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Home Explore Portfolio Booklet

Portfolio Booklet

Published by smil_yuquan, 2016-04-14 06:11:26

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Motion / Animation / UI UX

ABOUT MEMy name is YU QUAN.I am very animated.I animate, design and make all kinds of cool stuff alive.My area of expertise includes 2D/3D motion graphics, animation, UI / UX design & etc.

PORTFOLIO smilyq Be [email protected] 017 - 717 4214 Be

RESUMEEducation Contact2013 The One Academy Penang, [email protected] Diploma in Multimedia Design 017 717 4214 smilyq Be Form 1 – Form 5(Graduate), Chung Hwa Confucian High School Art Stream (Account & Business) Software skillsExperience Photoshop Illustrator2015 Keysight Technology After Effects Penang Science Cafe Flash Dreamweaver An animated infographic created Audition about the transformation and history Premiere Pro of famous buildings in Penang. Cinema 4d 3Ds Max2014 Syiok Wasabi Volunteer and work with Japan Mobile Artist, Iro Ken & Malaysia Artist, Tako Evangelione & Heather Chow to bring mobile art to Malaysia.Personal skills SkillsCreativity Motion Graphic UI/UX HTML5Time management ActionScript3 AnimationTeamwork Typography Graphic Design Interests LanguageAnimation Motion Graphic Cycling Biscuits Streetwalk 中 潮 Mandarin Teowchew EN BM English Bahasa Melayu

WHA WELDINGMajor ProjectTo further promote my dad welding skill using new ways; insteadof using traditional word of mouth & b2b method only.

MULANMotion Graphic“The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare & beautiful of all.”A famous story that shows the bravery of a woman who fights to defend her father. Backthen it was recorded/written in the book about the incident. So, we planned to bring the(documented) story of Mulan back to life with a paper motif.

BACK IN TIMENew MediaA real-time animated infographic created about thetransformation and history of famous buildings in Penang.

TYPE EXPRESSIVEMotion GraphicUsing an motion form where text is highly visual. Motion that carriers of meaning.

FYLLONarrative Interactive GameAn interactive game, tell a story of a boy who’s been living in apolluted-place where society become controlled by technology.

V.O.LMotion GraphicPersonal Project. A collection of short fun gif.

CURIOSITYMotion GraphicA motion graphic design with the story of a Magnifying glass man.Journey to fantasy world full of curiosity.

CONFLUENCE IDMotion GraphicIn conjunction with the Confluence 2015 Year 1 & Year 2 Show, students will create a 5 secondsmotion graphic with Adobe After Effects and Maxon Cinema 4D. Each student will be giventhe freedom to create the video.The theme, Construction Toys/Lego.

WORLD WILD LIFEOnline Campaign (Website & App Design)To let users feel the real existence of the theme park while getting info atthe same time from the website. There’s an interactive game where playermust take the responsibility to take care of it in orderto make sure their land doesn’t get polluted.

CATCH GAO GAONew MediaWith the big idea of “Break Out”, the interactive game was created to raisethe awareness of spending more time to face-to-face communicationinstead of doing it through Social Network Services.

GOOGLE CARDBOARD3D ModelingModel a product and animate it in 3Ds Max. Promote it as a CGadvertisement, with a strong concept to emphasis the featuresof the item.

DRAWINGPerspective DrawingBungalow

DRAWINGPerspective DrawingInto 50th Century

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