Theme Science and Society Cooperation with the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA) Over discussions at a number of high-level events, Eva Alisic (GYA Co-Chair 2014-2016) developed a close working cooperation with the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA). She was called to join the program committee for the 2nd International Network of Government Science Advisors Conference, 29-30 September 2016 in Brussels, Belgium. Jointly organized by the European Commission and INGSA, this important global conference brought together users and providers of scientific advice on critical, global issues. Policy-makers, 3 Page 61 of 73

Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 leading practitioners, and scholars in the field of science advice to governments, as well as other stakeholders, explored principles and practices in a variety of current and challenging policy contexts. After a successful workshop on science advice in South Africa ahead of the IAP Conference 2016, the International Council for Science (ICSU) has confirmed to assist in the development of an INGSA Africa Chapter. So far, the chapter has established an inaugural steering committee that includes among others Tolullah Oni (South Africa, GYA member) and Sameh Soror (Egypt, GYA Co-Chair 2013-2015). Path to more systematic UN contributions UN Secretary General’s Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) At the meeting of the UN Secretary General’s Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) in May 2016, which was attended by GYA Co-Chair 2013-2015 Sameh Soror, the GYA was invited to attend all SAB meetings as an observer. The GYA is optimistic to also be included in future UN structures in order to more effectively contribute the voice of young scientists. The Leopoldina’s President Prof. Hacker is one of the 26 renowned members of the SAB. UN Major Group Children and Youth In 2016, following joint engagement on Disaster Risk Reduction which was organized in late 2015, the GYA was invited to join the Advisory Board of the UN Major Group for Children and Youth (UN MGCY) and developed a partnership with them that is mutually beneficial. The GYA supports the younger, enthusiastic and very active UN MGCY members with its scientific expertise and experience, whereas UN MGCY with its formal status can open UN doors to the GYA. UN MGCY representatives attended GYA’s Annual General Meeting in Eindhoven 2016 and visited the GYA office. GYA Co-Chair Mari-Vaughn Johnson spoke as a discussant at UN MGCY side events at the UN- Science Technology and Innovation Forum in New York in 2016. Refugee Workshop and follow-up with the European Commission In December 2015, the GYA co-organized an interdisciplinary expert meeting “Fresh Eyes on the Refugee Crisis” in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, along with the Dutch Young Academy. Many Young Scientists participated in it that were nominated by Young Academies. The outcome document of the meeting was launched with a press release and a video in February 2016. The recommendations have been circulated to a number of international and European agencies and decision makers. The document is a timely statement on one of today’s burning issues. In June 2016, the European Commission invited Eva Alisic and her co-convenors to Brussels to discuss the outcomes and recommendations of the workshop with European Commission representatives in charge of refugees and higher education. The GYA also used the opportunity to write to Senior Academies in Europe with this news and 'challenged' them to take up the issue of the refugee crisis and support for refugee scientists. The video about refugees and solidarity, based on the interdisciplinary meeting, received 20,000 views in the first few months. It is also being used in teaching and outreach. The meeting inspired the Young Academy of Scotland to allocate 4 (among 30) annual new seats in their membership for refugee scientists / scholars at risk for the next 3 years, and GYA is now 'challenging' senior academies to develop and share similar initiatives. Page 62 of 73

Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 2.2. Theme Research Environment G7 Science and Technology Minister’s Meeting 2016 in Japan The GYA was invited to participate and speak at the G7 Meeting of the Science and Technology Ministers that took place from 15 to 17 May 2016 in Tsukuba City, Japan. The GYA was represented by GYA alumna Ranjini Bandyopadhyay (India), Associate Professor at the Raman Research Institute (RRI), who was invited as a panel speaker in the section “Gender and Human Resource Development for Science, Technology and Innovation”. In her speech, attended by the Ministers and the EU Commissioner, she highlighted the role of women’s participation in science, technology and innovation (STI). Ranjini’s lecture was well received and gave an opportunity for the Ministers to express their commitment to strengthening the position of Young Scientists in international dialogue and science-policy collaboration, as was recommended by the GYA. A number of GYA recommendations on strengthening of the position of Young Scientists and especially women researchers in science that had been presented to the host and other G7 countries before the meeting were included in the Ministers’ final communiqué that explicitly referred to the GYA: “We expect that our actions will help and advance the activities of International Scientific Councils such as Global Young Academy.” The Global State of Young Scientists: GloSYS The Global State of Young Scientists (GloSYS) projects provide one key component in GYA’s efforts. Through GloSYS, the members collect qualitative and quantitative information on the situation and environment of Young Scientists with a view to improving them. With initial projects in Asia and Africa, the eventual vision of GloSYS is to collect similar data in all regions of the World so that Regional and Global Policy can be more informed, in terms of how to promote the development of Young Researchers in Science and Technology. The GloSYS ASEAN project carried out in 2015 was the first regional study to follow the precursor conducted in 2013. The GloSYS ASEAN report was published in January 2017. The latest regional study is GloSYS Africa which has gained momentum with a first regional meeting in Mauritius in July 2016. Africa Science Leadership Program and ASEAN Science Leadership Program Following the successes of the Africa Science Leadership Program, in which the GYA is a partner, and as a first concrete outcome of the preliminary results of the GloSYS ASEAN study, the GYA launched an ASEAN Science Leadership Program for a first cohort of 18 participants. With Thai funding, the first multi-day training workshop was successfully conducted in June 2016 in Thailand, receiving leadership and guidance from GYA Co-Chairs Orakanoke Phanraksa and Eva Alisic involved as mentors. The Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia agreed to sponsor the 2nd workshop in Malaysia in August 2017. Open Access and Open Data Statements GYA member Sabina Leonelli co-led the joint effort of European NYAs and the GYA to develop joint statements on Open Access and Open Data and EC member Moritz Riede contributed to them. The two position statements were written as strategy papers, involving perspectives and concrete experiences of researchers and young researchers. The approach was a “bottom-up and top-down debate”, as GYA member Sabina Leonelli said. Further, the documents sought to promote researchers’ perspectives on Open Science and how to use the experience of those Page 63 of 73

Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 being engaged with scientific data, browsing archives and publishing day in, day out, was an important aspect for the researchers being effectively included in the European debate around the buzzword of Open Data and in the consultation process of the European Commission. GYA member Sabina Leonelli was elected as a member of the Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) of the European Commission. The OSPP was created to advise the European Commission on how to further develop and practically implement open science policy, which is particularly significant at a time of deep transformations in the ways in which research is institutionalized, evaluated and communicated. Next Einstein Forum The Next Einstein Forum (NEF), a New Global Forum for Science in Africa, showcases some of Africa’s top Young Scientists and connects them with leading scientists, policy-makers, business people, journalists, civil-society representatives and entrepreneurs from Africa and other continents, in “invitation-only” forums. The participants highlight their breakthrough discoveries and catalyze scientific collaborations for societal benefit. GYA members were prominently present throughout the 2016 program: Noble Banadda (Uganda), Ghada Bassioni and Sherien Elagroudy (both from Egypt) and Tolu Oni (South Africa) were selected as NEF Fellows and were featured in the NEF Fellows Spotlight Sessions. GYA members Abdeslam Badre (Morocco), Vidushi Nergheen (Mauritius), Setonji Samuel Olatunbosun Sojinu (Nigeria) and Dexter Tagwireyi (Zimbabwe) were invited as Ambassadors. Alumnus Bernard Slippers (South Africa) and GYA members Maarten van Herpen (The Netherlands), Noble Banadda, Ghada Bassioni and Sherien Elagroudy were plenary speakers and Vidushi Neergheen was selected as one out of five NEF Ambassadors for a panel discussion with Nobel Laureates and the NEF Presidential Panel. Interdisciplinary Grant Scheme GYA includes a diverse membership of scientists and scholars, in many disciplines, based in developed and developing countries. In 2014 an interdisciplinary grant scheme was developed that fosters collaborations across the borders that often separate researchers and limit possibilities. The grant facilitates the development of small-scale, innovative, curiosity-driven, exploratory research pilots or prototypes that unite researchers in developed and developing countries and cross disciplinary boundaries. It provides seed money to enable GYA members to prepare a proof of concept, a prototype, or a pilot research project with a view to securing larger external funding. This grant application is restricted to GYA members only. Each grant requires a minimum of two applicants. There must be one applicant from a developing (‘South’) country and the other one from a developed (‘North’) country. Two of the applicants must be from different disciplines and the proposal must be strongly interdisciplinary. So far, three interdisciplinary grants have been awarded. 2.3. Theme Science Education and Outreach Measuring Excellence in Science Engagement (MESE) Scientists are increasingly urged to engage beyond academia to improve decision-making, public discourse and lay understanding of science, and many young scientists are actively engaged in this discourse. Many institutions encourage such engagement and consider it an important component of staff responsibilities, but how do these efforts contribute towards their promotions, acquisition of tenure, and professional reviews etc? The Working Group Page 64 of 73

Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 “Measuring Excellence in Science Engagement (MESE)” wishes to answer this question. Science is supposed to be in the public interest, but the benefits of science cannot be fully realized without engagement and communication between scientists, citizens, decision-makers, and the media. Many GYA members are actively involved in these engagement processes – but often with little explicit recognition from their institutions, even though they may encourage such engagement, e.g. as a component of community service. Anecdotal evidence indicates that the current practices of evaluation generally assess science engagement and its impacts in a one-dimensional and non-transparent way, separately and inconsistently. Therefore, the need of the hour is for inventing the ‘wheel’ of appropriate assessment approaches. This situation has numerous effects, including: 1) Broken feedbacks by which rewards are disconnected from the activities they are intended to encourage; 2) Non-transparent, non-replicable, unstructured assessment processes that leave worthy candidates insufficiently recognized due to judgment errors from cognitive biases; and 3) Missed opportunities for academics for cross-institutional learning, in this emerging challenge. The MESE group has disseminated and analyzed a survey to understand the current measurement systems for science engagement activities. One aim of the survey is to compare perceptions of social importance/benefits with the importance that such engagement efforts receive in three kinds of review processes (hiring, periodic review, and promotion). Preliminary findings from the sample of over 1000 survey responses (>500 completed surveys from professors and senior researchers and almost as many from students and postdocs) are intriguing, suggesting that scientists largely agree that their engagement is highly beneficial to society, but is under-rewarded in their respective institutions. The working group anticipates that it might benefit many science institutions by shaping institutional policies for more effective science outreach. They have already received many comments from colleagues and other scientists in various nations that the survey - which was shared widely has elevated the conversation around science engagement. The analysis of survey results has been written up in a draft manuscript that will be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal, which should foster a substantial role for science in creating a better world. Young Scientist Ambassador Program (YSAP) and Expedition Mundus The Young Scientist Ambassador Program (YSAP) aims at building bridges between the developing and developed worlds. YSAP WG has already funded many Ambassadorships. Studying Egyptian legend seems like an unlikely topic for the GYA, but not for Ghada Bassioni (Egypt) and Wilfred van der Wiel (The Netherlands). Working on experiments with children from two schools in Enschede, The Netherlands, the researchers talked about how science explains the world – even helping to solve the deadly curse of the pharaoh. Ghada Bassioni delivered a similar talk on the science day in 2015 to students in Dortmund, Germany. The theme of her talk was the pharaoh’s curse, in which she has explored and described the concepts of solubility, crystallization, and toxicity to children. Students discovered that radon, not magic, explained the mystery. Other YSAP outreach included a special session to promote the Expedition Mundus Game that has been developed by the Dutch Young Academy. Thomas Edison de la Cruz (Philippines) led the gameplay during the first International Conference on Science, Research and Popular Culture held at the Alpen-Adria University in Klagenfurt, Austria, in 2015. About 15 delegates participated in a one-hour special session on the Expedition Mundus game. This International Conference was an ideal venue to play the Expedition Mundus game as participants came from different scientific backgrounds, cultures and countries.. Having promoted the game widely in the Philippines, Thomas de la Cruz now believes playing at conferences could help Expedition Mundus find its way to younger students and inspire them enough to choose to pursue a career in science. Page 65 of 73

Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 GYA members Alexander Kagansky from the UK and Vidushi Neergheen-Bhujun from Mauritius, also organized an extra-curricular session for children at the International School of Mauritius. They helped children build a model cell, create a ‘chromosome dance’ to show segregation during cell division, and explore endemic flora and fauna of Mauritius using microscopes. These Ambassadors observed that science outreach needs active encouragement; they suggested that more teacher-scientist partnerships would also support a more inquiry-based culture in classrooms. 2.4. Support for the International Young Academies movement 2.4.1 NYA establishment Since its foundation the GYA has been impacting global science policy by promoting the establishment of National Young Academies (NYAs) around the World. Before 2010, when the GYA was founded, only five NYAs had been established. In part through the efforts of the GYA and its members as well as through the Blueprint that is described below, this number of NYAs has increased to 31 in 2017. Many other countries have also voiced an interest in establishing NYAs. The GYA and its members have been and will remain a driving force behind the establishment of NYAs. In many countries, GYA members worked with the Senior Academies in their countries on the establishment of an NYA. They were invited to draft proposals, work on steering committees, and contribute to drafting the proposal and/or the constitution and/or select the inaugural members. The GYA-drafted “Blueprint for the Formation of a National Young Academy” can provide a basis for many NYA constitutions, which are later adopted to the specific circumstances of the respective country. The blueprint also helps nascent Young Academies to define their goals. GYA leaders have facilitated introductions between Young Scientists and Senior Academies, this primarily because of the excellent rapport the GYA maintains with many Senior Scientists and Academy Presidents through its observer status in IAP. Here are some examples from the extremely dynamic year 2015: The Indonesian National Young Academy, whose local name is “Akademi Ilmuwan Muda Indonesia” or AIMI was established in Jakarta on 25-26 May 2015. This was backed by the Indonesian Senior Academy AIPI and the US Kavli Frontiers of Science, its 40 founding members are all alumni of the country’s Annual Science Frontiers Symposium, a National event for Young Scientists. These founders have received advice from the GYA. At the launch of Uganda’s new National Young Academy of Science (UNYAS) in September 2015, Elizabeth Gabona, Director for Higher, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (HTVET) reminded the assembled that young researchers must not be left behind, nor taken for granted. Fridah Kanana (Kenya) represented the GYA at the launch and GYA member Noble Banadda was instrumental in its development as was GYA alumnus John Muyonga. The Ghana Young Academy (GhYA) held its inaugural meeting and a one-day science communication workshop for Young Scientists and researchers in October 2015. New GhYA members were inducted alongside interim co-chairs and an acting Administrator/Chief Executive Officer. Several GYA members have taken leadership roles within this fledgling organization. The senior academy of Senegal has selected seven members and four founding members for its National Academy of Young Scientists in Senegal (ANJSS). This seed academy will select the others members. In total there will be 21 Page 66 of 73

Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 members. ANJSS had a meeting in July to prepare for the inaugural General Assembly and the recruitment of the other members. GYA alumnus Cheikh Diop has taken the lead for this endeavour. On 29 October 2015, the Norwegian Young Academy was launched with the first 20 members admitted, bringing the number of European NYA to 10. They had previously consulted with the GYA and visited the Office. 2.4.2 NYA support Second Regional Conference of National Young Academies in Africa, Mauritius, October 2016 The 2nd Africa Young Academies Regional Conference was hosted by Mauritius, in October 2016. In addition to the representatives from all existing African NYAs, one representative each from all NASAC member academies were invited, as well as Young Scientists involved in establishing NYAs and their cooperating partners, including the Leopoldina participated. The conference helped to reinforce the cooperation between YAs in Africa and to establish new NYAs in the region and discuss opportunities to link and better use the capacities of expatriate African Scientists in their home continent. A detailed report can be found at GYA’s website. Cooperation with Asian NYAs In 2016, the GYA attended a number of meetings with Asian NYAs, including meetings in Japan and the Philippines. The ASEAN SLP and GloSYS ASEAN are conducted in cooperation with NYAs. Through invitation of the Sri Lankan NYA, GYA EC member Yusuf Baran attended the 16th Science Council of Asia (SCA) in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The conference, titled, “Science for People, Mobilizing Modern Technologies for Sustainable Development in Asia”, brought together 29 academic expert organizations from Asia. In December 2016 the 1st Asian NYA meeting under the theme “Advancing Synergies in Asian NYAs” took place in Bangkok with the help of Thai donors as a means of reinforcing the cooperation between NYAs in Asia and the establishment of new NYAs in the region. Cooperation with European NYAs Together with the European NYAs, the GYA developed and successfully launched a statement on Open Access and a statement on Open Data (see above), both of which attracted the attention of the European Commission. GYA member Sabina Leonelli presented the latest findings of her research on Open Science at the Open Science Conference organized in Amsterdam from 4-5 April 2016. She also submitted the statements on Open Data and Open Access by the Young Academies of Europe and the GYA to the European Commission. Sabina was accompanied by Christian Lange and Rianne Letschert from the Dutch Young Academy. All parties strongly agreed on the need to involve researchers in development of these policies and on the need to foster an inter-disciplinary and diverse approach in the development of these policies, as provided for under the general framework of the EU. 3rd Worldwide Meeting of Young Academies The 3rd Worldwide Meeting of Young Academies is being co-organised by the South African Young Academy of Science (SAYAS) and the GYA in July 2017. This is a follow-up to the 1st Worldwide Meeting of Young Academies in Page 67 of 73

Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 Amsterdam 2012 and the 2nd in Stockholm 2015, both co-organised by the GYA with the respective NYA. The 3rd Meeting offers exchange of experience and planning of cooperation between the Young Academies in combination with a conference on “One Health/ Health in the Context of an Urbanising Planet and its Implications for Science Policy”. More information on the GYA and on individual members’ profiles can be found on the GYA Website here. Page 68 of 73

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Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 Article 10. IGNITING A GLOBAL MOVEMENT TO IMPROVE THE HEALTH OF GIRLS AND WOMEN I KATE ROBERTS Today, fifteen years after I first joined the global health community, I remain an impatient optimist. As Vice President of a global health organization, PSI, and as a Young Global Leader for the World Economic Forum, I have seen what is possible when the global community works together to overcome seemingly impossible development challenges— particularly for girls and women. Today, more than ever, private capital and creative partnerships among governments, the private and non-profit sectors, and civil society, are needed to test and develop promising health solutions for girls and women that governments and businesses can’t advance on their own. We are standing on the threshold of a new era of collaboration in philanthropic giving. More women are breaking through gender barriers and achieving unprecedented levels of power and influence, allowing them to ignite change and offer hope to women around the world who are shackled by the effects of poverty. Companies are forming innovative partnerships with nonprofits and governments in the developing world to address pressing health needs, and we are seeing impressive results. Women are standing toe-to-toe with men as philanthropists—working together to solve some of the world’s most complex problems. The world has seen that progress is impossible without unlocking the potential that exists in every girl. Unlocking that potential will require an inspired effort. Harnessing Creative Energy for Social Causes Prior to joining PSI, I was managing director for the international advertising firm Saatchi and Saatchi in Romania. My life revolved around the relentless pursuit of finding new and creative ways to market cigarettes, soda, and other commodities that men, women, and youth “had to have.” My life changed courses when a remarkable man named Michael Holscher, who worked for PSI, convinced me that I could use the same creative energy to market products and services that have a health benefit and affect social change. Not long after I met Michael, I joined PSI and spearheaded the development of YouthAIDS, a cause marketing campaign designed to create awareness and raise private capital for high-impact health solutions around HIV and AIDS. Page 70 of 73

Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 The funds raised from this campaign would eventually be invested to develop and deliver one of the most effective HIV prevention tools available. Unleashing the Power of the Private Investment in Health In 2007 the World Health Organization and UNAIDS recognized voluntary medical male circumcision as an effective tool to reduce the risk of HIV infection among men. Randomized control trials confirmed that circumcised men are 60 percent less likely to acquire HIV from their female partner. This exciting development clashed with an onslaught of skepticism by many global health experts who believed it would be impossible to convince men to undergo this simple procedure. Even if demand for the service could be created, many believed it would be impractical and too costly to make it widely available, particularly across sub- Saharan Africa where the HIV epidemic maintains a stronghold. The health experts at PSI were more optimistic. With philanthropic contributions of $500,000 we launched a circumcision program in Zambia and later expanded the program in neighboring countries. We were able to prove, through communications campaigns, that we could create demand for circumcision among young males. The program also demonstrated that the service could be offered safely and cost effectively. Armed with proof, that initial investment has since leveraged more than $77 million from donors, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United States Agency for International Development, and the UK Department for International Development, to expand the program in other countries. Between 2007 and 2012, PSI was able to provide circumcision services to more than 400,000 men in 7 countries – Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Using the World Bank-approved DALY metric, PSI’s circumcision interventions added 503,521 years of healthy life. Combined with efforts from other health organizations, local governments and with support from international donors, more than 1.1 million African men have been circumcised —moving us even closer to an AIDS-free generation. An Opportunity for Girls and Women If we can apply this leverage model to deliver health solutions for the 600 million girls and women across the developing world, we will change the course of humanity. The effects of poor health prevent young girls and women from going to school, joining the workforce, and earning equal status with men—it prevents them from reaching their full potential. Today, 75 percent of HIV infections among 15- to 24-year- olds in sub- Saharan Africa are young women, and up to one-half of girls in developing countries become mothers before the age of 18, largely due to lack of access to modern family planning options. The burden of preventable disease and health complications is undeniable, and it impacts all aspects of a girl’s life, as well as her family, and her community. Page 71 of 73

Dr. Swati K portfolio 2022 So, why invest in girls and women? It’s simple. Girls and women deliver for their families, communities and nations when they are healthy, educated and empowered to reach their full potential. It’s time we deliver for them. PROFILE: Kate Roberts is the Vice President of Corporate Marketing, Communications and Advocacy at Population Services International (PSI). She is also the founder of YouthAIDS and Five & Alive, two marketing programs implemented by Population Services International (PSI). Kate produced the “Staying Alive” concert with MTV, began the multi-million dollar, celebrity-driven YouthAIDS cause marketing campaign with ALDO Shoes called “See No Evil”, and led four award-winning documentaries aired on VH1, The Discovery Channel and National Geographic aimed at raising awareness about the global HIV/AIDS crisis. Roberts has been featured in The Washington Post, named “Power Player of the Week” by Fox News, one of the Vogue 100 women and celebrated as a “CNN Hero.” Kate speaks at The Aspen Ideas Festival, Google, Columbia University, Harvard Business School and Wharton and was awarded “Young Global Leader 2007” by The Forum. Most recently, Roberts co-founded and serves on the Board of the Global India Fund, serves on the World Economic Forum’s Global Health Advisory Board and is implementing a partnership with Nike to scale up efforts of the Girl Effect program Page 72 of 73

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