Course OverviewCourse Duration: 24 HoursCourse Type: In-Class & OnlineThis course is designed to deliver thefundamental skills and knowledge requiredfor BIM project management requirements,deliverables, coordination, terminologiesand essential documentation implementedin today’s Market.Trainees will also learn how to open,manage, review, quantify, and run objectinterference checks on 3D models usingAutodesk Navisworks Manage and AutodeskRevit features. Target AudienceThis course is designed for Project Managers who are seeking a high level knowledge inBIM Management, in addition to be able to operate Revit and Navisworks. PrerequisitesStudents should have project management experience and familiarity with industryterminology. Course ObjectivesTo enable students to expand their knowledge in the following areas: ,GHQWLI\LQJNH\SURMHFWWDVNVRXWSXWVDQGPRGHOFRQƬJXUDWLRQVWKURXJKWKHXWLOL]D- tion of a BIM Execution Plan (BEP) Opening, reviewing, quantifying, and running object-interference checks on 3D PRGHOVLQERWKIRUPDWVE\XWLOL]LQJWKH$XWRGHVN1DYLVZRUNV0DQDJHDQG5HYLW features &RPELQLQJPXOWLVHUYLFHSURMHFWƬOHV /LQNLQJWRWDVNVFKHGXOLQJƬOHVDQGFUHDWLQJ'VLPXODWLRQV Assessing projects BIM requirement and uses Implement BIM terminologies and essential documentation in project standards setup Validate BIM submission and deliverables according to UK Standards and project development stages Awarding Bodies: 1
Topics CoveredThe core concepts of BIM and their application to the Autodesk softwareBIM management and execution plan terminologiesHow to document project informationThe main features of Autodesk Navisworks and Autodesk RevitManaging and coordination models.UK BIM level 2 Standards (BS & PAS)%,0ZRUNƮRZWR$VVHWDQG)DFLOLW\PDQDJHPHQWIndustry BIM uses and requirementsLevel of Development (LOD)Employer Information Requirement (EIR) Course Outline 3.2 Does Revit Do Everything? 3.35HYLW:RUNƮRZCh. 1: BIM Overview How can we use Revit? 1.1 What is BIM? 3.5 Element Behaviour in Revit 1.2 Characteristics of BIM 3.6 Overview of the Interface 1.3 BIM Challenges 3.7 Revit File Format BIM Maturity Levels 3.8 What is a BIM Element 1.5 Business Value of BIM 1.6%,0:RUNƮRZV &K2SHQLQJD3URMHFW 1.7 Roles & Responsibilities Open a Project 1.8 UK BIM Standards (PAS & BS 1192) Understanding the Central & Local 1.9 Collaborative Working Environment Revit Files Viewing CommandsCh. 2: BIM Management Linking Revit Models 2.1 Pre Contract BIM Execution Plan Linking and Importing CAD Files 2.2 Post Contract BIM Execution Plan Worksharing Overview 2.3 Level of Development (LOD) BIM Uses Ch. 5: Working in a Model 2.5 Employer’s Information Requirement 5.1 Duplicating Views 2.6 Asset and Facility Management 5.2 Creating Elevation and Sections 2.7 Frameworks and Interoperability 5.3 Setting the View Display 2.8 BIM Compliance Working with Schedules 2.9'&RQVWUXFWLRQ6LPXODWLRQ 2.10 BIM deliverablesCh. 3: Introduction to Autodesk Revit 3.1 What is Autodesk Revit? iTech Training Center +971 2 553 4544 2
Course Outline Ch. 10: 3D Model Review 10.1 Hiding Objects and OverridingCh. 6: Reviewing Projects 6.1 Using General Drawing Tools Materials 6.2 Selection and Filters 10.2 Object Properties 6.3 Revit Constraints 10.3 Measuring and Moving Objects Troubleshooting Selection and Search Sets 10.5 ViewpointsCh. 7: Printing and Sharing Projects 10.6 Sectioning Modes 7.1 Working with Sheets 10.7 Comments and Redlining, and Tags 7.2 Printing Sheets 10.8 Comparing Models 7.3 Export Files 10.9 SwitchbackCh. 8: Introduction to Autodesk Navisworks Ch. 11: Clash Detective 8.1 What is Navisworks? 11.1 Clash Detective Overview 8.2 What is the Value Navisworks can 11.2 Setting Clash Rules 11.3 Setting Clash Testsadd? Clash Results 8.3 Navisworks versions 11.5 Clash Test Reporting Navisworks Native File Formats 11.6 Export and Import Clash Tests 8.5 Navisworks Compatibility Appendix A: Additional ToolsCh. 9 Overview of the Interface 9.1 Model Navigation 9.2 Opening and Appending Files in Navisworks 9.3 Navisworks Export & Settings Savings, Merging, Refreshing, and Publishing Files 9.5 Selection Tree and Selecting Objects iTech Training Center +971 2 553 4544 3
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